Как сшить брюки палаццо
Брюки - самый удобный вид одежды. В жаркие дни многие выбирают легкие широкие брюки, потому что в них комфортно. Самое главное при этом - дышащие ткани и удобный крой.
Для летних брюк подойдет лен, хлопок, вискоза, шелк, плательные ткани.
Испанки знают толк в летней одежде. Как сшить легкие свободные брючки палаццо (справится даже начинающая швея)
Такие брючки-палаццо легко сшить самим, хотя многим кажется, что это сложно.
Тем более эта выкройка совсем простая, без молнии, с завышенной талией, на резинке. По этой схеме легко их раскроить. В принципе передняя и задняя части одинаковые, различие лишь в том, что спереди на линии талии надо опустить мерку на 5 см и в углу среднего среза убавить 2 см.
Испанки знают толк в летней одежде. Как сшить легкие свободные брючки палаццо (справится даже начинающая швея)
На выкройке показана одна половина брюк.
Эта выкройка подойдет тем, у кого обхват бедер не больше 110 см. У меня размер 50-52 и брючки получились свободные, думаю, для 54 размера подойдет.
Чтобы облегчить шитье, я не стала делать боковые швы. В результате получились две детали, вместо четырех как обычно.
Для пошива нужен отрез ткани, шириной 1,50 см, длина берется по вашему росту. У меня рост 1,70м и я взяла длину ткани с запасом 1.30 м, чтобы хватило на пояски.
wikiHow работает по принципу вики, а это значит, что многие наши статьи написаны несколькими авторами. При создании этой статьи над ее редактированием и улучшением работали авторы-волонтеры.
Брюки палаццо должны быть в гардеробе каждой женщины. Эти длинные, широкие, свободные брюки постоянно возвращаются в тренды. Обычно их шьют из легкой дышащей ткани, такой как креп и трикотаж, и носят в жаркие летние месяцы. Будьте модны в этом сезоне с удобными брюками палаццо, сшитыми из длинной широкой юбки.
Поищите в своем гардеробе юбку-макси. Идеально, если вы больше не носите эту юбку и вам будет не жалко перешить ее.
Если у вас нет подходящей юбки, посетите магазин секонд-хенд. Там часто можно найти креповые и трикотажные юбки за небольшие деньги. Можете выбрать 2-3 разные модели, чтобы иметь модные варианты.
Купите юбку-макси. Сейчас этот фасон снова в моде, поэтому продается везде, включая совсем недорогие магазины.
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time.
wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 92% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.
This article has been viewed 376,703 times.
Palazzo pants are long, loose, wide leg trousers that seem to come in and out of fashion regularly. They are usually made from light, breathable fabrics, like crepe and jersey for the hot summer months. Even if you are a sewing novice, you can create your own custom pair of palazzo pants in under 30 minutes.
- a pair of loose fitting sweatpants
- some stretchy jersey fabric in the print or color of your choice.
- a pair of sharp scissors
- pins
- a sewing machine
- elastic material for the waistband
Lay out your fabric. Fold your jersey fabric in half so that the edges line up and the print is on the inside. Then, lay your fabric out on a hard, clean surface, such as a hardwood floor or a large table. Make sure that the fabric is laying flat and that there are no bumps or ripples in the fabric. [2] X Research source
Place your pants on the fabric. Your sweatpants will serve as the pattern for the palazzo pants. Fold your sweatpants in half lengthwise and then lay them on top of your fabric. The inseam should be facing out towards the edge of the jersey fabric a few inches away from the edge of the material. [3] X Research source
Cut the fabric. Use your scissors to cut along the outer edge of your sweatpants. You should cut the fabric a few inches away from the sweatpants to ensure that they will be large enough. Follow the curve of the waist towards the crotch of the sweatpants. Then, cut downwards along the outer edge of the sweatpants leg. [4] X Research source
- Don’t worry if there is a lot of excess fabric at the top of your pants. Later on, you will trim this excess fabric and customize your waistband for the fit you want.
- After you have finished cutting the basic pattern, pick up your sweatpants and set them aside.
Trim along the curve. The curve that you created in the fabric will be the waist and hips of your pants. This area should be snug, so you will need to trim it. Trim about an inch off of this area on both sides to bring the waist in. [7] X Research source
- When pinning fabric, place ball-head pins so that the points are facing in towards the fabric and the balls are on the outside of the fabric. [9] X Research source
- Make sure that your stitch is about one to two inches from the edge of the fabric to ensure a strong seam.
- After you have finished sewing, trim off any excess thread from the areas you just sewed.
- The leg fabric should now look more like pant legs with a space between them. This space will be the inseam of your pants.
- Keep the fabric’s print facing inwards. Do not turn it inside out.
Pin the crotch and the inseam of the pant legs. Place one pin at the crotch and then go down the inside of one of the pant legs and place pins about three inches apart. Make sure that the pins are about an inch from the edge of the fabric. Pin the other pant leg as well. [13] X Research source
- After you have finished sewing the inseam, go along the sewn edges and trim off any excess thread.
- After you have found a comfortable height for your waistband, remove the pants. Try to keep the waistband folded at the level that you like it. You may even want to place a couple of pins to keep it in place.
- If you want your waist to be a little lower than you measured, you can always cut a bit of fabric off of the folded waistband material that you just trimmed off. However, keep in mind that this is optional.
- After you have cut your elastic band, sew the edge that you cut to secure the band in a circle. Just sew across the elastic band near the edge of the side you cut.
- Check the edges to ensure that they are all even. The edges will need to be lined up in order to sew the waistband onto the pants.
Tuck the elastic into the waistband. Take your elastic waistband and begin tucking it in between the waistband fabric. Push the elastic band up towards the fold, which will be the top of the waistband of your palazzo pants. When you are finished, the elastic band should not be visible. [20] X Research source
- Make sure that the pins go all the way through the waistband material and the waist. Space them about three inches apart all along the edge of the waist.
- You can remove the pins as you go or take them out after you have finished sewing the edge.
- After you have taken out the pins, flip up your waistband and try on your new palazzo pants!
After you make stencils, you can lay them on the fabric with an inch seam allowance in the most space-efficient way possible. If you are unable to do this, you could produce a scale diagram on paper, using the same rules in regards to space efficiency and seam allowance.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 376,703 times.
If you want to make your own palazzo pants, fold a large piece of jersey in half so the edges line up and the print is on the inside, then lay the fabric on a hard, clean surface. Fold a pair of sweatpants in half lengthwise and lay them on top of the jersey so the inseam is facing the fold in the jersey. Cut the jersey on the folded side a few inches away from the crotch and legs of the pants, then flip the pants over and cut the jersey again. Sew the curved edges of the pants, then lay the pants out and sew the legs. Finish by adding an elastic waistband. To learn how to sew the waistband, keep reading!
Reader Success Stories
"I haven't been able to find palazzo pants in a suitable fabric, so I started looking for patterns and came across this. I was just about to throw out some old sweatpants, but after seeing this I will simply use them for a pattern. Perfect easy instructions." . " more
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"I haven't been able to find palazzo pants in a suitable fabric, so I started looking for patterns and came across this. I was just about to throw out some old sweatpants, but after seeing this I will simply use them for a pattern. Perfect easy instructions." . " more
"Awesome post! I was looking for a good pants pattern that would work with some used saree fabric I have. These look perfect! :) Everything was clearly written and the videos are helpful." . " more
Добрый день. Лекала брюк палаццо. Размеры на обхват бедер 86 — 110 см. Рост 164 см.
Широкие штанины от бедра. Прибавка на бедрах 6 см.
Пояс шириной 5 см полностью на резинке. Высота посадки — до талии.
На брюках есть удобные боковые карманы.
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