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Posted by EscapeGames24
Used s1 circle clues on cross in S2
I should know better than to play a live FEG.
Stuff behind vases.
And take the left vase.
And shake it for a slingshot.
Shake bush in S1 and it poops a rock.
Got slingshot from Jar
wow My comments is going through really slow
Missing 1 circle and 1 triangle.
Use slingshot (once you get the rock from using the staff) on eagle. It flies into a net and you pluck one feather. Poor bird.
broom in S2 (right corner)
Yep, missing one of each as well, after seeing the piece in the zoom view of the circle.
Ooh, more stuff in S1. Tops of both columns do things. Use that bit of chain in the left one.
Ball and chain used in first scene gave me last coin
The Eagle has a very faint color code for coins
Another silver medallion in S2 up at top, just below link to other game.
Ok I restarted the game and Now it worked. Placed slingshot on barrel and got the feather from bird.
Check locked chest for a hint
Use paper hint and round flower on box first scene
used chain on pedestal and it game a yellow diamond
And game froze up after that ?
Oh well Gl EV1 I will wait till they fix it .
Gika use that gem under squares
Lurker pick axe gets ball and chain
placed yellow diamond on scene2= square
Thanks Bandy just did that
bandy, same happened to me
my colors from the bird is not working
had to zoom out and back in for it to work
bandy same here
AO No worries as the game is bugged LOL
Use feather to open box in my inventory
Got glass from box. Used rock on glass= wipe. Used wipe on pedestal in scene 1
This comment has been removed by the author.used slingshot/rock on barrel. gone from inventory.
This comment has been removed by the author.Thrynn I did the same thing. Your bird should be gone too. It is stuck on a net in the same scene up Right
My flower thing also froze. I restarted the game
Ok so after I used stick on jar scene 2=clutch
Used clutch on barrel scene 3 (scene with bird)= sword + silver flower.
Used sword on box far right scene= Silver flower
and my last flower was hidden on a panel above where you place yellow diamond
I will try 1 more time the flower thing. I got 5 silver flower
Some after trying the flower again with all 5 flower coins it FROZE. sooooo I am not even going to bother anymore
thanks again, Gika. will move on
thanks again, Gika. will move on
I think it was GRBP
Yep. Froze here too. Bummer.
Likewise. Nice game until the rotating puzzle froze.
Wth? Froze up after I lasered the first medallion. Programmer, test your game before you release it! All this work for nothing.
I tried too, at the flower(s) from the cube the game froze. I watched the WT, I saw that those lines should remain on the flower. In my case happened nothing. And at the end it simply froze.
The game was nice and pretty challenging, it could have 4 stars, but I find unacceptable programming faults. The game should have been checked BEFORE release.
Such a pity that the game was buggy in the end!
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PG Warrior Dog Escape Game Walkthrough
There was a dog lived in a beautiful and magnificent forest. That warrior dog was roaming around the forest. Then, there was a palace that is in the center of the forest. And the warrior dog accidentally got stuck in a cave of that palace. Your duty is to save that dog from there. It will help you find all the hinges that are hidden there to save you from that warrior. The dog which can found all the hidden clues that hidden there and you are happy to win the game. The tricks in this game are a little harder to find, but somehow it might be a matter of interest. The game is very desirable. Good luck and have a lot of fun!
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Date added: 2021-09-30
Tags: Games2Jolly Wow Escape 8BGames Games2escape Genie Fun Games Games2Rule Genie Fun Games Palani Games Escape Games escape Games PG games PG Warrior Dog Escape Game Walkthrough PG Warrior Dog Escape Game PG Warrior Dog Escape PG Warrior Dog Warrior Dog Escape Game Walkthrough Warrior Dog Escape Game Warrior Dog Escape Warrior Dog Dog Escape Game Walkthrough Dog Escape Game Dog Escape Dog PG Dog Escape Game Walkthrough PG Dog Escape Game PG Dog Escape PG Dog
Warrior Dog Escape is brand new escape game from Palani Games. Enjoy!
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Игра «Dead or Alive 5: Last Round» - это финальная версия знаменитой «Dead or Alive 5», в которой игроку предоставляют возможность сразиться с соперником в жестоком рукопашном бою. Игра исполнена в лучших традициях подобного жанра. Интуитивно понятная боевая система устроит каждого игрока. Фанаты серии игр «Dead or Alive» привыкли к уже стандартным 32 персонажам, каждый из которых обладает чем-то особенным, уникальным. Разработчики «Dead or Alive 5: Last Round» решили нарушить эту закономерность и добавили еще двух бойцов, что делает выбор героев в «Dead or Alive 5» самым большим за всю историю этой игровой серии. И это еще не все. Вслед за персонажами, разработчики решили придумать две новые игровые локации, две арены, на которых игрок будет доказывать свое мастерство.
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Игра «Dead or Alive 5: Last Round» - это финальная версия знаменитой «Dead or Alive 5», в которой игроку предоставляют возможность сразиться с соперником в жестоком рукопашном бою. Игра исполнена в лучших традициях подобного жанра. Интуитивно понятная боевая система устроит каждого игрока. Фанаты серии игр «Dead or Alive» привыкли к уже стандартным 32 персонажам, каждый из которых обладает чем-то особенным, уникальным. Разработчики «Dead or Alive 5: Last Round» решили нарушить эту закономерность и добавили еще двух бойцов, что делает выбор героев в «Dead or Alive 5» самым большим за всю историю этой игровой серии. И это еще не все. Вслед за персонажами, разработчики решили придумать две новые игровые локации, две арены, на которых игрок будет доказывать свое мастерство.
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