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- Основная статья: Квесты (Online)
Скованный страж (ориг. The Shackled Guardian) — квест в игре The Elder Scrolls Online.
Краткое прохождение
- Поговорить с Нариром.
- Собрать потерянные записи и спасти схваченные исследователей.
- Спасти Кирет Ванос.
- Осмотреть курган Тааренгрев.
- Поговорить с культистами Червя ритуал.
- Поговорить с Вальдуром.
Подробное прохождение
нордском кургане Тааренгрев, герой отправляется туда. До его прибытия отпор культистам давал отряд
Бездушный отправляется на занятую культистами часть раскопок. Пленные исследователи связаны, часть из них используется Червями для проведения каких-то своих ритуалов. Протагонист освобождает их, расправляясь с теми из культистов, кто пытается ему помешать. Обыскивая тела убитых Червей, Бездушный собирает листы с записями исследований Тааренгрева, которые те отобрали у учёных. Спасённые исследователи убегают в Айварстед, но один из них сообщает герою, что Кирет Ванос находится в палатке у драконьего кургана. Отправившись туда, протагонист быстро находит связанную данмерку:
Кирет: | «Ты! Ты должен меня выслушать!» | ||
Бездушный: | «Позволь мне вывести тебя отсюда». | ||
Кирет: | «Стой! Я слышала о том, что нужно культу Червя. Они обшаривают Рифт в поисках духов легендарных Пяти сотен Соратников Исграмора. Они хотят поработить этих духов и связать их с великаном | Бездушный: | «И здесь есть дух?» |
Кирет: | «Думаю, да. Я считаю, что в этих руинах находится склеп, в котором похоронен Вальдур, один из Соратников Исграмора. Что касается собранных тобой страниц… они могут подсказать, как проникнуть внутрь. Если бы только у меня было больше времени!» | ||
Бездушный: | «Я справлюсь с культом». | ||
Кирет: | «Надеюсь. Мой ученик, | Бездушный: | «Я справлюсь. А теперь давай освободим тебя». |
Дальнейший путь протагониста проходит по коридорам, полным огненных ловушек и поднявшихся из своих склепов драугров. Попадаются и культисты Червя. Пока только мёртвые. Ненадолго перед протагонистом вновь возникает Вальдур. На этот раз его дух стянут магическими цепями: «Черви разрушают мою сущность, терзают мой дух. Останови их!
Ритуал почти завершён. Останови культ Червя!»
Герой входит в большой зал кургана. Здесь он снова видит дух Вальдура, схватившегося за голову и кричащего от боли. По бокам зала расположены три защищённые странными магическими барьерами двери с расположенными над ними символами древней, ещё до драконов, религии нордов. Сгустки чёрной энергии кружат по залу. На полу лежат тела убитых культистов, а к одной из колонн прислонился тяжело раненый, но ещё живой данмер Данерас, тот самый ученик Кирет Ванос:
Правильно рассортированные Данерасом бумаги оказываются исследовательскими заметками брата Кирет Рейнора. Последней записью является то самое расшифрованное стихотворение: «Пловец глубокого моря. Поднимается на поверхность в ясный день. Высоко над головами смотрят глаза. Следи за крылом. Далеко внизу скрежещет чешуя. Пульсирует яд. Всё едино в глазах нашего владыки Алдуина».
Герой может попытаться спросить ответ на эту загадку у Вальдура:
Вальдур: | «Культ Червя… разрывает мою душу на части. Помоги мне!» |
Бездушный: | «Что произойдёт, если я не остановлю их?» |
Вальдур: | «Культ поработит меня. Мой дух разрушит Рифт. Останови их, прошу!» |
Если герой владеет способностью «Угроза» из ветки навыков Гильдии бойцов, он может заставить Соратника сообщит правильное решение головоломки с дверями:
Бездушный: | «Борись с этим! Помог мне решить головоломку!» |
Вальдур: | «Я не могу думать. Культ рвёт меня на части! Следуй… символам… над дверью… кит, орёл, змея. Поторопись!» |
Дух Вальдура исчезает.
Первой дверью, через которую надо пройти, защищена барьером, напоминающим лёд. Над ней помещена круглая табличка с изображением кита, украшенная зелёным камнем. Ледяной барьер оказывается лишь иллюзией. Пройдя сквозь дверь, герой попадает в следующий зал. Здесь нужно пройти через следующую дверь, защищённую огненной стеной и украшенную изображением орла всё с тем же зелёным камнем, но огонь также является лишь иллюзией. В третьем зале правильной является дверь, над которой находится изображение Шенталь Раненое Сердце , пытаются поработить дух Соратника. Все они гибнут в схватке с протагонистом. Освобождённый дух Вальдура просит героя следовать за ним: «Иди за мной, храбрец. Я провожу тебя».
У самого выхода из кургана дух Вальдура останавливается, чтобы поблагодарить Бездушного:
Вальдур: | «Как же долго я был в неволе. Но теперь я свободен. А ты спас меня. Спасибо, господин». |
Бездушный: | «Пожалуйста. А культ не сможет попробовать ещё раз?» |
Вальдур: | «Нет. Теперь, когда мои оковы разрушены, а ритуал прерван, я стал свободен. Они хотели поработить меня, использовать меня, чтобы усилить великана Синмура. Я помогу тебе в твоих начинаниях против подлых Червей». |
Напоследок Вальдур скажет протагонисту, что слышит голос Хакри. Культ Червя затевает что-то у башни Хонрик и герою нужно быть там.
Лощина Керболь — небольшая бретонская деревня, затерянная в глуши в восточной части Мурнота. Она находится в изолированной котловине, окружённой со всех сторон скалами и скрытой от посторонних глаз. Единственным способом попасть в поселение является пещерный проход в северо-западной части лощины, ведущий во внешний мир. Об этом месте слагают легенды, говорящие о том, что Бездушным, который решит помочь Ренуа. От деревенской гостевом домике Дравен чувствует себя уставшим. но настроен весьма оптимистически. при этом он откажется говорить, что за болезнь лечат в Лощине Кербол, сославшись на стремление жителей к уединённости и секретности. Ренуа же недоволен тем, что исцелённые не могут покидать деревню, а также тем, что о лекарстве и болезни никто не говорит. Бретон попросит Бездушного изучить Лощину Кербол и попытаться выяснить её тайны, пока сам он поговорит лично с мэром. Местные жители откажутся что-либо говорить чужаку, а осмотр поселения на предмет странностей даст свои результаты. Так, герою попадутся странные робы, куски мяса, не срезанные, а оторванные с туши. Каджитка дома Керболь и от неё протагонист узнает, что она сама и все другие обитатели деревни, включая мэра, являются вервольфами. От встреченного на улице Ренуа станет известно, что Дравена утащили в лес за деревней для обряда посвящения.
В первом случае необходимо будет пробраться в южную часть леса за деревней, где в пещере находится источник силы Керболь. Подступы туда кишат вервольфами и волками, а сама короткая пещера ведёт на возвышенность над деревней, где находится особый талисман, являющийся средоточием силы Ариенны Керболь. В это же время она поведёт Дравена к алтарю, расположенному на обрыве над Лощиной Керболь. Отправившийся туда протагонист убьёт обратившуюся в оборотня Керболь, после чего Дравен и Ренуа покинут деревню. Оборотень уже узнает своего супруга, поэтому Ренуа надеется на лучшее. Между тем Лощина Кербол опустеет и все её жители исчезнут. Если герой решит помочь Ариенне, то герою понадобится обманом заманить Дравена и его супруга к алтарю на обрыве, где Дравен должен быть убит. Керболь не хочет из-за прихоти одного человека жертвовать всей общиной, поэтому пойдёт на такие меры. После смерти супруг Ренуа уйдёт из поселения, а оно само будет постепенно возвращаться к мирной жизни.
To start the quest, you can talk to Renoit Leonciele who is waiting in the camp outside Kerbol's Hollow for word of his husband. He tells you that the mayor of Kerbol's Hollow, the village past the cave ahead, is reputed to be able to cure any disease. Renoit's husband, Draven, has fallen ill, and the couple came here to have him cured. Renoit wasn't allowed to stay with his husband in the village, and has been waiting outside for a week. He asks you to enter the village and check up on his husband. You'll need to talk to the guard by the cave's entrance before you enter, as the village isn't too keen on accepting unexpected visitors. The guard, Marcellyne Cine, is standing next to a friendly wolf. It won't be hard to convince her to let you in, but she will warn you that the woods surrounding the village are not safe.
Once you have entered the village, you will witness the mayor, Arienne Kerbol, telling a crowd of villagers about the soon-to-be new member of the village.
Arienne Kerbol: "Rejoice! Soon we will have a new member of our family—Draven!" Arienne Kerbol: "Patience, friends. I will speak to each of you individually." <She notices you.> Arienne Kerbol: "I don't recognize you. Come, let us speak."
At this, you can introduce yourself to Arienne and ask about Draven. She tells you that Draven will soon be inducted into the village. When you try to inquire further about what this induction implies, she refuses to elaborate. She does, however, tell you that those who are cured must stay in the village, for everyone's protection. She directs you to the guest house, where Draven is staying.
The Guest House is to the east of the town square. Draven will be inside, eating a meal. You can ask how he is and tell him that Renoit is worried about him. He assures you that he's fine, and refuses to elaborate on what he's being cured of.
After speaking with Draven, Renoit will run in, complaining that no one is telling him what's going on.
Investigating the Village [ edit ]
Despite the comforting words from Draven, Renoit will be suspicious of the cure being offered, as everyone is evasive about the matter. He's worried because no one will tell him exactly what the cure is, why Draven can't leave town afterwards, and why they can't say what Draven has, even if they have a remedy for it. Renoit says Draven is desperate for a cure, and that he'll believe anything that anyone tells him about how to cure his ailment. Renoit asks you to have a look around and ask the villagers about their home. Maybe then, the truth will come to light. All he wants is something to ease his mind.
When you leave the Guest House, you will have to investigate the village for anything unusual. Try speaking to one of the villagers first. Liranaire is reading in front of the town hall, Nalimeh is kneeling beside the guest house, Tharag is repairing the railing on Kerbol's House and Nizran is working in front of the forge. Every villager will be reluctant to tell you anything useful. Nalimeh in particular points you towards the butcher for a bite to eat. There's an excessive amount of meat at the butcher's stall. You can investigate the meat cart in front of the stall.
<The meat in the cart looks like it was ripped rather than cut from whatever creature it came from.>
A book titled The Book of Reason can be found on the merchant's stall. The tome gives you more clues about the nature of the town. You can also find a set of hooded Robes in baskets behind Themond's House and beneath the clothesline at the market. There is a tree near the market that is particularly strange. When you investigate the tree near the merchants, you'll find more strange clues.
<The bark has been clawed to pieces.>
All you need to do is investigate two of the clues and take one bundle of robes. Once you've done so, you can confront one of the four villagers mentioned above, who will finally point you somewhere helpful. They'll tell you to speak with a woman by the name of Helene Danise, who is in Kerbol's home, which is across the street from the guest house.
Helene Danise can be found downstairs in a cage. When you speak with her, it is clear that there is something very wrong with her. She's in agony, and yells at you to leave. She talks about a change, and being able to smell your blood. Kerbol promised she'd be able to help, but only after Helene calms down. She informs you that she's a werewolf, and that she can't control herself. Helene says Kerbol promised to save her, as she saved everyone else. With the implication that most people in the village are werewolves and Kerbol is "saving" them, you can return to Renoit with the news. He is standing outside the guest house, but things have been happening while you were gone.
The Ritual [ edit ]
Renoit will tell you that Draven was taken away by Kerbol and some other villagers to some sort of ritual site to complete Draven's initiation into the village. Renoit likens it to a cult. There's a winding path to the east of the town square. Kerbol and several others took Draven up that way. Take the robes you found and stop the ritual before Draven is bound to the village forever. Renoit begs you not to let them hurt his husband.
Following the dirt path heading eastward will lead you to a clearing where hooded figures are arranged in a circle around Draven and Arienne. As you approach you will be prompted to put on the Robes as a disguise. While this happens, you will also overhear Ariennne speaking to Draven:
Arienne Kerbol: "There's no turning back now, Draven. You are a part of this village now." Arienne Kerbol: "Don't be alarmed. Soon the pain will subside." <The ritual starts, blue-green light covers Draven has he begins to float.> Draven Leonciele: "No … stop! You're in my head!" <Arienne then notices you.> Arienne Kerbol: "Don't interrupt the ritual!"
At this point you must approach Draven and destroy his magic bindings to disrupt the ritual. Arienne Kerbol loses control of her spell, and Draven turns into a werewolf. Draven leaps up the cliff with great force and runs off into the woods.
You need to speak with Arienne Kerbol, who is understandably furious.
"You! You've endangered us all with your meddling!
Well? What have you got to say for yourself?" Draven's not sick. He's a werewolf, like Helene. "Yes. We all are, in fact. That's why he came to us. I can suppress the lycanthropic tendencies of the disease.
The ritual you interrupted was to seal Draven's form. To protect him as well as the village. But now he's turned and we're all in danger." What happens now? "We must find him. The ritual might still work if we catch him in time to complete the binding.
If not, then we must save the town, above all else." What can I do? "Go after him! I must tell everyone what's happened. Everyone who's left, that is.
If he can't be subdued and forced to complete the ritual, he'll have to be killed. And that's on your head, not mine!"
Head up the hill and find Draven. You'll come across a deer carcass. Examine it, and Draven will bound up the hill and attack you. Defeat Draven. When his health reaches 13%, he'll transform back into a human and fall unconscious. You must return to Renoit in the town square and explain what has happened.
"What's happened? Some of the people in town are acting strangely." The ritual failed. Draven's turn into a werewolf. "What? That was his disease all along? Why didn't he tell me?
We have to go after him! He's probably frightened out of his mind! What was Kerbol thinking?" Kerbol was trying to seal his form. I had to subdue him. "Kerbol has a lot of explaining to do! Sealing his form? What does that even mean?
Gods, I pray Draven's all right!"
After speaking with Renoit, Arienne will come out of the Town Hall to address a crowd of worried citizens. She reassures them that everything is going to be fine. Arienne then instructs Renoit to bring Draven to the town hall, and you to come with her. Follow the mayor into the town hall and speak with her.
Learning the Truth and a Choice [ edit ]
Once inside the Town Hall, Arienne will explain the spell that has been subduing the villagers' werewolf forms is coming undone, and insists that Draven must complete the ritual. She believes Draven would react poorly to her if she asked him personally, but that you have a better chance of convincing him.
"Some of the townsfolk have already turned back into their werewolf form. The spell is breaking faster than I thought.
Draven must complete the ritual." Can he, even now? "Yes. He's not the first to fail, but it's very rare. Those who don't complete the ritual usually die immediately, by their own hand or someone else's.
Nevertheless, it's better than the alternative." Maybe you should convince him to continue it. "He may not see me as an ally, thanks to your interference. He may only remember how much pain I caused." I subdued him on the hillside …. "This is your fault, so you must fix it. The others from the ritual site will bring him in. Let's hope he doesn't remember your fight.
Talk to Draven, but take what he says with a grain of salt."
With a dazed Draven also in the Town Hall, you have the opportunity to ask Draven about his experiences with the ritual. His answers only make things more complicated.
"Where am I? It was like I fell asleep, but then there was this terrible pain ….
I remember you. You're the one who helped my husband. Oh, Renoit! Are you all right? Did I hurt you?" Kerbol might still be able to finish your initiation. "I see the truth. Power calls me. No one can stop me. Kill! Eat! There is no fear, only hunger.
No! I'm not a beast! I can control myself …. Renoit! Renoit, don't leave me!" Let Kerbol finish the ritual. "No! Don't let her! I don't want this anymore. I've seen what she does to the people in this village. She takes their minds. Puts them under her control!
Being a werewolf is a curse, but I can't give up who I am!" How do you know this? "I felt it. She was in my head during the ritual, cutting away something inside, something important. I couldn't move!
To think she did that to all those people! That's no cure!"
At this point, you will have a choice which effects the rest of the quest. You can either side with Draven and break the spell's hold over him, or you can side with the village and maintain the spell.
Breaking the Spell [ edit ]
If you decided to side with Draven, you can follow an upset Renoit outside to explain the situation and to ask him if he knows anything which could help break the spell.
"What will happen to Draven now? I don't understand any of this." Everyone in this town is a werewolf, including Kerbol. "Her too? That explains it. Kerbol has a spell over this entire town. These people are all mindless drones!
If wer're to save Draven, we must break this spell for good. I think I know what to do."
Kerbol doesn't want anyone up there. We've got to destroy whatever she's hiding on the hill." I should talk with Kerbol one last time. "Don't let her cast a spell over you. She's clouded everyone's judgement in this town. If you talk to her, she'll convince you to kill Draven.
Don't let her kill my husband."
It should be noted that after siding with Draven and Renoit, you still have the option of reversing your choice by simply going to talk with Arienne. Nonetheless, after hearing Renoit's plan, he will become your follower, and you will need to lead him up the slopes, to the cave containing the Spell Focus. While escorting him, be aware that there are hostile werewolves around.
When you reach the Spell Focus, Renoit will notice it:
Renoit Leonciele: "What is this?" <Runs up to the focus.> Renoit Leonciele: "This has got to be the source of the spell. Let's destroy it!"
At this point of the quest, this is the last place you can change your choice. Once the Talisman is destroyed you will have to deal with the inadvertent consequences.
Renoit Leonciele: "Quiet … I think I hear something."
Ariennne will have taken Draven to the Shrine in a last ditch attempt at either completing the binding or killing him to fix the problem. With the talisman destroyed, Arienne will transform into a werewolf. You must kill her to save Draven.
Once Kerbol is dead, Draven transforms into a werewolf, then he and Renoit will flee. They can be found on the path below the shrine.
Renoit Leonciele: "Draven, wait!" <He catches up to the werewolf.>
Renoit will sit on a nearby rock and Draven will settle beside him. You can then speak with Renoit.
"I'm glad we put a stop to this madness. And look! Draven knows me. He knows both of us. That gives me hope." What will you two do now? "Draven needs to learn how to control his … power. I don't know where we'll go while he does. Somewhere far away from anyone else, where no one will question us.
If this is the life we must lead together, I'll gladly run with him."
The quest will end and you can leave the couple to ponder their future.
Saving the Village [ edit ]
If you decide to help Arienne Kerbol and the village, you will need to speak with her.
"The poor fool. He has already joined us in blood, if not in spirit. I guess there's nothing left to do, if his wish is to leave the ritual unfinished. He must be put down." You mean killed? "The spell which holds back the lycanthropy is weakening because of him. Unless he either finishes the rite or dies, we're all doomed to follow him. I can't let people of this village suffer for the whims of one man." Why not kill himself now? "The townsfolk . they don't know the cost of their freedom. No, it's better to do it away from the town. Draven will revert to his werewolf form soon. We must lure him out of town. Renoit will be our bait. I pity the man, but it's our only recourse." Then I'll get Renoit. "I'm glad you understand our predicament. Don't hurt Renoit - he's already gone through so much already. Take him past the cave up the hill. With luck, Draven won't be far behind, and we can end this nightmare."
Now you have to talk with Draven to convince him to follow you. At this point you have a chance to change your mind and help Renoit and Draven instead. If you decide to go through with Arienne's plan, you can lie to him or tell him straight up front that the ritual Kerbol started needs to end. He accepts this, and asks if there's anything he can do to help end his husband's suffering. Tell him that the two of you need to lure Draven away from the village, and he agrees without question.
Go past the western gate and through the cave. Head up to the altar, where you'll find Draven in werewolf form. Arienne instructs you to kill him. After you do so, Renoit will be devastated and flee. Talk to Arienne.
"Such a waste. I'd hoped Draven would listen to reason before it came to this." Was there really no other way? "If he'd remained alive, the spell over the whole town would have broken, leaving us all as he was - a mindless, slavering beast. I would not wish that fate on anyone." And the spell remains intact? "Yes. His death severed his connection with the town. I do hope Renoit makes it safely away, thought I doubt anyone would believe his wild tales if he chose to speak about us. Another legend to hand down, I suppose."
Кто проходил квест "Оковы Свободы" или "Цепи Свободы"
У меня во время похождения этого квеста на этапе когда нужно отвести Реноит в верхнее святилище где его нужно вроде как убить не получается это сделать.
Когда я привожу этого НПС в необходимую зону не чего не происходит а сам НПС за мной продолжает бегать и избавиться я от него не могу.
Посоветуйте как пройти этот квест.
в ТЕСО такое количество квестов, что я сомневаюсь, что кто-то помнит именно это задание. Хотя бы на англ напиши название.
английское название Freedom's Chains
квест в Лощине Кербол (Kerbol's Hollow)
бладж. я ж его проходил, но пока не открыл на викиа, не мог отдуплиться. Я несколько раз отменял и брал заново. Прикол в том, что привести его нужно с определенной стороны, там, кажется два пути к точке, и при подходе с одного квест багается. И сменить сторону можно только раз - если после мэра поговорить с риноитом, то вернуться на сторону мэра можно только перезапуском квеста. Так было месяца три назад, по крайней мере.
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