Star trek fleet command гайд по офицерам
Запомните главное: файл с настройками всех-всех кораблей лежит в директории assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt. В первую очередь следует сохранить копию данного файла где-нибудь в другом месте, подальше от SFC. Теперь снимайте аттрибут Read Only с данного файла и начинайте в нем ковыряться. Открывать его следует Excel'ем.
Значения мощности движка (в единицах) находятся в параметрах R_L_Warp, C_Warp, Impulse, Apr, Battery. Единственная загвоздка в том, что больше 150 единиц движки кораблей Федерации выжимать не могут.
Защита (shield) разделяется на шесть плоскостей, охватывающих весь корабль. Значения в случае с этим файлом подразделяются так, что каждый параметр - это две стороны. Таким образом, параметры защиты находятся в Shield 1, Shield 2_6, Shield 3_5, Shield 4, Shield Total. Максимально допустимое значение для защиты кораблей Федерации - 2000. Shiled Total складывается из (shield 1) + ((shield2_6) x 2) + ((shield3_5) x 2) + (shield4).
Создать себе невидимость (Cloaking) очень просто - найдите значение Cloak num и поставьте такое значение, которое будет означать расходуемое количество энергии на этот самый Cloak.
Максимальное количество шаттлов, которое можно купить за раз, находясь в доке, должно превышать базовое ровно в три раза. Максимальное допустимое значение - 30 кораблей. В параметре launch rate можно изменить то количество шаттлов, запускаемых с корабля, после которого кораблю придется перезаряжаться. Если желаете добавить истребителей на корабль, поищите значение fighter bay и установите его на 6 (больше нельзя - игра зависнет). Таким образом, у вас в наличии будут иметься четыре группы истребителей по шесть штук в каждой!
Передвижения корабля находятся по адресам turn mode и move cost. В первом лучше всего указать значение АА - тогда у вас будут самые быстрые корабли во всей Федерации. В move cost, где указываются затраты энергии на каждый ход, лучше всего проставить .25 (четверть единицы).
Повысить престиж можно следующим образом: начните игру за Федерацию. У вас должен быть фрегат F-FF. Сохраните игру, выйдите в Windows и откройте в Excel вышеназванный файл. Найдите значение BPV. В строке с F-FF смените значение на 1000 или выше. Сохраните файл, снова запускайте игру. Загрузите сейвилку, идите в меню Shipyard и продавайте корабль. Взамен вместе с деньгами вы получите и дополнительные очки престижа.
A selection of videos of players with various tips and walkthroughs.
Tips & Links
DanPMKs Resource Map - Preview Only
See the Link, for DanPMK's Resources Map then
open the image in a new tab of its own, to zoom
best & is Updated for The Swarm and Augment Zones by [KENT] Aeetes.
FAQ Section
The following information was started by User:Lt.Mushroom from an ingame conversation.
Where do I find Lvl X enemies
- Typically in lvl X systems
- Typically a lvl X system also contains lvl X-1 and lvl X+1 enemies
- Hostiles are usually found in the same lvl planet or one up and one down see Neutral Zone and Faction Zones pages for all levels
Where do I find Parsteel/Tritanium/Dilithium mines Also see Neutral Zone and Faction Zones for a sortable table of resources and more.
Players can now boost the chance of getting the Critical Reward by using officers with the Critical Traits on Away Team assignments. Officers have the following number of Traits associated with them based on their characteristics:
- Common officers: 0 Traits
- Uncommon officers: 1 Trait
- Rare officers: 2 Traits
- Epic officers: 3 Traits
Traits can be unlocked and progressed using Trait XP, which is earned through daily goals, assignments and bundles. Traits are progressed linearly, meaning that Tier 1 Traits (i.e. the first Trait an officer can unlock) must be unlocked and maxed out before a Tier 2 Trait can be unlocked on an officer.
Traits on Assignments
Players now have a way of getting the most out of Away Teams by ensuring that officers with the appropriate Traits for the assignment are sent off with their crew.
Additional Assignment Slots
There are 3 new research nodes at levels 15, 25, and 39 which unlock a new assignment slot. These slots have new assignments designed to make use of specific Traits.
These new slots can only be populated by Traits specific assignments which offer greater chances of earning Away Teams Credits which can be spent in the Away Teams Store.
Away Teams Store
Away Teams Credits that can be earned via Away Teams Assignments can now be used to attain faction ship blueprints and reputation in the store tab.
New Resources
Q: Are the Rare/Epic Assignments guaranteed?
A: The research unlocks the chance to get them, but they are not guaranteed with each refresh.
Choosing an optimal group of officers is one of the most important aspects of Star Trek Fleet command that can give you an advantage against other players. In Star Trek Fleet Command Officers can perform one of the three roles: Ship Commander, Bridge Officer or Crew Officer. They also belong to one of the three classes and a certain group (like Star Fleet Academy for example). It is extremely important to remember that only your Captain will use Combat Maneuver ability while Officer Ability will be active for Captain and his two Bridge Officers. If you want to see more detailed information about Officer roles, Groups and Classes check out our Star Fleet Command Officers page.
Now that we’re familiar with basic officer mechanics, we’re ready to create the crew for every ship type. Each individual ship type has specific strengths and weaknesses, check out our Star Trek Fleet Command Ships page to find out more.
How to create the optimal ship crew?
Every ship type has primary stats (that are higher than other ones), so these stats should be buffed up as high as possible by selecting appropriate officers. There are also a lot of synergies between officers themselves, so creating the optimal crew can be a bit tricky before reading carefully through all their stats/abilities and giving it some thought. Also, there are some abilities that will only activate once a certain condition has been met and that further complicates things.
With all that said, we’ll try to make things a bit easier, especially on the new players, and that’s the main goal of our Star Trek Fleet Command Officers Guide. We hope to achieve that by providing suggestions for optimal crew set up for any of the Officer groups, while also explaining the logic behind it.
Your starting officers will be a part of Another Time group, and here we have several very good options. This will be your starting crew that you’ll probably continue to use for a fair amount of time – “better” officers will become available in time, but the number of ships under your control will also increase, so Another Time crew will keep its place as a crew of the second or third ship.
The suggested crew for Battleship and Explorer:
Ship Captain: Cadet Kirk
Bridge Officers: 1. Cadet Spock 2. Cadet Uhura, Cadet Sula or Cadet McCoy
Spock’s Kobayashi Maru will increase all defenses (Shield Deflection, Armor and Dodge) of the ship and that’s very useful for any ship type.
The choice between Cadet Uhura or Cadet Sulu is a bit tricky. Cadet Uhura’s Officer Ability (Negotiations) that provides increased shield health doesn’t activate in the battle log (probably a bug that will be fixed at some point), however, she provides a higher synergy bonus with Kirk and that’s very useful. With Sulu at this position, you’ll gain a bit higher attack, but all other stats will be slightly lower.
The suggested crew for Interceptor:
Ship Captain: Cadet Spock
Bridge Officers: 1. Cadet Sulu 2. Cadet Kirk
So, why is our Interceptor set up so different? Well, the main goal with interceptor is to dish out a lot of damage as fast as possible and this crew will do just that. All three officers Spock, Kirk, and Sulu will significantly increase damage output during the whole battle. On the other hand, Interceptor class doesn’t really benefit that much from the increase in defensive stats (except dodge) – their hull and shield health are significantly lower, compared to the other classes.
Cadet Scotty and Cadet McCoy
Cadet Scotty and Cadet McCoy are both very useful officers in their own right and will have a special role in your officer pool.
Cadet Scotty is great as the bridge officer (not the captain) because of his Warp Theory ability, that enables your ship to reach Star Systems that would be otherwise unreachable. This can be useful for finishing some mission with a ship that’s lower level than intended for a mission and get valuable rewards.
More importantly, Scotty could be used on a Survey class ship to reach far away systems and mine valuable resources (like Dilithium, Grade 2 and 3 raw crystal, gas and ore) in relative safety. If you do this when you’re at level 15 or less, most other players will be much higher level, and unable to attack you because of level difference (very dirty trick).
Cadet McCoy is great as bridge officer if your goal is to maximize Captain Maneuver ability (most likely that of Sulu or Kirk) since his Officer Ability will provide a flat bonus to Captain Maneuver. Until buggy Uhura’s ability gets sorted out, he is probably your best bet as the second bridge officer. Actually, he might be a better option over Uhura for maximizing the benefit of Captain Maneuver even if her own ability wasn’t buggy. However, I invested too much Officer XP in Uhura to go back, but for someone that’s just starting the game investing in McCoy is probably the way to go.
Star Trek Fleet Command Officers -Starfleet Academy Group
Members of this group are great vs Hostiles (PvE part), but their abilities are mostly useless in PvP, that’s why I don’t recommend you to spend officer XP on Star Trek Fleet Command Officers that belong to this group. Well, except if you are not interested in PvP part, in that case, this group is absolutely amazing!
Either way, there are some officers in this group that can be very useful, if you have some Officer XP to spare.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All abilities of Starfleet Academy Officers will activate vs players, but this is a bug that will be (probably) fixed in future, because of that I will treat them as a pure PvE crew in this guide.
Shev Akria
Shev as a Ship Captain can provide you with an increase in Tritanium, because of his Tritanium Hunter ability (Captain Maneuver) that increases the amount of Tritanium gained from hostiles (AI ships). You will most likely do your Daily Goals that require you to eliminate a certain number of hostiles each day, so why not use Shev and gain extra Tritanium out of it? His Officer Ability (Justice Dealer) increases the damage of energy weapons, so it’s probably not a good idea to use him on an interceptor – interceptors are (primarily) armed with kinetic weapons.
Hostiles that drop Tritanium when destroyed: Takret Militia, Orion Traitor and Boslic Slave Trader.
Vel K’Bentayr
Vel does the same thing as Shev, but instead of increase in Tritanium you’ll gain more Dilithium from Hostiles. As the Officer ability, she has Chirugical Precision that increases kinetic weapon damage which makes her great interceptor commander – exactly opposite of Shev, so not recommended for other ship types. Another plus here is that both Hostiles that drop Dilithium are Battleship class (Pakled Thief and Sona Pirate), and interceptors have the advantage vs battleships.
IN THEORY, using Vel might be the best way to unlock premium technologies (as a F2P), since the increase in Dilithium gain can be quite significant (40% or even more with synergies).
Grace Chen
Definitely one of the best Ship Captains vs Hostiles. Her Captain Maneuver (Modifications) will significantly increase Dodge, Shield and Armor of the ship vs Hostiles. Defensive bonuses are significantly higher than Spock’s Kobayashi Maru, and can be further increased with synergy bonuses, the downside is that it only works in PvE. Energy Absorber (her Officer Ability) will decrease energy damage done by Hostiles, and that makes her very deadly vs high level hostiles, especially those that are not interceptors.
All in all, Chen is great if you want to defeat a Hostile of significantly higher level (as an objective of one of the missions, for example).
The suggested Interceptor Crew for Farming Hostiles
Ship Captain: Vel
Bridge Officers: 1. Shev 2. Chen
The perfect crew for farming Hostile Battleships. Vel increases Interceptor damage, Chen’s energy resistance reduces damage from battleships (and explorers but you don’t want to fight them with interceptor). The only mismatch here is Shev (no energy weapons/or secondary weapons on an interceptor), but he does have a good synergy with Vel. More importantly, upgrading three Star Trek Fleet Command officers just to farm Hostiles was a significant investment in Officer XP, and adding a fourth one would just be too much.
The suggested Battleship Crew for Farming Hostiles
Ship Captain: Shev
Bridge Officers: 1. Vel 2. Chen
Basically the same thing as Interceptor crew, only now Shev and Vel switched places. This crew is used to farm Tritanium from Boslic Slave Traders and Orion Slavers.
Glory in the Kill is a group that specializes in PvP. It has Officers that are great in commanding a certain ship type, so it’s important to upgrade officer that fits ship class that you have and that needs a crew. I think that this group can be the best utilized on a battleship or interceptor – not so great as an Explorer group.
The suggested crew for Battleship:
Ship Captain: Komal
Bridge Officers: 1. Rukor 2. Kras
Komal – a great choice as Battleship commander, since his Captain Maneuver (Battleship Specialist) greatly increases the damage of all weapons on the Battleship when fighting other players. Resist Kinetic (Officer Ability) will reduce all kinetic damage (from player ships), and that’s one of the best abilities for any Battleship – Interceptors primarily deal kinetic damage and have a bonus against them, so this ability helps with that.
Rukor- Officer Ability Increases the damage of all energy weapons on the ship vs other players. Well, great, because Battleships use energy weapons as their primary weapons (or have energy weapons only depending on the type of Battleship).
Kras- Know your Enemy ability will significantly decrease Attack, Defense and Health of all Officers on the bridge of the enemy ship, and this is great especially regardless of your ship class.
The suggested crew for Interceptor:
Ship Captain: Vartoq
Bridge Officers: 1. Vixis 2. Kras
Vartoq is one of the best Interceptor commanders because his Captain Maneuver (Interceptor Specialists) increases weapon damage of Interceptor class ships. His officer ability increases the damage of kinetic weapons, so interceptors will gain a huge damage boost and that’s the most important stat for this ship class. As with other officers of this class both Vartoq’s abilities are only applied vs player ships – no bonuses vs hostiles.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Kras has Art of War as his special ability, and it will decrease effectiveness of Captain Maneuver (of other players). Because of that, he can be a better choice as a ship commander on both interceptor and battleship if your primary goal is to neutralize (or greatly reduce) Captain Maneuver ability of the opposing ship Captain.
Thank you for reading through our Star Trek Fleet Command Officers Guide, we hope that you enjoyed it and that we managed to provide the info that you were looking for. Feel free to comment or give your own suggestion about ideas on improving our Star Trek Fleet Command Officers guide, we appreciate any feedback from our readers.
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