Как удалить anbox linux
To install Anbox your system need to support snaps. We do not officially support any other distribution method of Anbox at the moment but there are community made packages for various distributions (e.g. Arch Linux). However please keep in mind that the Anbox project can give not support them and its solely in the responsibility of the community packager to keep up with upstream development and update the packaging to any new changes. Please feel free to report still any bugs you encounter as they may not be related to the packaging.
If you don’t know about snaps yet head over to snapcraft.io to get an introduction of what snaps are, how to install support for them on your distribution and how to use them.
The installation of Anbox consists of two steps.
Install necessary kernel modules
Install the Anbox snap
Install kernel modules¶
To install the necessary kernel modules, please read Install Kernel Modules .
After correct installation you should have two new nodes in your systems /dev directory:
Install the Anbox snap¶
The second step will install the Anbox snap from the store and will give you everything you need to run the full Anbox experience.
Installing the Anbox snap is very simple:
If you didn’t logged into the Ubuntu Store yet, the snap command will ask you to use sudo snap … in order to install the snap:
At the moment we require the use of –devmode as the Anbox snap is not yet fully confined. Work has started with the upstream snapd project to get support for full confinement.
As a side effect of using –devmode the snap will not automatically update. In order to update to a newer version you can run:
Information about the currently available versions of the snap is available via:
Available snap channels¶
Currently we only use the beta and edge channels for the Anbox snap. The edge channel tracks the latest development is always synced with the state of the master branch on github. The beta channel is updated less frequently to provide a more stable and bug free experience.
Once proper confinement for the Anbox snap exists we will also start using the candidate and stable channels.
If you want to remove Anbox from your system you first have to remove the snap:
NOTE: By removing the snap you remove all data you stored within the snap from your system. There is no way to bring it back.
Once the snap is removed you have to remove the installed kernel modules as well:
Make sure you are running the latest version of Anbox before reporting an issue.
** Please paste the result of anbox system-info below:**
Please describe your problem:
What were you expecting?:
Additional info:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Naruto-kun123 commented Aug 22, 2017
In the terminal: /snap/bin/anbox-installer
Make sure you write i agree in Capitals
Testi89 commented Feb 2, 2018
This does not work for Ubuntu 16.04. Here is file list of directory:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep 4 14:15 anbox -> /usr/bin/snap
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep 4 14:15 anbox.collect-bug-info -> /usr/bin/snap
I cannot find "anbox-installer"
cubetastic33 commented Mar 9, 2018
@Testi89 You need to find the location of your anbox-installer. Go to files (nautilus), then go to other locations, and then inside your drive, do a search for anbox-installer. Then, you need to specify that path in your terminal.
This I how I uninstalled Anbox from my Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64 bit system.
$ cd /snap/anbox-installer
username@system /snap/anbox-installer $ ls -alt
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Apr 27 07:50 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 27 07:24 .
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2 Apr 27 07:24 current -> 17
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 86 Jun 13 2017 17
username@system /snap/anbox-installer $ cd 17
username@system /snap/anbox-installer/17 $ ls -alt
total 11
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 27 07:24 ..
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 86 Jun 13 2017 .
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 41 Jun 13 2017 command-anbox-installer.wrapper
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 43 Jun 13 2017 meta
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5673 Jun 13 2017 installer.sh
username@system /snap/anbox-installer/17 $ ./installer.sh
Anbox (Android in a Box) - Installer
PLEASE NOTE: This script will require root access on your system
to install all necessary things. It will prompt you to enter your
password when required.
What do you want to do?
Please enter your choice 2:
This will now remove the Android in a Box runtime environment
from your device. Do you really want this?
Please be aware that this will also remove any user data
stored inside the runtime environment.
Please type 'I AGREE' followed by pressing ENTER to continue
or type anything else to abort:
- sudo snap remove anbox
anbox removed - '[' -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/morphis-ubuntu-anbox-support-xenial.list ']'
- set +x
Successfully removed anbox!
maxkwallace commented Oct 1, 2018
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04. The recommendations above didn't work for me; I was unable to find an anbox-installer file on my system.
Anbox is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu. In other words: Anbox will let you run Android on your Linux system without the slowness of virtualization.
Anbox uses Linux namespaces (user, pid, uts, net, mount, ipc) to run a full Android system in a container and provide Android applications on any GNU/Linux-based platform.
The Android inside the container has no direct access to any hardware. All hardware access is going through the anbox daemon on the host. We're reusing what Android implemented within the QEMU-based emulator for OpenGL ES accelerated rendering. The Android system inside the container uses different pipes to communicate with the host system and sends all hardware access commands through these.
For more details have a look at the following documentation pages:
Anbox is currently suited for the desktop use case but can be used on mobile operating systems like Ubuntu Touch or postmarketOS (installation instructions). However this is still a work in progress.
The Android runtime environment ships with a minimal customized Android system image based on the Android Open Source Project. The used image is currently based on Android 7.1.1
Supported Linux Distributions
At the moment we officially support the following Linux distributions:
- Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)
- Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)
However all other distributions supporting snap packages should work as well as long as they provide the mandatory kernel support (see documentation).
Install and Run Android Applications
You can install Android applications from the command line using adb.
The apk files you will sometimes find on the internet tend to only have arm support, and will therefore not work on x86_64.
You may want to install F-Droid to get applications graphically. Note that the Google Play Store will not work as is, because it relies on the proprietary Google Play Services, which are not installed.
Build from source
To build the Anbox runtime itself there is nothing special to know. We're using cmake as build system. A few build dependencies need to be present on your host system:
- libdbus
- google-mock
- google-test
- libboost
- libboost-filesystem
- libboost-log
- libboost-iostreams
- libboost-program-options
- libboost-system
- libboost-test
- libboost-thread
- libcap
- libexpat1-dev
- libsystemd
- mesa (libegl1, libgles2)
- libglm
- libsdl2
- libprotobuf
- protobuf-compiler
- python3
- lxc (>= 3.0)
On an Ubuntu system you can install all build dependencies with the following command:
We recommend Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) as your build environment.
Afterwards you can build Anbox with
will install the necessary bits into your system.
If you want to build the anbox snap instead you can do this with the following steps:
The result will be a .snap file you can install on a system supporting snaps
Running Anbox from a local build requires a few more things you need to know about. Please have a look at the "Runtime Setup" documentation.
You will find additional documentation for Anbox in the docs subdirectory of the project source.
Interesting things to have a look at
If you have found an issue with Anbox, please file a bug.
Copyright and Licensing
Anbox reuses code from other projects like the Android QEMU emulator. These projects are available in the external/ subdirectory with the licensing terms included.
The Anbox source itself, if not stated differently in the relevant source files, is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.
Операционная система: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20190730 Версия KDE Plasma: 5.16.3 Версия KDE Frameworks: 5.60.0 Версия Qt: 5.13.0 Версия ядра: 5.1.16-1-default Архитектура: 64-битная Процессоры: 4 × Intel® Xeon® CPU X3370 @ 3.00GHz Память: 7,8 ГиБ ОЗУ
Поставил как то Anbox. Поигрался и снёс, давно.
Недавно обновил ведро, после чего система не грузиться, пишет что модули ядра не может загрузить.
systemd-modules-load.service показал что не может загрузить ashmem_linux и binder_linux. Это всё от anbox. Залез в яст - там anbox указан как установленный (хотя его нет), при попытке снести пишет что его нет, а потом опять указывает как установленный. Почистил все найденные связанные anbox файлы, не помогло.
Причём, система с предыдущем ядром грузиться, с последнем - нет.
-тся и -ться не путай.
Посмотри в /etc/modules.d, /etc/modprobe (или как точнее те директории называются). Может там завалялся файлик с требованием эти модули загрузить.
Почистил руками все файлы входящие в anbox. Стало лучше, теперь при загрузке модули ashmem_linux и binder_linux система не просит. Но в ясте anbox все так же висит как установленный, и не удаляется (пишет что удалять нечего. ).
С последним ядром система вообще не грузится теперь, без объяснения причин. С предпоследним грузится, но не работает нормально Хром (похоже что встроенный флэшплэер не стартует).
Короче бесовщина какая-то.
В общем удалил все файлы руками, в списке установленных висит, но жить не мешает.
Боюсь ты попал на какую-то нехорошую ошибку во время записи на диск, перезагрузки, или сброса. Теперь некоторые файлы повреждены, иди их изменения были отброшены. Лень вспоминать и копать, но по опыту - лучше переустановить систему. Просто потому что ты не знаешь что ещё могло повредиться, в самый неподходящий момент вылезти может и причины не найдёшь.
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