Threads of destiny прохождение
10 дек. 2016 в 13:52
Don't know if you are still monitoring this thread but anyway - in full screen there is a res problem. cursor goes off screen indicating that display is larger than my screen. My screen is 1360X768. Only ever had this problem with one other game which was also an rpgmaker though I have many other rpgmaker games that don't have this problem.
Windows 10 64bit
R9 380 nitro
16 GB ram
1360X768 Samsung LCD Screen (TV)
Минимальные системные требования:
События игры разворачиваются в совершенно новом, но уже детально продуманном мире, в котором не всё так просто, как кажется на первый взгляд.
Нити судьбы тянутся из прошлого в будущее и сплетают всё вокруг в замысловатый узор, подхватывая наших героев и вовлекая их в жестокий мир борьбы за свои жизни и будущее. Главных героев ожидают приключения, сражения, развитие экономики личных владений, новые знакомства и множество разных пикантных ситуаций.
The whole plot currently contains 1500 pages. We have already come up with the story of the world and its development but there is still much work on graphics and translation.
In our game, there will be several cities, large forests, islands, mountains, steps, farmlands and villages. All of them will be filled with the content and spectacular stories that will make up an exciting adventure.
Imagine…What would happen to people if everything that they were used to disappeared at once.
The story of the game starts almost one thousand years after horrible events that once caused a complete destruction of people’s magic in the world called Neutras. Humanity has accustomed to life without magic… But the magic hasn’t gone once and for all.
Bonus-code for access to all days: 2St6
The game has two issues at the moment. One issue appears in the prologue at the auction. We are trying to fix it.
The second one is in dialogue with Melanie. That scene has an issue related to the game resources.
You can temporarily work around those issues by walking through those places in the prologue in version 0.2.2 and then transferring the save files to version 0.2.3.
We will do our best to fix the issues in the upcoming days.
Save files:
The save files from version 0.2.2 or 0.2.1 are guaranteed to work in this update.
Please, don't use the save files from the 0.1.85 or other old versions.
To use the save files from version 0.2.2, you need to move all files from 0.2.2/www/saves into folder 0.2.3/www/saves as soon as you download version 0.2.3.
If you have already run the game, you need to clear the folder named saves of version 0.2.2 and after that repeat the operation described above.
If you want to skip the prologue click New game - Act I.
We finished the scene of Umi’s resurrection. We hope you will enjoy it :)
Also, the scene of Umi’s examination is almost ready. We have posted the first version for our subscribers, namely the dialogue between Umi and Elli in the study from the previous version of the game. The second variation of the scene is where Umi is wearing her new clothes. This scene needs the animation to be completed, but the art itself with some modifications is ready. Gradually, as the plot develops, it will include new poses and something interesting ^_^
We are entirely focused on the development of the further plot now. We try to draw all the art scenes of the main plot as the story progresses. Therefore, some of them which are of non-primary importance will be drawn and added to the game later.
One "technical" version will be released once in several "plot" updates. It will contain previously unfinished art scenes, as well as some technical aspects of the game that require more time.
Leonora’s bust has been finished an updated. You can see it at this link.
New scene in the story quest is ready.
Minor corrections in Isabella’s appearance;
Minor corrections in Nansy’s appearance;
Minor improvements to Umi’s bust;
Rosie’s mini-bust is ready (a female worker at the inn in Venwood);
Mini art of the bundle with the book from the quest "Family Matters";
New locations. They have been set up in the game and will open for visiting as you progress through the quest "Joining Efforts". There are available:
Artaun tract - corrected and finished;
Lartons’ Farms;
Lartons’ Farms - Residential street;
Wheat fields;
A new quest, "Joining Efforts", has begun. Its plot is woven into the overall narrative. Therefore, it’s impossible to complete it right away. But, we will definitely develop it in the future versions;
The main story quest – "First Steps" will go on. Umi has a new request;
The descriptions for new characters have been added to the relationship log. Umi’s description has been updated as well;
The possibility to skip the Prologue to the «New Game» has been added. You can use it only if you have already completed the Prologue after it was updated. To do so, you will be asked to answer several easy questions. And if you played the updated Prologue, you will not have any difficulties to choose the right answers.
Sprite characters and animations have been added to the game. In total, about 20 pieces;
Technical corrections:
Alas, not many technical improvements were made in this version.
The code of several plugins was slightly corrected to improve game optimization;
The bug that led to the inclusion of highlighting of objects during events and dialogues was fixed;
We are working on the elimination of reported issues concerning the efficiency of the game among some players;
Very important:
keep in mind that if you see that the character or object is highlighted when you hover at it, but after clicking on it, the character runs, but the event does not start, try clicking on the highlighted object a couple more times.
sometimes you can see the objects with which you interacted still highlighted even if you stopped interacting with them. In this case, exit the location and return back. If the object is no longer highlighted, it means it was a bug.
The highlight only works with mouse control. If you control the game using the keyboard, an indication will not fork for now.
The fast scrolling of dialogues sometimes may not work. There are few places like that, but you can use Enter or LMB (left mouse button) to scroll the dialogues.
All the issues described above will be fixed in the next version, as well as the ones that haven’t been mentioned :-D
Version 0.1.8 is available to download at the link below!
It is available now for subscribers of D'havol, Nefeer, and Wizard levels!
On November 6, it will become available for Elfs, and on November 10 for Humans!
Threads of Destiny 0.1.8
This version turned out to be very productive. Lots of things have been done, but some of the content won’t be shown in this version as not everything went according to the plan. There were two reasons for that: the first one is technical, and the second one is banal - lack of time.
The technical reason is that most of the edits and changes that have been prepared over the past two months are easier to add to the game along with ready-made functionality for highlighting transition points and character indications. Of course, it is possible to add them to the current version, but we will have to make changes almost throughout the entire story, starting with the prologue. The same goes for transition points and indications. When this functionality is ready, it will be necessary to adopt it as well throughout the whole story. Therefore, we want to make all the changes at once, to avoid doing double work and spending too much time on it.
As soon as the indicators of characters and transition points are entirely ready, we will start making all the changes necessary in the game. But for now, they are waiting for their turn. Therefore, we assume that one of the upcoming versions will mostly have technical updates. We will provide more accurate information about the start of work on the technical version closer to the time when we are ready to make all the innovations.
We will inform you of the exact release dates for the next version on November 10, and we will share our plans for the next version in more detail.
Now let’s move on to the current news and the things we have done for this version:
Quests and plot:
Taleona and Nansy’s event is ready. It is available the following morning after Umi’s resurrection.
The events with Taleona in the bar of the manor have been expanded. There are two new dialogues now, and the first dialogue has been corrected.
A new event with the Taleona in the bar has been added.
A branch with two thieves is entirely ready. We changed plans and decided to complete the events related to them. Although their fates don’t much affect the overall development of the main plot, they will intersect with Sardo more than once in the future if the right decisions are made.
Things that were done, but haven’t been included in this version:
Maggie’s quests are ready and have been proofread. Initially, we planned to divide her quest into two parts and show the first part of the current version. However, while working on it, we realized that it would be better to show her quest completely; therefore, we postponed it.
Vanessa’s event is ready. All the necessary dialogues and events accompanying the scene have been written. But there was not enough time to configure it in the game.
Elli’s event in the library is ready, but it is also not finished, because this event is part of a larger event with Elli, and its implementation depends on the release of the technical version.
Scenes and Art:
The art of Seline’s first meeting with Sardo in the library is ready. You can see it here.
An animated scene with one of the thieves is ready.
A scene of the Taleona sleeping in her room is finished. It’s not been animated for now, but in the next versions, we will finalize it and add various events with her in her bedroom.
Taleona and Nansy’s art in the maids' bedroom is ready.
The things that were done, but haven’t been included in this version:
The animation of the events with Vanessa in the locker room of the clothing store is entirely ready. It consists of two separate animated scenes.
The content for Elli’s event in the library when she is reading a book while standing is entirely ready.
The night lighting has been fixed in all street locations.
The transparency of roofs and tall trees have been added in the streets.
The tavern at the Gate has become available. The characters can also stay there overnight.
A new location for the thieves quest has been added.
Three new locations for Maggie’s story quest have been completed.
New characters and busts:
The bust of Penelope was redesigned, and the range of her emotions in her dialogues has been expanded.
Maggie’s bust has been fully updated. Previously, we posted the images of Penelope and Maggie’s appearances before and after.
One more character bust has been designed for Maggie’s quest.
A variation of Nansy’s bust has been finished.
One more character mini bust for the thieves quest.
Violetta, a girl from the brothel, also has got one more variation of her bust.
Technical part:
The functionality responsible for animations in scenes has been improved. All game resources related to animations have been changed, and now they take on average 40% less space than before.
The functionality of the storage has been completed. Now the game will have decent warehouses and boxes where you can store your things. You will also find something useful inside them.
The boot screen animation is ready:
The bug related to the black screen during the dialogue with Umi about the pendant has been fixed.
The functionality of the autosave has been fixed.
The bug in the slave market in Aclorion has been fixed.
In this version, we have included only some of the new technical changes. If anyone is interested, you can download a test version here with the functionality that was made but hasn’t been included in version 0.1.8.
Here is a description below of what was done, but hasn’t been incorporated into version 0.1.8:
A changelog has been added. Now it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the list of changes of the new version directly in the game.
All functionality related to busts in dialogues and different menus has been redone from scratch.
The ability to use jewelry and various additional clothing items both on busts in dialogues and in other menus. I have mentioned it before.
The ESC menu has been improved. Its optimization has been enhanced and various minor issues have been fixed.
The functionality of the storage has been completed.
The functionality of the Relationships menu has been improved.
The main character’s inventory interface has been completely changed. We decided to bring all the interfaces related to the storage and use of objects to one standard. Thus, the storage interface, the inventory interface and the store interface (which is currently under development) look similar and have a common way of operation. This will help to navigate objects more easily.
Have a good day, and thank you for your support!
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