Дом на сваях уайлд оутс драйв 3655
дома на сваях gta 5
Играем в GTA 5 Online (ГТА 5 Онлайн) на PC. Сегодня у нас шоу Орел и Решка! Ущербный дом против роскошной виллы.
GTA Online: Дома на сваях (Интерьер Экстерьер)
Обзор интерьера и экстерьера домов на сваях. Все десять домов на Вайнвудских Холмах. Донат в титрах: .
играем в scrap mechanic, скрап, scrap, скрап механик игра, over show, overshow, овер шоу, овер, gamewithover, over, обзор .
3655 Wild Oats Drive
The 3655 Wild Oats Drive is one of the Stilt House Apartments properties that can be purchased in GTA Online, located in Vinewood Hills , North Los Santos .
It has been added to the game as part of the 1.31 Executives and Other Criminals update on December 15, 2015 .
How to buy the 3655 Wild Oats Drive in GTA Online:
The 3655 Wild Oats Drive can be purchased from Dynasty 8 Real Estate for a price of $800,000 .
The property comes with storage space for 10 vehicles.
Property Information
Property Type Apartments Property Style High-End High-End - Stilt House Location Vinewood Hills State / Area North Los Santos Available from Dynasty 8 Real Estate GTA Online Price $800,000 Vehicles Capacity 10 Notes The interior design of this Stilt House features Waterfalls3655 Wild Oats Drive Description:
Welcome to the heights of the Vinewood Hills, where the average first time buyer is 24 and the web 2.0 entrepreneurs are only outnumbered by the swarms of fading teenage pop sensations. Buy in now while the price is still ridiculously high - what are you, sensible?
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