Virtual villagers 4 the tree of life прохождение
Не читайте, пока реально не захотите узнать, как решить каждую из головоломок.
Головоломка 1 требует, чтобы строитель очистил колодец, и у них будет источник чистой воды. Притащите островитянина со строительными умениями к колодцу.
Головоломка 2 это первый из 3 дополнительных домиков, которые могут построить островитяне, когда популяция растет, и им нужны новые дома. Как и требуется, хижину может начать один из строителей. Ваша популяция ограничена 7 людьми, пока не построен новый домик. Затем можно увеличить население до 15. Второй домик позволяет увеличить количество людей до 30 островитян, а следующий - до 90. Должны быть продвинутые строители, чтобы строить новые хижины. В начале игры один из них может быть назначен для строительства. Убедитесь, что в вашей деревне все время есть хотя бы один строитель, чтобы можно было увеличивать количество домиков для растущего племени. Если нет строителей, а вам нужно что-то строить, островитяне могут научиться строительному делу, починив один из уже имеющихся домов..
Головоломка 3 можно выполнив, убрав останки с пляжа. Это позволит одному из островитян начать ловить рыбу в океане, когда вы достигнете 3 уровня в технологии собирания. Покажите островитянам, что убирать на пляже.
Головоломка 4 - это основание школы в деревне. Перетащите Мастера-ученого к длинному дому сверху от стола исследований.
Головоломка 5 - убрать камни, блокирующие воду ручья на северо-западе деревни. Для этого островитяне должны достичь 2 уровня в технологии строительства. Перетащите островитянина на камни. Как только эти камни будут убраны, вода наберется в маленькую затоку, где островитяне смогут играть и заниматься другими делами. Решение этой головоломки открывает другие три решения.
Головоломка 6 зависит от решения 5-ой и достижения уровня 3 в технологии собирания. Мастер-фермер, если его перетащить на затоку, начнет охотиться на странную рыбу. Через много попыток все получится, так что будьте терпеливы.
Головоломка 7 - это открытие кладбища, и требует 2 уровня технологии духовности. Когда один из островитян умирает, перетащите взрослого островитянина в северо-восточный угол острова. Островитяне отпразднуют свое открытие, а затем начнут нормально хоронить своих. После первых похорон они будут таким же образом хоронить остальных умерших племени.
Головоломка 8 требует, чтобы Мастера-медики освоили 4 растения, растущих на острове. Одно из них к югу от затоки, второе - кактус на севере, другие два - на востоке острова. Перетащите нужного островитянина ко всем 4 растениям, пока он их не освоит.
Головоломка 9 зависит от создания затоки. Перетащите островитян на восточное поле острова (где есть высохшие цветы), и они начнут поливать поле водой из затоки. Если есть строители, то они и сами тоже начнут поливать. Те, у кого нет строительных навыков, будут поливать поле тоже, но остановятся после первой же попытки. Как только островитяне выльют нужное количество воды (а это очень много воды), поле снова оживет и зацветет.
Головоломка 10 зависит от бабочек из головоломки 14. Эти бабочки будут опылять особое растение на острове. Как только бабочки последуют за Золотым Ребенком (Golden Child), перетащите его или ее к странному растению на север от куста с ягодами.
Головоломка 11 - это восстановление храма на развалинах. Достигнув 3 уровня в технологии строительства, перетащите одного из островитян на руины, и они начнут это восстановление.
Головоломка 12 зависит от постройки храма и 3 уровня технологии духовности. Перетащите одного из строителей к камню на западе деревни, и он начнем его долбить.
Головоломка 13 - это рождение Золотого Ребенка и требует завершение строительства идола, затоки и 3 уровня технологии рождаемости. Вам нужно перетащить маму с ребенком к затоке.
Головоломка 14 - зависит от Золотого Ребенка. Перенесите его в Сад Волшебного Цветка.
Головоломка 15 - это спрятанное сокровище. Его может обнаружить только Мастер-строитель. А также племя должно достичь 3 уровня в технологиях строительства и науки. Перетаскивая своего строителя в разные места нижней части карты, обращайте внимание, заметил ли он что-нибудь. Примерное место - на юг от бака с едой и напротив храма. Как только он обнаружит что-то, вам нужно быть настойчивыми, чтобы он начал работать над этим. Если он начнет копать, другие строители, если они есть, тоже начнут помогать!
Головоломка 16 - это перемещение большого камня, и это может сделать только Золотой Ребенок. Вам не нужно заставлять его делать что-то (и он не будет, если вы попробуете его заставить). Просто дайте ему время, и он все сам сделает. После его рождения присмотрите за ним какое-то время. Очень интересно наблюдать, как он будет решать эту головоломку, особенно, если у вас много островитян.
Квикстарт by D.S.:
* ставим одному male птичку в скиллах на breeding, берем его и спариваем с одной из female чтоб население было 7.
* меняем ему приоритет на фарминг и кидаем на куст чтоб собирал ягоды
* берем билдера, кидаем на колодец (в нем какая-то деревяшка мешается, ее убрать надо – это первый квест).
* берем всех кроме фармера и мамы (она 4 часа – 2 года – ничего не сможет делать), ставим приоритет на ресерч и кидаем на стол. не даем заниматься ничем посторонним пока не наресерчат 6000 техпойнтов.
* лезем в технологии и покупаем фарминг второго уровня (все, теперь популяция до 25 вилладжеров точно не помрет с голода).
* берем ресерчеров, меняем приоритет на билдинг, кидаем на постройку хижины (она на 50% уже готова, хотя на эти 50% не выглядит).
* когда хижина будет построена, начинаем увеличивать население. берем родителя и штампуем двух детенышей (если конечно есть две женщины). ну дальше детенышей ставим на конвейер.
Наверное это баг. но этим можно воспользоваться.
Если хотите побыстрее пройти игру, просто выходите из игры закрываете все что с ней связано, заходим в пункт часы и просто меняем на день вперед дату.
Welcome to the Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life walkthrough on Gamezebo. Virtual Villagers 4 is a simulation game played on PC created by Last Day of Work. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Virtual Villagers 4.
We return to the island of Isola, where many generations of castaways have lived happily and peacefully. However, life on the island has begun to diminish; birds and fish are slowly disappearing. An expedition is set out to investigate the cause of this worrying phenomenon.
The expedition stumbles across a clearing with an enormous dying tree. This must somehow be the answer to their problem! Help the castaways find out what is causing the tree to die and rescue it.
Selecting Your Tribe
Unlike the previous Virtual Villagers games, The Tree of Life allows you to handpick your own starting tribe members. You can select five in total. To get the best start, I recommend picking at least one male and one female of reproducing age (18 and older). The younger your adult villagers are, the longer they will be with you.
Villager Details Menu
Closing the details window will zoom you to the villager whose details you last viewed.
Villager Health and Life Cycle
When a villager dies, they will be taken to the mausoleum by their tribe members. You can click on the floor of the mausoleum to enter and view your lost villagers, their age and cause of death. Villagers can die of old age, starvation or illness. The higher your medicine technology level, the longer the average life span.
Making Fire
Fire is needed for several things. You need fire to make stews and to light the fire pit later on in the game, which will allow you to cook the yellow fruits. More importantly, fire will keep your villagers warm, which keeps diseases at bay.
Picking berries, cooking yellow fruits, collecting fish. See section on food.
Building new huts, clearing the obstruction in the stream, clearing the cooking pit.
Doing research in the research lab. See section on technology.
Healing sick villagers, studying medicine at the hospital. To get a villager to study medicine, simply drop them onto the hospital.
Becoming a parent, embracing, telling stories.
Nursing a baby is the fastest way to increase a parenting skill. Becoming a father is a close second. However, each time villagers embrace, their parenting skill goes up too. See the section on reproduction below. To have an adult tell stories, simply drop them on one of the children, and all the children will follow the adult to a cosy spot by the pond to listen to the story.
When you drag a villager to the table in the research lab, they will start doing research, which will accumulate tech points. In your tech menu you can see what upgrades you can buy for your tech points.
There are several sources of food, each of which will become available after specific events in the game. You start out with nothing but a simple berry bush in the southwest. Just drag a villager onto it and they will start collecting the berries and bringing them to the food bin. Clicking on the berry plant will show you how many berries are left. They will grow back after a while.
Once you have the fishing nets you can also catch crabs from the beach, but this is a bit of a hassle and not really useful as a food source. See puzzle 10 for explanation.
Finally, children can collect mushrooms. More mushrooms will pop up when it rains. This is useful especially at the start of the game when food is scarce. So set those kids to work!
You can have single babies, twins and sometimes even triplets! As in real life, these are random occurrences.
- The wind flutes are collected in the northeast, by the river obstruction. This place also offers a location for your villagers to meditate.
- The fish scales are collected on the fish statue in the southeast. Fish scales can only be found in the rock pool by the statue, and only at low tide.
- Lab gear is collected on the shelves in the research lab, behind the long table.
- Mausoleum pieces go directly on the arch of the mausoleum in the northwest.
There are twelve collectables of each type. When your children collect items that you already have, they will take them to the lab for your scientists to use which will give you some tech points. Especially in the early parts of the game, when tech points are gathered slowly, this can really make a dent! Uncommon and rare items give more points. You will only be able to collect one of each mausoleum piece.
In this game, your villagers can cook stews. Some specific stews are required to solve puzzles (see puzzle solutions below), some are just for fun.
Basic stews consist of a pot of boiling water, either fresh or salt, and a variety of herbs and foods.
To make a stew, gather three herbs, in any combination, which will be put on the table by the cooking pot. Herbs you can use are the sweet smelling flower, the spicy smelling flower and the soapy smelling flower.
Then fill the pot with either salt or fresh water, and boil the water. How to boil water is described in puzzle solution 3.
When the stew is done, the water will disappear from the pot and the steam changes color. You can then drop villagers onto the cooking pot to have them sample your creation.
Go and experiment with different combinations of herbs and water, and see what happens when they eat it! Some reactions are quite entertaining.
Other Useful Tips
If you quickly want to find a child to pick up a rare collectible, pause the game and then hit the right arrow below the detail window. This will zoom you to your youngest villager. Drop the child on the collectible and then start the game again by hitting the spacebar.
You will learn this during the tutorial. Drag a villager onto the fish skeleton on the beach and they will collect fish bones. They will then heat them in the fire and take them to the research lab. Each completed process creates three tools, but you can store several batches in the lab.
This task is done in two steps. First, drag a villager to the obstruction in the stream and they will start clearing it. You can have multiple villagers do this at the same time. When the whole obstruction is cleared, the water will flow around the tree.
To boil water, first drag a villager onto the bowls by the stream (for fresh water) or at the base of the rocks by the sea (for salt water). The villager will fill the bowl with water and take it to the pot in the research lab.
Requires an unobstructed stream and a bar of soap (puzzles 2 and 4). When it rains, you will notice some pools forming to the right of the big stairs that have frogs hopping about in them. As soon as it starts raining, drag a villager to your soap and they will drop it in the pond. Then throw a villager in the pond and wait until they come out sparkling clean!
Once you have four hot rocks on the fire, it will tell you that the pit needs to be covered. Drag a villager to the banana tree to the right of the berry bush (image) and they will carry a banana leaf to the fire. This also needs to be done several times.
Requires level 2 science and a cutting tool (puzzle 1). Once you have level 2 science, the basics of a new hut appear. Drop your villagers on it to build the hut.
Once you have the cloth hut, you can also drop villagers on the hut and they will be able to exchange their outfits for 5000 tech points.
Requires fishing nets (puzzle 12). When your fishing nets are complete, fast running red crabs will start to appear on the north end of the beach. They will pop out of the sand, run down a bit and then disappear again.
Requires availability of all food sources (puzzles 7 and 12). Fill the pot with fresh water and put a hot rock under it to boil it. Get one of each plant (sweet, spicy and soapy) and add to the pot. Then drop a villager onto the pot to add food from the food bin. This needs to be done twice.
When the grand feast stew is ready, everyone will come get a bowl of it and they will all gather around the fire for their meal.
Once you have the fishing nets, your villagers will have another source of food.
Requires level three dendrology and soap (puzzle 4). To purify the tree, you need a villager who is both clean of mind and body.
When you have a villager who is both clean of body and mind, drop them on the hole in the trunk of the Tree of Life. They will go inside the tree, take out some rotting roots and throw them on the fire. Now the tree is purified!
You need six flowers for one lei and three leis to complete the puzzle. Note that if you interrupt your villager as they are carrying the lei to the tree you will have to make the whole lei again from scratch!
Welcome to the Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers walkthrough on Gamezebo. Virtual Villagers 5 is a simulation game played on PC and Mac created by Last Day of Work. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Virtual Villagers 5.
Selecting Your Tribe
Villager Life Cycle
In this installment of Virtual Villagers there are 6 skills your villagers can master. The more experience they get in a skill, the more efficient they will become at it. Skill levels they can reach are apprentice, adept and master.
To start your villager on a skill, just drag and drop your villager on the project you want them to work on. For an unskilled villager, it may take a few tries to get them to pick it up, so keep trying until they get it. Once your villager has successfully started work, they will pretty much keep working by themselves, with the odd break to eat or do laundry or any of the other leisure activities. If your villager has several skills, they will predominantly work on their highest level skill, though they may sometimes decide to go and do something else for a while.
The farming skill can be improved by picking noni berries, harvesting the crops from the farm and fishing.
To increase the research skill, set your villagers to work in the lab.
The healing skill can be improved by healing sick villagers or setting the villager to study medicine in the hospital.
The best way to increase the parenting skill is by having children, but also by hugging and telling stories. Becoming a master parent seems to have been made a little bit easier in this installment of the series.
The higher your Science level, the faster your villagers accumulate tech points. Although Science is one of the more expensive technologies to acquire, it does pay not to leave it till last, as it will increase the speed at which you can buy the other technologies. Level 2 Science gives you the base of the clothes hut to build.
The higher your advances in Medicine, the lower the rate of disease in your tribe. It also makes your villagers more fertile and live longer.
Advances in Construction allow your villagers to build and repair various structures. At each level of Construction you will get the basis for a new hut. Huts allow you to increase your population to a new level. The max population you can house in your huts is 90, but you can increase your population beyond this by finding complete sets of collectibles, which will add 5 to your maximum population each.
Higher levels of Learning allow your villagers to increase their skills faster. Level 3 Learning allows you to build a nursery school. Drag a villager who is a master in at least two skills onto the school and they will start teaching the children. Each time children go to school they will get a little bit of knowledge in one of the skills of your master teacher. This will get them started more quickly and easily when they reach working age.
Food Mastery
Higher levels of Food Mastery mean that the food your villagers harvest is worth more. It does not unlock new food sources.
Spirituality increases your maximum Divine Energy and allows you to upgrade the hand statue in the middle.
New to this installment of the series are the heathens, who are there to make your life difficult. There are 4 different types of heathens, each with their own behavior.
Blue Masks
It is possible to lose one of your own villagers to the blue masks if you should make the wrong decision in any of the numerous island events you can get. You will just have to convert them back like the other blue masks.
Orange Masks
Orange guards can quite easily be distracted, however, in various ways. Firstly, you can lure them away with another villager. Drop a villager near the orange masks to get their attention, then pick the villager up again and slowly move them in the direction you want them to go. The orange guards will follow your villager and even stop and wait when you stop and wait.
Red Masks
Purple Masks
Divine Energy and Spells
Another new addition to this installment is the Divine Energy, which is shown in the top right bar on your screen. The energy bar shows two levels: your maximum energy and your currently available energy.
You can increase your maximum energy by increasing your population and by collecting relics. However, only new relics will increase your maximum energy. As your maximum energy increases, you will unlock new spells you can use for your puzzles. Note that your maximum energy will decrease again if your population drops. This also means that you could lose previously unlocked spells.
The order in which you do your projects in the early stages of the game is quite important, as a wrong decision can make life really hard for you. The order I found to be the most efficient is:
Making fire is important, as it keeps your villagers warm and dry, which means they get sick less often. To make fire, you need fire wood and dry grass to kindle. You can find dry grass on the other side of the river, just southeast of the Knowing Totem. Drop a villager on the grass to have them take it to the fire pit.
Finally, drop an adult on the fire pit with wood and grass on it to light the fire. Later on you can also use the Lightning spell to light the fire. Clicking on the fire will show you how many hours of burning time it has left. You can keep the fire going without having to restart it by adding more wood to the fire.
Some more general tips:
Puzzle Solutions 1-5
You need to dismantle the Hungry Totem to gain access to the noni bush behind it, so you can start picking berries.
If you decide to do the Hungry Totem first, the Knowing Totem will be harder to dismantle and vice versa. I strongly suggest you go to the Hungry Totem first, or you will seriously struggle with food supply for the first part of the game.
Drop a child near the heathen guards with orange masks that are patrolling the totem so the guards will chase the child away. Then drop your adults on the totem so they can start to dismantle it. Keep luring the guards away until the totem has been dismantled.
Requires the Lightning spell.
Requires level 2 Construction and a master scientist.
Once you have lv2 Construction, drop your master scientist on the broken aqueduct by the farm so they can direct the work. Then drop your builders (they can be any level) on the aqueduct to repair it. Once the aqueduct is repaired, it will take some time before the crops have grown enough to harvest.
Puzzle Solutions 6-10
Once the Blocking Totem is gone, set your builders to work on clearing the rubble from the buried mausoleum. Towards the end, the heathen master builder will start to fill it up again, but if you have several builders working on it at once, you should be able to undo his efforts. Keep working until the blocking is cleared.
In the mausoleum you will be able to see which of your tribe members you have lost.
Requires one or more master builders and the Lightning spell.
As soon as the totem is dismantled you can start clearing the mausoleum.
Put six children in the hollow totem by the lake and it will break.
Requires the Time Warp spell and a master builder.
In the southwest of the map, near the dismantled Blocking Totem there are two beginnings of small structures. To convert the heathen builder, you must challenge him to a build-off and win. You can start a build-off by dropping one of your builders onto the structures when the heathen builder is sitting nearby. You can try this as many times as you like, as the puzzle will be reset when you lose.
There is only one way to win. You need to cast the Time Warp spell on one of your master builders. Your master builder will start moving really fast. Drop the master builder on the structure on the left to challenge the heathen builder to a build-off. Time-warped, your master builder will win the competition hands down. Out of admiration, the heathen builder will be converted.
Requires the Tempest spell and the Revive spell.
You can complete this puzzle in two ways. You can fill up the pond by releasing the Tempest spell twice in a row, starting the second when it has become clear after the first one but there are still puddles in the dried up lake. You can also release the Tempest spell after a naturally occurring rainfall when there are still puddles left in the pond. When the pond if full, release the Revive spell to revive the fish population.
Puzzle Solutions 11-16
Requires the Lightning spell.
Hit the Pain Totem with the Lightning spell, so the electric current that runs through the totem will temporarily disappear. Then drop your villagers (the better builders they are, the faster they are) on the totem to dismantle it.
Dismantling the Pain Totem will give you access to the hospital. Sick villagers will make their way to the hospital. You can also start training healers by dropping them on the hospital so they will start researching medicine.
Requires level 2 Science and the clothing hut.
Tip: It pays to get two more villagers to carry in a second and maybe even a third lot of red and yellow dye as soon as the first lot is dropped in, as the dye will wash out quite quickly and the bathers will return.
Requires level 2 Science and a master scientist.
Once the scientist is converted, he will drop a piece of the necklace. Get a child to pick it up and take it to the statue.
Requires level 3 Devotion.
In the center of the village is a statue that starts out looking like a large orb. You can change this into a statue in several stages by dropping your builders onto the statue. Each time you gain a level in Devotion you can complete the next stage.
You can start on this puzzle as soon as the game begins, at lv1 Devotion. I recommend doing this as it will make the two orange masked guards by the wood pile disappear, making your building projects a lot quicker and easier.
Requires puzzles 1, 5, 9 and 13 to get all 4 necklace pieces.
Once you have collected all 4 necklace pieces, drop any villager onto the pieces by the statue so they will reassemble it into one necklace. Then drop a villager on the completed necklace and they will take it to the heathen chief. He will be converted.
Not all versions of the game have this puzzle.
Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life is the fourth Virtual Villagers game, which takes place after Virtual Villagers: The Secret City. Life on Isola is diminishing, so you need to revive the island. These villagers travel to a new part of the island and find a dying tree, the Tree of Life. The gameplay itself is similar to that of the other games: villagers grow food, build huts, and cooperate in order to prosper and expand the tribe.
Official description
Continue the story of the mysterious island of Isola and the tribe of lost refugees in Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life. The island's chief is worried that life is slowly diminishing on the island and has selected a tribe of explorers to find the source of Isola's troubles. They discover, and inevitably populate, the hidden eastern shore of the island. Watch over a new group of villagers as they explore the eastern shore of the island, uncover fantastic mysteries, unravel the story of Isola, and save the Tree of Life!
- The latest chapter in the Virtual Villagers saga!
- Visit the oldest and most hidden part of the mysterious Island of Isola.
- A new villager selection screen that lets you start with a custom tribe. For an extra challenge, you can try starting with only children or select a tribe full of nursing mothers!
- A new, updated user interface, plus with our most detailed and vivid map yet, full of exciting new puzzles.
- Dozens of achievements for players to accomplish.
- New puzzles, new collectibles, new Island Events!
- Real-time weather! Clouds, fog, and sudden downpours.
- Real-time gameplay: new surprises every time you turn the game on!
Main Objective
After noticing how life on Isola was dying out, the village sends a team to investigate. The team discovers a clearing with an enormous tree. but the tree is dying. Completing the 16 puzzles eventually allows you to heal the tree.
When you start, you can explore the new part of the island. You can also put your huts anywhere this time instead of them staying where they should be. You'll have 2 huts: a normal hut, and the Love Shack (breeding shack).
You can make someone a farmer by clicking on an adult villager, then pressing the detail button in the far-most southeast of the game corner to pick that she/he will be a farmer by clicking the farmer button. He/she will get the food (though they may not succeed at first; keep dragging them back to the bush until they do).
Then you can make an adult builder. They will be able to help with both hut construction and clearing debris from the waterfall. The latter will help cure the Tree of Life in later puzzles.
The third adult you can make is a scientist. Drag him/her to the lab middle-west of the island; if they succeed, he/she will get points to buy improvements to the villager's Technology.
The last villager should be a child. He/she will pick mushrooms and collectibles that randomly appear from time to time.
Where the firewood and dry grasses are
Fire is needed for several things. You need fire to make stews and to light the fire pit later on in the game, which will allow you to cook the yellow fruits. More importantly, fire will keep your villagers warm, which keeps diseases at bay.
- The wind flutes are collected in the northeast, by the river obstruction. This place also offers a location for your villagers to meditate.
- The fish scales are collected on the fish statue in the southeast. Fish scales can only be found in the rock pool by the statue, and only at low tide.
- Lab gear is collected on the shelves in the research lab, behind the long table.
- Mausoleum pieces go directly on the arch of the mausoleum in the northwest. You will only be able to collect one of each piece.
There are twelve collectables of each type. When your children collect items that you already have, they will take them to the lab for your scientists to use which will give you some tech points. Collecting duplicate collectables can be vital, especially in early parts of the game. Common, uncommon and rare items give 100, 250, and 1500 techpoints respectively.
Type | Rarity | Object | Code No. |
Fish Scale | Common | Blue | 70 |
Fish Scale | Common | Green | 71 |
Fish Scale | Common | Red | 72 |
Fish Scale | Common | Olive Green | 73 |
Fish Scale | Uncommon | Brown-glazed | 74 |
Fish Scale | Uncommon | Cyan | 75 |
Fish Scale | Uncommon | Brown-spotted | 76 |
Fish Scale | Uncommon | Violet-spotted | 77 |
Fish Scale | Rare | Complex Green | 78 |
Fish Scale | Rare | Complex Red | 79 |
Fish Scale | Rare | Complex Blue | 80 |
Fish Scale | Rare | Complex Yellow | 81 |
Laboratory Gear | Common | Round-bottom flask | 82 |
Laboratory Gear | Common | Red-vial container | 83 |
Laboratory Gear | Common | Lamp | 84 |
Laboratory Gear | Common | Beaker | 85 |
Laboratory Gear | Uncommon | Papyrus scroll | 86 |
Laboratory Gear | Uncommon | Mortar and pestle | 87 |
Laboratory Gear | Uncommon | Telescope | 88 |
Laboratory Gear | Uncommon | Blue-vial container | 89 |
Laboratory Gear | Rare | Green-vial container | 90 |
Laboratory Gear | Rare | Burner with a tripod | 91 |
Laboratory Gear | Rare | Erlenmeyer flask | 92 |
Laboratory Gear | Rare | Poison bottle | 93 |
Mausoleum Tile | Common | 94 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Common | 95 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Common | 96 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Common | 97 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Uncommon | 98 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Uncommon | 99 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Uncommon | 100 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Uncommon | 101 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Rare | 102 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Rare | 103 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Rare | 104 | |
Mausoleum Tile | Rare | 105 | |
Wind Flute | Common | 106 | |
Wind Flute | Common | 107 | |
Wind Flute | Common | 108 | |
Wind Flute | Common | 109 | |
Wind Flute | Uncommon | 110 | |
Wind Flute | Uncommon | 111 | |
Wind Flute | Uncommon | 112 | |
Wind Flute | Uncommon | 113 | |
Wind Flute | Rare | 114 | |
Wind Flute | Rare | 115 | |
Wind Flute | Rare | 116 | |
Wind Flute | Rare | 117 |
You can’t reproduce until you’ve built the “Love Shack”, which is the hut with the flowers and hot tub. Villagers can reproduce when they’re 18 and older. Women can have babies to the age of 50. To try and reproduce, drag an adult male onto an adult female (or vice versa). Sometimes, they’re not in the mood or don’t like each other and run away. In those cases, keep trying or just go and find another couple!
Sometimes all they do is embrace. That’s a good sign. It will also increase their parenting skills a little. When they really like each other, they will “go indoors”. If you’re lucky, that will produce a baby.
However, you don’t have to wait until they’ve walked all the way to the shack, “discussed” the baby making business and come out again. You can instantly tell if an encounter has been successful by looking at the population number at the top of your screen. It will go up as soon as you drop one villager onto the other. If you’re in a hurry, you can then instantly set them back to work without letting them go indoors.
You can have single babies, twins and sometimes even triplets! As in real life, these are random occurrences. However, you will see very few if any multiple births at level 1 or 2 medicine.
Nursing mothers will nurse their infants for 2 years. During this time, they won't work.
There are several sources of food, each of which will become available after specific events in the game. You start out with nothing but a simple blackberry bush in the southwest. Just drag a villager onto it and they will start collecting the berries and bringing them to the food bin. Clicking on the berry plant will show you how many berries are left. They will grow back after a while.
Once you’ve managed to get The Cooking Pit, you will be able to cook the yellow fruits on the palms in the far southwest corner. Simply drag a villager onto the palm and they will shake down a fruit, cook it on the fire and then take it to the food bin. There is an unlimited supply of yellow fruits, but harvesting is slow and doesn’t yield that much food.
Once you’ve completed Fishing Nets (Puzzle) , you will be able to collect fish from the fishing nets. Just drag a villager onto the pier and they will get fish from the nets.
Once you have the fishing nets, you can also catch crabs from the beach, but this is a bit of a hassle and not really useful as a food source. See Mossy Rocks puzzle for explanation.
Finally, children can collect mushrooms. More mushrooms will pop up when it rains. This is useful especially at the start of the game when food is scarce.
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