The division 2 memento как получить рюкзак
Denis, жми прохождения, там будет вкладка со значком юбисофта, там и забирай, и там же активируй
The Memento is an Exotic backpack in Tom Clancy's The Division 2, introduced in Title Update 11 on September 22, 2020.
Mod Slots
The Memento includes 1 generic gear mod slot which may accept any form of gear mod.
The Memento is unique as it does not possess the standard backpack attribute arrangement of 1 core attribute and 2 primary attributes. Instead, The Memento posses all 3 core attribute variants and no primary attributes.
Enemies you kill drop a trophy on death. Collecting trophies provides you with both a short and long term buff, the first of which scales with the number of corresponding core attributes equipped, and lasts 10s.
- +5% Weapon Damage per Weapon Damage Core
- +10% Bonus Armor per Armor Core
- +5% Skill Efficiency per Skill Core
For every trophy collected, gain an additional +1% weapon damage, +1% skill efficiency, +0.1% armor regeneration for 300s(5min).
Maximum Stacks: 30
The Memento backpack may be obtained either through the Season 3 rewards track at level 90 or through loot targeted exotic drops.
Farm backpack targeted loot, pray to RNGesus.
Report SaveChances would be slim, but can it be in any gear chest anywhere with a reduced rate?
Like I got a rifle from a weapon crate in an smg target area. Got a sweet dreams clearing an elite territory in NY that was kneepad targeted.
Report SaveGot it in heroic summit with backpack targeted loot. I think it was reward for completing summit challenges, because it was not a drop. It just showed up in my items.
Report SaveFloor completion drop targeted loot into your inventory directly!
Report Save SHD level 69420It was from the season pass(free)
Report SaveGot mine from world boss with targeted backpack loot
Report SaveWe went to the DZ when backpacks were targeted, without us being even aware of it. One of us was new to the DZ, so we showed him round. He already had a memento. We had to deal a lot with rogues during a manhunt that was going on. no fun to loot anything when this happens.
TLDR: You can get it from the DZ, at best when backpacks are targeted. You can also farm it in the Summit with backpack targeted and as many directives on as you possibly can, at best 7 directives on, as directives increase the drop chance of targeted loot (not difficulty! difficulty determines only the quality of loot) and with another bunch of (memento) people, so that everybody has the chance to find one and then give it to you. The streamer LathanLP does this every Wednesday with two randoms from the community (PC and Discord needed, but no particularly high DPS build), and helps them farm a memento in the Summit on floor 70+.
Can someone please explain to me how the second buff works. Does the 300s timer start after I get my 30 trophy stacks or during? And after the 300s do I have to get another 30 stacks or can i not use the buff again? Also for every kill, do my damage, bonus armor and skill efficiency multiply by my core attributes for ALL my trophies collected or just the first? I might be overcomplicating things for myself but if someone could clear this up it would be greatly appreciated.
6 comments 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by: bestFor every trophy you pickup, you gain a compounding 300 second bonus (with no internal cooldown) of:
+1% Weapon Damage
+0.1% Armor Regeneration
+1% Skill Efficiency
This long-term bonus has a maximum of 30 stacks simultaneously. There is a "progress bar" specific to this portion of the buff that will show in faded grey.
In addition to this, everytime you pickup a trophy, you earn a refreshable 10 second bonus (with no internal cooldown) of:
+5% Weapon Damage per Red Core
+10% Bonus Armor per Blue Core
+5% Skill Efficiency per Yellow Core
This short-term bonus has a maximum of 1 stack. There is a "progress bar" specific to this buff that will show in bright, "active" yellow, as the majority of your other buffs do. That 10 second buff will refresh if you pick up another trophy while it is active. There is no cooldown, so Pickup a Trophy, Get a Buff. Easy.
Both sets of buffs exist simultaneously. Obtaining a new trophy will refresh and enhance the existing 10 second portion. A new trophy will not "refresh" the 300 second bonus, but it will enhance it accordingly. There is no cooldown on this portion either, so even if it expires, subsequent trophies will award a sequence of 300s.
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