Team fortress 2 kazotsky kick как получить
Не в сети 5 июл. 2015 в 7:41 27 дек. 2015 в 18:09
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This new taunt comes for the cheap price of only 11.99€ or 13$. You could buy yourself three Indiegames for that, but whatever, there are hats which are more expensive. The great thing is, it is a group taunt, so you can join in even if you do not own it yourself.
So how do you join in and dance which such sweet movements the KGB will arrest you for it? Well, let's get going. Starting the taunt
For this incredibly complicated process, you have three options.
1. Find an idiot that was willing to spend 12€ on a small ingame animation (like me for instance).
2. Be an idiot an buy the taunt yourself.
3. Trade the taunt from someone as soon as this is possible (as of the writing of this guide it isn't, since new items need some time before they are tradeable).
If you see someone else doing the taunt, position yourself next to them and press G. If you have taunts yourself equiped in your tauntmenu, press G twice.
If you own the taunt yourself, equip it, press G, and then use the correct button.
Well, that was pretty easy. Be aware of people that are taunt glitched, meaning that they will appear in the dancing animation all the time, even though they are not performing it. You can't join these guys, obviously.
Dancing for Mother RussiaAnd now we reach the complex part, the actual dancing.
The best way to do it would most likely be to find a russian guy and copy whatever he does, since every Russian learns this dance before they learn how to walk, but sadly most of them don't really get how to dance or how to do anything else besides shooting stuff in Team Fortress 2, so nevermind that.
Now, the reason why the Kazotsky Kick is so much better than the Conga is because you can do it on the spot and backwards. You do not have to move all the time during it.
This unfortunatly means that Engineers can not build endless Kazotskyteleporter like they could with the Conga, but you have so much more freedom now!
So, here is a step by step guide on how to do it right:
1. The best classes for dancing are the Medic and the Demoman, then come the Heavy, Sniper and Spy, then the Soldier, then the Scout, Pyro and Engineer. You want to be the cool kid, you pick Medic or Demoman.
2. Dance in a line and follow people.
3. Dance on top of each other.
4. Dance everywhere, constantly run into everyone and get stuck.
5. Dance on the spot while spinning around in a circle.
6. Dance backwards.
7. Dance off a cliff.
8. Dance up the stairs, down the hall, across the entire map.
9. Dance even higher on top of each other and make a giant tower.
10. Dance, maggot!
11. Dance while other people kill the one sucker that tried to kill everyone who is dancing.
12. Dance with the enemy team.
13. Respawn because you just got killed.
14. Dance with your own team.
15. Dance with everyone.
16. Dance while votekicking the people that kill the dancers.
17. Dance next to the objectives.
18. Dance while some crybabies complain about how the new update killed TF2 and that they will totally quit the game this time and whatever.
19. Dance for four bloody hours while you should technically be studying for your exams and oh god what am I even doing here.
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При использовании насмешки, игрок начинает танцевать украинский народный танец Гопак. Танец будет варьироваться в зависимости от того, какой класс танцует. Во время исполнения насмешки, игрок может как двигаться в любом направлении, так и стоять на месте.
Аналогично Конге, любой игрок (включая ботов) может присоединиться к насмешке.
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