We were here together прохождение
Прохождение игры We Were Here
Как пройти игру?
Как играть за библиотекаря
Первый квест – Таблица с глазами
Ожидаем, пока назовут цвета глаз, называем символы слева на право – их два.
Второй квест – Картина
Дверь в галерею – ожидаем описание животного на картине, находим его, называем три символа под картиной.
Третий квест – Комната с водой
Открывает дверь в подвал – забегаем и крутим вентили так, чтобы получить нужный цвет:
- Фиолетовый (Purple) – синий и красный
- Оранжевый (Orange) – желтый и красный
- Зеленый (Green) – желтый и синий
Четвертый квест – Лабиринт
Пятый квест – Шахматы
В кинотеатре на втором этаже берем фильм, вставляем, ожидаем электричества, крутим вентиль по часовой стрелке, нажимаем на кнопку, смотрим и читаем последовательность.
Шестой квест – Комната с пиками
Ищем книгу с нужными символами на обложке, открываем и читаем ходы.
Седьмой квест – Театр
Забираемся на сцену слева, слушаем граммофон, слышим, что нужно двигать. Главное успеть, пока день не дошла до Вас.
В конце прыгаем в люк.
Как играть за исследователя (бегуна)
Первый квест – Таблица с глазами
Берем рацию, говорим библиотекарю цвета глаз слева направо. Слушаем библиотекаря и нажимаем нужные символы.
Второй квест – Комната с картиной
Говорим библиотекарю изображение на карте, получаем в ответ 3 символа, чтобы разместить их над картиной.
Третий квест – Комната с водой
Над дверью написан цвет. Говорим его библиотекарю – он крутит вентили.
Четвертый квест – Лабиринт
Нажимаем рычаги в порядке – Синий, Зеленый, Синий, Красный, Синий, Зеленый.
Пятый квест – Шахматы
Справа у частей генератора, нужно три раза попасть в зеленый отрезок, затем в левой части крутим ручку по часовой стрелке. Помощник посмотрит фильм и расскажет, в каком порядке расположить фигуры.
Полное прохождение и решение всех головоломок
Список головоломок
2:12 - Головоломка с глазами / символами
5:38 - Головоломка с картиной и символами
8:28 - Головоломка с вентилями и водой
11:30 - Головоломка с лабиринтом и рычагами
21:35 - Головоломка с шахматами
27:50 - Головоломка с плитами и книгами
28:55 - Головоломка с Театром (сценой)
У каждого игрока должен быть рабочий микрофон, совместимый с ПК.
Вам грозит смертельная опасность, и вдруг вы замечаете вдалеке огромное сооружение, которое возвышается среди беспощадной бури. У вас нет выбора, и вы решаете попасть в это таинственное место, но оказываетесь заперты… Удастся ли вам найти выход?
О канале
Всем привет это Айс, он же Василий Хрусталёв
На этом канале вы увидите видео по играм и кинофильмам, а если конкретнее то: прохождения,
гайды, советы, рекомендации, обзоры фильмов, стримы Хоррор Найт и не|годное кино.
Для более удобной навигации воспользуйтесь плейлистами.
График публикаций видео: вторник, четверг 15:00 мск, а так же одно видео публикуется в воскресенье в 13:00 мск
Периодически на канале выходят внеплановые ролики, будем называть их бонусными.
Помимо видео, каждую пятницу на канале проходит мероприятие под названием Horror night, это стрим посвящённый прохождению, или игре в страшную игру.
Ключевые направления на канале.
1) F1 2017 (Формула 1)
2) Forza motorsport 7 (форза 7)
3) Hearthstone (Хартстоун)
4) Heroes of the Storm (Герои Шторма / Hots / Хотс)
5) Xcom 2 (Икс ком 2)
6) Horror games (Страшные игры)
7) Indie games (Инди игры)
8) Не|Годное Кино (юмористические обзоры)
Our first mission is to find 5 valves to open all doors around the house. So lets go!
First Valve
Second Valve
Third Valve
Fourth Valve
Fifth Valve
Now go on top of the house and you can find a signal transmitter. Thats the same that you can find inside the house. So one of you stay on top, the other go down in the house.
The player on the roof must select the frequency at which a line of a different color will be displayed on the screen. There are only two buttons for this. Choose a wave on which there will be another line and tell the second player below how it looks and how much it needs to be changed.
Two players need to match only 4 waves. 3 will be musical, and the latter is just with a voice transmitting coordinates. After that, both players go to the room with the great map on the wall.
When you stand in front of the big map, think of the radio messages you hear the whole time in the house.
You can see in front of the map two levers that are responsible for the coordinates. One lever per player. Holding the lever you make the slider, which is located in the lower left corner of the map, move. You need to extend this slider to the three places marked with a circle (you have not marked them yet).
When the slider reaches one mark, it again moves to the beginning. If you mark an unnecessary place, you will hear a characteristic signal of failure and all marks will disappear.
If one player turns the camera away from the lever, the slider will return to the beginning.
The first player must go to the tank near the car, and the second to run to the other two tanks, which are outside the house (you opend that door with valve number 4).
Both of you must reach number 6 at the maschine in the garage.
Inside you have the following numbers
Outside on the leavers you can pull the following numbers
The player on the street should pull the lever with the number 7 on both tanks. And the player near the car pulls the lever with the number 8.
You see now an old, broken mine with a lot of wodden elevators.
The special thing about it is, that they are paired on both sides and their feature is that lifting one elevator on the left side, you lower the other on the right side.
Go on the following steps to pass this puzzle
- Two players first approach two elevators (diamond mark) and turn in. These elevators are needed to introduce players to the rule of the puzzle.
- Next, the player on the right steps onto the elevator with the dynamite mark. The player on the left side enters the dynamite elevator from his side and goes down 2 times, lifting the same elevator on the right.
- The player on the right goes along the roof of the elevator further on and turns left to this elevator and takes him up 1 time. He leaves it and goes back to the elevator with dynamite.
- The player on the left lifts the elevator with dynamite, lowering the right. The player on the right goes into the elevator with the mine car mark and rises to the very top. It goes along the roof of the elevator with pickaxeto the next elevator with the dinosaur skull. Lowers it 1 time. Next, the player on the right returns to the elevator with a pickaxe, lowers it 1 time and returns to the elevator with a dinosaur skull.
- The player on the left side goes to the elevator with the mark and rises to the very top and through the roof of the elevator with the pickaxe goes to the elevator with the dinosaur skull.
Both players take turns going up to the cave passages and find 2 levers. They must be simultaneously held to open the gate to the cave and go to the next chapter.
P1 goes into the passage to the left, and P2 closes it by pulling the red lever on the right. P1 goes to the blue lever.
The only thing you see is a big abyss and the beginning of a bridge. In this puzzle, one of the players builds a bridge through the mechanism in the cave, and the other steps on it.
Go on the right way and you can enter a small, dark cave. Having entered the cave,activate the lever on the left in order for the mechanism to work. After that, clicks on the mechanism itself.
The bridge is built with the correct arrangement of characters one after another. The same symbols are on every part of the bridge. First, the player in the cave must line up the signs so that a line can be drawn through them.
Star (center) -> Sun -> Moon -> Jupiter -> Stars -> Universe
The player on the bridge goes on it successively stepping on each sign.
Keep in mind that after the part with the Stars, the bridge is divided into two parts. The player on the bridge must go to the left to the part with the Universe and stand there until the player in the cave rebuilds the bridge.
The player must now mentally draw a line starting from the universe.
Universe -> Stars -> Comet -> Eclipse -> Moon -> Sun
The player starts from the Universe to go to the Stars and turns to the part of the bridge with the Comet. If the player in the cave correctly placed the characters, then the player on the bridge will not have difficulty passing the bridge to the end.
Watch out, if you break the line by moving the symbol aside,the bridge will lower and the player will fall on it!
Each player start in different locations, each of which has the image of a chessboard. They are combined.One of the player can put spheres with elements on the baord and the second can draw lines between them.
On the left and right side of the wall you will find a note with combinations to solve the riddle
To solve it, you need to do as shown in the screenshot.
One player will have a round plate and settings marked with colored lines on the wall. The second player will have poles there that are wired. In the middle is a table with a lever that supplies electricity and capsules with the same colored lines as the second player.
They must be inserted into the post in the correct order.
The player with the pillars needs to place the capsules from the entrance to the end so that the sequence is the same as the second player on the plate.
Starting with blue blue.
- blue blue
- red blue
- 1 yellow
- yellow green
- 1 blue
- red green
Be care, this riddle is limited in time. The longer you decide, the lower the large ball in the pillar room falls. When it touches the water, the player in this room will die and the riddle will have to be started new.
First, for both rooms, look arround and collect 4 pieces of pipe. These are necessary to the installation because it will be necessary to transmit flames of a certain color. The task is to arrange the pipes so that there are no leaks in any of the rooms.It is also necessary to fill three tanks with green, orange and purple flames. While in one of the rooms there is a lever for supplying a red flame, and in the other two levers for yellow and blue.
Beginn with what color you like.
To do this, pull the yellow and blue levers and arrange three slots in two rooms of the pipe. Slots can be rotated, and pipes can be changed among themselves. This will be needed in the future.
The symbols below indicate the types of pipes and their location in the slots.
Single lever room: ┫┛━
Room with two levers: ━ ┓┣
We turn off the blue lever in one room, and turn on the red in the other room. After that, we change the pipes in the slots.
Single lever room: ┓x ━ (x = no pipe)
A room with two levers: x┏ ━ (x = no pipe)
Turn off the yellow lever and turn on the blue. We change the pipes.
Single lever room: ┻ ┛━
Room with two levers: ━ ┓┏
If you activate the valve, water flows in and the stairs on the side turn.
If you can not see well because of the water level, hop! That can help for a short time.
The player in the fountain needs to gradually climb the stairs, which the second player will rotate in parts in his room through a special mechanism (First screen).
Each of the stairs refers to a specific symbol.
These symbols are also indicated on the ceiling above the fountain. This is a symbol of the Comet.
As a result, we have the following arrangement on the mechanism:
- Top Left → Jupiter
- Left → Stars
- Upper Right → Sun
- Bottom Left → Big Star
- Right → Moon
It is in this sequence that they will need to be rotated. This is done by laying a line of gears from the center to the desired ladder. If this line touches the red gears, the line will not rotate the ladder.
Listen to the second player, he will talk when it will be necessary to rotate the ladder, and when it will be necessary to stop.
There are fixed tiers between tiers with symbols, they must be reached on the stairs of the marked tier. The last tier will need to be tightened before exiting the reservoir
On the right of the room you stand in a old greenhouse. So its time to brew a few potions!
In one room with a reservoir there are three taps with fluids of three colors: green, orange and purple. There is also a small garden where you need to grow fruits, seed bags and scoops are scattered throughout the garden. You must take the necessary seeds and plant them on the bed and watered it with the correct liquid.
Here are the recipes from another player’s room:
In the other room can you find all the equipment. One device with two slots and the other with three. We need a dual-slot. Based on recipes, combine the ingredients here.
The rooms of two players are connected by rails with trolleys. They are needed to transfer resources for potions to each other. One puts objects in a trolley and presses a lever. Another picks up these items and uses them for their intended purpose.
You need to brew the following poisons to create one, deadly poison to defeat the carnivorous plant.
Having received all three potions, they need to be folded into another device with three slots. After receiving the black potion, you need to fill it in the sprayer, which lies on the table next to the recipes in the same room in which you received the potion. The device must be transferred to another player, and he, in turn, must spray them on a huge plant that stores a second stone. The stone must be taken.
The order in which the books must be found does not matter!
You can not do anything with these objects except to place them seemingly randomly in the room.
Your partner have also this items in his room. Place all 4 at the same position as in the other room. After that, a box will open on the second floor of both rooms in the corner. Both players must take a book from there.
One of you can collect paintings that depict strange animals. The second player must explain where they are located. The first player must place the collected pictures in the indicated places.
One of the paintings does not contain an animal, but a man (the portrait differs from that in the other room). Put it in place to the left of the door.
After completing the task, one picture on the stairs will open. There will be a book.
In the middle of the rooms there is a candle holder. Only one player can light candles. The second player should tell what candles they have on.
After that, the box with the book under the candle holder will open.
On the pedestal near the stairs there is a spherical purple device, it glows when the first player approaches certain crystals. There are 5 of it in the room and you need to light them all.
If the first player approaches the crystal, and the second ball flashes quickly, it means that it must be activated. If you activate the wrong crystal, then all others will be canceled.
After execution, a box with a book will open under the ball
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