The great bedroom escape прохождение
Возьмите будильник с левой тумбочки, заберите трубку и телефон с правой тумбочки. Заберите ручку из верхнего ящика правой тумбочки. Идите налево, используйте ручку на засов, чтобы открутить его. Заберите засов, шкаф не открывается.
Прохождение игры Побег из ванной
Идите налево, снимите веревку с левой шторы, поставьте будильник на подоконнике. Выставьте 2 часа, разбудите кота и заберите ключ от шкафа.
Идите направо, откройте шкаф и заберите банку клея с левой стороны. Примените клей на трубку телефона и получите пилу. Идите направо, примените пилу на правую стойку кровати. Примените веревку на деревянный брусок. Посмотрите наверх, привяжите телефон к лампе и идите направо до двери. Привяжите таран к телефону и активируйте его. Прохождение The Great Bedroom Escape завершено.
Не успели вы выйти с кухни, как попали в западню в ванной комнате! Теперь придется выбираться и оттуда. В игре "The great bathroom escape" вашему вниманию предлагается просторная ванная комната, заполненная всевозможными предметами, которые есть, наверное, в большинстве ванных комнат. Их и надо использовать, чтобы освободиться.
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Posted by Shuchun
verito, did you find the hint?
ok, I feel stupid. It was the phone.
I think I need more coffee.
the game is not loaded.
Not loading for me either - in firefox. :(
where do I use the spray and cloth?
pop - the door handle.
It loaded fine for me in Chrome.
Same problem as you Fudge.
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If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by MegiPoland
so far found spray can in cupboard, and lipstick on floor by dresser. used lipstick on mirror
also found SD (used) and batteries
crowbar in closet
Hi @Mona! I just got in and found the same things as you. Continuing to examine.
one of the make up bottles seems to be floating over the desk. Weird.
I found the SD too, in the big shelves, left metal bar to the left of the phone.
With the big shelves I mean the ones to the right of the TV.
Use screwdriver on clock above bed to get batteries.
just coming in, found lip stick and wrote on the mirror
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.Thanks @small-tool! Used screwdriver and have the batteries. I also found the crowbar, but that was a pixelhunt to the right of the boxes in the closet.
Found a remote, behind the pillow of the left bed. Get to it from the right side of that pillow.
have spray bottle, lipstick (used) SD (used) batteries and crowbar
Thanks for the remote @Ellie :)
small tool the boxes onthe bottom in the closet are darker click to teh right of the lower dark boxes.
i tried using the spray on the note to blow it out.. lol it didnt work
"very good" is not the password on the small shelf drawer :(
ok, must be a bug, remote works on tv
Thanks Ellie, I thought that was just a brown wall.
Tried that too for the PW, @Jo-Ann . hm
small tool its to the left of the beds. in the scene where you can see the door .the left door opens
Hi! Try to catch up
code the color of boxes in closet be a code for something?
tried smashing all kinds of things with crowbar with no luck
tried spraying all kinds of things with spraybottle with no luck
caught up with you - now where to use crowbar??
@shaheen between beds, left pillow
@shaheen when zoomed in on bed to see clock, click behind left pillow
suddenly 5138 appeared on the wall next to the painting
Eva, zoom in on the closet, then on the plant and then under the bed.
@Eva, zoom on the closets to the left of the bed, then on the plant pot then under the bed.
Hi @SwissMiss!! Nice to see you from South Africa!!
have cutter now
got a stick from the vase
@Truus how did you get that from the painting?
nope no use does anyone have a pic solution for the remote?
how did you get that number?
Thanx, noticed it for myself after I asked it.. power of posting they call it?
Great @Truus!! I wish I could do that too! The painting in the shelves or above the bed? Did you use the spray can? Left or right side?
wow thanx Jo-Ann
trying to catch up .
I thought I sprayed all paintings and pictures in the room. I think my spray bottle is clogged
turn off the lamps on the right hand side of the painting!
Hello to Mexico too
got the stick but still cannot get paper!
yes, use the remote!!
@Marijketje, how do I turn off the lamps??
@Marijketje Thank you!
POP! Use the remote on the pillar to the right of the painting!
@ellie use remote and click on the lamp I think
how to turn off lights?
Ah, on the lamp in the pillar, thanks.
@Madde, use the cutter on the vase to the left of the painting to get the famous stick.
use remote on lights beside painting, get code, get cutter, get rod, attach to spray bottle to use to get paper
Ah use stick in spray can.
combined stick with spray and blew out paper
Ah! Thanks @ Marijketje!
@Truus, the spray is in the second cupboard from the right under the drawer where we used the numbers.
Where did the paper go?
Edgar cut sticks in vase on shelfs.
stuck with clue from paper. could it have to do with boxes in closet?
Thanks @Jo-Ann! Got the paper too!
Spray/Air can + stick gets the paper under the bed.
u have to pick up paper in between the beds
thanks @Ellie, I missed that view
Ah paper is between the beds now.
My paper disappeared too
paper has 2W, 4B, and one D and a red square
closet has 2 white boxes 4 brown, and 4 dark. could it be a clue as to how to use the crowbar?
Oh. Duh. Paper is in other bed view
Oh on the other side of bed
no paper and unused crowbar
hi edgar :))
stuck with clue from tv, remote (used twice), crowbar, and paper clue
@miles1 click on closet, then plant, then under bed
miles go to the cubboard view (the big one) and then to the plant
stuck with jo-ann
what about the lipstick on the mirror, did we use that hint yet?
use the stick on the spray and then use them for the paper under the bed :-)
i figured out the code from the note
@miles, when you see the two beds, click between them (in the middle of the right bed) to get to the floor where the paper is.
@SwissMiss, did you combine the stick with the spray can and blew the paper out from the bed? Do the same as miles then.
note is window bed bed window. red box below right bed. use crowbar there.
@J please share at least a hint!!
Letters stand for pieces of furniture. Red square marks the spot in the room where the crowbar is used.
Thank you swissmiss. finally got it
got out of first room
. and that is the end . OUT!
got key and now outside on deck with hot tub
J J J J . why not telling right away?
mona is correct - b is bed, w is window, d is door
@Mona thank you! stuck again. lol
you guys are brilliant! @Mona well done!
anyone need help?
Thank you very much @twassel!!
cant find the red box
Thanks @Twassel! Used the crowbar on the floor in front of the beds. Box there.
jo-ann use code from mirror
very good? tried it. going back to try again
out!! Code is mirror clue without spaces :)
thanks @J
need code for box now
cant find the spot for the crowbar - I thought it was in front of right bed but all the clicking doesnt help
3DCG does not work on the box
thanks to everyone, the floor code is about the only thing i figured out
thanks for all the hints everyone!
Finally!! Opened the box. Lower case and no space between the words.
Ah thanks, not use the crowbar on the box, but on the floor to get the box. Out too now.
Joining me in a hot bath?
@swissmiss - u r correct, just keep pixel hunting
thanks @Marijketje, I tried as 2 seperate words before
out now!
s-t - its in the not zoomed in view of beds. Highlight your crowbar and then just click like mad on the floor in front of the right bed
Out now. Thanks for the unasked help, the one I appreciate the most :)
@SwissMiss, it IS in front of the right bed, in the view where you see both beds. Click quite far to the right on the floor.
ah my spot was right - just a bit pixely
thanks all for the help
thanks Ellie - found it in the meantime - was just a bit pixely
@Swiss, you should be on the beach, not locked up in a room!
So the tv code was just a red herring?
are we all in the hot tub now? now we wait for Rotuc lol
yes it is jaccuzi time now
cu you in another game
TV "code" was more than a red herring, some publicity from the makers.
I think the tv code was just an advertisement for the website
lol Truus bit cold in the sea - but jumping into the jaccuzi now
has anyone not made it to the hot tub?
Ah, I see Edgar.
Never read the intro when a new game is on (sorry Yalçin), but now I see those guys are the makers.
HI, I am new here :P
Code 1 is verygood
Code 2 is 5138
Paper clue: B is bed, D is door, W is window; the crowbar spot is in fromt of the right bed
Phew! I needed your help at every single stage in this one. Thanks for being so brainy.
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