Virtual villagers 3 the secret city прохождение
Нужен мастер в области строительства (Master Builder). Переместите мастера к школьной доске в алхимической лаборатории, чтобы он нарисовал план. После того, как план нарисован, другие тоже могут помогать восстанавливать Старинную Купальню.
Статуя (загадка №9)
Необходимо: Restoration и Leadership 3-го уровня. Строитель с наивысшим уровнем умения сначала должен нарисовать план в алхимической лаборатории. Дальше нужно переместить строителя к дороге, которая ведет к дверям. Он установит “строительное оборудование”. Потом перемести вождя к статуе. Он станет руководить восстановлением. Далее - ещё нескольких строителей (количество ограничено, поэтому лучше выбрать более опытных).
I worked about one week on this and then i finished all the puzzles i dint show it though i forgot.. I once got 101 population becoz one villager had triplet. Все видео
Для решения этой загадки нужно посадить три растения. Первое появится ещё в начале игры. Два следующих можно получить воспользовавшись лифтом. В начале дождя перемести взрослого на лифт и подожди пока он поднимется под действием воды, тогда с дерева упадет плод (банан, персик). Взрослый должен его поднять и посадить.
Акулы (загадка №11)
Поскольку сад не будет давать достаточное количество пищи, придется рыбачить, но перед этим - избавиться от акул. Для этого нужен уровень 2 Nature или Magic.
После открытия второго уровня Nature (или Magic) появится новое растение, которое нужно использовать для зелья. В случае Nature ингредиенты для зелья такие: 1 Pitcher Plant + 2 Black Orchid. После того как зелье готово, нужно перенести его в океан.
Ароматерапия (загадка №12)
Для решения этой загадки нужен уровень 3 Medicine и master doctor (врач с наивысшим уровнем умения). Переместите врача к старинной купальне (Ancient Bath). Врач заполнит подставки вокруг цветами лотоса. После этого переместите врача к костру - он зажжет факелы вокруг купальни.
Ключ из пепла (загадка №13)
Нужно погасить костер и охладить бриллиант. Для этого нужна вода из водопада. Перемести взрослого к водопаду и он начнет носить воду к костру. Продолжай это делать до тех пор, пока бриллиант не перестанет дымиться. После этого его можно взять и отнести к дверям.
Ключ со скалы (загадка №14)
Чтобы достать этот бриллиант нужно сделать зелье. Ингредиенты - Cactus + Rose + Lotus. Взрослый должен выпить его и ощутить себя более легким. После этого переместите его к бриллианту и он подпрыгнет к нему.
Жемчужина (загадка №15)
Солнечные часы (загадка №16)
Чтобы разгадать эту загадку, нужно открыть двери (с помощью 3 ключей). За дверьми находятся солнечные часы. Перемести взрослого в комнату. Луч солнца опустится на часы и появятся тени (призраки). Перемести взрослого на эти тени и ты разгадаешь загадку тайного города!
В игре есть 5 обычных технологий и ещё две особых:
С развитием этой технологии, ученые начинают быстрее работать (вырабатывать больше Tech Points). Стоимость: 11000/150000 pts
Уменьшает шанс болезни, увеличивает срок жизни, на втором уровне можно тренировать докторов. Стоимость: 8000/75000 pts
Уменьшает шанс несчастного случая при изготовлении зелий. Стоимость: 5000/55000 pts
Требуется по сюжету, позволяет строить дома и т. д. Стоимость: 7000/85000 pts
Дает вождю новые способности: на втором уровне он может обучать детей (нужно перетащить его на ребенка), на третьем он может создать редкий предмет для коллекции (нужно поместить его рядом с дверью на горе). Стоимость: 7000 и 125000 pts
Вам предстоит выбрать путь развития своего поселения между магией и природой. 4500/50000/150000 pts
После починки алхимической лаборатории появляется возможность варить зелья. Для этого нужно принести три кусочка растений, растущих по всему острову, а затем взрослый должен сварить их. Это зелье можно пить, оно произведёт какой-то эффект на выпившего зелье поселенца. Через несколько минут зелье пропадёт.
Virtual Villagers: The Secret City, or Virtual Villagers 3 as it is commonly known, is centered around a group of villagers who discovered an abandoned city on the northern side of the fictional island of Isola. The city has fallen into ruins, and the player must aid the villagers who repair the city. The player must solve 16 puzzles to win the game, which are listed below. It was released in 2008 by the game company Last Day of Work.
Official description
Embark on a new journey with a group of villagers in search of a new part of the island to populate. Land on the hidden shores of the northern side of Isola and explore what was once a secret city. Find new sources of food to nourish your villagers and help them rebuild the remains of this mysterious city. Who lived here before? Where have they gone? What is the secret of Isola?
- Real-time weather! Clouds, fog, and sudden downpours drenching your tribe.
- Real-time gameplay: new surprises every time you turn the game on!
- Discover who among your tribe is destined to become Chief!
- Investigate and rebuild the remains of a ruined city!
- Find new sources of food for your villagers!
- Help your villagers make a variety of unique potions from hidden herbs, many with unpredictable effects.
- Dozens of new collectibles for children to retrieve.
- Raise children who resemble their parents.
- Help your villagers unravel the mysteries of Isola!
Food Sources
At the beginning of The Secret City, you start with 0 or 360 food recources and you get a seed. Your first food source is honey, which you get by after making a fire, setting a stick on fire, and calming the bees in the hive. Once every 24 hours your chief can create a small amount of magic food. This is done by dropping your chief on the food storage bin. Later on in the game you get fruit trees and fish. The fruit tree grows and you can harvest fruit from it later. To get the fish, you must complete the eleventh puzzle by making the right potion to banish the sharks.
You start out with a few simple buildings in the game. As your tech points increase by having you scientists research, you unlock more housing and structures such as the Ancient Bath and the statue, which is made by your builders.
There are 16 puzzles to finish in this game. Each one requires more skill from villagers, or upgrades from tech points. Sometimes more than one person may need to help or there must be a completion of another puzzle. The puzzles are listed below.
Potions return in the third installment of Virtual Villagers. They still work the same as the previous ones, but there are new combinations to try.
Most concepts are the same, such as having Builders, Scientists, etc. However, this is the first game of the series that has a chief of the tribe, who doesn't work, and doesn't have preferences. Also, this is the first game of Virtual Villagers where the villagers must solve a puzzle to get their first source of food.
Check out our strategy guide for Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City.
Be warned: this guide is full of spoilers! We have solutions for all 16
puzzles, potion recipes, and tips that will help you master the game.
Welcome to the Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers walkthrough on Gamezebo. Virtual Villagers 5 is a simulation game played on PC and Mac created by Last Day of Work. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Virtual Villagers 5.
Selecting Your Tribe
Villager Life Cycle
In this installment of Virtual Villagers there are 6 skills your villagers can master. The more experience they get in a skill, the more efficient they will become at it. Skill levels they can reach are apprentice, adept and master.
To start your villager on a skill, just drag and drop your villager on the project you want them to work on. For an unskilled villager, it may take a few tries to get them to pick it up, so keep trying until they get it. Once your villager has successfully started work, they will pretty much keep working by themselves, with the odd break to eat or do laundry or any of the other leisure activities. If your villager has several skills, they will predominantly work on their highest level skill, though they may sometimes decide to go and do something else for a while.
The farming skill can be improved by picking noni berries, harvesting the crops from the farm and fishing.
To increase the research skill, set your villagers to work in the lab.
The healing skill can be improved by healing sick villagers or setting the villager to study medicine in the hospital.
The best way to increase the parenting skill is by having children, but also by hugging and telling stories. Becoming a master parent seems to have been made a little bit easier in this installment of the series.
The higher your Science level, the faster your villagers accumulate tech points. Although Science is one of the more expensive technologies to acquire, it does pay not to leave it till last, as it will increase the speed at which you can buy the other technologies. Level 2 Science gives you the base of the clothes hut to build.
The higher your advances in Medicine, the lower the rate of disease in your tribe. It also makes your villagers more fertile and live longer.
Advances in Construction allow your villagers to build and repair various structures. At each level of Construction you will get the basis for a new hut. Huts allow you to increase your population to a new level. The max population you can house in your huts is 90, but you can increase your population beyond this by finding complete sets of collectibles, which will add 5 to your maximum population each.
Higher levels of Learning allow your villagers to increase their skills faster. Level 3 Learning allows you to build a nursery school. Drag a villager who is a master in at least two skills onto the school and they will start teaching the children. Each time children go to school they will get a little bit of knowledge in one of the skills of your master teacher. This will get them started more quickly and easily when they reach working age.
Food Mastery
Higher levels of Food Mastery mean that the food your villagers harvest is worth more. It does not unlock new food sources.
Spirituality increases your maximum Divine Energy and allows you to upgrade the hand statue in the middle.
New to this installment of the series are the heathens, who are there to make your life difficult. There are 4 different types of heathens, each with their own behavior.
Blue Masks
It is possible to lose one of your own villagers to the blue masks if you should make the wrong decision in any of the numerous island events you can get. You will just have to convert them back like the other blue masks.
Orange Masks
Orange guards can quite easily be distracted, however, in various ways. Firstly, you can lure them away with another villager. Drop a villager near the orange masks to get their attention, then pick the villager up again and slowly move them in the direction you want them to go. The orange guards will follow your villager and even stop and wait when you stop and wait.
Red Masks
Purple Masks
Divine Energy and Spells
Another new addition to this installment is the Divine Energy, which is shown in the top right bar on your screen. The energy bar shows two levels: your maximum energy and your currently available energy.
You can increase your maximum energy by increasing your population and by collecting relics. However, only new relics will increase your maximum energy. As your maximum energy increases, you will unlock new spells you can use for your puzzles. Note that your maximum energy will decrease again if your population drops. This also means that you could lose previously unlocked spells.
The order in which you do your projects in the early stages of the game is quite important, as a wrong decision can make life really hard for you. The order I found to be the most efficient is:
Making fire is important, as it keeps your villagers warm and dry, which means they get sick less often. To make fire, you need fire wood and dry grass to kindle. You can find dry grass on the other side of the river, just southeast of the Knowing Totem. Drop a villager on the grass to have them take it to the fire pit.
Finally, drop an adult on the fire pit with wood and grass on it to light the fire. Later on you can also use the Lightning spell to light the fire. Clicking on the fire will show you how many hours of burning time it has left. You can keep the fire going without having to restart it by adding more wood to the fire.
Some more general tips:
Puzzle Solutions 1-5
You need to dismantle the Hungry Totem to gain access to the noni bush behind it, so you can start picking berries.
If you decide to do the Hungry Totem first, the Knowing Totem will be harder to dismantle and vice versa. I strongly suggest you go to the Hungry Totem first, or you will seriously struggle with food supply for the first part of the game.
Drop a child near the heathen guards with orange masks that are patrolling the totem so the guards will chase the child away. Then drop your adults on the totem so they can start to dismantle it. Keep luring the guards away until the totem has been dismantled.
Requires the Lightning spell.
Requires level 2 Construction and a master scientist.
Once you have lv2 Construction, drop your master scientist on the broken aqueduct by the farm so they can direct the work. Then drop your builders (they can be any level) on the aqueduct to repair it. Once the aqueduct is repaired, it will take some time before the crops have grown enough to harvest.
Puzzle Solutions 6-10
Once the Blocking Totem is gone, set your builders to work on clearing the rubble from the buried mausoleum. Towards the end, the heathen master builder will start to fill it up again, but if you have several builders working on it at once, you should be able to undo his efforts. Keep working until the blocking is cleared.
In the mausoleum you will be able to see which of your tribe members you have lost.
Requires one or more master builders and the Lightning spell.
As soon as the totem is dismantled you can start clearing the mausoleum.
Put six children in the hollow totem by the lake and it will break.
Requires the Time Warp spell and a master builder.
In the southwest of the map, near the dismantled Blocking Totem there are two beginnings of small structures. To convert the heathen builder, you must challenge him to a build-off and win. You can start a build-off by dropping one of your builders onto the structures when the heathen builder is sitting nearby. You can try this as many times as you like, as the puzzle will be reset when you lose.
There is only one way to win. You need to cast the Time Warp spell on one of your master builders. Your master builder will start moving really fast. Drop the master builder on the structure on the left to challenge the heathen builder to a build-off. Time-warped, your master builder will win the competition hands down. Out of admiration, the heathen builder will be converted.
Requires the Tempest spell and the Revive spell.
You can complete this puzzle in two ways. You can fill up the pond by releasing the Tempest spell twice in a row, starting the second when it has become clear after the first one but there are still puddles in the dried up lake. You can also release the Tempest spell after a naturally occurring rainfall when there are still puddles left in the pond. When the pond if full, release the Revive spell to revive the fish population.
Puzzle Solutions 11-16
Requires the Lightning spell.
Hit the Pain Totem with the Lightning spell, so the electric current that runs through the totem will temporarily disappear. Then drop your villagers (the better builders they are, the faster they are) on the totem to dismantle it.
Dismantling the Pain Totem will give you access to the hospital. Sick villagers will make their way to the hospital. You can also start training healers by dropping them on the hospital so they will start researching medicine.
Requires level 2 Science and the clothing hut.
Tip: It pays to get two more villagers to carry in a second and maybe even a third lot of red and yellow dye as soon as the first lot is dropped in, as the dye will wash out quite quickly and the bathers will return.
Requires level 2 Science and a master scientist.
Once the scientist is converted, he will drop a piece of the necklace. Get a child to pick it up and take it to the statue.
Requires level 3 Devotion.
In the center of the village is a statue that starts out looking like a large orb. You can change this into a statue in several stages by dropping your builders onto the statue. Each time you gain a level in Devotion you can complete the next stage.
You can start on this puzzle as soon as the game begins, at lv1 Devotion. I recommend doing this as it will make the two orange masked guards by the wood pile disappear, making your building projects a lot quicker and easier.
Requires puzzles 1, 5, 9 and 13 to get all 4 necklace pieces.
Once you have collected all 4 necklace pieces, drop any villager onto the pieces by the statue so they will reassemble it into one necklace. Then drop a villager on the completed necklace and they will take it to the heathen chief. He will be converted.
Not all versions of the game have this puzzle.
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