Trove lunar lancer гайд
Level 30 Lunar Lancer is a cosmetic costume that can be used on the Lunar Lancer class. It is unlocked after reaching experience level 30 (a total of 12,705,080 experience points) as a Lunar Lancer.
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Есть похожие руководства, но к сожалению не очень подробные))
Так вот, что же лучше поставить Лунар Лансеру (LL), для прохождения Shadow Tower'а и не только . . .
У нас есть 3 больших гема и 6 маленьких, синие, желтые и красные.
Цветов то много, а статы одинаковые нужны как для больших, так и для маленьких)))
Основные статы:
Во первых, стоит сконцентрировать внимание на Critical damage (CD) - Это основная статистика для всех классов и наш Лансер не исключение. (Должна быть на каждом геме)
Во вторых, главная стата - это Physical damage (PD) , чтобы бить больно. (Так же должна быть на всех гемах)
С основными статами мы разобрались, дальше будем чередовать не совсем основные, но так же нужные статистики.
Дополнительные статы:
Тут всего 3 статистики, которые нам могут пригодиться. . .
1) Critical Hit (CH)
2) Maximum Heal % (MH%)
3) Ma ximum Heal (MH)
Расставил я их в таком порядке не по случайности. Для начала нам нужно набрать минимум 75-80% CH ( (Surestrice emblem ( SS) можно будет пользоваться на ваше усмотрение, чтобы получать 100% CH )
Далее уходим в максимальное количество здоровья, чтобы жить дольше (тут по моему логично ), в приоритете конечно MH% нежели просто MH , так как оно дает . . . . (логично же что больше здоровья )
Вот вообщем то и все, надеюсь эта тема для вас была полезна.
The Lunar Lancer was hinted to be an upcoming Spear. This was found within the blueprint files by a few Trove players and was announced on a Trion Worlds stream (Friday, July 24, 2015) with two teaser images, along with a rampant rumor that this class would be launching in September of 2015. The moves and model were later revealed on another Trion Worlds stream (Friday, August 21, 2015), along with revealing the Shadow Tower. It was also shown that the Lunar Lancer has a tail. The official release of the Lunar Lancer was scheduled to be at September 15, 2015 along with the Shadow Tower Update.
• Does not damage blocks.
• Three moons orbit the player and slowly change from new moon to full moon as lunar power is accumulated.
• Clone has very little health.
ЭНЕРГИЯ: 20 ЗАДЕРЖКА: 1.5• The spear travels in an arc.
• While grappling, the Lunar Lancer will stop if there's an enemy in the way and deal an AoE explosion.
• While Lunacy is active, the Lunar Lancer throws 2x bigger spears.
• While the Lunacy is active, Grapple can not be used.
ЭНЕРГИЯ: 50• While under stuns for 2s and knocks enemies up.
• Does not damage blocks.
Характеристики получаемые за каждый новый уровень
Подсказка: Лунный копейщик получает +30% Physical Damage постоянного буста
Стратегия игры
Командная игра
Try to stick with your team, the LL is a bit weaker on the defense side than some other heavier classes (hence why people call it "squishy"). Use Crescent Combo and Blessing of the Moon to support your team during boss fights, or take out smaller enemies while the stronger classes take care of bigger enemies. Remember your ultimate also gives buffs to everyone nearby, so try to use it where there is high traffic (movement in that area).
There are several Allies that can be used to benefit the Lunar Lancer, some of which can help survivability and/or increase overall damage.
July 20, 2016 by Bobybybob
The Lunar Lancer is an amazing and very versatile class. It can be played in many different ways. This guide will help you to master the Lunar Lancer.
OverviewTop ^
With the recent Mantle of Power update, the Lunar Lancer has greatly decreased in popularity. In my opinion, the Lunar Lancer is still one of the best classes around. In this guide, I will show you some different builds, and give some advice on how to play the Lunar Lancer.
There are two Main ways to play the Lunar Lancer. One of them involves doing damage and killing the enemies before they can kill you, and the other one involves tanking hits until the enemy is killed. The gear is the same for both play styles is the same, while the gems may vary. I will refer to the different styles as (Damage) and (Tank) in the gem section. Please note that this build is my opinion, and other stats may suit your playstyle better.
AbilitiesTop ^
The Lunar Lancer's passive, is based entirely on RNG. Whenever you hit an enemy, you have a chance to gain some moon power. The moon power is shown by the three moons orbiting around you. When you gather enough power, you will transform into Lunancy Mode, which reduces damage by 25% and increases your damage by 50%. You also gain more movement speed and health regeneration. When in Lunancy mode, some of your other abilities will also have bonus effects.
Grappling Spear
The Lunar Lancer's M2, or right click, is a utility ability. When first used, it throws a spear in an arc, dealing very little damage to any enemies it passes through. When it lands, you have a short amount of time to use the ability again. If you use the ability again, you will be pulled towards the spear. If you throw your spear, then go into Lunancy Mode, you will be able to teleport to your spear.
Cresent Combo
The Lunar Lancer's 1 is it's main damage dealer. It is a two hit combo that hits in a wide arc, with both hits doing massive damage and the second hit stunning the enemies for a short amount of time. When Lunancy Mode is active, the second hit stuns for a longer period of time, and knocks enemies into the air.
Blessing of the Moon
The Lunar Lancer's 2 is mainly a support ability. When used, it summons a giant spear from the sky that sticks in the ground and does damage to all enemies in it's range. It lasts for a while, and any enemies in its range will take a small amount of damage. You and other players will also get a stability, health regeneration and movement speed boost when in the spear's range.
GearTop ^
- Stat 1: Physical Damage
- Stat 2: Energy Regeneration - you need energy regeneration so you can continuously spam your 1
- Stat 3: Jump - all classes need a few jumps and this is the best place to put them for the Lunar Lancer
- Stat 4: Critical Damage - critical damage is one of the most important stats for doing high amounts of damage
- Stat 1: Maximum Health
- Stat 2: Critical Damage - critical damage is one of the most important stats for doing high amounts of damage
- Stat 3: Maximum Health - more health for survivability
- Stat 4: Health Regeneration - for faster healing
- Stat 1: Maximum Health
- Stat 2: Critical Damage - critical damage is one of the most important stats for doing high amounts of damage
- Stat 3: Physical Damge - even more damage
- Stat 4: Health Regeneration - for faster healing
- Physical Damage
- Energy Regeneration
If you don't like some of the stats, feel free to customize your gear.
GemsTop ^
Empowered Gems
It may be difficult to get these stats on empowered gems. It doesn't matter what type of gem you get the stats on.Any order for the stats is perfectly fine, and 2 out of 3 optimal stats is fine. The abilities are also my personal preferance. Feel free to choose ones that you feel most comfortable using.
A great ability for (Damage): Pyrodisc - great for crowd control and is a great damage boost
A great ability for (Tank): Spirit Surge - another great damage boost for longer fights
- Physical Damage
- Critical Hit
- Critical Damage
- Physical Damage
- Critical Hit
- % Maximum Health
- Physical Damage
- Critical Hit
- % Maximum Health
- Maximum Health
- % Maximum Health
- Physical damage
- Maximum Health
- % Maximum Health
- Health Regeneration
- Physical Damage
- Health Regeneration
- % Maximum Health
Regular Gems
When farming for regular gems, I would recommend only using the 2* ones. When upgraded, they will give more power rank than other gems. The order does not matter, but I would recommend having the first stat be the same.
- Physical Damage
- Critical Hit
- Critical Damage
- Physical Damage
- Health Regeneration
- Maximum Health
- Maximum Health
- Physical Damage
- % Maximum Health
- Physical Damage
- Critical Hit
- Critical Damage
Other EquipsTop ^
It might be a bit hard to get the Surestrike Emblem, so I would recommend using something else of your choice until you are able to get it.
When you go into battle, this will allow you to kill the enemy extremely quickly, and before they are able to do much damage to you.
With this, you are almost unkillable, so you have a long time to kill the enemy.
This ally will allow you to heal in battle, and will also increase your damage.
GameplayTop ^
This is how I would reccommend playing. If you already have your own playstyle, feel free to skip this section.
The goal is to kill the enemy as quickly as possible. As soon as you go into battle, use a flask. This will boost your critical hit chance greatly, and greatly increase your damage. Then, simply spam your 1 until the enemy is dead. If you can't kill the enemy fast enough, you may need more damage, or have too little health. Try to balance it out, while leaning slightly more towards damage.
The goal is to last long enough to kill the enemy. As soon as you go into battle, use your 2 directly on top of the enemy. This allows you to tank much more, and survive for much longer. Then just spam your 1 until the enemy dies. If you are using too many flasks, you may need more health.
Your job in a group is the damage dealer / support. You do lots of damage while stunning the enemies, allowing your team to take less damage. If there is a tank in the group, stand so that you will not be hit. Wait a while before throwing your spear, so that you maximize the extra health regeneration. If the battle lasts long enough for you to go into Lunanacy Mode, let your shadow clone tank for a while
If there is no other tank in the group, you will be the tank. take damage and try to keep enemies away from other people. If there is another tank, your job is to help him if he needs it. Your stun will slow down the enemy's attack rate, and will allow you to regenerate more health and deal more damage.
ConclusionTop ^
Overall, the Lunar Lancer is a great class both for soloing and for a group. It is extremely powerful if use correctly and can destroy groups of enemies extremely quickly.
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