Часть слов из письма кейт никите на компьютере не читается спиши текст восстановив всю информацию
Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 4 класса. Unit 2 A message on the computer + Workbook
Ex. 1.Рассмотри рисунки. Какой урок идёт в этом классе? Listen and look. Послушай и посмотри.
Ex. 3. Прочитай и скажи, кто из этих людей учёный из Малайзии, исследователь из США, учитель из Англии.
Ex. 4. Профессору Уоллес угрожает опасность. Прочитай информацию на полицейском плакате и расскажи на русском языке, кто изображён на плакате. Кто из членов банды «Красная рука» преследует профессора?
Where is the RED HAND GANG?
This is the Red Hand Gang.
The leader of the gang is Mr Big.
They call him ‘The Boss’.
Mr Big is very rich and lives on an island. He wants to own all the rare plants and animals in the world. Polly Zap is his assistant. At the moment she is in Indonesia in the rain forest. She is following Professor Wallace.
Zack is another member of the gang. He’s short and he’s got dark hair.
He is in London now. Tex is in London, too.
He’s tall and he’s got glasses. He’s got a metal hand.
Ex. 5. Make questions about the Red Hand Gang. Ask your friend. – Составьте вопросы о банде Красная Рука. Спроси друга.
Ex. 6. Выпиши прилагательные в четыре столбика:
Ex. 9.Часть слов из письма Кейт Никите на компьютере не читается. Спиши текст, восстановив всю информацию.
Ex. 12. Listen and read. Какие из этих вопросов общие, а какие — специальные? Какие из них произносятся с подъёмом голоса, а какие — с понижением?
Ex. 13. Никита встречает в московском аэропорту тётю Бена. Он разговаривает с Беном по мобильному телефону. Дополните в диалоге реплики Бена.
Workbook Unit 2
А. На берег моря выбросило бутылку с посланием, в котором надо восстановить размытые водой слова. Кто бросил бутылку в море и о чём он просит?
Представь себя в подобной ситуации. Какую записку ты сможешь написать по-английски?
В. Прочитай и найди слова с открытым слогом. Выпиши эти слова и подчеркни буквы, обозначающие гласные в открытых слогах.
C. Where do these foods come from? Write sentences. – Откуда эти продукты? Напишите предложения.
D. Read and find Amy and Rob in the picture. – Прочитайте и найдите Эми и Роба на картинке.
E. Draw Mr Big. – Нарисуйте Мистера Бига.
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. W. -^---- Computers are also fun! This boy is playing a computer ^ 3. Выпиши CO страниц журнала эти слова. О значении каких слов ты можешь догадаться? [ps'liis], ['knminl], ['ki:bo:d], [,еп(^'шэ], [di'zain] 4. Who’s speaking? Listen to the conversations and point to the correct picture. (Послушай разговоры и покажи нужный рисунок.) t ^ 5. How many people in your class have got a computer? Ask your friends. 6. Составьте список мест, где люди работают на компьютерах. 1) There are computers at an airport. 3 7. What do they want to be? Read and point to the correct picture. chef [fef] laboratory [b'borotnj A I want to be an engineer. I want to design planes. В We want to be pilots. We want to fly planes. C I want to be a scientist. I want to work in a laboratory. D I want to be a vet. I want to look after sick animals. E I want to be a detective. I want to catch criminals. F We want to be chefs. We want to cook wonderful food. 8. What do you want to be? Talk to your friend. want to be an astronaut. I want to go to the Moon. 9. • What do they do? Listen to some people. They are talking about their jobs. Guess what they do. • Game: What do I do? Choose a job. Your friend asks questions to guess what it is. ^ Do you use a computer? ') Yes. ^Do you want to design something?> ( Yes. Are you an engineer?^ Yes. ^ ш 10. Послушай и прочитай сочетания местоимений с формами глаголов Present Simple. Правильно произноси выделенные окончания. [zj she learns, he listens, it needs, she reads, he lives, he comes, she plays, it does, it goes, he delivers [s] she cooks, it looks, he likes, it gets, she writes [izj he washes, she catches, he teaches, she uses Глаголы в формах Present Simple (настоящее простое время) описывают обычные, привычные, повседневные действия и состояния. 1) I walk to school. (Я хожу в школу пешком.) 2) Не gets up at seven o’clock every day. (Он встаёт в 7 часов каждый день.) 3) Sometimes we go to a swimming pool. (Иногда мы ходим в бассейн.) 4) She lives in Russia. (Она живёт в России.) I / you / we / they go ••• 9 walk . get up . he / she / it goes . walks . , gets up . 11. Чем обычно занимаются люди этих профессий? Найди продолжение для каждого предложения. 1 Engineers 4 Detectives • « • 2 Vets . 5 Doctors A В С • •• look after sick animals, design things, catch criminals. D E F 3 Scientists . 6 Pilots . work in laboratories, fly planes. look after sick people pairs, ask questions about these people. \ ^What do engineers do?) (They design things 12. Напиши о привычках ребят по образцу. Cody Maxim Sam every day to get up at 8 o’clock to do exercises in the morning to have lunch at 2 o’clock sometimes to go to school by bus to play computer games to walk in the park 1 Cody gets up at 8 o’clock every day. Sometimes she goes to school by bus. 3 13. What do they do and what do they need? Поговорите о профессиях. Составьте предложения, используя слова и выражения из рамок. Добавьте свои примеры. detective cook food for people postman catch criminals scientist learn more about rare plants chef design cars teacher look after sick people doctor deliver letters to people engineer teach English at school J^hat does а detective do^ (а detective catches criminals.>^ J^What does a detective need^ (He needs a dog. ^ V 14. Что обычно делают эти люди на ответы по образцу, используя глаголы щего простого времени. Pete is а postman. What does he do? letters to people. работе? Напиши в форме настоя- Не delivers 1 John is an engineer. What does he do? 2 Cathy is a doctor. What does she do? 3 Bert is a scientist. What does he do? 4 Stella is a detective. What does she do? 5 Paul and Karen are chefs. What do they do? 15. Do you remember Joseph Alexander? Read the text and fill in the gaps. (Прочитай текст, заполняя пропуски.) Joseph Alexander is a famous ______. He’s ___ ____ years old. His birthday is on January 10th. He comes from _____ ____. He’s got short ____ hair and ___ eyes. He’s got ____. He’s tall and thin. He likes to climb mountains. 20 16. Read about Maxim. What does he want to be? I like to go to school on Friday. We have maths and a computer class on Friday afternoon. These are my favourite subjects. Fve got many friends in Moscow and in Britain. I write letters to them every week. I like books but I like computers more. I play computer games very well. My mother is a scientist. She works in a laboratory. Sometimes she travels. My father is an engineer. He’s got a computer. He uses it to design bridges. I want to use computer, too. I want to design cars. I want to be an . . friends about yourself. Образец — рассказ Максима. 18. This is a computer club. Ask children in the pictures. your friend about the listen to music play computer games read about animals write a letter ^Is Lera at school?^ J^Is it a computer clul^ ^Does she use a computer?^J^What does she want to do?) 3 19. Read Maxim’s letter to Sam. What does he want to know? Dear Sam, Thanks a lot for your letter. Have you got any new messages on your computer? My mother is a scientist, too. She studies how to make medicines from different plants. She is going to the tropical rain forests in South America next month. What’s the weather like in the rain forests? Is it really hot and wet there? Write soon, Maxim south — юг; южный rain — дождь; дождевой wet — влажный study — изучать ш 20. Сравни значения выделенных слов. В каких предложениях они являются существительными, а в каких — прилагательными? 1 Maxim’s got а computer. 2 Не likes to play computer games. 3 There is a computer club in his school. 4 Maxim’s mother is going to the rain forests next month. 5 I like watching the rain. В английском языке некоторые существительные могут выполнять роль прилагательных, если употребляются в словосочетании перед другим существительным. Сущ. This is а computer. (Это — компьютер.) При л. This is а computer game. (Это — компьютерная игра.) 21. Listen and talk to this computer. Some computers can talk. They talk in a funny way. Listen to this computer and repeat what it says. Then say it in correct English. HELLO! MY NAME’S COMPO. I’M A FRIENDLY COMPUTER WHAT’S YOUR NAME? WHAT’S YOUR FRIEND’S NAME? DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A GAME? GOOD! LET’S PLAY! friendly 22 22. Computer game. Tell Jack what to do. f)^Find the birthday cake in the shop. climb up, cross, jump over. find, arrive at, go through, run away, swim across . away from the hungry cats. . up the ladder, . through the forest. CZl over the dog. 23. Придумай no образцу свою компьютерную игру. 23 In the rain forest о 1 1. Listen and look. Who is following Professor Wallace? ^ j Professor Wallace is looking for a rare orchid in the rain forest. She is having a few problems . > _____________________________________/' = . t understand. My computer was OK yesterday, but no good today. I can’t send any more messages. / This rope ladder was OK yesterday, too. Who’s doing this? Now I can’t climb down the cliff. Where are my things? I know my diary was in this bag yesterday, but it isn’t here now. The map and my camera were in the tent, but they aren’t there now. у orchid rope cliff diary yesterday climb down have a few problems в дождевом лесу ,^Oh, well! I’ve got my V and lots of food and 2. Read the text. 3. Find the animals. Listen and point to the animals in the story. Talk to your friend about what you can see. ^Can you see a monke>^ Yes. ^ ^^How many monkeys are there? ^ (There are three 4. Listen and say true or false. The professor can use her computer . ^False . but she can’t climb down the cliff. J True. 25 5. Read and match. Where were they yesterday? (Где они были вчера?) Carlo was at the video shop. —| Steven was at home. j__Д J I/he/she was. Simon was at the office. * we/you/they were, Jane was at the newsagent’s. Sarah was at the station. Alison was at the pizza parlour. 6. Who isn’t telling the truth? (Кто говорит неправду?) Listen to an interview. One person isn’t telling the truth. Who is it? Listen to Detective Casey’s questions again. Practise them with your friend. 7. Поиграйте в детективов. Think of a place and a time. Ask questions to find out where your friend was. QX—1 ^ Were you in the park last night?') (No, I wasn’t.>^ J^Were you in the video shop?^ Yes. ^ 26 8. Listen to the description of this picture and repeat (Послушай и повтори описание этого рисунка.) There are. There is. trees, monkeys, parrots, snake, tree house iSoV* Опиши по-английски сценку из Пусть твой друг её нарисует. жизни леса. ' ^ ^ ^ 9 9. Listen to the song. Do you ask such silly questions? Why can’t a porcupine smile? Sometimes when I’m sitting in the bath, I think of silly questions which always make me laugh. Sometimes in the shower or in the bath, I sing these silly questions which always make me laugh. ^ And the questions go like this . Why can’t a porcupine smile? Why can’t an elephant sing? Why can’t a pelican boil an egg. When I can do all of these things? Silly questions make you giggle. Silly questions make you laugh. Silly questions don’t have answers When you’re in the shower Or you’re sitting in the bath. ^ p 1 10. Think of some silly questions with your friend. 27 4 11. Найди в подписях к картинкам на с. 24 жения со словом yesterday (вчера). Скажи, мы глагола to be в них употребляются. 25 предло какие фор 12. Что было в порядке вчера (в прошлом), но испорчено сегодня (в настоящем)? Point to the children and say what they can’t do. CMy computer was OK yesterday, but it is no good today. I can’t send any more messages. My flowers were OK yesterday, but they are no good today. I can’t give them as a present. A My guitar OK yesterday, but no good today. I can’t . В My camera ________ OK yesterday, but today. I . C My shoes ______ OK yesterday, but ______ I . no good D My book today. I . OK yesterday, but no good today. no good 13. Ask questions about the children. Were Vera’s shoes OK yesterday? (^Yes, they were 28 14. Talk about your school friends. Were they at school yesterday? Where were they? ^What day is it today?^ (Today ^Was Nina at school yesterday morning?) (^Yes, she was.^ ^Where were you yesterday?> (l was at a swimming pool yesterday^ Ш library, theatre, fair, bookshop, supermarket Когда мы говорим о том, что происходило в прошлом, в предложении используется форма прошедшего простого времени глагола (Past Simple). Как правило, при этом есть указание на конкретное время в прошлом: yesterday (вчера), last month (в прошлом месяце), two hours ago (два часа назад). Глагол to be имеет две формы Past Simple; was, were. Единственное число I was at school at 9 o’clock. You were at home two hours ago. He/she was in London last month. It was OK yesterday. Множественное число We were at school at 9 o’clock. You were at home two hours ago. They were in London last month. They were OK yesterday. 15. С какими местоимениями множественного числа употребляется форма were? С каким местоимением может использоваться эта форма в единственном числе? 16. Ask your friend where he/she was. A’. Nina? Can I ask you some questions, please? Where were you at eight o’clock yesterday morning? Б: I was in my kitchen at home. A: Where were you at half past eleven? Б: I was at school. A\ Thank you very much. 29 4 17. Work in groups. Do you know these animals? Where do they live? What can they do? porcupine pelican spider snake parrot tiger bear kangaroo monkey rabbit holes, lakes and rivers, trees ^ What’s this?
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