Debian desktop environment что это
Среда рабочего стола или графическое окружение рабочего стола - разновидность графических интерфейсов пользователя, обеспечивает пространство, называемое рабочим столом, на котором появляются окна, пиктограммы, панели и другие элементы. Обычно поддерживаются механизмы, объединяющие разные части среды, — например, drag-n-drop, взаимодействие с браузерами, переключение окон, многие дополнительные программы, приоритеты использование памяти и много чего еще что остается "за бортом" для обычного пользователя
Назначение рабочего стола (окружения) создание интуитивного, в данном случае графического способа взаимодействия пользователя с компьютером.
Для Windows среда рабочего стола может быть только одна для каждой из поколений операционных систем, поэтому у пользователей данного вопроса не возникает. Для Linux cреда рабочего стола может быть самой разной так как сама система и графическое окружение принципиально разные программные продукты и Linux вообще может существовать без графической оболочки, а Windows нет.
Короче, по простому, это изображение с окнами, иконками, панельками сверху/снизу который вы видите на экране.
Оконный менеджер
Но, нужно помнить, есть еще понятие: "Менеджер окон Linux" или "Оконный менеджер". Он служит для управление окнами приложений, таким образом оконный менеджер понятие более узкое. А среда рабочего стола более широкое понятие. Среда рабочего стола включает в себя и менеджер окон и другие программы и библиотеки которые иногда очень тесно интегрированы с менеджерами и с сами рабочим столом с целью создать удобное, полноценное графическое окружение.
для лучшего понимания можно составить следующую формулу:
Среда рабочего стола = Менеджер окон + отдельный набор библиотек и приложений
Из всего этого можно сделать вывод, что менеджер окон программа занимающее меньше места чем окружение рабочего стола и часто применяется в дистрибутивах которые направлены на экономию места и ресурсов.
Представители оконных менеджеров
i3, AWESOME WM, XMONAD, OPENBOX, DWM, GALA, KWIN, FLUXBOX, JWM и еще много и много других
Рассмотрим, например JWM или i3 (i3wm)
Оконные менеджеры
Менеджер окон для X Window System, написан на Си. Портирован на множество операционных систем FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Minix, OpenSolaris. Используется в качестве оконного менеджера по умолчанию в Puppy Linux.
i3 (i3wm)
i3 - это тайловый (фреймовый)* оконный менеджер с открытым исходным кодом, полностью написанный с нуля для операционных систем GNU/Linux и BSD. Развитие и ответвление оконного менеджера wmii ( ссылка на страницу )
*Тайловый (фреймовый) оконный менеджер это менеджер с не перекрываемыми (не пересекающимися) окнами.
Но сегодня мы поговорим именно о среде рабочего стола или графическом окружении рабочего стола.
Среды рабочего стола, представители.
"Отцы основатели"
Старейший дизайн рабочего стола в Linux.
KDE ( KDE Plasma )
Одно из самых мощных и настраиваемых окружений рабочего стола в Linux.
Самые легкие и быстрые
Основана на GTK+ и использует собственный менеджер окон Xfwm.
Cinnamon (Корица)
Ответвление от GNOME. Изначально разрабатывался для Linux Mint, а сейчас используется для многих других проектов Linux (Fedora, Manjaro, Debian, Ubuntu, Calculate , Arch и др.) А еще подходит и для FreeBSD.
То же ответвление от GNOME, но на базе Gnome 2.
На основе Qt, появился в результате слияния LXDE и Razor-qt.
Для дистрибутива Elementary OS. Среда рабочего стола Pantheon интегрирована с другими приложениями Elementary OS, Plank (док-панель), Epiphany (веб-браузер по умолчанию) и Code (текстовый редактор), Gala (оконный менеджер дистрибутива основанный на Mutter)
DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment)
Для дистрибутива Linux DEEPIN, основан на Debian
Выводы, самые лучшие среды рабочего стола
А что дальше? Какие среды рабочего стола будут?
А дальше все зависит от того куда повернётся и какими путями пойдет технический прогресс. Уже сейчас в связи с разработкой и уходом в массы шлемов VR, а я сейчас про Oculus Quest 2 который бьет рекорды по продажам выпускаю и еще выпустят виртуальные рабочие столы и что там будет, кто ж знает. Будет это напоминать реальный стол или комнату или еще чего то, не знаю, но думаю дизайнеры уже работают над этим. Интересные перспективы возникают с уходом от графической визуализации при переходе на нейроинтерфейсы, но там вообще "темный лес" и чего там будет вообще никто не знает.
Продолжение как всегда следует, мои маленькие, красноглазые друзья.
Почему у него нет собственного имени??
И нужно ли его отмечать при установке, если я выбираю, например, только Xfce?
Когда то ставил эту шнягу, там гном был, как ни странно.
Это то что по умолчанию, на данный момент gnome
Почему у него нет собственного имени??
Зачем? Это просто умолчание
И нужно ли его отмечать при установке, если я выбираю, например, только Xfce?
Если только то нет иначе будет gnome + xfce4
chukcha ★★★ ( 30.10.17 00:31:50 )Если только то нет иначе будет gnome + xfce4
Последнее исправление: chukcha 30.10.17 00:33:18 (всего исправлений: 1)
сделаю предположение, что один уже кастомизирован, а второй нет
chukcha ★★★ ( 30.10.17 00:44:53 )сделаю предположение, что один уже кастомизирован, а второй нет
Последнее исправление: chukcha 30.10.17 00:48:53 (всего исправлений: 2)
которые дебиан считает необходимыми для полноценной работы в гноме
Затем, хочешь ли ты решение искаропки или всё сделаешь сам
Вообще этот тред надо мувнуть в толксы
tasksel --list-tasks (List the tasks available on a system.)
tasksel --task-packages web-server (List the packages that would be installed by that task)
Главнее главный, обычный гном дефолт, окружение с дополнительным по, либреофисы всякие и прочее
Главнее главный, обычный гном дефолт, окружение с дополнительным по, либреофисы всякие и прочее
Можешь сослаться на источник?
tm4 ★ ( 30.10.17 01:31:47 )Последнее исправление: tm4 30.10.17 01:34:38 (всего исправлений: 1)
Выхлоп плохого переводчика.
Нет, но раньше когда ставил ПО просто с гномом было меньше ЕМНИП
Это наличие графического окружения. Если ничего не выбрать то по умолчанию будет гном. Если снять эту галочку, то не будет графики вообще — голая консоль
Очевидно же что это набор программ, принятый в Debian за стандарт по умолчанию. И DE Gnome это только часть этого стандартного набора.
Other desktop environments available in Debian include Cinnamon, LXQt, Budgie, Enlightenment, FVWM-Crystal, GNUstep/Window Maker, Sugar Notion WM and possibly others.
Other desktop environments not available in Debian include Unity (1 2), Pantheon, ROX, Equinox/EDE, Étoilé, CDE, Artemis, Durden, Trident, Lumina and others.
Window Manager
As its name says, Window Managers control the layout, appearance and ways to interact with your environment windows. While some Window Managers might be part of your Desktop Environment, some (such as tiled window managers) also do work as standalone, and were eventually designed for that purpose.
Search Window Managers with Debtags: x11::window-manager.
Tiling Window Managers
Tiling Window Managers provide a way to control windows behavior by making them tiled, easily occupying the whole screen.
Display Managers
In the X Window System, an X display manager is a graphical login manager which starts a session on an X server from the same or another computer. A display manager presents the user with a login screen. A session starts when a user successfully enters a valid combination of username and password.
Display server
Most Desktop Environment currently rely on Xorg (X Window System), and will eventually support Wayland in the future.
Installation of a Desktop Environment
During the installation of Debian the installer offers the choice of which Desktop Environment to install. Should you prefer to install one after booting into the new OS, you can decline all the offerings by unticking Debian desktop environment.
A user on Debian 10 (buster) or Debian 11 (bullseye) would be presented with the menu:
- Accepting this selection sees the GNOME desktop environment installed.
- Without deselecting the desktop environment, another entry, GNOME included, may be selected. This will install that selection.
For an explanation of this behaviour we have to look at part of the Recommends: line in apt show task-desktop.
The Debian desktop environment installs task-desktop and requires one of the packages listed above. If none of them are on the system, the first in the list, task-gnome-desktop, will be installed to fulfill the dependency. This is the situation when a user accepts only the Debian desktop environment.
Afterward, installing another Desktop Environment is as simple as installing a single package. For some Desktop Environments, you have choice between several meta-packages depending on if you wish to install a minimal set or most of the software coming with the environment. Please refer to the page specific to the Desktop Environment you wish to install for a description of these meta-packages.
Installing a new Desktop Environment will make it available for your system, but you still need to set up your user Session (see below) in order to run it.
Sessions are usually managed by the Display Manager, which itself relies on Xsession.
Most Display Managers will allow you to select which Desktop Environment/Window Manager you wish to run for next session, and eventually make it default.
If you don't want to run a Display Manager to manage your sessions, you might consider using nodm - you may be comfortable merely using a screen locker (eg. XScreensaver, slock) to lock your sessions manually instead of expecting it to insist on username plus password to get in. This is likely inappropriate for servers, but may well be acceptable for a user's home system, assuming no familial trust issues.
If you have no Display Manager installed at all, you can still start the X Environment from console with the startx command, which is a call to xinit.
Theming and customization
Desktop environments often have customized themes that allow you to change the look and feel of your desktop. The easiest way to customize your desktop environment is to install theme packages from your system's Package Manager.
Further customization is possible by editing settings of Graphical Toolkits, such as GTK2, GTK3, or directly change the application settings.
Some terminals like xterm and urxvt make use of Xresources to control their appearance and functionalities.
Search X11 Themes with Debtags: x11::theme.
Learn about getting Fonts, fonts rendering and other issues.
Common problems
Heterogeneous environments
While the purpose of a desktop is to provide a coherent suite of applications, you are likely to mix applications coming from several desktops which are using various graphical toolkits, with the inconvenience that they will not be well integrated.
Getting a uniform look and feel between your applications might be challenging, and relies on workarounds such as using themes specifically designed to look similar between several environments and applications.
Some features such as the desktop menus can be shared, in particular for environments following FreeDesktop (XDG) guidelines.
Default applications
Having several applications with the same purpose will lead to competition for which software is meant to open when handling your files. Several mechanisms do exist to control these default applications and settings.
Refer to Debian Releases for more information about the Debian versions, but the following ideas may guide your decision.
Using (released) stable versions + security updates and selected newer backport packages? (a full distribution upgrade is made available about every two years)
Choose Debian Stable if you want the computer to just work for a prolonged period of time, without the risk of new packages breaking your habits or workflow. You may still install more recent versions of selected packages, e.g. from the Debian Backports and Debian Mozilla team repositories, to get newer versions of specific programs and to always use a current web browser.
Using rolling (recent) testing package versions? (distributed for public testing)
If it is important to you to have recent versions of all the installed software continuously rolling onto your desktop or laptop, and you are fine with constantly downloading and installing updates that may stir up a bug every once in a while, you may choose Debian Testing.
Using rolling (currently new) unstable package versions? (they just made it out of the Debian developer "labs")
Well, if you are sure you really need this for all the installed packages, you should learn about Debian "Sid".
Please refer to the Firmware Page to determine if and how you may need to download firmware for a successful installation.
Official installation images are available from the Debian download page.
To select the desktop environment that the debian-installer installs, enter "Advanced options" on the boot screen and scroll down to "Alternative desktop environments". Otherwise, debian-installer will choose GNOME.
KDE is of course a renowned, heavy alternative.
Xfce is a fast and light alternative, and especially suited if you were using GNOME 2 and find GNOME 3 disappointing.
For older computers, consider using LXDE or Xfce, because they are less resource-hungry than GNOME or KDE.
Or, you may choose e17 (Enlightenment), a new candidate that also features a touchscreen mode.
To use sudo and your regular password for system administration, leave the root password empty during installation.
There is a neat universal partitioning scheme you can set up, especially if you have an SSD, may want redundant drives, or want to keep laptop drives spun down to lower noise and power consumption. Find it together with instructions on how to minimize disk writes as at SSD Optimizations.
Bug 653760 - The audio group must not have any members, otherwise consolekit won't adjust audio permissions (ACLs) when switching between users.
To get the correct umask that leverages the private user groups (see group dirs below), you need to configure the umask adaption in /etc/pam.d/common-session manually until the bug 646692 is fixed:
Note that the GNOME display manager (gdm) overrides the system's default umask. Thus, if you use gdm you may try to fix it, or just install another dm like kdm, slim, or LightDM.
Check that /etc/aliases contains a root: <mail-user> line that forwards mail directed at the root user to your own user account, and execute "sudo newaliases" if changes were necessary. (And set up your mail program to check your local mailbox under /var/mail/.
To monitor hard drive health status, install smartmontools and smart-notifier, then set "start smartd = yes" in /etc/default/smartmontools.
Maybe consider using AppArmor / Tomoyo and separate sub-users to confine browsers, email clients, etc.
Enable users to create (windows/cifs) network shares
Install samba (if not present already), then "sudo adduser <username> sambashare" to allow <username> to create file shares.
To avoid that samba creates files as the reserved user "nobody" (who should never own any files on the system), create a "sambaguest" user and add the following to the global section of /etc/samba/smb.conf:
To ensure that files created by samba guests are locally accessible, add this to the global section of /etc/samba/smb.conf:
Also remember to "chmod g+s" the directories of writable shares to be setguid dirs and set their read/write permissions according to the allowed samba users (i.e. publicly to enable guest access). (Bug Debian 678834)
The "inherit permissions = yes" option lets samba create files with the permissions of the containing directory (but x bits are still mapped to the Windows' system flags: archive, hidden).
If your router does not resolve local hostnames correctly, and your ISPs DNS servers respond with false IPs instead of returning "unknown", also enable the "name resolve order" line (remove the ";") and move "host" to the end of the list.
(Locally Shared) Group Directories
With the umask correction from above, plus some default skeleton directories, Debian can easily provide a really nice out-of-the-box user collaboration experience: users can simply collaborate on files, pictures, documents, etc. on multi-user systems (e.g. family PCs, servers etc.) in their group directories. Out of the box, the default group "users" allows all users to collaborate on files in /home/users; for finer grained collaboration, you can set up additional user groups.
See the UserPrivateGroups (UPG) wiki page for details and MultiUserManagement
Web Browser
For secure and sane browsing, install the following extensions with the Debian package manager: xul-ext-noscript (clean companies from default whitelist), xul-ext-adblock-plus (disable its default whitelist), xul-ext-cookie-monster, xul-ext-useragentswitcher (set generically), and xul-ext-refcontrol (set to block).
If you need to use the flashplugin-nonfree, it is in the contrib repository, and consider installing the betterprivacy extension.
Stop the browser from sending Google a hash of every site you visit (ready to be added to your hashed browsing track) by disabling the options flagged as "block reported forgery and attack sites" in the security properties.
Disable the search engine "support" and of course the custom Google start page, to prevent the browser from connecting there every time you start the browser or search something and identifying you reliably in the process.
Additional packages you may want to install
- firmware-linux* (from non-free repository may be needed even to install with certain hardware)
- synaptic (not included with the Xfce desktop)
- preload (will preload often used programs into ram)
- mc (midnight commander, a console file manager)
- a ssh-askpass package (lets ssh use a graphical password prompt window when run under X)
- geeqie (fast picture viewer)
- vlc, browser-plugin-vlc, freetuxtv (video player)
- parcellite or clipit (lightweight clipboard manager)
- autokey (keyboard shortcuts)
- zim (managing notes) + scrot (for screenshot plugin) Put "zim --plugin trayicon" in autostart.
- (e.g. on SSDs autosave after ten minutes instead of 10 seconds:
Set up checking of the local /var/mail/<user> mailbox (e.g. add a mail notification icon to the panel).
Depending on the chosen desktop environment, your habit and the strain on your fingers, you may have to enable/disable single-click file opening in the file browser's preferences.
If you need a specific program that is not in the repositories, or installed stable and need a more recent version of a program, refer to DebianSoftware.
If you want to adjust system-wide defaults for all users, refer to DesktopDefaultSettings.
To create network shares with Nautilus, install package "nautilus-share".
To enable the greyed "Password: not asked at login" option for users in System > Administration > Users and Groups (Needed for (guest) account switching in addition to auto login.): Create the nopasswdlogin group,
and add the following to gdm's pam config in /etc/pam.d/gdm:
Make sure this line goes right before the "@include common-auth" line. You can use "sudo adduser <user> nopasswdlogin" to add a user to the group.
For network browsing in the thunar file manager, install gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse, and add your users to the "fuse" group (sudo adduser <user> fuse).
Thunar is missing a plugin to create network shares (bug 672539). Workaround: define custom actions (adjust the permissions (setguid) according to the samba section above).
Install Catfish to be able to search for files.
You can get rid of the space-consuming "dock" thing at the bottom by adding the desired starters to Panel 1 and deleting Panel 2 in the Panel settings. To move a panel to another location on the desktop, you need to "unlock" it in the panel settings.
For passwordless user switching, you may create and enable a nopasswdlogin group as described for GNOME, if you are using gdm (the default).
Wheezy's Xfce version does not yet have a dialog to enable touchpad-tapping clicks, you need to add an autostart item that executes the following:
If you need to configure (multiple) monitors and their settings, install "arandr". It allows to save the screenlayout to a .sh file that can be called from an autostart item.
If you want more graphical configuration tools, you may install gnome-disk-utility (palimpsest) and "apt-get --no-install-recommends install gnome-system-tools".
As a photo manager, maybe install Shotwell.
. have fun! And if you encounter bugs, search the Internet, if the bug is not already filed, find the appropriate package and file a bug against it. If it concerns Debian, you can use the "reportbug" utility for that.
You can create a backup of your complete system installation state with apt-clone.
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