Survisland гайд по крафту
Crosshair has different appearences to represent certain state:
- Left is the normal state.
- Middle is when the crosshair focused on a destructible object, the circle represents the durability of this object.
- Right is when the destructible object is edible, it will be shown as a green durability circle.
- Many Items can be interacted in this game.
- When you focus on an interactable item, the Interaction Buttons will show up.
- Hold E to apply a button's function.
- Some buttons will be applied immediately, mostly they act as dropping items from hands. Hold Q to drop items.
Add Fuel [ ]
- Small an Medium Branches
Light Up [ ]
Put Out Fire [ ]
Extinguish the Fire. Hold E.
Items you can extinguish:
- Burning Campfire
- Burning Small and Large Torch
- Burning Wood Pile
Sleep [ ]
Use this object to sleep. Hold E.
Items you can sleep on:
Upgrade [ ]
Buildings can be upgraded. Hold E.
Building parts you can upgrade:
- Base. From Dirt Base to Stone Base.
- Support. You can put in them only Wood.
- Surface.
Put in Item [ ]
Put stackable items. Press Q. Items you can stack in one bunch:
Fold Up [ ]
Fold deployed. Hold E.
Items you can deploy:
Take One [ ]
Divide a single item. Hold E. Items you can Divide by single item:
- Bunch of Banana Leaves
- Bunch of Small an Medium Branches
- Bunch of Fan Palm Leaves
- Bunch of Coconut Palm Leaves
- Bunch of Sticks
- Bunch of Long Sticks
- Bunch of Trunks
Take Half [ ]
Divide half items out. Hold E. Items you can Divide in half item: Items you can Divide by single item:
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Популярные руководства Steam Пользовательские руководства, советы и прохожденияRecipe Book (10.08.18)
In this Guide "Recipe Book" i will show step by step how to craft tools, clothing and more. Unique Crafting System Survisland has a unique crafting system. Some items have one or several Crafting Nodes, it indicates different parts of.
In this Guide "Recipe Book" i will show step by step how to craft tools, clothing and more.
Unique Crafting SystemSurvisland has a unique crafting system. Some items have one or several Crafting Nodes, it indicates different parts of an item that can be crafted. You’ll need to use various Crafting Techniques to process these parts. Which Crafting Techniques you can use is determined by the items on your hands, certain techniques require specific tools in hands.
This Node Based Crafting system will cover all the common crafting in the field. But you can also find use workbenches to combine items. Workbenches can be found in wild as a wide tree stump or a flat rock.
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Please report faults immediately, should you know more recipes let me know.
Survisland > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы 18 июл. 2018 в 19:50 how to craft tools i ve did read all message on this forum. NOthing work. Still cant make any too of any kind.Do i need rope? how to make it if so^
Отредактировано Moustache; 18 июл. 2018 в 19:50 18 июл. 2018 в 20:34 Crafting is a steep learning curve. I did notice that objects will change shape after being manipulated. a stick that is properly drilled will change to handle, etc. The tips you gain by hovering over objects do help and it seems they get more detailed as you learn things.
You can make rope from fiber by spinning it. Make sure you have nothing in your right hand (whatever tool is in your right hand will dictate what actions you can do) 18 июл. 2018 в 22:15
note that the slightly more slender end of the stick is the "bottom"
To make the celt handle, make sure the "bottom" and middle nodes are "X"ed. Then, with stone chisel in left hand and small stone in right hand select "chisel" on the "top" node.
After you have your celt handle, put your stone axe head in your left hand. Then drop the stone axe head on the node of the celt handle by just highlighting the node and then pressing "Q". Then, with node still selected choose "hammer" and voila! you will have an axe.
18 июл. 2018 в 22:51note that the slightly more slender end of the stick is the "bottom"
To make the celt handle, make sure the "bottom" and middle nodes are "X"ed. Then, with stone chisel in left hand and small stone in right hand select "chisel" on the "top" node.
After you have your celt handle, put your stone axe head in your left hand. Then drop the stone axe head on the node of the celt handle by just highlighting the node and then pressing "Q". Then, with node still selected choose "hammer" and voila! you will have an axe.
X'd was removed last patch. 18 июл. 2018 в 23:44 The circle nodes accept items. thats usually the 'head' or top of the handle. The square nodes just get tooled. 18 июл. 2018 в 23:51
here's an axe recipe:
1 take stone bar and slate, grind axe head and chisel
2 put small stone in your right hand and chisel in left hand, otherwise you fail
3 chisel round node of the stick and it should change to handle, if not you have failed. Remember small stone right and chisel left hand.
4 take axe head and put it in round node
5 hammer with small stone
Your axe is ready. I tried to make an axe without small stone in right hand when drilling and it failed, which seems kind of stupid, because hole is a hole even if you have no stone in your hand. Maybe improve recipes to meet common sense.
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