While true learn прохождение психология толпы
Психология толпы / Crowd psychology - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка симулятор визуального .
Прохождение игры while True: learn () на смартфон.
Подпишись! Поставь лайк! ▻ Ссылка на плейлист: bit.ly/2UgXxW9 ▻ Список игр на канале: bit.ly/offisplay_games .
While True: learn() - 11 | Психология толпы
[Тип]: Прохождение без комментариев на золотую медаль (Золото) [Игра]: While True: learn() [Задача]: Психология толпы [Жанр .
while True: learn() - симулятор визуального программирования с приятной графикой и подробным обучением. Здесь вам .
"Психология толпы" 6/6 блоков - while True: learn()
Прохождение уровня на золото.
Medx | while True: learn() | Gold Medal
Medx - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка симулятор визуального программирования с приятной .
while True: learn() - симулятор визуального программирования с приятной графикой и подробным обучением. Здесь вам .
while True: learn() полное прохождение
Полное прохождение игры на стриме 08.06.2018. Игра находится в разработке и будущие версии будут содержать .
Кибер инициатива / Cyber Initiative | while True: learn() | Gold Medal
Кибер инициатива / Cyber Initiative - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка симулятор визуального .
Завод "Metal Gear Construction" / "Metal Gear Construction" factory | while True: learn() | Gold
Завод "Metal Gear Construction" / "Metal Gear Construction" factory - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка .
11 янв. 2019 в 13:46 Crowd PsychologyI'm having a hard time optomizing this. I know it's mostly getting a handle on how to handle bandwidth and selection, but I'm pretty sure this solution would work with more time, so I'm wondering if I could get some advice on making this go faster.
Отредактировано antipothis; 11 янв. 2019 в 13:53 12 янв. 2019 в 2:54This one stumped me for hours, so much so that I ignored it until I got stuck on Fast Data Sorting, so I went back and completed this and every other task that I hadn't already completed using my newly acquired knowledge and then at the end of this I was able to complete my new task.
Edit: It was Border Crossing not FDS that I got stuck on at this point. I got stuck on Data Sorting later on. but again went back to tackle the tasks that I had struggled with
I hope this helps.
Отредактировано Dangerous-D; 12 янв. 2019 в 3:18 12 янв. 2019 в 22:55 I think I see your problem. You're sorting shapes first which creates a bottleneck. Try a solution where you sort colors first and then shapes. 16 янв. 2019 в 10:54 Yeah, I'll give it another shot. I tried making it sort colors first, as I had the same thought, but I wasn't able to get anywhere. I'll bang my head against it again.Is that All/G divide the second poster using a dll creation? Cause I don't have it in my lists at all. It's either that, or a solution from a problem farther in the game. 17 янв. 2019 в 10:41 im wondering the same. also his processing times of the swift modules are way better than mine. i guess thats through hardware upgrades? 17 янв. 2019 в 15:26
Below my approch. not gold medal only silver.
Отредактировано sv0k; 17 янв. 2019 в 15:26 17 янв. 2019 в 20:53This one stumped me for hours, so much so that I ignored it until I got stuck on Fast Data Sorting, so I went back and completed this and every other task that I hadn't already completed using my newly acquired knowledge and then at the end of this I was able to complete my new task.
Edit: It was Border Crossing not FDS that I got stuck on at this point. I got stuck on Data Sorting later on. but again went back to tackle the tasks that I had struggled with
How are your shape sorters so fast?
Is it something I need to spend money to upgrade? If so then it means some gold challenges are impossible until I unlock better parts?
[Разработчик] 17 янв. 2019 в 23:55This one stumped me for hours, so much so that I ignored it until I got stuck on Fast Data Sorting, so I went back and completed this and every other task that I hadn't already completed using my newly acquired knowledge and then at the end of this I was able to complete my new task.
Edit: It was Border Crossing not FDS that I got stuck on at this point. I got stuck on Data Sorting later on. but again went back to tackle the tasks that I had struggled with
How are your shape sorters so fast?
Is it something I need to spend money to upgrade? If so then it means some gold challenges are impossible until I unlock better parts? Hi
Some tasks cannot be solved on gold without upgrades
Below my approch. not gold medal only silver.
You cam probably cut a couple or reduntant nodes.. the decision maker with both "Any" can be completely cut since its anything and both nodes that discard triangles and move everything else forward can be only one node. 18 янв. 2019 в 20:48
Is what I did an acceptable solution or some kind of unintended exploit?
Отредактировано Phishfood; 18 янв. 2019 в 20:51 19 янв. 2019 в 13:55At first I was content just to complete this as it had frustrated me for so long but sadly at the time of making this gold solution I had erased the original setup rather than using a new layer
I didn't use any DLLs for this. I only used two in the whole playthrough and one of those was for a startup, but I am fully upgraded now and the All/G divide is indeed a later solution
My time of 34.0 can surely be improved upon so I'll attempt that at some point
19 янв. 2019 в 14:34Below my approch. not gold medal only silver.
So using some of the ideas in your build (and a ton of experimentation) I was able to get this run gold early game!
Thank you a ton. This really helped.
How are your shape sorters so fast?
Is it something I need to spend money to upgrade? If so then it means some gold challenges are impossible until I unlock better parts?
HiSome tasks cannot be solved on gold without upgrades
Hi, big fan of the game, but I don't like this design decision. It kind of defeats the purpose of the puzzle if the solution is "wait until you buy upgrades." A number of players in this thread thought that the solution was intrinsic (sorting colors first to avoid bottlenecks, parallelize shape sorting, using DLLs) and not extrinsic (buy an upgrade that makes it faster). Intrinsic solutions are intriguing and fun, extrinsic solutions are a chore. 19 янв. 2019 в 15:03 Hi
Some tasks cannot be solved on gold without upgrades
Hi, big fan of the game, but I don't like this design decision. It kind of defeats the purpose of the puzzle if the solution is "wait until you buy upgrades." A number of players in this thread thought that the solution was intrinsic (sorting colors first to avoid bottlenecks, parallelize shape sorting, using DLLs) and not extrinsic (buy an upgrade that makes it faster). Intrinsic solutions are intriguing and fun, extrinsic solutions are a chore.
The puzzles can be solved, you just can't always get the gold medal for it right away. 19 янв. 2019 в 20:07
This one can be solved for gold as soon as you get to it. You don't need to wait for upgrades (though I do have the 1% upgrades in the screenshot below).
19 янв. 2019 в 20:59 Hi, big fan of the game, but I don't like this design decision. It kind of defeats the purpose of the puzzle if the solution is "wait until you buy upgrades." A number of players in this thread thought that the solution was intrinsic (sorting colors first to avoid bottlenecks, parallelize shape sorting, using DLLs) and not extrinsic (buy an upgrade that makes it faster). Intrinsic solutions are intriguing and fun, extrinsic solutions are a chore.Yeah I agree with this, though I did solve this particular one with hardly any upgrades I am now less enthusiastic about getting gold on other levels.
As a player the thought now pops in to my mind "am I not being clever enough or is there no other way to gold this without upgrades" and this can turn into an incredibly frustrating experience if it is the latter.
For example I am doing The Best Clothes and I am missing gold by 0.9 seconds and I'm just rolling my eyes at the design decision to factor upgrades into the equation.
Сегодня хочу рассказать вам о довольно интересной головоломке под названием "while True: learn()", посвященной машинному обучению, нейросетям и искусственному интеллекту.
В этой игре вам предстоит стать программистом, который узнал, что его кот разбирается в программировании лучше, чем он сам. Поэтому вам будет необходимо создать нейросеть, которая позволила бы переводить речь с кошачьего на человеческий и обратно.
Геймплей игры представляет из себя визуальное программирование, где вам с помощью блок-схем предстоит создавать алгоритмы под различные задачи. Параллельно с выполнением основной цели игры, вам будут поступать и дополнительные заказы, за которые вы будете получать деньги. Деньги вы сможете потратить на апгрейд своего компьютера и украшение комнаты.
Игра получилась очень интересной и послужит неплохой мотивацией заняться программированием и машинным обучением, а присутствующий юмор не даст заскучать.
Психология толпы / Crowd psychology - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка симулятор визуального .
Прохождение игры while True: learn () на смартфон.
Подпишись! Поставь лайк! ▻ Ссылка на плейлист: bit.ly/2UgXxW9 ▻ Список игр на канале: bit.ly/offisplay_games .
While True: learn() - 11 | Психология толпы
[Тип]: Прохождение без комментариев на золотую медаль (Золото) [Игра]: While True: learn() [Задача]: Психология толпы [Жанр .
while True: learn() - симулятор визуального программирования с приятной графикой и подробным обучением. Здесь вам .
"Психология толпы" 6/6 блоков - while True: learn()
Прохождение уровня на золото.
Medx | while True: learn() | Gold Medal
Medx - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка симулятор визуального программирования с приятной .
while True: learn() - симулятор визуального программирования с приятной графикой и подробным обучением. Здесь вам .
while True: learn() полное прохождение
Полное прохождение игры на стриме 08.06.2018. Игра находится в разработке и будущие версии будут содержать .
Кибер инициатива / Cyber Initiative | while True: learn() | Gold Medal
Кибер инициатива / Cyber Initiative - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка симулятор визуального .
Завод "Metal Gear Construction" / "Metal Gear Construction" factory | while True: learn() | Gold
Завод "Metal Gear Construction" / "Metal Gear Construction" factory - прохождение на золото. while True: learn() - головоломка .
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