Gold was discovered in new south wales and central victoria in 1851 выберите один ответ
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Английско-русский cловарь На данный момент в разработке
gold сущ. —
gold прил. —
discovered прил./part-II —
discover sth. гл. —
be ( sb./sth. ) гл. —
Gold was discovered in New South Wales and central Victoria in 1851, luring thousands [. ]
of young men and some adventurous young women from the colonies.
В 1851 году в Новом Южном Уэльсе и центральной Виктории было найдено золото - это привлекло [. ]
According to data from the Commonwealth Secretariat, a range of
[. ] iron, copper, gold, silver and zinc, has been discovered within the exclusive [. ]
По данным Секретариата Содружества, в исключительной
[. ] полезных ископаемых, включая марганец, железо, медь, золото, серебро и цинк.
Hollywood Gold was created for those who wish to [. ]
Золотая коллекция текстиля для дома Голливуд создана [. ]
In addition, we welcome the unanimous adoption of the resolution on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (GC(55)/RES/13) at the fifty-fifth IAEA General Conference, especially as it
[. ] organization has condemned the country’s uranium enrichment programme since it was discovered.
Кроме того, мы приветствуем единогласное принятие резолюции по вопросу о Корейской Народно-Демократической Республике (GС (55)/ RES/13) на пятьдесят пятой сессии Генеральной конференции МАГАТЭ, особенно с учетом
[. ] организация впервые осудила программу этой страны по обогащению урана с момента ее обнаружения.
[. ] composer, William was upgrading his computer to a new operating system recently when he discovered that his external [. ]
[. ] Уильям недавно обновлял операционную систему на своем компьютере и обнаружил, что его внешний жесткий диск не вращается.
Our security services, led by none other than the Commissioner of Police himself, in collaboration with other international security agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other forces that are working with us, have spent vast resources going to distant districts of Kenya in
[. ] fraudulent Félicien Kabuga, only to return, having discovered that this was just phantom information and that their searches [. ]
Наши службы безопасности, возглавляемые ни кем иным как самим комиссаром полиции, в сотрудничестве с другими международными службами безопасности, Федеральным бюро расследований и другими работающими вместе с нами силами, расходуют значительные ресурсы на поездки в отдаленные районы
[. ] фальшивых «фелисьенов кабуг» только для того, чтобы вернуться, обнаружив, что информация была фиктивной и что поиски их [. ]
[. ] Chore, Ikar and the recently discovered silver and gold deposits at Chulbuye and Mirkhand.
Всего, по его данным, сегодня пять золотоносных месторождений готовы принять инвесторов для добычи и
[. ] поле, месторождения «Чоре» и «Икар», недавно разведанные проявления золота и серебра «Чульбуе» [. ]
[. ] copper, silver and gold derivatives of alkynes and discovered several new reactions, [. ]
condensation of copper acetylenides with aryl and vinyl halides (Sladkov-Kastro reaction), silver acetylenides with diazonium salts, thermal depolymerization of alkyne derivatives.
[. ] производных германия, кремния, меди, серебра и золота открыл ряд реакций, [. ]
синтеза: конденсацию органоацетиленидов меди с арил– и винилгалогенидами (реакция Сладкова–Кастро), органоацетиленидов серебра с солями диазония, термическую дегидрополиконденсацию ацетиленовых соединений.
Biology became chemistry just over 50 years ago when the double helix structure of DNA was discovered.
[. ] стала химией чуть более 50 лет тому назад, когда была обнаружена структура ДНК, представляющая собой двойную спираль.
[. ] severely bloodstained – but police claimed that they released him thirty-six hours before he was discovered and denied responsibility.
Семья Солаха утверждала, что полиция избила их родственника до смерти до того, как был найден его сильно
окровавленный труп – однако полицейские заявили, что
[. ] они выпустили его на свободу за тридцать шесть часов до его обнаружения мертвым и отрицали свою ответственность за это происшествие.
[. ] these meetings was a wider cooperation involving the exchange of information and the reporting to the police of any form of discrimination found on the web discovered by the Office [. ]
В результате этих встреч было расширено сотрудничество в области обмена информацией и представления полиции информации о различных формах дискриминации в сети, которые были выявлены [. ]
Управлением в ходе ежедневной оперативной деятельности.
The table of showbread, was next brought into the holy place — the next compartment to the most holy — and the bread was
[. ] candlestick of pure gold was put into its place, [. ]
then, the altar of gold, the altar of incense, was put "before the veil," before the ark of the testimony, and incense was burnt thereon; and finally, the hanging was set up at the door of the Tabernacle.
Стол хлебов предложения вносится следующим во святое — это ближайший предмет ко Святому-святых — и хлебы на нем устанавливаются в
[. ] свое место светильник из чистого золота и его [. ]
золотой жертвенник — алтарь для курений — ставится «перед завесою», пред ковчегом завета, и на нем воскуряются благовония; и, наконец, на вход в скинию вешается покрывало.
[. ] назад главную конкуренцию в борьбе за «золото» Светлане составила [. ]
Since nobody except the banker knew how much gold was really deposited in the bank, he decided to earn money on interest, while issuing bank vouchers for gold that in reality he did not have (creating money from nothing).
Так ка к никто кроме него не знал , сколько денег на самом деле хранилось в банке , он ре шил зарабатывать на процентах , выписывая банковские квитанции на золото , которым он физически не обладал (создавая деньги просто из ничего).
During the work for the project No 540 “Gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids of
[. ] orogenic deposits” deposits of gold and silver were discovered in the central part of Chukotka [. ]
Peninsula, different types of fluid inclusions in quartzes and calcites of gold-bearing
lodes of different deposits of Siberia and the Far East were studied.
В работе по проекту №540 «Золотоносные гидротермальные
[. ] флюиды орогенных месторождений» были обнаружены месторождения золота и серебра в центральной [. ]
части п-ва Чукотка, изучены разные виды флюидных включений в кварцах и кальцитах золоторудных жил различных месторождений
auto-focuses the next (or previous) line relative to the current selection,
[. ] in which the specified keyword was discovered.
Нажатие "Find Next" выделяет и осуществляет автоматическую
фокусировку на следующей (или предыдущей) строке относительно
[. ] текущей выделенной, в которой было найдено заданное [. ]
Attention has been paid to thyroid dose reconstruction since the early
[. ] thyroid cancer morbidity was discovered in children and adolescents [. ]
the Russian Federation and Ukraine contaminated with Chernobyl fallout [5.1, 5.3, 5.42].
[. ] железе с начала 1990-хгодов, когда была выявлена повышенная [. ]
железы детей и подростков, проживающих на загрязненных в результате чернобыльской аварии территориях Беларуси, Российской Федерации и Украины [5.1, 5.3, 5.42].
[. ] “France to the French” was discovered on a wall in a nearby [. ]
street where the worshipers usually parked their cars.
На стене одного из домов на соседней улице, где прихожане обычно
[. ] паркуют свои машины, была обнаружена надпись "Франция - для [. ]
During the last decades here were also discovered the gold deposits, there is also the big probability of the presence [. ]
В последние десятилетия здесь открыты и золоторудные резервы, высокая вероятность открытия месторождений платины, [. ]
Geologists of the company discovered widespread presence of gold and copper in numerous locations lying between Bekbulaktor [. ]
where Kentor Gold recorded gold assays of up to 12 g/t from channel sampling in 2008.
Геологи компании обнаружили широкое распространение золота и меди в нескольких точках между участками Бекбулактор и [. ]
залежи золота с коэффициентом содержания золота в 12 г/т после отбора проб в 2008 году.
[. ] generated from gold sales. 55.2 koz of gold was sold in the year at an average realised [. ]
ounce, compared to an average LBMA price of $872 per ounce.
[. ] полностью получен от продажи золота в объеме 55.2 тыс.унций золота, реализованного за [. ]
реализации в размере $878 за унцию, по сравнению со средней ценой LBMA в размере $872 за унцию.
It was gold that drew the Spanish conquistadors here in the 16th Century, [. ]
and now, with prices high for precious metal, gold fever has returned.
[. ] завоевателей в 16 веке из-за больших запасов золота, а теперь высокие цены [. ]
When this was discovered the students’ bags were checked [. ]
by local authorities at the entrance to the school and Latin-script
Когда это обнаружилось, при входе в школу портфели учеников [. ]
проверялись местными органами власти, учебники и материалы на
The two letters dated 18 September and the letter addressed to Senator Daschle were recovered from the offices of their addressees, but the letter to Senator
[. ] misdirected by a mechanical error to the State Department, was discovered in November only after a search of unopened government [. ]
Два письма от 18 сентября и письмо, адресованное сенатору Дашлу, были обнаружены в
[. ] однако письмо сенатору Лихи, которое по технической ошибке было направлено в Государственный департамент, было обнаружено лишь в [. ]
неоткрытой правительственной почты, собранной в Капитолии Соединенных Штатов.
[. ] opium poppy cultivation was discovered in 2009 in some remote [. ]
Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttaranchal and Manipur.
Также сообщалось об обнаружении в 2009 году незаконных [. ]
посевов мака в ряде отдаленных областей страны, в частности, в Аруначал-Прадеше,
Бихаре, Западном Бенгале, Химачал-Прадеше, Джарканде, Уттаранчале и Манипуре.
Michael Haller, a German journalism professor at Leipzig University, compared that to expeditions in previous centuries: Everything that was discovered was already there (“available”) and existed – but the public did not know about it.
Майкл Халлер, преподавать журналистики из Германии, работающий в университете Лейпцига, сравнил эту ситуацию с экспедициями, проводившимися в предыдущие века: все, что было раскрыто, существовало давно («было доступно»), но публика об этом не знала.
The report is all the more meaningful as the Agency has provided an analysis of the uranium
enrichment programme of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the
[. ] first time since it was discovered in November 2010.
Доклад является тем более значимым, поскольку Агентство предоставило анализ
программы обогащения урана в Корейской Народно-Демократической
[. ] Республике впервые после ее обнаружения в ноябре [. ]
Вопрос 1
Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Did Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?
b. Was Gold discovered in Australia in 1651?
c. Were Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?
d. Was Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?
The world’s longest earthworm was found in Gippsland in Victoria.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Where were the world’s longest earthworm found in Gippsland in Victoria?
b. When does the world’s longest earthworm was found in Gippsland in Victoria?
c. Where was the world’s longest earthworm found?
d. Why do the world’s longest earthworm was found in Gippsland in Victoria?
Вопрос 3
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The White Australia Policy was abolished after the Second World War.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Were The White Australia Policy was abolished after the Second World War?
b. Did The White Australia Policy was abolished after the Second World War?
c. Why The White Australia Policy was abolished after the Second World War?
d. When was The White Australia Policy abolished?
Вопрос 4
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More than 50 per cent of Australians are foreign born.
Выберите один ответ:
a. More than 50 per cent of Australians not are foreign born?
b. More than 50 per cent of Australians doesn’t are foreign born?
c. More than 50 per cent of Australians are not foreign born?
d. More than 50 per cent of Australians doesn’t foreign born?
Вопрос 5
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Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Was Perth settled by English gentlemen in 1729?
b. Did Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729?
c. Does Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729?
d. Were Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729?
Вопрос 6
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The city's design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement.
Выберите один ответ:
a. When The city's design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement?
b. What was the city's design heavily influenced by?
c. What The city's design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement?
d. Why The city's design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement?
Вопрос 7
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The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog.
Выберите один ответ:
a. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
b. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
c. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
d. The world's longest continuous fence was built to keep sheep safe from Australia's native dog?
Вопрос 8
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The central shopping and commercial area is known as the 'town centre'.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Did Central shopping and commercial area is known as the 'town centre'?
b. Is the Central shopping and commercial area known as the 'town centre'?
c. Are Central shopping and commercial area is known as the 'town centre'?
d. Does the Central shopping and commercial area is known as the 'town centre'?
Вопрос 9
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Australia’s longest straight road is in North Australia.
Выберите один ответ:
a. Is Australia’s longest straight road in North Australia?
b. Does Australia’s longest straight road doesn’t in North Australia?
c. Are Australia’s longest straight road don’t in North Australia?
d. Do Australia’s longest straight road no is in North Australia?
Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651.Нашли сказуемое was discovered, потом предложение, где оно повторяется
Выберите один ответ:
a. Did Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?------непр.
b. Was Gold discovered in Australia in 1651?----- прав. Видите, здесь нет лишних слов?
c. Were Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?------непр.
d. Was Gold was discovered in Australia in 1651?-------непр.
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Онлайн уроки английского Тренировка лексики, обучающие задания, построение фраз и предложений, видео уроки.
«5» - 38 – 35 б. «4» - 34 – 30 б. «3» - 2 9 – 20 б. «2» - 1 9 – 0 б.
I . ( 6 баллов)
1. England was a part of
the Roman Empire.
2. The wall went from one side of England to the another.
3. Building the wall helped to stop the soldiers from thinking about home.
4. The wall showed how powerful the Roman people were.
5. None ( ничего ) of the wall has survived to the present day.
6. There is a large collection of Roman objects at Chesters House.
In 122 AD, the Roman Empire stretched across Europe, the Middle East and north Africa. In Britain, it reached the far north of England. However, many Scottish tribes ( племена ) didn’t want the Romans. So, in that year, Emperor Hadrian decided to build a huge wall across the island.
The wall ran across England, from the west to the east – 73 miles in total. It was built by Roman soldiers, and was a useful way of keeping them busy. To stop them missing home too much, it was important to give them something to do, and building a ten-foot-wall certainly did that. Local people also benefited, as the soldiers working on the wall needed to buy some tools ( инструменты ). It took six years to build the wall and it was a clear symbol of the strength of the Romans.
Today, this wall is known as Hadrian’s Wall and, though most of it has disappeared, it is still possible to see parts of it. The Romans built forts along the wall for the men to live in and some of these buildings have survived. The best example is the fort at Chesters House on the River Tyne, in an area which the Romans called Cilurnum. The soldiers living here did not come from Rome. They also came from modern-day Germany and areas of central Europe, which at the time the wall was built were under Roman control. Visitors to the fort today can see a small number of everyday objects in the museum and get an idea of what life was like in the Roman world.
II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. (6 баллов )
1. Children easily pick _____ new words. 2. Will you help me to pick _______ a dress for the New Year party? 3. I think Alec hates me: he is always picking _____ me. 4. I can pick you ______ on the corner of the road. 5. I’m rather worried about Jane. She always picks ______ the food. 6. Albert was really shocked and picked ______ the words with difficulty.
III. Complete the sentences with the new words in their right forms.
(8 баллов )
1. The hall is _______ on Saturday, you can hold your meeting there. 2. I can’t say I’m fond of ________ music, I prefer classic. 3. This company was ______ in 1880. 4. I’m going to Great Britain in October. That will be a wonderful _______ to practise my English. 5. The terrorists shot down our plane and ______ the pilot. 6. Irene is an _______ secretary. 7. The factory ________ from the new machines. 8. Climbing Mount Everest is a great _________.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions where it is necessary. (8 баллов )
1. They were aware ______ the difficulties. 2. Did you benefit _______ your holidays? 3. I hope I’ll have the opportunity _______ seeing you often. 4. Charles Darwin was contemporary ______ Karl Marx. 5. Some insects are beneficial _____ plants. 6. Details of the project are not available ______ anybody. 7. Mr. Morgan’s contribution _____the company’s success was really great. 8. If he doesn’t work harder, he will never achieve _________success.
V. Open the brackets. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. (10 баллов )
1. They (wait) for us near the door at the moment.
2. Harry (not watch) television at all.
3. Why they (dance) in the room now?
4. When the football match (begin)?
5. If Mary (learn) the poem by heart, she (answer) it.
6. They (go) to the market every Sunday?
7. The bus (to leave) at 8 p.m. tonight. Don`t be late!
8. Albert always (talk) at my lessons! That’s terrible!
9. My aunt Polly (arrive) tomorrow! I’m happy!
10. My brothers often (do) their homework in the evening.
Критерии оценивания:
«5» - 38 – 35 б. «4» - 34 – 30 б. «3» - 2 9 – 20 б. «2» - 1 9 – 0 б.
I . (6 баллов)
1. People lived in Machu Picchu from 1440 to 1911.
2. The Incan Empire included all the territory of modern Chile.
3. The Incas lived in a simple society and only had basic skills.
4. We know why the Incas disappeared.
5. Pizzarro asked Atahualpa to join his army.
6. The Spanish defeated the Incas because they had better weapons.
High in the mountains of Peru can be found the ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. It was built in 1440. People lived there for nearly a hundred years, then it was forgotten until it was discovered in 1911. What is the story behind this amazing “lost city”?
Once there lived people called the Incas. The Incas started as a small group of people in the 12 th century AD. From the middle of the 15 th century the Incas began to take control of other areas. They built a large empire, which included the modern-day countries of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and parts of Argentina, Chile and Colombia. They had a very developed society and were efficient builders, engineers, artists and farmers. There was one reason why they never grew further as a civilization and why they disappeared: the Spanish arrived in South America in 1532.
Francisco Pizzarro, a Spanish explorer, landed in Peru with two hundred men to invade the Incas. He invited the ruler of the Incas, Atahualpa, to a meeting and then captured him, later killing him and many members of the royal family. More people joined Pizzarro’s army and the Incas were gradually defeated. They lasted for 40 years and fought against the Spanish, but the Incas couldn’t beat the European technology. They had never seen guns and cannons and had nothing similar. The last Inca leader, Tupac Amaru, was finally killed in 1472.
When the Incas left Machu Picchu, nobody else knew it was there. In 1911, an American historian Hiram Bingham discovered this place. Today, so maby tourists visit Machu Picchu each year that there is a real chance that this amazing place could be damaged.
II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. (6 баллов )
1. The film director held a casting and picked _______ a young actor for his new film. 2. He picked _____ a newspaper from the floor. 3. Bullies ( хулиган ) often pick ______ younger children. 4. Try to eat your dinner, Jane. Why are you picking ______ it? 5. I don’t know where my children have picked ____ these rude words. 6. All the pictures were wonderful. It was so difficult to pick ______ the best.
III. Complete the sentences with the new words in their right forms.
(8 баллов )
1. I’m not sure Morgan will be able to ________ this wild lion. 2. This firm was ________ in 1985. 3. Alice is a very ________ manager. 4. All three _______ - children, parents and grandparents – lived together quite happily. 5. The film’s strange title _______ my interest and I decided to watch it on Saturday. 6. This information is _________ to everyone. 7. Have you _______ any money to homeless families? 8. Their relationship was mutually _________ .
IV. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions where it is necessary. (8 баллов )
1. My flight was delayed so it was a good opportunity _______ doing some shopping. 2. The new project was beneficial _____ many children. 3. The students benefited _______ the new library. 4. The people of the town contributed clothes _______ the flood victims. 5. Beethoven was contemporary _______ Napoleon. 6. The tourists were aware ______ the difficulties. 7. If she doesn’t work harder, she will never achieve _________success. 8. This computer programme is available _____ everybody.
V. Open the brackets. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. (10 баллов )
1. Ann (not speak) French at all.
2. They (go) to the seaside every summer?
3. When the concert (begin)?
4. You can turn the TV off. I (not watch) it.
5. Anna is a good golf player but she always (show off)!
6. Why you (laugh)? There is nothing to laugh at.
7. Liza (not eat) meat. She is a vegetarian.
8. If Mark (buy) tickets, we (go) the cinema.
9. Students often (write) tests.
10. George (leave) for London tomorrow.
Критерии оценивания:
«5» - 30 –27 б. «4» - 26 –22 б. «3» - 21 – 13 б. «2» - 12 – 0 б.
I . (6 баллов)
1. England was a part of
the Roman Empire.
2. The wall went from one side of England to the another.
3. Building the wall helped to stop the soldiers from thinking about home.
4. The wall showed how powerful the Roman people were.
5. None ( ничего ) of the wall has survived to the present day.
6. There is a large collection of Roman objects at Chesters House.
In 122 AD, the Roman Empire stretched across Europe, the Middle East and north Africa. In Britain, it reached the far north of England. However, many Scottish tribes ( племена ) didn’t want the Romans. So, in that year, Emperor Hadrian decided to build a huge wall across the island.
The wall ran across England, from the west to the east – 73 miles in total. It was built by Roman soldiers, and was a useful way of keeping them busy. To stop them missing home too much, it was important to give them something to do, and building a ten-foot-wall certainly did that. Local people also benefited, as the soldiers working on the wall needed to buy some tools ( инструменты ). It took six years to build the wall and it was a clear symbol of the strength of the Romans.
Today, this wall is known as Hadrian’s Wall and, though most of it has disappeared, it is still possible to see parts of it. The Romans built forts along the wall for the men to live in and some of these buildings have survived. The best example is the fort at Chesters House on the River Tyne, in an area which the Romans called Cilurnum. The soldiers living here did not come from Rome. They also came from modern-day Germany and areas of central Europe, which at the time the wall was built were under Roman control. Visitors to the fort today can see a small number of everyday objects in the museum and get an idea of what life was like in the Roman world.
II. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. (6 баллов )
1. Children easily pick _____ new words. 2. Will you help me to pick _______ a dress for the New Year party? 3. I think Alec hates me: he is always picking _____ me. 4. I can pick you ______ on the corner of the road. 5. I’m rather worried about Jane. She always picks ______ the food. 6. Albert was really shocked and picked ______ the words with difficulty.
III. Complete the sentences with the new words in their right forms.
(8 баллов )
1. The hall is _______ on Saturday, you can hold your meeting there. 2. I can’t say I’m fond of ________ music, I prefer classic. 3. This company was ______ in 1880. 4. I’m going to Great Britain in October. That will be a wonderful _______ to practise my English. 5. The terrorists shot down our plane and ______ the pilot. 6. Irene is an _______ secretary. 7. The factory ________ from the new machines. 8. Climbing Mount Everest is a great _________.
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The Surprising Story of Jeans
Do you know about the California Gold Rush? It happened in 1849. Gold was discovered and 40,000 people called prospectors went to look for it.
Levi Strauss heard about them. He went to California in 1853. But he didn’t go to find lumps of gold. He went to sell materials needed for everyday life. He thought prospectors would need canvas for tents. It turned 32 ______ they needed pants. So he made pants out of his canvas. Soon Levi had used 33 ______ all his canvas. So he switched to another material — denim.
In 1873, Levi Strauss partnered with Jacob Davis, a tailor from Nevada. They created denim pants with rivets, or short metal pins, to 34 ______ the pants from falling apart. This 35 ______ the birth of Levi’s® jeans. The pants they made were strong. They wore well. They had sturdy pockets to hold gold nuggets. Word spread. Soon everybody wanted “Levi’s pants”. They started calling them just “Levi’s”. 36 ______ time, Levi’s became another name for jeans.
In the 20 th century, Levi’s jeans became even more popular. If in the 1920s workers in the western United States were their biggest users, in the 1950s, movie stars such as Marlon Brando and James Dean wore jeans in films and on TV. Teens started wearing them, but jeans were not allowed in school.
In the 1960s, jeans became more 37 ______ as more and more Americans wore them. The demand for Levi’s jeans grew in Europe and Asia. In the 1970s, a pair of Levi’s went on display at the Smithsonian Museum. It was part of the American history collection.
Today jeans continue to be a popular clothing 38 ______. Many other companies make jeans in different designs and colors.
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