Flutter не видит android studio linux mint
Я уже пытался переустановить SDK, но это не сработало.
Я очень благодарен за любую помощь с этим.
Flutter предоставляет команду для обновления пути Android SDK:
Используйте flutter config --android-sdk <path-to-your-android-sdk-path>
Я решил эту проблему следующим шагом,
1) перейти к -> системная среда -> переменные среды -> системная переменная
2) создайте имя новой переменной ANDROID_HOME и значение D: \ Androidsdk \ tools (пользовательский путь Android SDK).
3) конкатенируйте этот путь D: \ Android Sdk \ platform-tools в значение переменной Path , используя ";". (также в системной переменной)
4) вот и все, перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы применить изменения и попробуйте еще раз - порхает доктор.
Для меня добавление пути Android SDK не помогло.
Я удалил все свои SDK (в основном просто удалил эту папку Android. Использовал этот путь "C: \ Users \ your_user_name \ AppData \ Local \ Android", чтобы найти его.)
Затем я переустановил все необходимые SDK с помощью Android Studio. (Обязательно установите более 1 SDK, я не знаю, почему он не работает, если вы устанавливаете только 1).
Тогда, если я запущу Flutter Doctor, все работает отлично.
Вы должны установить переменную ANDROID_HOME в SDK.
Создайте новую переменную по имени и установите ее в каталог установки.
Убедитесь, что SDK не ниже 2 подпапок с диска c или любого корневого диска Windows.
Сначала откройте Android SDK Manager и убедитесь, что установлены необходимые SDK.
Теперь откройте менеджер SDK, скопируйте путь SDK. Открыть cmd
Теперь снова измените dir на внутреннюю папку в build-tools. проверьте наличие или имя проблемы файла aapt.exe.
Я потратил много времени на решение этой проблемы.
В конце концов, то, что сработало, собиралось спроектировать настройки в Android Studio, инструменты SDK, снять флажок скрывать устаревшие пакеты и установить пакет устаревших инструментов SDK.
Затем запустите «flutter doctor» --android-licenses, а затем «flutter doctor» показала зеленую галочку на моей панели инструментов Android.
Надеюсь, это кому-нибудь поможет.
Для пользователей Mac
Моя проблема была с ANDROID_HOME
Если вы сделали то же самое, измените его на:
.bash_profile имеет
Flutter предназначен для использования последней установленной версии Android. Так что, если у вас есть неполная загрузка последней версии Android, Flutter попытается использовать это.
Поэтому либо завершите установку, либо удалите ее полностью. Версии Android можно найти по адресу: /home//Android/Sdk/platforms/android-29/android.jar
Я установил свой Android SDK вручную с помощью командной строки, и мне удалось устранить ошибки такого рода, когда я пытался настроить свою среду разработки. Если вы хотите решить ее, как я, просто выполните следующие шаги, которые Я разместил в GitHub комментарий в связанной проблеме:
Надеюсь, это может кому-нибудь помочь! Bye !
Сначала запустите обновление flutter со своего терминала. Если вы получили следующую ошибку,
- Сначала зайдите в android studio, Настройки-> Настройки системы-> Нажмите на стрелку расширения
- Затем перейдите к опции Android SDK и добавьте соответствующий SDK в проект, затем перейдите в Project Structure и добавьте соответствующий SDK в Structure проекта.
- Затем запустите обновление флаттера в терминале
Удаление и переустановка Android Studio устраняет проблему с SDK.
SdkManager удаляет версию API28 и повторно загружает версию API28, устанавливая пути Flutter и Dart в AndroidStudio, и теперь все работает нормально. изображение
Если вы не нашли правильный путь SDK, то: 1. Откройте Android Studio 2. Перейдите в Инструменты 3. Перейдите в SDK Manager 4. Вы найдете «Расположение Android SDK»
Скопируйте путь и отредактируйте «Переменную среды». После этого перезапустите и запустите cmd. Затем запустите «Доктор флаттер» Надеюсь, это сработает!
Добавьте $ANDROID_HOME\sdk\tools и $ANDROID_HOME\sdk\platform-tools в переменную среды PATH .
В моей папке SDK была пустая папка (/build-tools/29.0.0)
Я удалил его, и он работал нормально
Трепетание говорит, что версия инструмента сборки Sdk (exp: android toolchain - разработка для устройств Android (android sdk 28.0.3)) version = 28.0.3. Перейдите по адресу home / username / Android / Sdk / build-tools удалить эту версию (28.0.3) и исправлена ошибка
Выберите папку для установки (я назвал ее BASE_PATH ) и используйте следующие команды для установки SDK с флаттером:
Установите SDK
Я использовал отдельную папку для SDK, потому что он будет добавлять родительские папки.
Установите Flutter
Export Vars (вы можете добавить их в свой .bashrc )
Пожалуйста, прежде всего проверьте ваш последний SDK первый шаг:
запустить флаттер доктор --android-licenses нажать Y против каждого соглашения
I installed flutter and android studio following the steps in the flutter official page. I did it a month ago and then I used flutter doctor and I did not get any problems back then. Now I tried again but I keep getting those errors
I have Android Studio installed (version 4.1)
3 Answers 3
If you are not installing android studio into the recommended location. Then you need to link it back for Flutter doctor to find it.
I install android studio to my home dir "/home//android-studio"
The quick and dirty way is cd into your "/opt" folder then symlink it
Then run flutter doctor (or with a -v to see more detail) you should able to see it finds it.
648 1 1 gold badge 7 7 silver badges 20 20 bronze badgesFirst of all, run the command as said flutter doctor --android-licenses . It will show you the licenses and you just have to type Y in the command line to accept them. Secondly,it seems can't find Android Studio. If you have that, I suggest you to uninstall and re-install it clearly. Of course you should also install the Flutter plugin in Android Studio. When everything is done just use flutter doctor . The last warning "Connected device" is going to be visible until you don't use an emulator or connect via USB debugging your phone.
With regards to Flutter not being able to find Android Studio: I had the same issue since upgrading to Android Studio 4.1 a couple of days ago. Since I use VS Code it didn't bother me too much. However yesterday I received an update notification from Flutter and after the update the problem went away.
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When I run flutter doctor command on mac its showing below, while I already install Android Studio, and I can run ios build from Android Studio.
[!] Android Studio (not installed)
flutter doctor output:
24 Answers 24
if your Android Studio install by default, you can use this command
after this command, flutter can found android studio, but the plugin can't.
In Linux (Ubuntu)
Note: for those who are facing the problem in Ubuntu and Android Studio is installed with snap :
Note: for those who are facing the problem in Ubuntu and Android Studio is installed with JetBrains Toolbox:
Where ./201.7042822 matches the current version of Android Studio installed. You'll have to check which one you have and update it in the command above.
10.8k 9 9 gold badges 34 34 silver badges 55 55 bronze badges 3,479 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges This worked for me on Win10 last update flutter 2.22I had a similar issue which I solved by updating my flutter config as follows:
This was on Ubuntu 20.04.1
- You have extracted the downloaded android studio zip to /usr/local/android-studio
If you install Android studio using snap then
I solve this issue within windows 10 pro with this exactly line:
notice that is an space between the equal mark and the double cotes, this solve as you can see in this print
hope this help new flutter developers!
If you have installed Android Studio via Snap, run following command
This will fix the issue
If you installed android studio with snap this should help, thanks This worked if you installed android studio using snap 👍 I had installed android studio using snap, and this worked for me, thanks. I had installed android studio using snap, and this worked for me, thanks.flutter config --android-studio-dir C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio will unfortunately not work because of empty space which breaks the tree structure but to solve the issue, use quotes like this: flutter config --android-studio-dir "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio"
- In dropdown list open "plugins"
- Search for "flutter" and install this plugin together with dart.
- Restart the Android Studio and open a new terminal.
- You should be able to create a flutter project in Android Studio and "flutter doctor" should work now.
Another possible solution:
Specify path, where android studio is installed, with the following command:
flutter config --android-studio-dir=
A solution that worked for me was (after double clicking the downloaded file IDE) move the Android Studio program into the applications folder.
I ran Flutter Doctor and followed all prompts. worked for me.
This works on MacOS only
it is mark as accepted answer but this is very unclear and vague answer, what application folder? in which os? This is a decent answer. The question is Mac specific, and this answer is correct for Macs. This worked for me. I am using MacBook and downloaded the android studio .dmg file. I am not a Mac user and double clicking the dmg file clearly did not indicate that the icon for android studio can/should be dragged to application icon.This worked for me!!
The problem is if your folder name is "Android Studio", flutter is not able to detect it later as taking only Android and skipping Studio.
Rename folder name from "Android Studio" To "AndroidStudio" and then run the config command :
flutter config --android-studio-dir="C:\Program Files\Android\AndroidStudio"
Following worked for me.
Close opened Android studio application if any, and open the cmd as an admisitrator and give the below command
For ubuntu; in the unzip directory;
flutter config --android-studio-dir=" pwd /android-studio"
command work for me.
- Go Android studio Home Screen
- Configure
- Install Flutter, Dart, Plugin
- Restart android studio and work properly
if now you are not able to solve the issue so please run this command and check again
I Have Solve this issue with this command
This works for me in windows 8.1:
The solution with : flutter config --android-studio-dir="Your_Android_Studio_Directory" worked for me.
After that you can get error messages with flutter doctor even if you have the pluggins already intalled:
[!] Android Studio X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
Reinstalling flutter and dart plugins in Android Studio (version 4.1) solved the problem.
There is a issue with Android Studio (version 4.1). This github issue is about this.Even though this question is for mac, a lot of people like me will find this as top result. So in case you are on Windows and you installed Android Studio via JetBrains Toolchain and the paths in answers above don't work for you, this worked for me
Where 202.7351085 is the folder name for my current version of Android Studio so you may need to change that too.
If you can't find Android Studio in this path, do:
- Search Android Studio and open file location
- If it's a shortcut, open location again
- You should be in /bin
- Go up one folder and that's your path
You can use below command in command prompt
This will solve both issues of android licenses and studio not installed
For Linux (Ubuntu) users
if you installed android studio through snap (Ubuntu Software application), run
- Install Dart and Flutter plugins in Android Studio and then Restart
- Switch to Flutter Beta Channel by running these commands
flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade
Run flutter doctor
The solution that worked for me is that I had to re-install AndroidStudio to a new location in a way that the full path to it contains no spaces, in the image below will you notice that flutter was cropping my full path because it contained a white space when I use the command flutter config --android-studio-dir C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
I had this problem because I downloaded a new AS version without uninstalling the old one first. During the download AS left the old program in place at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio and just created a new installation at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio1 (two installations next to each other. ).
I tried uninstalling AS (so I could do a fresh install) using the windows control panel but it said AS is already uninstalled?
Hello everybody , I am trying to install flutter on ubuntu , android studio flutter and dart plugins have been installed , but flutter doctor said that they are not installed. At the beginning flutter doctor didn't find my android studio and sdk even if they are installed, then fixed this problems by configuring custom directories for android studio and sdk with this commands :
but couldn't find any solution how to show android studio installed plugins directory for flutter doctor
any solutions ?, please help me
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
ZayniddinMamarasulov commented Sep 15, 2018
yes I installed plugins , but flutter doctor didn't recognize
zoechi commented Sep 15, 2018
flutter doctor -v also doesn't show your Android Studio version
What Android Studio version do you have installed?
I got that very same behavior on Android Studio 3.2 RC3:
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.2)
• Android Studio at /home/fabio/DevTools/beta/android-studio
✗ Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
✗ Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b06)
Try with Flutter from master channel. I think to remember there was a fix recently to make the plugins compatible with Android Studio 3.2.
febs commented Sep 20, 2018
That partially solved the issue. Now both my copies of Android Studio (3.1 and 3.2beta) are recognized and they plug-ins also are.
But :-D the flutter doctor now also identifies a non-existent third Android Studio installation (with no version attached according to it) and the missing plugins.
Here's the output:
zoechi commented Sep 20, 2018
zoechi commented Sep 22, 2018
SPSpisoft commented Sep 23, 2018
This is also the problem for me :(
In addition, when the new project is launched in Android Studio, it will not work after the final stage (Finish) And to get out of this situation is forced to end task..
Look at the picture ..
I look forward to fixing this problem impatiently
Hi everybody
This problem has been solved fortunately for me. But unfortunately I can not exactly say how it was solved!
Because I did some things at once. Anyway I write what I did, I hope your problem will be solved.
1- updated android SDK
. and set ANDROID_HOME in Environment Variable
2 - updated JDK
. and set JAVA_HOME in Environment Variable
3 - in Flutter console run: flutter doctor --android-licenses
. and in answer to the questions: y <Enter>
4 - in Flutter console run: flutter create test_app
Now, After running flutter doctor -v the problem is solved !
The only remaining problem is that it's not possible to build a new project through Android Studio
But the project that was made through the Flutter console can be opened and edit in Android Studio
Good luck to all friends and Flutter team 👍
vinceyoumans commented Oct 6, 2018
I got that very same behavior on Android Studio 3.2 RC3:
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.2)
• Android Studio at /home/fabio/DevTools/beta/android-studio
✗ Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
✗ Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
• Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b06)
I have the same problem. have always had it. did you ever resolve this?
GhostLee commented Jan 25, 2019
That partially solved the issue. Now both my copies of Android Studio (3.1 and 3.2beta) are recognized and they plug-ins also are.
But :-D the flutter doctor now also identifies a non-existent third Android Studio installation (with no version attached according to it) and the missing plugins.Here's the output:
So have u ever tried to move the configuration files of Android Studio?I just move these files and my flutter cannot recognized those plugins.
zoechi commented Jan 25, 2019
Are you using Android Studio Canary 3.4?
This is not yet supported.
VEWapps commented Jan 27, 2019
I was having the exact same issue, using IntelliJ IDEA Community version on Linux Mint.
I opened Android Studio to make sure that I had installed the dart and flutter plug-ins (which I had already done), I changed nothing, and closed Android Studio.
Then, when I ran flutter doctor again, the problem was solved. Additionally, the version of Android Studio appeared (before it had just said "Android Studio").
So, problem solved, I guess? But I have no idea how or why.
kangwang1988 commented Jan 28, 2019
zoechi commented Feb 8, 2019
nvintz22 commented Mar 13, 2019
What I did is I checkout to master branch after installing the Flutter and Dart plugins. Then run flutter doctor.
Then it works.
ZackPashkin commented Mar 19, 2019
Solved by settings --> plugins--> search in repositories --> flutter
then restart android studio
iverc commented Mar 21, 2019
Happened to me on Android Studio 3.3. To solve the issue:
- Run flutter doctor --android-licenses and accept all licenses.
- Run flutter doctor again, it should be able to recognize plugins at this point.
poos commented Mar 22, 2019
When you install plugins finished, android studio remind you restart it. Maybe you should Manually restart. Then, run flutter doctor again. It will be ok.
giobio941 commented Jun 13, 2019
for MY issue for it to be solved. I have intelliJ AND Android Studio. I had to install Flutter and Dart on the IntelliJ Application. Once installed, I ran flutter doctor in Android Studio and all issues were resolved.
xurshidt90 commented Jul 25, 2019
У меня тоже была такая проблема. Я удалил IntelliJ и занова запустил комманда ( flutter doctor ) и все работал
affluak commented Sep 12, 2019
- Run flutter doctor --android-licenses and accept all licenses.
- Run flutter doctor again, it should be able to recognize plugins at this point.
I accepted all licenses and then installed the plugins in the android studio. After restart close android studio and run flutter doctor -v
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