Swtor pvp гайд
Перво-наперво: снаряжение! Как многие из вас уже знают, то, что вы носите, имеет значение, когда дело доходит до характеристик. Как и в случае с PvE, вам нужно накопить определенный порог очков характеристик в нескольких разных пулах, чтобы максимально использовать свое снаряжение с точки зрения урона. По общему мнению, экипировка для PvP такова:
Помните, что матчи PvP (так называемые боевые зоны) также укрепят вашего персонажа, что повысит ваши базовые характеристики и боевой уровень, давая вам немного места для маневра, когда дело доходит до распределения характеристик.
Рекомендуется использовать кристаллы с критическим рейтингом (Потрошение) как в основном, так и в левом оружии, а также в качестве стимулятора умения, который повысит вашу критическую статистику и точность. В частности, для PvP лучше всего выбирать реликвии Focused Retribution и Serendipitous Assault, хотя выбор реликвии действительно зависит от вашего стиля игры.
Не стесняйтесь также поэкспериментировать со своей статистикой в PvP. Хотя общепризнано, что приведенная выше статистика хорошо работает для любой данной боевой зоны, вы можете обнаружить, что другой метод лучше подходит для вашей конкретной специализации или стиля игры. Это одна из приятных особенностей SWTOR: вы можете экспериментировать, сбиваться с проторенной дорожки и при этом находить что-то, что работает!
Ниже приведен краткий список самых эффективных спецификаций в PvP на данный момент:
Eagle Eyes: станьте снайпером Marksmanship и уничтожьте своих врагов издалека.
Guns Blazing: Есть ли что-нибудь более приятное, чем «скамья, скамья» двух бластеров Наемника?
Как и в случае с PvE, Arsenal Mercenary прощает и прост в освоении, что делает его отличным кандидатом для нового игрока. Хотя они больше не входят в мету, как были до 6.0, они по-прежнему обладают отличной живучестью.
Электрическая личность: поражайте противников искрами, играя за колдуна молний.
Благодаря дальности действия Lightning 35 метров, это делает эту спецификацию легким выбором для кайтинга в PvP. Держите дистанцию, атакуя точку, и сводите своих противников с ума, поскольку они пытаются не отставать от вас.
Гнев Императора: уничтожьте своих врагов дюрастиловой волей Джаггернаута возмездия.
Из теней: уничтожьте другую команду серией быстрых маневров с использованием светового меча, которые оставят их с отвисшей челюстью в роли Deception Assassin.
Наконечник яда: Смертельного оперативника, пропитанного ядом, трудно поймать и трудно убить.
У Lethality Operative потрясающая выживаемость в PvP, и, хотя это спецификация DoT, также есть довольно хороший взрывной потенциал. Бегущий и оснащенный утилитой скрытности, смертоносный оперативник может вступать в бой и отключаться в мгновение ока.
Молниеносный! : Ваши враги едва ли смогут увидеть сквозь толстую оболочку пламени, из которой состоит комплект Pyrotech Powertech.
В сегодняшней текущей мете Powertech всегда находится на вершине, если мы посмотрим на чистый числовой вывод. Их урон практически не имеет себе равных, что делает их порочным выбором для PvP. Хотя Powertechs, как правило, более мягкие, чем другие классы с точки зрения прямых защитных способностей, они более чем компенсируют это своим повреждением.
Невидимый нападающий: ударьте сзади со смехом и сразите своих врагов, прежде чем они успеют даже позвать на помощь, как оперативник маскировки.
Полностью работоспособный: оснащенный лучшим арсеналом, который может купить Охотник за головами, Advanced Prototype Powertech наверняка вызовет головокружение у своих противников демонстрацией технической силы.
И снова PT на вершине! Как правило, бурст-классы лучше работают в PvP просто потому, что скорость помогает вам быстрее убивать своих противников. Не заблуждайтесь, спецификации DoT (например, Pyrotech от PT) также жизнеспособны и могут действительно нанести ущерб, поскольку их DoT каскадируются.
PvP, или игрок против игрока, является одним из режимов игры, в котором игроки проводят битвы между друг другом. Это можно делать как в открытом мире, так и посещая боевые зоны или арены.
PvP в SWTOR разделяются на основе уровня:
Чтобы начать PvP-матч, необходимо встать в очередь на боевую зону. Для этого необходимо кликнуть на иконке своей фракции в правом нижнем углу мини-карты и нажать кнопку "Join Queue". Когда для вас подберется подходящий матч, на экране высветится окошко с приглашением войти в PvP-зону. Вы можете принять решение войти или отказаться в течение 1 минуты 10 секунд. Если за это время решение не принято, система автоматически убирает вас из очереди на PvP. В боевую зону или арену можно попасть где бы вы не находились (исключение - флешпойнты и операции) как только ваш уровень будет 10 или выше.
What are the top 5 classes for PVP in Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic has capped off the past 8 years of gameplay with a new update in October, “Onslaught”. With this new update, a new level cap of 75, new planets, and new endgame content, there are a number of new endgame armor, set bonuses, and an entirely new class of Tactical items. These will all affect how PVP classes will perform, so let’s rate the top 5 PVP classes as of now! As always with these rankings, they are subjective and based on general consensus from the sources I looked at online; there are certainly differing opinions on just about every aspect of PVP as is evident by the very active forums following the latest expansion!
5. Jedi Knight Guardian- Defense/Sith Warrior Juggernaut - Immortal
Tanking Ain't Easy: A Jedi Guardian stands above a fallen foe.
The Jedi Knight Guardian and the Sith Warrior Juggernaut focused on the Defense and Immortal specializations respectively are generally considered some of the best tank classes out there. While many lean on DPS to win the day in PVP and some would even argue that tanks are of no use in PVP, there is certainly an argument to be made that some game modes and maps lend themselves to tanks. So, if you need a tank in your PVP match, look no further than the Guardian and Juggernaut.
Why Jedi Knight Guardian - Defense/Sith Warrior Juggernaut - Immortal is OP in PvP
- DPS damage of +1.54% above average
- Average damage taken per second (DTPS) of 2475 when optimized
- Average 75.25% damage reduction
- Average 68.39% damage reduction on AOEs
- New armor set bonuses such as the Lord of Pain set and 3 specific tacticals including Levithan’s Hide which allows Crushing Blow generates stacks of Crushing Defense for every enemy it hits, increasing your damage reduction by 2.5% per stack for 10 seconds
How to build Jedi Knight Guardian - Defense/Sith Warrior Juggernaut - Immortal for PvP
4. Jedi Consular Sage - Seer/Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer - Corruption
Doctor's Orders: A Sith Inquisitor prepares to unleash the Dark Side of the Force.
If you’re in PVP to be a team player and provide some much needed heals to your fellow players, then you’re going to want to start off with a Jedi Consular Sage on the Seer discipline or its mirror, the Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer with Corruption discipline. While there is definitely some debate on the overall effectiveness of this class when pushed to its limits in the latest expansion, there is no doubt that these are some of the easiest healing classes to jump in and learn that are also effective at their job.
Why Jedi Consular Sage - Seer/Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer - Corruption is OP in PvP
- Average HPS of 17,136
- When optimized, -4.19% HPS vs Average HPS, right between the two other healer classes
- Excellent utility healing class making it easy for new players to jump in
- Good AOE and good single-target healing capabilities
- Several new armor set bonuses like Empowered Restorer and multiple tacticals including All For One which increases the amount Salvation/Revivification heals the fewer allies it heals overall
How to build Jedi Consular Sage - Seer/Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer - Corruption for PvP
3. Jedi Sentinel - Concentration/Sith Marauder - Fury
Blue and Gold: A Jedi Knight Sentinel takes a stance with her dual lightsabers.
Melee burst DPS at its finest. The Jedi Sentinel Concentration/Sith Marauder Fury paths are well known to be some of the best DPS out there despite their real lack of DCDs when compared to some of the other classes. Despite that, these classes are powerful (some would argue too powerful until 6.0’s balancing) and fairly easy to jump into for newer players if they are looking for melee gameplay.
Why Jedi Sentinel - Concentration/Sith Marauder - Fury is OP in PvP
- Up to 56 attacks per minute (APM) when optimized
- Fair survivability with up to medium armor
- An effective, flexible rotation that is more based on priority
- Parses out the highest amount of average damage than other classes at +6.12%
- Several new armor sets like Culling Blade with new tier set bonuses and new tacticals like Perseverance, which allows the player to use Zealous Leap/Obliterate with Force Clarity/Furious Power to cause a critical hit
How to build Jedi Sentinel - Concentration/Sith Marauder - Fury for PvP
2. Smuggler Scoundrel - Scrapper /Imperial Agent Operative - Concealment
From the Shadows: An Imperial Agent Operative prepares to strike from the shadows.
Arguably one of the best classes overall for DPS in general, the Smuggler Scoundrel Scrapper/Imperial Agent Operative Concealment specialties hit hard from a respectable distance for a great combination of power and survivability. Combine that with the infamous roll mechanic and these classes can deal tons of damage while avoiding most everything. Definitely a little harder for new players to learn, the class is rewarding when it is mastered and a crucial component to any winning team.
Why Smuggler Scoundrel - Scrapper /Imperial Agent Operative - Concealment is OP in PvP
- Up to 51 APM when optimized
- Ranged attacks increase survivability along with the infamous rolling mechanic
- Variety of DOT and burst DPS for a varied rotation
- On average +5.98% higher than average DPS damage
- New armor sets like the Aggressive Treatment set and tacticals like Volatile Strike, which allows Bludgeon/Veiled Strike to automatically critically hit targets affected by your unexploded Blood Boiler/Volatile Substance and trigger it immediately; dealing damage this way causes your next Back Blast/Backstab to critically hit.
How to build Smuggler Scoundrel - Scrapper /Imperial Agent Operative - Concealment for PvP
1. Trooper Commando - Gunnery/Bounty Hunter Mercenary - Arsenal
Bring In the Big Guns: A Trooper Commando lays down fire.
Why Trooper Commando - Gunnery/Bounty Hunter Mercenary - Arsenal is OP in PvP
- APM of 51 when optimized
- +5.85% above average DPS damage
- Medium armor and distance along with DCDs help with survivability
- Fairly standard rotation to memorize
- An array of new armors with set bonuses such as Apex Predator and new tacticals like Burning Bright, which increases the damage of your next Vortex Bolt/Priming Shot while dealing damage with Boltstorm/Blazing Bolts, stacking up to 4 times to 100%
How to build Trooper Commando - Gunnery/Bounty Hunter Mercenary - Arsenal for PvP
PvP is an excellent vein of content in Star Wars: The Old Republic, with dynamic maps and interesting game modes that create an environment for amazing Player-versus-Player interactions. Whether it’s a Capture-the-Point, Team Deathmatch, Voidstar or Huttball, you’re going to find something that fits your tastes in SWTOR’s Warzones. There are a few differences to the PvP lifestyle when it comes to gearing and building a character to make them fit for the job, and while it doesn’t differ hugely from PvE, there are still important things to know. Knowing which classes are in the meta for PvP can help you demolish enemies with ease, or blow people away with an unexpected choice. If you play SWTOR, you already know that any class is a viable pick for whatever content you’re hoping to jump into, so this is by no means gospel when it comes to which class is “best” for PvP.
First things first: gear! As many of you may know by now, what you wear matters when it comes to the stats. As with PvE, you’re going to want to accumulate a certain threshold of stat points in a few different pools to get the most out of your gear in terms of damage. The general consensus on gearing for PvP is as follows:
- Around 3300 critical rating (42%) is advisable.
- 1213 alacrity if you are going for the first alacrity threshold (recommended if you are running with 3300 critical), or 3208 for the second threshold (not recommended if you are trying to achieve 3300 critical rating, since you simply won’t have enough room left in your stat pool to achieve both).
- Unlike PvE, you don’t necessarily need accuracy as a stat. You will miss your attacks more often if you don’t take any accuracy, but will be able to take more stats in other more meaningful departments (like critical or alacrity) to increase the potential of your damage. Many PvPers choose to take a boost in potential rather than make sure all of their abilities are hitting every time. A happy medium is to try to get around 105% (650) accuracy rating for PvP, which will allow you to hit more often, while still letting you place stats elsewhere.
Remember that PvP matches (called Warzones) will also Bolster your character, which increases your base stats and combat level, giving you a little wiggle room when it comes to stat allocation.
It’s a good idea to use critical rated crystals (Eviscerating) on both your mainhand and offhand weapons, as well as a Proficiency Stimulant, which will boost your critical and accuracy stats. For PvP in particular, it’s best to pick relics of Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault, though relic choice is really up to your playstyle.
Feel free to also play around with your stats in PvP. While it’s generally accepted that the above stats work well for any given Warzone, you might find that a different method works better for your particular spec or playstyle. That’s one of the nice things about SWTOR, you can experiment and go off the beaten track and still find something that works!
Below is a quick list of the top performing specs in PvP right now:
10. Sniper - Marksmanship
Mirror Class: Gunslinger - Sharpshooter
Eagle Eyes : Hunker down as a Marksmanship Sniper and take down your foes from far away.
While Snipers perform well in PvE content, it’s a little more tricky in PvP. A good player with a solid understanding of how the Sniper can defend itself and gain the upper hand will do just fine in PvP, but the skill ceiling for a new player just getting started can be a touch rougher than some of the other classes and specs. Your positioning (which arguably is the hardest part of the class) is everything as a Sniper, and your opponents are going to know that, too.
9. Mercenary - Arsenal
Mirror Class: Commando - Gunnery
Guns Blazing : Is there anything more satisfying than the “pew, pew” of the Mercenary’s twin blasters?
As with PvE, the Arsenal Mercenary is forgiving and easy-to-learn, which makes it a great candidate for a new player. While they are no longer in the meta as they were before 6.0, they can still pack a punch and have pretty excellent survivability.
8. Sorcerer - Lightning
Mirror Class: Sage - Telekinetics
An Electric Personality : Shock your opponents with sparks as the Lightning Sorcerer.
With Lightning’s 35 meter range, it makes this spec an easy choice for kiting in PvP. Keep your distance while attacking a point, and drive your opponents crazy as they try to keep up with you.
7. Marauder - Fury
Mirror Class: Sentinel - Concentration
“Time to rage!” : Fueled by hatred, the Fury Marauder is a formidable opponent in any fight.
There’s a lot of debate about Fury Marauder as a whole. Many people like to say it is an underperforming class – all while neglecting to actually play it. Here’s the thing: any class in SWTOR is viable and can pretty much do any job you throw at it. Some might perform a little bit better in different circumstances, but they can all do it. The Fury Marauder is no exception. It has great burst, pretty solid AoE potential, and is perhaps the easiest of the Marauder specs to pick up and learn.
6. Juggernaut - Vengeance
Mirror Class: Guardian - Vigilance
The Emperor’s Wrath : Demolish your enemies with the durasteel will of the Vengeance Juggernaut.
You can’t go wrong with a Juggernaut, end of story. As with PvE content, they are able to dish out excellent damage, and are highly survivable. Tank damage like a pro while rotating your incredible defensive abilities – the Juggernaut is truly a champion of PvP.
5. Assassin - Deception
Mirror Class: Shadow - Infiltration
From the Shadows : Take down the other team with a flurry of quick lightsaber maneuvers that will leave them slack-jawed as the Deception Assassin.
The Deception Assassin is a favorite pick for Warzones for its high burst potential and superb ability to thoroughly harass a point and live to tell the tale. It's easy-to-master rotation makes it a common sight on any Warzone battlefield.
4. Operative - Lethality
Mirror Class: Scoundrel - Ruffian
Venom-Tipped : Laced with poison, the Lethality Operative is hard to catch and hard to kill.
The Lethality Operative has amazing survivability in PvP, and though it is a DoT spec, has pretty good burst potential as well. Spritely and equipped with stealth utility, the Lethality Operative can engage and disengage in a heart-beat.
3. Powertech - Pyrotech
Mirror Class: Vanguard - Plasmatech
Fulminate! : Your enemies will scarcely be able to see through the thick cover of flames that makes up the Pyrotech Powertech’s kit.
In today’s current meta, the Powertech is always at the top if we look at pure number output. Their damage is pretty much unmatched, which makes them a vicious choice for PvP. Though Powertechs are generally more squishy than the other classes in terms of outright defensive abilities, they more than make up for it with their damage.
2. Operative - Concealment
Mirror Class: Scoundrel - Scrapper
Unseen Assailant : Strike from behind with a chuckle and cut down your foes before they can so much as call for help as the Concealment Operative.
A Concealment Operative is one of the only classes and specs that will give me an issue in PvP as a healer main. Their damage is incredible, and they can be extremely fast and bursty – excellent for harassing a capped point or defending an objective. Their ability to survive isn’t lackluster either, which makes them a formidable choice for PvP.
1. Powertech - Advanced Prototype
Mirror Class: Vanguard - Tactics
Fully Operational : Kitted out with the best arsenal a Bounty Hunter can buy, the Advanced Prototype Powertech is sure to dizzy their opponents with a show of tech-based force.
Once more, PT is at the top! Generally, burst classes tend to perform better in PvP, just because speed helps you kill your opponents faster. Don’t be misled though, DoT specs (like PT’s Pyrotech) are also viable, and can really wreak havoc as their DoTs cascade.
There you have it, some of the best builds for PvP in Star Wars: The Old Republic! As with all matters when it comes to class choice and spec selection, remember that whatever calls to you, is still a viable choice for all content. Even if something is the best right now, it might not be with the next update down the line. Thankfully for us, SWTOR is a rather balanced MMO, so regardless of your choice, you’re bound to be able to do most of the content you want. Have fun!
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