Time princess мемуары готэма прохождение
Edmund Davis has a suit at the Waterlife Hotel, just a couple blocks down. In his opinion, it is fashionable to have your own suite at hotels. It’s a symbol of your status. It is not about spending the money. It’s about keeping up appearances. You have to signal that you have sufficient wealth and status. Only then will others have confidence in your business, says Mr. Edmund Davis.
There is a loud honking outside the window. That must be Davis trying to get your attention. Grab your things in a hurry and dash downstairs. As expected, Davis is sitting in a green convertible, pressing on his car horn. It is a new car. That’s how rich Davis is. As you get in, you can’t help making a mental count of how many cars Davis owns. Before you manage to arrive at a final number, you two reached Waterlife Hotel.
If you direct all eyes on her, your ‘’image’’ will be that o a little reporter who stuck up for her friend. You will down basic information about Jessica and the hospital. Six hours later, time flies, and it is almost dusk. You have worked hard all day, and you didn’t even have lunch. Both of you are starving when the detective’s handbook is completed. Edmund Davis and you share a resigned smile. Neither of you have the energy to go out for dinner. Davis will call the room service.
Mr. Edmund Davis will notice that you know a lot about him lately. What you face is a dilemma. You have three options. Option 1 (Admit to eavesdropping), Option 2 (Pretend not to know), Option 3 (Say you heard it second-hand).
If you select Option 1 (Admit to eavesdropping), Davis Goodwill goes up. You will admit what happened. Nothing was illegal. According to Mr. Edmund Davis, eavesdropping is a bad thing, but on account of your concern for him, it is okay. Just remember to ask him directly if you want to know something.
You lift your head to reply, but your gaze meets his gentle eyes. And suddenly, you forget what you wanted to say. The room falls silent. You stare into each other’s eyes without saying a word. The silence continues and an unfathomable atmosphere sets in the room.
If you select Option 2 (Pretend not to know), you will not admit that you eavesdropped because it is a shameful situation for you. You will say that you heard about his parents somewhere. And you won’t say you know he owns the Gotham Times. Subsequently, no matter what Davis throws at you, you have to pretend to be utterly clueless. Your dinner proceeds with this game of back-and-forth.
After dinner, Davis sends you home. Although you are still worried about the meeting with Mr. Rio Rossi, you are feeling more reassured after preparation. And one day later, you are just preparing to start work on a Monday, when White approaches you. They’ll say you shouldn’t have refused an interview with Councilman Harris. Mr. George Kane talked you up a lot.
You don’t feel very confident about the meeting, but it is your only chance. You have got to make it count. After discussing it with Davis, you decide to meet Rossi first to suss out his motivations and reasons for threatening you.
Davis will say that you need to have faith. He lapses into silence and pats you gently.
You may be a bit uneasy, but you are still hopeful about tonight’s meeting. You weren’t expecting the terrible storm lying in wait. What will happen at the meeting? Will you be able to at least guess what awaits you? Find out all about it on our walkthrough. Stage 8 ends its story. New adventures follow.
Thank you for reading.
4-4 Наша единственная надежда*
*открывается, если выбрать «Спорить с ним» в 2-1, переиграть 4-2
Требования: доброжелательность Кейна 7-го уровня
4-5 Повторное судебное разбирательство
Этап без переодевания
Требования: доброжелательность Витторио 7-го уровня
- Объяснить
- Молчать
Концовка: Обычная жизнь открывается, если выбрать:
«Рассказать обо всём, не упоминая мистера Пузо» в 1-10, переиграть 1-11
«Оставить их при себе» в 1-15, переиграть 1-16
«Спорить с ним» в 2-1, переиграть 2-2
«Держать их при себе» в 3-1
Переиграть 4-2, 4-4, 4-5
4-6 Момент торжества*
Этап без переодевания
Требования: доброжелательность Шарлотты 6-го уровня
Концовка: Неразгаданная головоломка открывается, если выбрать:
Концовка: Та же самая судьба открывается, если выбрать:
«Рассказать обо всём, не упоминая мистера Пузо» в 1-10, переиграть 1-11
«Оставить их при себе» в 1-15, переиграть 1-16
«Убедить его» в 2-1, переиграть 2-2
«Передать ему предсмертные слова Росси» в 3-1, переиграть 3-2
Переиграть 4-2, 4-3, 4-5, 4-6
*если ранее вы получили дневник Тейлора от Боба Уилсона в 4-3 И аудиозаписи от Дианы в 4-4, история продолжится на этапе 4-7
4-7 Светлое будущее*
*открывается, если выбрать:
Требования: доброжелательность Дианы 7-го уровня; доброжелательность Дэвиса 7-го уровня
Постеры: Никогда не забуду (если выбрать «Ничего не делать»); Сладкий поцелуй (если выбрать «Дразнить его в ответ»)
*как получить концовку «Пулитцеровская премия» подробно рассказано в конце статьи
4-8 Дилемма
*открывается, если ранее вы получили доказательства из кабинета Харриса в 3-12
4-9 За гранью понимания*
*открывается, если выбрать «Не передавать» в 4-8
Этап без переодевания
Требования: доброжелательность Дэвиса 6-го уровня
Концовка: Покинуть Нью-Йорк открывается, если выбрать:
«Устранить мафию» в 1-12
«Использовать её» в 3-7
Ввести неправильную комбинацию для открытия сейфа в 3-12
«Не передавать» в 4-8
Концовка: Смерть от огня открывается, если выбрать:
«Больница или Ад на Земле?» в 1-2
«Бороться с коррупцией» в 1-12
«Использовать её» в 3-7
Ввести правильную комбинацию для открытия сейфа в 3-12
«Не передавать» в 4-8
4-10 Новые начинания*
*открывается, если выбрать «Передать доказательства» в 4-8
- Я слышала о законе
- О чём вы?
4-11 Критика
4-12 В небеса
Требования: Искрящийся подсолнух
4-13 Публикация статьи
Если ранее вы выбрали «Осторожно побеседовать с ней» в 3-14 и «Воззвать к её чувству справедливости» в 4-12, то вы получите от Шарлотты весомые доказательства.
Если ранее вы выбрали «Просто рассказать правду» в 4-12 у вас будет недостаточно доказательств.
4-14 Общественная критика
Этап без переодевания
Требования: доброжелательность Дэвиса 7-го уровня
Концовка: Успешный чиновник открывается, если выбрать:
«Осторожно побеседовать с ней» в 3-14, затем переиграть 3-15
«Воззвать к её чувству справедливости» в 4-12
Переиграть 4-13, 4-14
Концовка: Одинокое будущее открывается, если выбрать:
«Просто рассказать правду» в 4-12
Переиграть 4-13, 4-14
4-15 Опасное расследование*
Требования: доброжелательность Дэвиса 6-го уровня
- Сказать, что вы подслушали разговор — Концовка: Ошибка в плане
- Утверждать, что Росси домогался до вас
Если вы ранее получили информацию от Дарьи на этапе 3-20, вы получите информацию от Джулиано о «Подвале»
4-16 Отклонение
Требования: доброжелательность Кейна 6-го уровня
- Сказать ему, что это хорошая идея — повлияет в дальнейшем на этапе 4-19
- Сказать ему, что вы хотите действовать по закону
4-17 Выстрел на заброшенной фабрике
Этап без переодевания
Требования: доброжелательность Витторио 6-го уровня
- Гостиная — ничего не найдено
- Спальня — ничего не найдено
- Кабинет — найдена Библия
- Выстрелить — повлияет в дальнейшем на этапе 4-19
- Умолять Джулиано
4-18 Убеждение
Требования: доброжелательность Шарлотты 6-го уровня
4-19 План начинается
Выбор «Предупредить Витторио о месте и времени встречи» открывается, если выбрать «Сказать ему, что это хорошая идея» в 4-16 и «Неважно, как» в 4-18.
- Предупредить Витторио о месте и времени встречи — Концовка: Мафиозная парочка
Концовка: Мафиозная парочка открывается, если выбрать:
«Уступить Джулиано» в 3-20, затем переиграть 4-15
«Сказать ему, что это хорошая идея» в 4-16
«Выстрелить» в 4-17
«Неважно, как» в 4-18
- Обратиться за помощью к прокурору Бозман — Концовка: Отсутствие правосудия;Концовка: Ненадёжный союзник
Концовка: Отсутствие правосудия открывается, если выбрать:
«Рассказать обо всём, но мистера Пузо не упоминать» в 1-10, затем переиграть 1-11
«Обратиться за помощью к прокурору Бозман» в 4-19
Концовка: Ненадёжный союзник открывается, если выбрать:
«Правдиво рассказать обо всём» в 1-10, затем переиграть 1-11
«Обратиться за помощью к прокурору Бозман» в 4-19
4-20 Равноценный обмен*
*открывается, если выбрать «Отказать Джулиано» в 3-20 и «Умолять Джулиано» в 4-17
Этап без переодевания
Требования: доброжелательность Шарлотты 7-го уровня; доброжелательность Дэвиса 7-го уровня
Постеры: Бесконечное ожидание (если выбрать «Придерживаться плана Витторио»); Незаменимый (если выбрать «Настаивать на том, чтобы остаться»)
Разберём же подробно, как получить концовку «Пулитцеровская премия» в 4-7
Концовка: Пулитцеровская премия открывается, если:
- Получить концовку «Жизнь репортёра» в 4-7
- Получить концовку «Мафиозная парочка» в 4-19 + найти Библию в 4-17 + получить информацию о «Подвале» в 4-15
- Получить концовку «Успешный чиновник» + получить доказательства из сейфа с помощью Шарлотты в 3-13
- На момент получения премии на предыдущих этапах (начиная с первой главы) у вас не стоят плохие концовки. Особенно советуем уделить внимание этапу 2-4, а также этапу 4-9 (желательно, чтобы на данном этапе на момент получения «Пулитцеровской премии» у вас стояла концовка «Покинуть Нью-Йорк», либо же вы можете пропустить этот этап).
Следует обратить внимание, что все три концовки должны быть последними полученными, если после получения данных концовок вы перепрошли этапы и заработали иные концовки, «Пулитцеровская премия» не будет получена. Нужно будет переиграть этапы и заново получить указанные концовки.
Концовка: Жизнь репортёра открывается, если выбрать:
Концовка: Мафиозная парочка + получение Библии + информация о «Подвале» открывается, если выбрать:
«Трагическая история одной сумасшедшей» в 1-2
«Продолжать идти вперёд» в 1-3
«Правдивость, объективность, независимость», «Нет» и «Искать правду в рамках этики» в 1-5
Переиграть 1-7, 1-8
«Не идти с ними» в 1-9
Переиграть 1-10, 1-11
«Пойти ночью» в 2-2
«Хранить молчание» и «Солгать» в 2-4
«Позвонить мистеру Пузо» в 2-5
Переиграть 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-15, 3-15, 3-16
«Вступиться за неё» в 3-17, переиграть 3-18, 3-19
«Уступить Джулиано» в 3-20
«Получить информацию о подвале» и «Утверждать, что Росси домогался вас» в 4-15
«Сказать ему, что это хорошая идея» в 4-16
«Кабинет» в 4-17 и найти там Библию
«Выстрелить» в 4-17
«Не важно, как» в 4-18
«Предупредить Витторио о месте и времени» в 4-19
Концовка: Успешный чиновник + получение доказательств из сейфа с помощью Шарлотты открывается, если выбрать:
После получения всех трёх концовок, переиграйте 4-7, чтобы получить концовку «Пулитцеровская премия»
*Если концовка «Пулитцеровская премия» не была получена, после выполнения всех указанных требований, перепройдите этапы 4-7, 4-19 и 4-14 и убедитесь стоят ли в них нужные концовки. Затем попробуйте снова переиграть 4-7.
Gotham Memoirs has 12 Major Endings and 10 Minor Endings. These are relatively in-depth walkthroughs and are not spoiler-free. Every stage has it's own page on the wiki; if you need help but don't want spoilers yet, see Gotham Memoirs for a list of stages.
Major Endings
A Successful Official
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Hospital, or Hell on Earth?"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play stages 1-12 through 1-16; if you are only given the option to call Vittorio, replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-13 The Alumni Ball to obtain Diane's card
To unlock this ending, you must obtain enough evidence to win the trial against the councilman:
First of all you have to select "Gently reason with her" in Gotham Memoirs:3-14 Former Friends
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-8 Dilemma select "Hand over the evidence"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-12 To The Skies select "Appeal to Her Sense of Justice" so you are given the vehicle permits in Gotham Memoirs: 4-13 Publishing the Article
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 4-14 Public Backlash
A Lonely Future
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Hospital, or Hell on Earth?"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play stages 1-12 through 1-16; if you are only given the option to call Vittorio, replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-13 The Alumni Ball to obtain Diane's card
To unlock this ending, you must not obtain enough evidence to win the trial against the councilman:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-8 Dilemma select "Hand over the evidence"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-12 To The Skies select "Just Tell Her the Truth" so you are not given the vehicle permits in Gotham Memoirs: 4-13 Publishing the Article
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 4-14 Public Backlash
An Ordinary Life
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices "Ask Davis for Help"
To unlock this ending, you must avoid both Diane's audio reels and Taylor's files.
To avoid Diane's audio reels:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-10 Special Prosecutor select "Tell her the truth, but leave out anything involving Mr. Puzo"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-15 Boseman's Interview select "Keep them to yourself"
To avoid Taylor's files do at least one of the following:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-1 Mystery Guardian select "Argue with him"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-1 Police Interrogation select "Keep them to yourself"
Replay stages 4-2, 4-4, and 4-5 to obtain the ending.
Pulitzer Prize
Do not attempt to get this ending until you have completed "A Successful Official", "Mafia Couple", and "A Reporter's Life". To obtain the Pulitzer Prize, you must get the "best ending" from every major route as well as find extra evidence along the way. Before attempting this, make sure you're obtaining the three specified endings and then make adjustments based on the following steps.
First, play Gotham Memoirs: 4-7 Bright Future to make sure you have "A Reporter's Life" successfully unlocked.
In addition to the steps listed to obtain the "A Successful Official" route:
- You must obtain the evidence from Councilman Harris' safe
There are two ways to obtain the evidence. The first takes advantage of our "time-travel" abilities:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-12 Sneaking into the Study, fail to obtain the evidence by turning the statues the wrong way, then play Gotham Memoirs: 3-13 Danger All Around and survive without the evidence or Charlotte's help
- Replay Gotham Memoirs: 3-12 Sneaking into the Study and obtain the evidence by turning the statue left, then right, then left. Do not replay Gotham Memoirs: 3-13 Danger All Around.
The second method, which may be less glitchy for some players, is to collect the evidence and have Charlotte help you:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Hospital, or Hell on Earth"?
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-12 Charlotte's Interview, select "Tackle Corruption"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-7 A Dinner Date, select "Use Her"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 3-12 Sneaking into the Study and obtain the evidence by turning the statue left, then right, then left
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 3-13 Danger All Around and Charlotte should help you
In addition to the steps listed to obtained the "Mafia Couple" route, you must gain information from Darya and find Juliano's Bible.
To gain information from Darya:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-17 An Unexpected Discovery, select "Speak Up for Her"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 3-20 Tit for Tat to listen to Darya tell you about the basement
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 4-15 Dangerous Probe to have a more in-depth conversation with Juliano about his businesses
To find the Bible:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-17 Abandoned Factory's Gunshot, select "Study" when deciding where to search
You'll know you've done this correctly if you get the "Mafia Couple" ending in 4-19, and you and Vittorio specifically talk about Darya and the Bible
Replay Gotham Memoirs: 4-7 Bright Future and you should get this ending. Please note the first half of the stage is almost identical to the "A Reporter's Life" - let the whole chapter play to see if you've actually unlocked this ending.
An alternate version showing every step of the way for Pulitzer can be found here
A Reporter's Life
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices "Ask Davis for Help"
To unlock this ending, you must obtain both Diane's audio reels and Taylor's files.
To obtain Diane's audio reels:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-10 Special Prosecutor select "Tell her the truth about everything"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-15 Boseman's Interview select "Let Boseman know your thoughts"
To obtain Taylor's files:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-1 Mystery Guardian select "Convince him"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-1 Police Interrogation select "Share Rossi's dying words with him"
Replay Chapter 4 in the following order:
Unsolved Puzzle
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices "Ask Davis for Help"
To unlock this ending, you must obtain only Diane's audio reels.
To obtain Diane's audio reels:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-10 Special Prosecutor select "Tell her the truth about everything"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-15 Boseman's Interview select "Let Boseman know your thoughts"
To avoid Taylor's files do at least one of the following:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-1 Mystery Guardian select "Argue with him"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-1 Police Interrogation select "Keep them to yourself"
Replay Chapter 4 in the following order:
The Same Destiny
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices "Ask Davis for Help"
To unlock this ending, you must obtain only Taylor's files.
To avoid Diane's audio reels:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-10 Special Prosecutor select "Tell her the truth, but leave out anything involving Mr. Puzo"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-15 Boseman's Interview select "Keep them to yourself"
To obtain Taylor's files:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-1 Mystery Guardian select "Convince him"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-1 Police Interrogation select "Share Rossi's dying words with him"
Replay Chapter 4 in the following order:
An Untrustworthy Ally
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Tragic Tale of a Mad Woman"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play 1-7 through 1-11; in Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos, "Do not go with them"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices and choose to call Mr. Puzo
- You should only have to replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos if you're currently being given the "Call Diane" option; if you replay 1-9 and still aren't getting the right choice, replay the steps to unlock chapter 1-7
To achieve this ending:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-10 Special Prosecutor, "Tell the truth about everything"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-15 Boseman's Interview, "Let Boseman know your thoughts"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-19 The Plan Begins, "Seek Prosecutor Boseman's Help"
Absence of Justice
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Tragic Tale of a Mad Woman"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play 1-7 through 1-11; in Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos, "Do not go with them"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices and choose to call Mr. Puzo
- You should only have to replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos if you currently being given the "Call Diane" option; if you replay 1-9 and still aren't getting the right choice, replay the steps to unlock chapter 1-7
To achieve this ending:
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-10 Special Prosecutor, "Tell the truth, but leave out anything involving Mr. Puzo"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-19 The Plan Begins, "Seek Prosecutor Boseman's Help"
Mafia Couple
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Tragic Tale of a Mad Woman"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play 1-7 through 1-11; in Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos, "Do not go with them"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 2-2 Hard-Earned Clues choose to sneak during the night
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices and choose to call Mr. Puzo
- You should only have to replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos if you currently being given the "Call Diane" option; if you replay 1-9 and still aren't getting the right choice, replay the steps to unlock chapter 1-7
In chapters 3 and 4, you must make Juliano trust you enough not to have you searched (this section may need tweaking to cut out unimportant steps):
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-20 Tit for Tat, select "Give in Juliano"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-15 Dangerous Probe, "Claim that Rossi harassed you" to avoid the minor ending
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-16 Divergence, select "Tell him it's a good idea"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-17 Abandoned Factory's Gunshot, select "Shoot him"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-18 Persuasion, select "No matter what method"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-19 The Plan Begins, "Inform Vittorio of time and venue"
Sunset of Cefalu
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Tragic Tale of a Mad Woman"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play 1-7 through 1-11; in Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos, "Do not go with them"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices and choose to call Mr. Puzo
- You should only have to replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos if you currently being given the "Call Diane" option; if you replay 1-9 and still aren't getting the right choice, replay the steps to unlock chapter 1-7 so the game understand what route you're on and then play 1-9 again
In chapters 3 and 4, you must survive while being unable to make Juliano trust you (this section may need tweaking to cut out unimportant steps):
- In Gotham Memoirs: 3-20 Tit for Tat, select "Reject Juliano"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-15 Dangerous Probe, "Claim that Rossi harassed you" to avoid the minor ending
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-16 Divergence, select "Tell him it's a good idea"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-17 Abandoned Factory's Gunshot, select "Beg Juliano"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-18 Persuasion, select "No matter what method"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-19 The Plan Begins, "Inform Vittorio of time and venue"
- In Gotham Memoirs: 4-20 Equivalent Exchange, "Insist on staying"
An Endless Wait
- In Gotham Memoirs: 1-2 Undercover Nurse, write about "Tragic Tale of a Mad Woman"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 1-3 Celebratory Party, Gotham Memoirs: 1-5 Interview, and Gotham Memoirs: 1-6 The Tallest Building
- Play 1-7 through 1-11; in Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos, "Do not go with them"
- Play Gotham Memoirs: 2-5 Choices and choose to call Mr. Puzo
- You should only have to replay Gotham Memoirs: 1-9 Unexpected Chaos if you currently being given the "Call Diane" option; if you replay 1-9 and still aren't getting the right choice, replay the steps to unlock chapter 1-7
In chapters 3 and 4, you must survive while being unable to make Juliano trust you (this section may need tweaking to cut out unimportant steps):
Gotham Memoirs is the third main story. It is unlocked after clearing Queen Marie stage 2-1 A Decision.
Players will delve deep into the bustling city of early twentieth-century New York, as the main protagonist; Elizabeth Colvin, a 23-year-old intern reporter at the Sun News. The Chief assigns you the potentially dangerous investigation of finding out what goes on behind Metropolitan Hospital's closed doors, and if you don't succeed, you will be fired. Will you be able to hold your own in The Big Apple, and what mysteries await you?
This Book has 4 Chapters.
Costs: 45 Reader's Coupons
Warning: This Book contains violence and sexual content.
Mentally ill patients, mysterious disappearances, and lives lost. A reporter is suddenly thrown into a world of crime and conspiracies. Can she solve the mysteries with her limited power?
Required Clothing
The following is a list of the required clothing, and any craftable clothing that is needed to make it. Required clothing cannot be borrowed, and you cannot craft with borrowed clothing.
- Requires Sober Mentality
- Requires Improvised Beat; blueprint can only be purchased in Parven's Shop
- Requires City Beat; blueprint can only be purchased in Parven's Shop
- Requires Sober Mentality
Chapter 1
1-1 Intern Reporter
I find myself on the crowded streets of New York, a reporter struggling to keep her job. Will I be able to handle the upcoming interviews?
Style: No dress up component
1-2 Undercover Nurse
I finally infiltrate the Metropolitan Hospital and come across some disturbing scenes within. That patient. I can never forget the crazed look in her eyes.
1-3 Celebratory Party
My article on the hospital patient has been published. I envisioned it would jump-start my career, but instead.
1-4 Inviting Trouble
The article I poured my heart into seems to be the trigger for my dismissal. Someone unexpected appears in a day of highs and lows.
1-5 Interview
I need work if I'm to survive in New York. But news spreads fast in the industry and my job search does not go smoothly. Will I do well at the job interview with the Gotham Times?
1-6 The Tallest Building
Though I can't continue investigating the hospital, I receive a new interview. But the height dispute between the two buildings puts me in a dilemma.
1-7 A Burglary
I am surprised how well my new job is turning out. With my article getting the thumbs-up, I chat with Davis in his car. Unfortunately, the day doesn't end well, as I return home to find it ransacked.
Style: No dress up component
1-8 Premiere
The burglary has cost me my assignment, so I ask Davis to take me to Daisy Collins' film premiere, hoping to score an interview with the film star.
1-9 Unexpected Chaos
The interview with Daisy doesn't go well. Worse still, I encounter a gunfight on the way back. Fortunately, I run into.
Style: No dress up component
1-10 Special Prosecutor
I go to the police station in a bid to get my missing documents back, but the police aren't very cooperative. Fortunately, I meet New York's special prosecutor, Diane Boseman.
1-11 Deadly Illness
The hospital is drastically changed when I visit again. I search thoroughly for clues, but barely find any. Fortunately, Davis has some information.
1-12 Charlotte's Interview
Mr. Kane quickly approves my article on Sky Tower and I have a smooth interview with Miss Harris. She is well-spoken and friendly, and invites me to the college's alumni ball.
- Required: Vittorio Goodwill Lv.
- Companions Unlocked: Charlotte
- Event Logs: Soft News, Colonel Armstrong, High-G Training, Councilman, Chicago, Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
- Rewards: 3,000 , 3 Reader's Coupons, Blueprint: Pure Persistence, 1 Gift Material, 1 Clothing Material
1-13 The Alumni Ball
I change into the gown Miss Harris sent and attend Imperial University's alumni ball with Davis. Miss Harris introduces me to a special guest.
1-14 Visiting Jessica
With Prosecutor Boseman's words in my thoughts, I'm determined to continue my investigation into the hospital. But when I arrive, I learn a dangerous operation has been arranged for Jessica.
1-15 Boseman's Interview
Prosecutor Boseman's charm comes through in the interview. After the conversation, I can't help but wonder if the Metropolitan Hospital has hidden secrets.
1-16 Revisiting the Hospital
It's been more than a week since I last saw Jessica. Remembering the nurse's words, I decide to try my luck and pay the hospital another visit.
Chapter 2
2-1 Mystery Guardian
With nothing but dead ends, I make contact with Davis' information broker. The information not only proves useful, but leads to surprising outcomes.
2-2 Hard-Earned Clues
My lead points me to a certain factory. As I'm racking my brains for a way to infiltrate the factory, I meet a poor woman who has useful information. Of course, her help doesn't come free.
2-3 Infiltrating the Factory
Armed with new information, I infiltrate the factory by pretending to be a worker. I find a protest taking place, and the owner of the car with that license plate number.
2-4 Midnight Mystery
The righteous union chairman is not what he seems, and I find out what's really going on when I sneak into the factory at night. Oh no, I've been discovered!
2-5 Choices
I am sent into despair by a call from my parents. The price of justice is higher than expected. Who can I turn to for help when I'm walking on thin ice?
Style: No dress up component
2-6 New Partner
Davis decides to help me after hearing my story. The investigation makes progress thanks to him. Will we find new clues by looking into Rio Rossi?
2-7 Obstacles and Perseverance
Mr. Kane is strangely stubborn in not letting me investigate Jessica's death, but Davis' assistance helps push things forward. Will teaming up with Davis help the investigation.
2-8 Winning Rossi's Trust
As we forge a detective's handbook, a different side of Davis is revealed. We even become more comfortable with each other. Am I imagining things?
2-9 A Sudden Change
I resort to following Rossi when our conversation falls short, hoping to discover useful information. But what happens only pushes us onto a road of no return.
2-10 Disclosure
After receiving threats, I decide to seek Prosecutor Boseman's help and tell her everything that has happened so far.
2-11 Common Goal
Jack provides vital information about Taylor. I realize this is not something I can handle alone. I decide to seek Prosecutor Boseman's help.
2-12 Determination
After I tell him everything, Mr. Puzo decides to help. However, he is certain that I alone won't be able to shake the power behind Rossi.
2-13 Dangerous Transaction
The investigation stagnates. Although I don't want the truth to be buried, Mr. Puzo's suggestion makes me uneasy.
2-14 Difficult Decision
After the conversation with Prosecutor Boseman, I feel determined to uncover the truth. I must make a decision, even if it changes the course of my life.
2-15 Farewell to the Past
My heart breaks at having to keep my distance from Davis. But I need to let go of my past, and embrace my new identity. I need to seek the truth myself.
Chapter 3
3-1 Police Interrogation
The appearance of the police catches Davis and me off guard, and we are hauled to the station for questioning. What should I tell them about Rossi's death?
Style: No dress up component
3-2 Danger's Edge
A newspaper report adds to the mystery surrounding Rossi's death. An invitation from Boseman helps turn things around, but also puts me in danger in my pursuit of the truth.
3-3 An Incomplete File
My request for Boseman to find the file is not in vain as she gives me good news soon after. I study the file with Davis, hoping to find useful information.
3-4 An Unexpected Gain
Mrs. Ivanova's story brings me closer to the truth. But without concrete evidence, hasty actions will only disempower us.
3-5 Another Crisis
Councilman Harris sues the Gotham Times after my article is published. While we stand ready with our evidence, something unexpected happens before the trial.
3-6 The Paper's Predicament
The trial doesn't go well, and soon after, the Councilman's fervent supporters and the harassment from other newspapers causes the Gotham Times to temporarily close. However, Davis doesn't seem as nonchalant about it as he pretends.
Style: No dress up component
3-7 A Dinner Date
I meet with Miss Harris with a secret agenda. Her gentle smile and kindness only makes things more difficult for me.
3-8 Interview Preparations
Boseman's words are a guiding light for me. I form a plan to interview the Councilman for the election in order to get closer to him.
3-9 A Short Interview
Mr. Kane arranges an interview with Councilman Harris, but prosecutor Boseman gives me a Herculean task.
3-10 Revisiting the Campus
To acquire more intel on Councilman Harris, I invite Miss Harris to meet at Imperial University. We have a wonderful chat, but I don't forget my plans.
3-11 Councilman Interview
Miss Harris arranges an interview with Councilman Harris, but Prosecutor Boseman gives me a Herculean task.
3-12 Sneaking into the Study
Excusing myself to change, I leave Miss Harris' room to sneak into Councilman Harris' study. I find something intriguing.
3-13 Danger All Around
After searching the study, I run into a crisis when attempting to leave. Will I be able to leave unscathed?
Style: No dress up component
3-14 Former Friends
Although Miss Harris does not believe her father could be involved with the Mafia, she cannot deny the evidence in front of her. What will Miss Harris choose?
3-15 Clumsy Dancer
I stand in for Darya for a week, but Juliano isn't interested in my dancing. With no other option, I seek help from Mr. Puzo. The show has to go on.
3-16 Personal Coach
I have to apply everything Alicia taught me. It's for the assignment, but I can't calm my racing heart.
3-17 An Unexpected Discovery
Darya is in trouble. What should I do? Should I focus on the assignment or help Darya? Juliano shows up without warning amid this chaos.
3-18 Confrontation
Mr. Puzo's interest in me seems to spark a possessive streak in Juliano. The mission is finally making progress and I can only steel myself as I descend into darkness.
3-19 A Bloodstained Invitation
I compose myself and rush to meet Juliano. What I envision as a romantic and luxurious date turns horrifying.
3-20 Tit for Tat
I'm dressed to the nines for Juliano's banquet. Juliano is in a surprisingly good mood, and makes an outrageous demand in front of Mr. Puzo.
Chapter 4
4-1 Unreturnable Umbrella
I return to the Gotham Times office, and the sight of a tired and haggard Davis breaks my heart. A man visits and our relationship turns upside down.
Style: No dress up component
4-2 Revisiting the Station
My heart hurts as I recall my time with Davis, but we can't afford to lose the trial. I have to pull myself together for Davis and for the missing children!
4-3 Mysterious Mail
An unexpected piece of mail restores my hopes of winning the trial. I seek Prosecutor Boseman's help to improve my chances.
4-4 Our Only Hope
I despair after Wilson's rejection, and have no choice but to turn to Prosecutor Boseman. Will she help me again?
4-5 The Second Trial
It's finally the day of the second trial. Edmund and I stand in the dock, ready to fight once more.
Style: No dress up component.
4-6 Moment of Victory
I still feel uneasy despite acquiring the evidence. The Councilman's lawyer is sharp and aggressive. Can I really win this battle?
Style: No dress up component.
4-7 Bright Future
Everything seems to have settled down after the trial. On a bright and sunny afternoon, Davis brings me the news I want to hear the most.
4-8 Dilemma
I've been thinking about Miss Harris' words. Feeling troubled, I visit Prosecutor Boseman, but she forces me to make a choice too.
4-9 At My Wit's End
I lose Prosecutor Boseman's help and worse, am fired from my job. But something more sinister comes my way.
Style: No dress up component
4-10 New Beginnings
I decide to join Prosecutor Boseman's team. When I return to the Gotham Times to submit my resignation, Davis tries to stop me.
4-11 Criticisms
The consequences of searching Councilman Harris' study are worse than I expected. Under pressure from the team, I have to find a way to make up for it.
4-12 To The Skies
With the hopes of the entire team pinned on me, I meet Miss Harris at the airfield. Her love and trust only serves to worsen my sense of guilt.
4-13 Publishing the Article
I obtain an important piece of evidence with Charlotte's help. Prosecutor Boseman's advice puts me in a dilemma with regards to my article.
4-14 Public Backlash
The article results in upheaval for New York. Public opinion appears to have swung in Prosecutor Boseman's team's favor, but fate is a fickle thing.
Style: No dress up component.
4-15 Dangerous Probe
My relationship with Francesco intensifies after a night together, and the morning after becomes an opportunity to uncover more secrets.
4-16 Divergence
Vittorio's words completely mess up my plan. Our views have diverged, despite having the same goal. Can I gleam results with my determination?
4-17 Abandoned Factory's Gunshot
Juliano's trust in me gave me the freedom to search his mansion. Not only does my search turn up nothing, it's also the start of a nightmare.
Style: No dress up component
4-18 Persuasion
I can't stop blaming myself for Leonardo's death, but Vittorio's comfort comes when I need him most. His persuasion has also swayed my determination.
4-19 The Plan Begins
Juliano's birthday presents the perfect opportunity. But how should justice and righteousness be achieved - through the law, or with our own hands?
4-20 Equivalent Exchange
The failed assassination is only the start of our troubles. No one can predict the course of fate.
Style: No dress up component
Gotham Memoirs has 12 major and 10 minor endings. For a complete list on how to obtain them, please see Gotham Memoirs Endings.
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