War thunder миг 15 гайд
МиГ-3-15 (БК)советский перехватчик место II с рейтингом битвы 2,3 (AB/RB) и 2,0 (SB). Он был введен в обновлении 1.37.
Основная цель, использование и тактика рекомендации
Общие стиль игры
МиГ-3-15 (КИ) является ранг II перехватчика в линии Mig/I-185. Из этого следует MiG-3, и отличается лишь в дополнительном non-synchronized подвешенного вооружения. Он вооружен 2x ШКАС 7,62 MGS и 3x Березин UB MGs 12,7 мм. Она также имеет twin-row Микулин AM-35A двигатель Sporting 1,350 лошадиных сил.
Будучи борцом с рядным двигателем отличает MiG-3 сильно от своих предшественников, линий I-16 Исхака, и они имеют очень разные стили игры. MiG-3 является отличным рано БНЗАМИ бойца, и должен использоваться соответствующим образом.
Характеристики транспортного средства
Многие игроки жалуются на легкой природе вооружения на не только Mig-3, но и Mig-3-15. В основном это сводится к личным предпочтениям.
Mig-3-15 является относительно уникальным из-за того, что она имеетНаибольшее количество Березин UB MGs в качестве основного вооружения любого самолета в войне Thunder, Для того, чтобы поставить это в перспективе, сравнить эффективность Березина на поджаривание М2. Березин UB имеет более тяжелый раунд из-за большую длину (12,7 х 108 мм по сравнению с 12,7 мм х 99mm), таким образом, который дает ему более высокую начальную скорость пули, а также. Кроме того, скорость огонь Березин UB быстрее при температуре около 900-950 оборотов в минуту (по сравнению с примерно 850 оборотов в минуту с M2). Кроме того, Березин имеет доступ к cermet-core раундов, которые дают ему лучшее проникновение.
Поэтому, в зависимости от того, пользуются ли вы больший запас патронов или более слабый игрок, который предпочитает опрыскивание за принятие тщательно прицеливаясь, то Mig-3-15 может быть самолет для вас, или он не может (с точки зрения вооружения).
Даже в АРКАДА, то Mig-3-15 относительно уступает большинству конкурентов. Его BR 2,3 ставит его бойцов, таких как A6M2-N, F4F, и даже ранней як линии. Тем не менее, высокая производительность высоты один искупающая аспект, как его максимальная скорость, а также скорость уровня. Используйте это в ваших интересах, и БНР является очень эффективным и БНЗ является do-able, а также. Вооружение в AB на самом деле весьма эффективным. В Березин UB MGs более эффективны для низведения любого бойца, но может бороться с более крупными и более быстрыми бомбардировщиками, такими как A-20. В большинстве аспектов Березин UB является более эффективным и универсальным, чем М2 калибра 0,5 поджаривания MG. Как преемник I-16 и, в конечном счете, сам по I-185, то Mig-3-15 является отличным Bnz боец. Как ни странно (для плоскости Россияn), он имеет более высокую производительность на большую высоту, чем это делает при низких альтах из-за специализированным high-altitude двигатель означал для устранения проблем Mig-1 (не в War Thunder). Кроме того, он имеет хорошую скорость набора высоты и отличную скорость для BR 2.3. Начало матча забравшись довольно high- 3-4 км должно быть достаточно в зависимости от ваших оппонентов (бипланы или BFS). Оттуда вы можете либо сделать работу бомбардировщиков или истребителей lower-altitude. Скорость Ролл средний в то время как срок службы также в среднем на плоскости в 2.3. Высокая скорость делает БНР (Boom и запустить) маневрирует ветер.Вооружение, хотя считается слабым некоторыми игроками, может быть чрезвычайно смертельным, если они используются правильно. Стремитесь к крыльям and/or двигателя всех самолетов, бомбардировщика или истребитель. Березин UB очень эффективен при использовании трейсеров (Apit) или наземных целей (с фантастическими металлокерамических основных раундов).
Посетите раздел "Armament" для получения более подробной информации.
Видимость довольно бедна из-за отсутствия хорошего навеса. Тем не менее, большинство других самолетов в этом БРАХ или аналогичных не имеют хорошую видимость либо. Используйте ту же тактику, как описано на вкладке RB.В целом, Mig-3-15 (КИ) является эффективная энергия истребителем из-за его высокую скорость, скороподъемность и ускорения. Он предвещает, что должны произойти в следующей большой войне Гром БНЗАХ fighter- в I-185.
МиГ-15это место V советский реактивный истребитель с рейтингом битвы 9,0 (AB/RB/SB). Она была введена в обновлении 1.35. Основное различие между этим и кМиГ-15бис являются слабее производительность двигателя и автоматической пушки NR-23 20мм.
Основная цель, использование и тактика рекомендации
Общие стиль игры
Характеристики транспортного средства
Верх советской авиационной линии, серия МиГ-15 является одним из самых знаковых проектов реактивного истребителя самолетов из после Второй Мировая войно. Начисление своей репутации на известности в небе над кореей против своего американского современникаF-86 Saber.
Конкретные враги стоит отметить
Наступательные вооружения
- 1 х 37 мм N-37D Пушка, нос установлен (40 рпг)
- 2 х 23 мм NS-23 Пушка, нос установлен (80 рпг=160 всего)
- Без нагрузки
- 2 х 100 кг FAB-100 (кованые)бомбы
- 2 х 250 кг FAБ-250M43 бомбы
- 64 мм Пуленепробиваемых стекол в кабине спереди.
- 10 мм стальной пластины в передней части пилота-сигнала в носе.
- 6 мм стальной плиты в pilot's сиденье.
- 10 мм стальной плиты позади головы pilot's.
Двигатель мобильности &
- Взлет thrust:2047.2 кг (со), 2260,7 кг (модернизированный)
- Mass:872 кг
- Взлет thrust:2026.9 кг (со), 2150 кг (модернизированный)
- Mass:872 кг
- Взлет thrust:2026.9 кг (со), 2150 кг (модернизированный)
- Mass:872 кг
- Max speed:1009 km/h
- на height:at уровне моря
- Max speed:1067 km/h
- на height:at уровне моря
- Max speed:975 km/h
- на height:at уровне моря
- Max speed:1050 km/h
- на height:at уровне моря
- Max speed:975 km/h
- на height:at уровне моря
- Max speed:1050 km/h
- на height:at уровне моря
Мощность, граф
Упорный граф
Модули и усовершенствования
История создания и использования боевой
Начало службы между 1949-50, то МиГ-15 сделал свой оперативный боевой дебют в Кореяn войны, полностью превосходя первого поколения реактивных истребителей сил ООН, какF-80 а также F-84. отличная скорость самолета МиГ в скороподъемность, высокая скорость работы и смертельного оружия превзошла первые самолеты и был брошен вызов только прибытиемСевероамериканский F-86 Saber. В то время, сабля была единственным самолет способна эффективно бороться с МИГ в воздушном бое и пара стала синонимом конфликта.
С 1950 года МиГ-15 позже был разработан в модель Bis, показывая новый двигатель, изменения вооружения и незначительные общие улучшения, однако самолет в конечном счете приведет к развитию МиГ-17. МиГ-15 был также чрезвычайно успешный экспорт самолетов, эксплуатируемых бесчисленными таких стран, как Польша, Чехословакия,Восточная Германия, Китай, Северная Корея и Вьетнам, чтобы назвать только некоторые из них. Лицензионные построенные версии МиГ-15 существовали такие как китайский J-2, Чешская S-102/3 и польского Lim-1.
МиГ-15 является истинной иконой авиации и предоставит опытные пилот с внушительным верхним уровнем реактивного истребителем при использовании его сильных сторон, будучи более чем матч с любым другим самолетом в игре.
The MiG-15 is a rank V Soviet jet fighter with a battle rating of 8.7 (AB) and 8.3 (RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.35. The main differences between this aircraft and the MiG-15bis are weaker engine performance and NR-23 23 mm autocannons.
General info
The MiG-15's instrument panel.Flight performance
Air brakes Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps at 0 m 1 050 km/h Turn time 22 s Max altitude 15 500 m Engine Klimov RD-45F Cooling system Air Take-off weight 5 tThe MiG-15, while being a successor of the MiG-9, uses swept wings which provide better performance at transonic speed. The other difference is the use of a single engine, the Klimov RD-45F. The plane is able to reach 1050 km/h at sea level and 994 km/h at 9000 m, it makes the plane's speed very comparable with other jets at a similar battle rating. The climb rate is very high: with full fuel tanks it reaches 42 m/s and the plane can climb from sea level up to 5000 m in slightly above 2 minutes. The acceleration is also great, thrust to weight ration when the plane is fully loaded is 0.44, which is significantly better compared to the F-86A, one of its main competitors, the plane also keeps its speed very well, especially at high speed. The engine can start overheating after prolonged flying at 100% of power, but it is quite easy to cool down, although when that happens it will keep overheating after switching back to max power so when it possible it should be reduced to 95% or lower.
The MiG-15's weight is very low in comparison to other jet fighters from similar era, it is only
4700 kg and along with quite good wings aerodynamics and wing loading it makes the plane very manoeuvrable at low and medium speeds and makes it a very dangerous foe to any other plane when it comes to dogfighting, the only thing that slightly drags this plane down is its high speed turn rate, which is very underwhelming. The MiG-15 locks up at lot after reaching subsonic speeds and its rolling performance, which is already very average at medium and low speeds, gets very bad at high speed. It is also equipped with an airbrake that can help a lot with slowing down and it situations to make the enemy plane overshoot. Flaps while do not have very high speed limit can still make the turn fight at medium and low speed easier, as they increase turn rate by up to
10% at a cost of increased drag.
When flying with simulator controls, it is very pleasant to fly: trimming is almost not required when the plane travels at high speed, insufficient roll rate can be improved by using the rudder, but that can also make it slow down. The plane can be stalled out even at high speed, but its stalling characteristics are not violent, it starts to spin very slowly and can be easily recovered from that state.
Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 0 m - sea level)Max altitude
(metres)Turn time
(seconds)Rate of climb
(metres/second)Take-off run
(metres)AB RB AB RB AB RB Stock 1,009 975 15500 22.4 23.7 34.2 32.5 600 Upgraded 1,067 1,050 22.8 22.1 50.8 42.0 Details
Features Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear Drogue chute X ✓ ✓ ✓ X X Limits Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G Combat Take-off Landing + - 1132 450 N/A 598 450 Engine performance
Engine Aircraft mass Engine name Number Empty mass Wing loading (full fuel) Klimov RD-45F 1 3,508 kg 229 kg/m 2 Engine characteristics Mass with fuel (no weapons load) Max Takeoff
WeightWeight (each) Type 10m fuel 20m fuel 30m fuel 33m fuel 872 kg Centrifugal-flow turbojet 3,875 kg 4,241 kg 4,608 kg 4,718 kg 5,485 kg Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB / SB) Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (100%) Condition 100% WEP 10m fuel 20m fuel 30m fuel 33m fuel MTOW Stationary 2,086 kgf N/A 0.54 0.49 0.45 0.44 0.38 Optimal 2,086 kgf
(0 km/h)N/A 0.54 0.49 0.45 0.44 0.38 Survivability and armour
Crew 1 person Speed of destruction Structural 1 132 km/h Gear 450 km/h- 64 mm Bulletproof glass in the cockpit front
- 10 mm Steel plate in front of the pilot in the nose
- 6 mm Steel plate in pilot's seat
- 10 mm Steel plate behind the pilot's head
Modifications and economy
Repair cost Basic → Reference AB 2 650 → 3 437 RB 5 790 → 7 509 SB 9 950 → 12 905 Total cost of modifications 99 100 Talisman cost 2 100 Crew training 90 000 Experts 310 000 Aces 1 700 Research Aces 720 000 Reward for battle AB / RB / SB Modifications Fuselage repair Compressor Wings repair ns23_belt_pack ns23_new_gun ns37_belt_pack n37_new_gunArmaments
Offensive armament
Ammunition 40 rounds Fire rate 400 shots/min Ammunition 160 rounds Fire rate 600 shots/minThe MiG-15 is armed with:
- 1 x 37 mm N-37D cannon, nose-mounted (40 rpg)
- 2 x 23 mm NS-23 cannons, nose-mounted (80 rpg = 160 total)
Both the N-37D and the NS-23 cannons have the muzzle velocity of 690 m/s.
Suspended armament
Number of setups 2 List of setups Setup 1 2 x 100 kg FAB-100M-43 bomb Setup 2 2 x 250 kg FAB-250M-46 bombThe MiG-15 can be outfitted with the following ordnance:
- Without load
- 2 x 100 kg FAB-100M-43 bombs (200 kg total)
- 2 x 250 kg FAB-250M-46 bombs (500 kg total)
Usage in battles
At higher ranks of the Soviet aviation line, the MiG-15 series is one of the most iconic jet fighter aircraft designs from after the Second World War. Earning its reputation on fame over the skies of Korea against its US contemporary, the F-86 Sabre.
The MiG-15 can be researched from its predecessor, the MiG-9/L. The MiG-15 features a powerful cannon arrangement of 2 x 23 mm and 1x 37 mm, excellent high altitude performance and is highly effective in vertical manoeuvres. Unlike the MiG-9, the MiG-15 is also the first Soviet jet aircraft to feature an air brake which is extremely useful in combat situations. The jet fighter does, however, have its downsides. The lack of an "All-flying tailplane" (such as that featured on the Sabre) leads to less control over the aircraft at higher speeds approaching 1,000 km/h. While the MiG is initially faster in acceleration by comparison to the Sabre, this does mean that once both aircraft are up at higher speeds, the Sabre will hold some advantages over the MiG-15. It should be noted that if you load 8 minutes of fuel instead of the regular (for most pilots) 20, it drastically improves your performance. However, this is not recommended to be done at the beginning of the match as most matches last longer than 8 minutes, and should instead be done when you land mid-match.
The combination of 37 mm and 23 mm cannons creates aiming issues for pilots not familiar with their ballistic properties or velocity. Due to the size of these cannons, ammunition pools are restricted by comparison to other top tier jet aircraft. To help compensate the two different trajectories of the armament, it is recommended to use 'rolling' manoeuvres, as the rudder may lock in high speeds. To aim with these cannons, it is best to estimate the lead with the experience built up with planes beforehand (ie.: Yak-9T / La-9) and add extra distance over the estimated lead (about double from the estimated).
Once pilots have learned to use the MiG-15s excellent rate of climb, acceleration and high altitude capabilities to their advantage, the downsides of the aircraft are far less significant than the positives. In the right hands, the MiG-15 can be a devastating combatant, capable of dealing with any aircraft in game swiftly. Teamwork, Squads and communication will also be beneficial when flying the MiG-15 as effective coordination between multiple pilots allow you to use this aircraft to its maximum potential. After mastering the MiG-15, you can research its improved variant, the MiG-15Bis. As the MiG-15 is essentially a slightly merged MiG-15bis, it shares much of its performance issues and abilities.
Pros and cons
- Flaps can be deployed at high speeds
- Capable and useful air brake
- High rate of climb
- Great acceleration
- Deadly armament capable of making snapshots
- Excellent energy retention
- Quite good turn rate compared to other subsonic jets
- Abysmal roll rate
- Compression at high speeds
- Extremely challenging to use when stock
- Armament is difficult to use (low velocities, low ammo and two different trajectories)
- Guns tend to do an insufficient amount of damage quite often
- No G-suit, so maintaining control is difficult when turning at high speeds
- The plane cannot use any rockets, it is limited to bombs only
- Poor forward visibility in simulator, as a large canopy frame and the gunsight block the top and bottom
First taking to the air in December of 1947, the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 jet fighter aircraft came as a massive shock to the west when it appeared in the skies over Korea in the early 1950s. The swept-wing fighter quickly proved itself as a capable and effective combat aircraft and forged a fearsome reputation.
The prototype I-310 was designed around the British Rolls Royce Nene engine which was purchased under license from Great Britain as the RD-45. Featuring sleek swept-back wings, tricycle undercarriage and the same armament as its predecessor, the MiG-9, in the form of 2 x 23mm NS-23 cannons (Later replaced by NR-23 cannons in the MiG-15Bis model) and a single 37mm N-37D cannon all mounted centrally under the nose intake. The new aircraft was designed as an interceptor with heavy armament capable of quickly taking out bomber formations and was one of the most advanced aircraft in the world at the time.
Entering service between 1949-50, the MiG-15 made its operational combat debut in the Korean War, completely outclassing the first-generation jet fighter aircraft of the UN forces such as the F-80 and F-84. The MiG's excellent rate of climb, high-speed performance and deadly weaponry proved superior to the early jets and was only challenged by the arrival of the North American F-86 Sabre. At the time, the Sabre was the only aircraft capable of effectively combating the MiG in aerial combat and the pair became synonymous with the conflict.
From 1950, the MiG-15 was later developed into the Bis model, featuring a new engine, armament changes and minor overall improvements. However, the aircraft would ultimately lead to the development of the MiG-17. The MiG-15 was also a hugely successful export aircraft, operated by many nations such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, China, North Korea and Vietnam to name but a few. Licence built versions of the MiG-15 also existed such as the Chinese J-2, Czech S-102/3 and Polish Lim-1.
The MiG-15 is a true icon of aviation and will provide experienced pilots with an impressive top tier jet fighter when employed to its strengths, being more than a match to any other aircraft in the game.
In-game description
After World War II was over, the leaders of the USSR realized that they were behind the leading states of the world in the sphere of jet aircraft construction, most notably in the full-scale production of turbojet engines. Consequently, a delegation including the designers A. I. Mikoyan and V. Y. Klimov was sent to Great Britain towards the end of 1946. Their negotiations were successful, resulting in the purchase of two of the most advanced turbojet engines at that time: the Rolls-Royce Derwent Mk.V and the Rolls-Royce Nene I/Nene II. The British consented to sell their newest strategic designs easily enough, since they believed that the Soviet industrial/technological apparatus could not handle the mass production of sophisticated assemblies. However, very soon that the Rolls-Royce engines were launched into full-scale Soviet production under the designations RD-500 and RD-45.
The emergence of the new engines led to the creation of Soviet jet fighters able to compete with the leading models of the world. In 1947, the Mikoyan Design Bureau started the development of a front line fighter with a Nene (RD-45) turbojet engine and an airtight cockpit: the I-310 ("S"). The first S-01 prototype aircraft made its first flight on December 30, 1947, and, after working on the test results, was launched into full-scale production in 1948 under the designation MiG-15. The plane's airframe was an all-metal monoplane configuration with mid-swept wings and empennage. Thus the MiG-15 became the first production swept-wing fighter.
The MiG-15 was equipped with a RD-45F single-shaft turbojet engine rated at 2,270 kg of thrust with a double-entry centrifugal compressor. The plane's armament included a 37mm Nudelman N-37D cannon with 40 rounds and two 23mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23KM guns with 160 rounds in total. The cannons were mounted in the forward fuselage on a lowerable carriage. Two 100-kg or 50-kg bombs could be suspended under the wings. To increase its flight range, the aircraft could carry two external fuel tanks with a capacity ranging from 250 to 600 liters.
The MiG-15 fighter was notable for its simple and reliable structure, high flight and operating characteristics, and powerful armament. Its maximum speed, rate of climb, ceiling, and flight range were the best among Soviet fighters at the time and superior to many foreign aircraft, as well.
The first production MiG-15s with RD-45F engines began to leave the factory floor in early 1949. In 1950, more advanced MiG-15bis fighters replaced them in the factory assembly lines.
Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.
The MiG-15bis is a rank V Soviet jet fighter with a battle rating of 8.7 (AB/SB) and 8.3 (RB). It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27.
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis is an upgraded variant of the MiG-15 jet fighter. It utilises an improved version of the RD-45 (imported British Rolls–Royce Nene) turbojet engine, the Klimov VK-1, for increased performance. The MiG-15bis also has better ground attack capability with underwing hardpoints for bombs and rockets.
General info
The instrument panel on the MiG-15bis.Flight performance
Air brakes Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps at 0 m 1 076 km/h Turn time 20 s Max altitude 15 500 m Engine Klimov VK-1 Cooling system Air Take-off weight 5 tThe MiG-15bis is an improved and definitive MiG-15 version, the main difference is the improved engine, the Klimov VK-1. Its level speed at sea level was increased by 26 km/h to 1,076 km/h, but it is still lower than many other jets like for example the F-86 series. The other noticeable change is a huge improvement of thrust-to-weight ratio which increased the acceleration by
10% and it also has a huge impact on its climb rate, it can reach up to 50 m/s at low altitude with full fuel tanks, making the MiG-15bis one of the best climbing planes compared to other planes at similar battle rating. Like the previous version, it can not fly at max power for too long or it will start overheating. While decreasing the power to 95% or lower will cool it down for a moment, if you increase it back to 100% it will immediately start overheating again.
The manoeuvrability compared to the previous variant is basically the same, while this version is slightly worse at performing horizontal manoeuvres due to increased weight (by
100 kg), it is now better at performing vertical loop and other similar manoeuvres because of the better engine. It struggles against other jets due to its overall poor handling characteristics (poor rudder authority at all speeds, poor roll rate at all speeds). At high speed, it does not suffer as much from compressibility but it is still at best mediocre. The elevator and rudder controls remained the same, so the plane still locks up a lot after reaching transonic speeds. Other features stayed the same: airbrakes help with slowing the plane down when it locks up too much and flaps help significantly increase dogfighting capability at low and medium speeds.
In simulator battles the plane is not hard to fly, while it can be stalled out even at high speed the stalling characteristics are not too violent and it can be easily recovered from any spin or when it is stalled out. The elevator trimming is not required. Its improved roll rate makes it more pleasant to fly, using the rudder to improve it is not that much required in combat situations anymore.
Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 0 m - sea level)Max altitude
(metres)Turn time
(seconds)Rate of climb
(metres/second)Take-off run
(metres)AB RB AB RB AB RB Stock 1,062 1,046 15500 21.0 22.0 41.4 39.8 475 Upgraded 1,087 1,076 20.4 20.7 59.7 50.0 Details
Features Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear Drogue chute X ✓ ✓ ✓ X X Limits Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G Combat Take-off Landing + - 1132 450 N/A 598 450 Engine performance
Engine Aircraft mass Engine name Number Empty mass Wing loading (full fuel) Klimov VK-1 1 3,648 kg 233 kg/m 2 Engine characteristics Mass with fuel (no weapons load) Max Takeoff
WeightWeight (each) Type 8m fuel 20m fuel 28m fuel 892 kg Centrifugal-flow turbojet 3,980 kg 4,478 kg 4,810 kg 5,485 kg Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB / SB) Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (100%) Condition 100% WEP 8m fuel 20m fuel 28m fuel MTOW Stationary 2,450 kgf N/A 0.62 0.55 0.51 0.45 Optimal 2,450 kgf
(0 km/h)N/A 0.62 0.55 0.51 0.45 Survivability and armour
Crew 1 person Speed of destruction Structural 1 132 km/h Gear 450 km/h- 10 mm steel armour plates in front of the cockpit and behind the pilot's head rest.
- 6 mm steel armour under the pilot's seat.
- 64 mm bulletproof front windshield.
- Self-sealing fuel tanks behind the pilot and under the jet engine nozzle.
- Jet engine located in the rear of the aircraft, pilot seated in front.
Modifications and economy
Repair cost Basic → Reference AB 4 900 → 6 757 RB 7 100 → 9 790 SB 9 360 → 12 907 Total cost of modifications 112 600 Talisman cost 2 200 Crew training 110 000 Experts 370 000 Aces 1 800 Research Aces 780 000 Reward for battle AB / RB / SB Modifications Fuselage repair Compressor New boosters Wings repair ns23_belt_pack ns23_new_gun ns37_belt_pack n37_new_gunIt is recommended to obtain the modifications in the following order: Compressor > New boosters > Offensive 37 mm > Wings repair > Engine > G-suit > New 37 mm cannons > Cover > Offensive 23 mm > New 23 mm cannons > Airframe > Fuselage repair > Suspended weapons
Offensive armament
Ammunition 40 rounds Fire rate 400 shots/min Ammunition 160 rounds Fire rate 900 shots/minThe MiG-15bis is armed with:
- 1 x 37 mm N-37D cannon, chin-mounted (40 rpg)
- 2 x 23 mm NR-23 cannons, chin-mounted (80 rpg = 160 total)
In line with its originally designed role of bomber interception, the MiG-15bis is armed with three powerful nose-mounted autocannons. The 37 mm N-37D cannon is particularly noteworthy, as even a small number of hits are usually fatal to any aircraft unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end, with the twin 23 mm NR-23 cannons also being quite respectable in terms of lethality.
The trade-off is that these cannons do not have large ammunition reserves, especially compared to the American planes armed with heavy machine guns, and it is very easy to run out of ammunition without careful aim. In addition, the N-37D has a significantly lower muzzle velocity than the NR-23, with a more pronounced ballistic arc. This makes obtaining hits with both types of cannon at the same time quite challenging; using only the 37 mm or the 23 mm cannons at one time may be more efficient with regards to ammunition usage.
Suspended armament
Number of setups 5 List of setups Setup 1 2 x 100 kg FAB-100M-43 bomb Setup 2 2 x 250 kg FAB-250M-46 bomb Setup 3 16 x S-5K rockets Setup 4 16 x S-5M rockets Setup 5 2 x S-21 rocketsThe MiG-15bis can be outfitted with the following ordnance:
- Without load
- 2 x 100 kg FAB-100M-43 bombs (200 kg total)
- 2 x 250 kg FAB-250M-46 bombs (500 kg total)
- 16 x S-5K rockets
- 16 x S-5M rockets
- 2 x S-21 rockets
The MiG-15bis is capable of carrying up to 500 kg of bombs on underwing hardpoints. While this pales in comparison to the American or British fighter-bombers, it is enough for taking out isolated ground targets, if needed.
The S-5M HE rockets are most effective against light ground units, while the S-5K HEAT rockets are capable of penetrating the top armour of most vehicles.
The massive S-21 rocket has a considerable blast radius, and a single hit on a tank is usually fatal. The rocket may also be set with a distance fuse (up to 1,000 m), which can be very effective against large aircraft, such as bombers, or tightly bunched groups of smaller aircraft.
Usage in battles
In-game, the MiG-15bis fulfils the same role as the MiG-15, primarily serving as an air superiority fighter and bomber interceptor. Armament is substandard in comparison to other countries, relying on low velocity weapons that are highly inaccurate, and situated below the fuselage, aggravating targeting angles during dogfights. It excels in vertical combat manoeuvres, taking advantage of its high thrust-to-weight ratio. The MiG-15bis also has a limited ground attack capability.
The MiG-15bis should be played like the MiG-15, using boom-and-zoom style attacks and keeping your energy high: speed is essential in jet battles. It wouldn't be a bad idea to try head-ons if you know your cannon's ballistics well. The 37 mm and 23 mm combo really help. The plane lacks in roll rate so you will have to watch out for other jets trying to reverse you.
Pros and cons
- Excellent climb rate and acceleration.
- Above average manoeuvrability.
- Good performance at altitude compared to most opponents.
- Powerful main armament, especially effective against bombers.
- Ability to carry massive S-21 rockets, unlike the earlier MiG-15.
- Amazing turn below 800 km/h (520 mph)
- Somewhat slow roll rate.
- Loss of manoeuvrability above Mach 0.9 due to compression.
- Cannons have very a low muzzle velocity, making aiming at fast targets very hard.
- Cannon main armament is mounted very low, and the different ballistics can make aiming even more difficult.
- Limited ammunition capacity.
- Stock guns have an important dispersion and stock belts tend to spark a lot.
- Poor forward visibility in simulator: it has a large canopy frame and the gunsight obstructs the top and bottom.
In-game description
After World War II was over, the leaders of the USSR realized that they were behind the leading states of the world in the sphere of jet aircraft construction, most notably in the full-scale production of turbojet engines. Consequently, a delegation including the designers A. I. Mikoyan and V. Y. Klimov was sent to Great Britain towards the end of 1946. Their negotiations were successful, resulting in the purchase of two of the most advanced turbojet engines at that time: the Rolls-Royce Derwent Mk.V and the Rolls-Royce Nene I/Nene II. The British consented to sell their newest strategic designs easily enough, since they believed that the Soviet industrial/technological apparatus could not handle the mass production of sophisticated assemblies. However, very soon that the Rolls-Royce engines were launched into full-scale Soviet production under the designations RD-500 and RD-45.
The emergence of the new engines led to the creation of Soviet jet fighters able to compete with the leading models of the world. In 1947, the Mikoyan Design Bureau started the development of a front line fighter with a Nene (RD-45) turbojet engine and an airtight cockpit: the I-310 ("S"). The first S-01 prototype aircraft made its first flight on December 30, 1947, and, after working on the test results, was launched into full-scale production in 1948 under the designation MiG-15. The plane's airframe was an all-metal monoplane configuration with mid-swept wings and empennage. Thus the MiG-15 became the first production swept-wing fighter.
The MiG-15 was equipped with a RD-45F single-shaft turbojet engine rated at 2,270 kg of thrust with a double-entry centrifugal compressor. The plane's armament included a 37 mm Nudelman N-37D cannon with 40 rounds and two 23 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23KM guns with 160 rounds in total. The cannons were mounted in the forward fuselage on a lowerable carriage. 2 x 50 or 100 kg bombs could be suspended under the wings. To increase its flight range, the aircraft could carry two external fuel tanks with a capacity ranging from 250 to 600 litres.
The MiG-15 fighter was notable for its simple and reliable structure, high flight and operating characteristics, and powerful armament. Its maximum speed, rate of climb, ceiling, and flight range were the best among Soviet fighters at the time and superior to many foreign aircraft, as well.
The first production MiG-15s with RD-45F engines began to leave the factory floor in early 1949. In 1950, more advanced MiG-15bis fighters replaced them in the factory assembly lines.
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