Surviving the aftermath еда гайд
Количество ресурсов в колонии ограничено. Строительство ворот позволяет исследовать карту мира и привлекать в колонию как посетителей, так и выживших.
На карте мира есть много возможностей собрать больше ресурсов и исследований, чтобы разблокировать новые технологии из дерева технологий.
Специалисты обладают восемью различными навыками, их мастерство пронумеровано от 1 до 5. Один из них означает, что они едва компетентны в этом, пять, что они мирового класса
- Лидерство:
- Исследование: количество очков действия.
- Огневая мощь: базовый урон атаки.
- Торговля:
- Исследование: научная точка набирает скорость за действие.
- Очистка: Скорость очистки ресурсов за действие.
- Медицина:
- Восстановление: Скорость исцеления в колонии.
Ознакомьтесь со многими задачами, которые ваши специалисты могут выполнять в разделе «Действия».
Ваши Колонисты - жители вашей колонии, (не) удачливые выжившие, которые жили, чтобы засвидетельствовать последствия апокалипсиса и теперь должны работать, чтобы пережить его.
Колонисты - это отдельные люди с различными потребностями и навыками. Они будут работать, потреблять пищу и воду и размножаться, чтобы колония продолжала расти и расти. Удовлетворение их основных потребностей в воде, еде и укрытии является важной частью игры. Колонисты несут ответственность за выполнение любых строительных, ремонтных, транспортных, сельскохозяйственных и других работ в колонии как на открытом воздухе, так и внутри зданий. Игра пытается автоматически назначить лучшего человека для работы, когда вы строите новые здания или редактируете рабочие места внутри.
Если вы оказались в ситуации, когда работа не продвигается, убедитесь, что у вас достаточно свободных работников для выполнения поставленных задач. Если нет, временно освободите некоторые из них, закрыв несколько рабочих мест в своих зданиях.
Многие опасности постапокалиптического мира больше всего влияют на колонистов. Они могут заболеть от радиации, заразиться болезнями или покалечиться. Все эти условия будут наносить ущерб здоровью, счастью и производительности колониста.
Физические условия можно лечить, исцеляя их с помощью медицинских строений, и это имеет решающее значение для процветающей колонии, поскольку игнорируемое плохое состояние в конечном итоге окажется смертельным.
Наличие активных медицинских зданий и специалиста, рыскающего по карте мира в поисках лекарств, может значительно помочь сохранить здоровье ваших людей.
Колонисты могут иметь набор черт, которые могут дать им бонусы или помехи.
Особенности | ||
Название | Эффект | Описание |
Educated | Production Speed +15% | Has learned how to work in a post apocalyptic world efficiently |
Hairy | Cold resistance +20% | Mutation has caused excessive body hair growth |
Believer | Max Happiness +20% | Religious background helps to see hope where there might not be any |
Former Hunter | Damages Self when in full Health | Was left permanently injured by a terrible hunting accident |
Driven | Production Speed +15% | Trouble mind that might go ballistic at any moment |
Hard Worker | Production Speed +15% | Works harder than average |
Minesweeper | Walking Speed -25% | One of the lucky ones clearing old minefields. Lost only part of one foot and some toes from the other |
Optimist | Max Happiness +20% | Seemingly resistant to the troubles in the world |
Healthy | Faster injury Recovery | Picture of health despite adverse conditions |
Sloth | Resting rate -50% | Sleeps longer than others |
Clumsy | Walking speed -25% | Constantly tripping over their own feet |
Lazy | Production Speed -15% | Just doesn't give a damn about work |
Spiritual | N/A | Believes in something larger than the human kind |
Reckless | Production Speed -5% | Dives headlong into everything without thinking first |
Been there | Max Health +30% | A lifetime of hardship has made the body sturdy and durable |
Comfort Seeker | Max Happiness -30 living in a shelter with no power | Aspires to minimize pain and maximize pleasure in life |
Tough | Max Health +20% | Built like a brick house, able to endure many hardships |
Daydreamer | Production Speed -5% | Has a hard time concentrating on the task at hand, dreams of better times |
Clawed | N/A | An encounter with a ferocious beast left its mark; scars across the face and a mutilated nose |
Suspicious | Happiness penalty when survivors join the colony | Distrustful of new and unfamiliar people |
Loiterer | Walking speed -25% | Tries to take things easy whenever possible |
Competitive | Walking speed +20% | Has to be first everywhere, best at everything, or at least the fastest |
Punctual | Walking Speed +20% | Finds comfort in organization, punctuality and schedules |
Farmhand | +15% as a Farmer | Loves to see things grow and blossom |
Genetic Lottery | Faster injury recovery | Blessed with remarkable genes |
Ritualistic | N/A | Has structured their day around strict religious routines |
Picky | Hunger rate -15% | Very selective about what they eat, gets by with less |
Martial Artist | Max Health +30% | Sees themselves as a professional fighter, aims constantly for maximum fitness |
Glutton | Twice as hungry | Eats more than they should. Does not care if someone is left without food |
Horrors of the Past | Production Speed +5% | It is difficult to think anything but the horrors they'e witnessed. Hard labour helps to take the mind off things |
Obsessive | Production Speed -15% | Handicapped by compulsive thoughts and small rituals |
Resigned | Production Speed -15% | Has completely given up and doesn't see the point in anything anymore |
Paranoid | Production Speed -5% | Suspects everything and everyone, jumpy and irrational |
Authoritarian | Production Speed +15% with over five specialists in the colony | Believes in control, leadership and discipline |
Hyperactive | Needs more time to get Educated | Has a though time focusing on one thing at a time |
Green Thumb | Production speed +5% | Feeling dry dirt between the fingers is the best feeling in the world |
Luddite | N/A | Prefers old ways and abhors new technology |
People Person | Happiness boost when survivors join the colony | Enjoys meeting new people |
Неизбежная часть жизни, смерть приходит к нам всем в конце концов, так или иначе.
Это может произойти из-за голодания, длительного обезвоживания, необработанных травм или нападений бандитов. Мертвые колонисты несут серьезную опасность, поскольку их трупы могут потенциально служить переносчиками и распространять болезни, а наличие мертвых людей, лежащих на виду, также сделает живых людей несчастными.
Чтобы предотвратить возникновение таких проблем, мертвых колонистов необходимо доставить в Могильник. Это обеспечивает минимальное воздействие на общее счастье и здоровье колонии, поскольку тела выводятся из поля зрения и исчезают из виду живых колонистов, а также помещаются в место, где они не могут распространять болезни.
Специалисты, если они умирают, либо теряются в пустыне, либо быстро захороняются на месте выжившими товарищами.
Их имущество и любые ресурсы, которые были у них в инвентаре, также будут потеряны.
Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.
At least some were last verified for version 1.1.
Your colony has several ways of producing a variety of Food. The simplest way is to direct your Colonists to gather Berries near your starting location by selecting the Food Storage and setting its Work Area on top of the Berry Bushes. This will provide a quick but short term option to top up your stores.
Food production is very prone to disruptions from Catastrophes, so a good stock of varied items is a necessity. You can also scavenge food from abandoned farms and diners on the World Map and a Specialist can be worth their weight in gold when bringing more food into the colony during a time of crisis. Catastrophes can wither open Fields instantly, so consider building Greenhouses as soon as possible.
Food production
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.1.Hunting and Fishing
A more long-term solution is to build Trappers and (if there are lakes nearby) Fishing Huts. Both provide a steady stream of Venison and Fish respectively but will struggle to supply enough for a large colony. A bad Effective Area results in a lower food yield while a good area would lead to a high percentage of effectiveness.
Specialists can also hunt down wild animals for extra Meat that can be collected with a Food Storage.
For your colony to really start growing, you will need Fields. Fields are free to build but need normal - or preferably fertile - soil to flourish. They can take a long time to cultivate and grow but will provide large amounts of produce—from Corn to Potatoes and Cabbage depending on which Seeds you have available. New Crops are faster to grow or provide a more bountiful harvest, so always keep an eye on them. Fields come in three sizes Small, Medium and Large.
Advanced production
Advanced methods of food production Cookhouses, Mess Halls, Aqua Farms, Ranches and Insect Farms. The former allows you to refine raw ingredients into more nutritious Meals, effectively multiplying the amount of food you get. The latter ones are more catastrophe-proof ways of producing proteins fast to diversify your food production.
Hunger and Malnutrition
Colonists need a steady source of Meats and Vegetables. Some foods are only good for filling up the stomachs of Colonists, but provide no nutrients for them to keep going in the long term.
Malnourished colonists’ diet is severely lacking in one or more areas. You can prepare various dishes in Cookhouses and Mess Halls. Yet, getting back on track might take several days of varied intake. Well Nourished colonists enjoy a varied diet of both Meat and Vegetable meals. Well fed people are at their best in taking care of the Colony, so pursuing this status is recommended.
When hungry, the colonists will eat anything available. An empty stomach is a quicker way to meet your demise, whereas Malnutrition is a slow but equally deadly killer.
Food types
Please help with verifying or updating this section. It was last verified for version 1.12.Food in the post-apocalypse comes in many forms with each their own pros and cons. All food can be eaten raw, but is best used as an ingredient to a Meal.
Vegetables range from Berries to Potatoes and Soybeans and can be either picked or grown as crops. They produce the highest yields but are prone to disruptions. Different vegetables have different cultivation and growth times with varied yield amounts when harvested.
Food item | Refined to | Food Type | Attaining | Growth rate | Yield | Pollution value | Resilience | Effort |
Berries | N/A | Raw | Picked | N/A | N/A | Medium | N/A | N/A |
Cabbage | Veg Meal | Raw | Grown in a Field, Greenhouse | Normal | Normal | Medium | High | Low |
Carrot | Veg Meal | Raw | Grown in a Field, Greenhouse | Fast | Normal | Low | Normal | Normal |
Corn | Veg Meal | Raw | Grown in a Field, Greenhouse | Fast | Normal | Medium | Normal | Normal |
Peanuts | Veg Meal | Raw | Grown in a Greenhouse | Fast | High | Medium | Medium | Normal |
Potatoes | Veg Meal | Raw | Grown in a Field , Greenhouse | Normal | Normal | Medium | High | Normal |
Soybeans | Veg Meal | Raw | Grown in a Field , Greenhouse | Normal | High | Low | Low | Low |
Meat is a bit of a luxury when times are tough. Trappers can still catch small animals and even bigger game, and Fishing Huts provide a somewhat stable source of Food as well, but the yields are rather low.
Food type | Refined to | Food Type | Attaining | Pollution value |
Fish | Meat Meal | Raw | Grown in a Fishing Hut, Aqua Farm | high |
Venison | Meat Meal | Raw | Hunted by a Trapper | very high |
Luxury Meat | Meat Meal | Raw | Grown in a Ranch | medium |
Jerky | N/A | Meal | Found | none |
Off-putting for some at first glance, insects are nevertheless an excellent source of cheap proteins. They grow quickly and supplement the largely vegetable-based diet well.
Food type | Refined to | Food Type | Attaining | Growth rate | Yield | Pollution value |
Buffalo Worms | Insect Meal | Raw | Grown in an Insect Farm | Slow | High | Medium |
Cockroaches | Insect Meal | Raw | Grown in an Insect Farm | Slow | Medium | |
Crickets | Insect Meal | Raw | Grown in an Insect Farm | Fast | Low | |
Mealworms | Insect Meal | Raw | Grown in an Insect Farm | Medium | Medium | |
Waxworms | Insect Meal | Raw | Grown in an Insect Farm | Fast | Medium | Medium |
Other Average Calories
This food category keep colonists stomachs full with the necessary average value nutrients to keep them going in the longterm.
Food item | Refined to | Food Type | Attaining | Growth rate | Yield | Pollution value |
28px Bread | N/A | Meal | Made in Bakery | N/A | N/A | Low |
Canned Fruit | N/A | Meal | Found | N/A | N/A | None |
Empty calories
This food category does keep colonists stomachs full, but will not give them any of the necessary nutrients to keep them going in the longterm.
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Surviving the Aftermath
Surviving the Aftermath
Surviving the Aftermath > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы
2 мая в 23:47
Нехватка воды
Я построил 6 колодцев 3 хранилища 1 водосборник но все ровно для ранч и полей не хватает воды.
10 мая в 3:44Для них нужны водонапорные башни. Хранилища и колодцы дают питьевую воду для жителей.
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Surviving the Aftermath > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы
Дата создания: 2 мая в 23:47
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