Vodkin asylum прохождение
I decided to return to the Voidkin asylum and investigate deeper into the monsters and the backstories of them. I even explore the .
How to get Titles in Voidkin Asylum
How to get Titles in voidkin asylum roblox? (read desc)
♪ Read me. ♪ . I will let admin of my channel answer and respond your guys! She's my real admin. ✓ Her name's "Chachu .
-x-Voidkin Asylum-x- Maze Run! (success!)
OPEN ME • ⇐ this was a lot of fun. hehe. 0:00 Waiting for Maze 4:54 Maze Starts 7:55 Alone in White Room 9:12 Beginning of .
The Voidkin Asylum..
Today I play the Voidkin Asylum. I know quite a few of you have been asking for me to play this, so here it is. Also I will be making .
I met Vincent at the Voidkin Asylum
When I saw Vincent in game it wouldn't let me record so I had to take screenshots. I managed to record a little bit at the end where .
Something interesting happened in Voidkin Asylum | Voidkin Asylum Roleplay (Roblox)
The Voidkin Asylum Revamp update!
Investigating The Voidkin Asylum's Creatures
Thanks for watching as it took me a while to find all the information and edit this all, hope you enjoyed it! For more Voidkin Asylum .
Voidkin is the title of the creatures that reside in the realm of the Voidkin Asylum, thus the asylum's name. They are called Voidkin due to being creatures of the Void, the realm that holds the asylum. They are kin with the void, being created and being apart of the realm.
Voidkin are dark creatures, their skin is cold, they're full of a black substance rather than any blood. They all speak the strange and messy language of Vinspeak, the primary language of the void. All voidkin eat meat, Vincent eating specifically human meat. Voidkin can also be created through reincarnation or black needle injection, this is usually practiced on nurses. The black needle injection is used to corrupt a dying and/or dead nurse, it will momentarily put them in a state of unconsciousness to properly take affect. Once it does they become similar to the full-blood voidkin creatures, gaining the charcoal black skin and cold feel to their flesh. They will crave meat too, eating next to nothing else.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Voidkin are a CLOSED species, we are very strict about this. The exception to this is the commissions and adoptable Voidkin you can purchase, along with an open species of voidkin where making oc's is welcomed. These are the Toyhouse Voidkin.
✯ Toyhouse Voidkin ✯
Toyhouse Voidkin are living toys given life in the void, these creatures reside in Vin Asmodeus' dollhouse also known as the Fever Dreamhouse. There are toykin, then there are actual residents of the dollhouse. The two top residents of this realm are Cannedeyes, a doll resident, and Kobo, a corrupted teapot resident. Toykin are very different from Voidkin, they are all much friendlier and naive to the reality of the world they live in. All the creatures are toys, or were toys, before being given life the same way the Voidkin have. Toykin like to play with patients, they're all practically incapable of understanding negative things.
Toykin are also very colorful creatures, most of them have either pastel or neon pallets but not all. Toykin are all very different, strange, and colorful, no two toykin are the same or alike. If you wish to be one there is a channel to submit toykin ideas in the discord.
Some of the commonly known Toykin consist of CannedEyes and Kobo.
❂ Voidkin Subspecies ❂
There are two subspecies to voidkin as well, these creatures are known as Eyelings and Teethlings. Eyelings on one hand are small beings with one big eye as a head, their bodies are small and only consist of little legs. These creatures are often very friendly and are actually kept as pets and companions for residents of the void, they can best be compared to earth's cats. They like to play around, can often fall over, and can be dresses up with accessories and clothing. Some Eyelings even adorn horn-eyelashes.
Teethlings on the other hand are not at all close to as comforting and fun as their eyeball counterparts. Teethling have been discovered as residents of the Crimson Forest, few have been discovered yet but the some that have been found have been dubbed totally untameable. Teethlings are chaotic beings that crave nothing but to bite and chew on things, they will bite you if you try to interact and can be found biting and chewing objects around them. So far only Vin has managed to "tame" a few through unknown means, but has plenty of chew toys and meat laying around her office for them. Teethling still look similar to Eyelings in the aspect of small bodies with legs and no arms. Instead of arms Teethlings will have a small main of fluff around their upper torso. Instead of an eye for a head they have a gaping mouth with rows of sharp teeth/fangs, and horns on their heads. So far only signs of Teethling presence has been spotted around the forests, only few actual spottings. The actual spottings have always resulted in severe injury to the patients unaware.
✪ Community Voidkin ✪
While Voidkin are a closed species they have opened up more, you can purchase various types of voidkin commissions, adoptables, or purchases off of etsy. Read here to learn more about them.
Вам необходимо помочь девушке Анне, которая очнулась в незнакомом убежище, с очень размытыми воспоминаниями. Вскоре, она понимает, что отправной точкой является институт Байерс. Героине начинает мерещиться таинственная девушка, которая даёт дельные советы. Не играет ли воображение с ней злую шутку.
Полное прохождение игры Adventure Escape: Asylum
Первая часть Adventure Escape: Asylum
1. Возьмите скальпель, используйте его, чтобы освободить руки и встать с кровати.
2. У стены справа стоит ящик, откройте дверцы, внутри найдёте перчатки и набор отмычек.
3. Справа от двери висит информация об Анне, изучите листок.
4. Откройте четырехзначным кодом дверь 2853, который был написан на листке из шага 3.
5. Выйдите в коридор, возьмите швабру. Ней вытрите лужу, оденьте перчатки и уберите провод.
6. Отоприте дверь использовав отмычки и выровняв механизм замка в одну прямую линию.
Вторая часть Adventure Escape: Asylum
1. Отыщите две статуэтки собак. Изучите заголовки валяющихся газет.
2. Пройдите в кабинет, две статуэтки на столе и одна в ящике. Почитайте команды на плакате слева.
3. Вернитесь в холл, откройте чемодан кодом 23612, внутри виниловая пластинка.
5. В комнатке на полу сидит женщины, побеседуйте с ней и заберите с пояса ключ-карту.
Третья часть Adventure Escape: Asylum
1. Под лестницей красная дверь, откройте её ключ-картой. Найдите внутри листок с нотами.
2. Слева ящик с инструментами, расставьте их, как показано ниже. Получите шестеренку.
4. Нажмите по подносу, прочитайте листок и наберите в него еды, как показано ниже.
5. Отдайте поднос женщине сидящей на полу, получите ещё листок с нотами.
6. Идите на кухню. Возьмите табуретку. Наведите порядок, разложив яблоки, бананы и печенье на свои места. Соберите по локации ноты. В инвентаре всего их 12.
7. Проследуйте в комнату со сценой. Поставьте табуретку слева от неё. Поместите шестерёнку и верёвку в верхний левый угол сцены. Поднимите занавес.
8. Отыщите на ней подставку с нотами. Добавьте свои листки и соберите цельную страницу, как показано ниже.
9. Идите с ней на кухню к сейфу. Теперь у вас получится подобрать правильную комбинацию. Получите топор.
10. Идите в комнату со сценой. Слева дверь забитая досками, уберите их с помощью найденного инструмента.
Четвёртая часть Adventure Escape: Asylum
2. Вернитесь в гостиную, откройте ящик на столе, расставив правильно розы. Внутри второй кусочек Луны.
3. Пройдите сквозь дверь справа. На полу и столе лежат доски. На другом столе разбросанные гвозди, уберите их находя пары.
4. Вставьте части Луны в середину шкафу, в середине доска.
5. Выйдите во двор, на стене поломанная лестница, добавьте к ней доски, молотком забейте гвозди.
Для продолжения прохождения игры Adventure Escape: Asylum, нажмите по ссылке.
Adventure Escape: Asylum (Murder Mystery Room, Doors, and Floors Point and Click Story!): Walkthrough Guide
- Post published: October 25, 2015
- Post category: Adventure / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Room Escape / Walkthrough
- Post comments: 78 Comments
Adventure Escape: Asylum (Murder Mystery Room, Doors, and Floors Point and Click Story!)
By: Haiku Games
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Adventure Escape: Asylum by Haiku Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Chapter 1, Awakening:
1. Follow the tutorial. Pick up the scalpel and use it to cut yourself free. Then open the cabinet and get the gloves and lock pick. Look at the note on the wall to get a clue, 2854.
3. Use the broom to mop up the blood. Then, use the gloves to pick up the exposed wire.
4. Use the lock pick set to open the door and continue to the next chapter.
Click on the little numbers below to continue to Chapter 2 or click here.
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
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