Star citizen где находится левски
Пост от 22 января 2021. Автор: Ulf-CIG @ Skelting-CIG
Как мы уже упоминали ранее, наличие Деламара (Delamar) в системе Стэнтон (Stanton) было временным явлением. В нашем предстоящем патче Alpha 3.12.1 мы планируем удалить астероид Деламар, а вместе с ним и зону приземления Левски (Levski). Деламар, изначально находившийся в системе Nyx, будет повторно введен в предполагаемое местоположение (Nyx), когда система Nyx будет подключена к сети, что означает, что это только временное удаление. С Alpha 3.0 мы переместили Деламар / Левски в систему Стэнтон для тестирования и подошли к моменту, когда эти тесты были завершены. С удалением мы не только переместим Деламар на его законное место с точки зрения истории в систему Nyx, но также освободим память и сущности для предстоящих добавлений во Вселенную, пока у нас не появится мешинг серверов онлайн.
Часто задаваемые вопросы (FAQ)
Что будет с предметами, которые сейчас доступны только в Левски?
Хоть мы и не будем перемещать полные магазины, такие как Teach’s Ship Shop, мы позаботимся о том, чтобы их инвентарь попал в другие торговые точки, чтобы вы не пропустили ни одного товара, доступного в настоящее время в эксклюзивных магазинах Левски.
А как насчет миссий, предполагающих взаимодействие на Деламаре?
Команда прошла все миссии, требующие от игрока посещения Деламара, и внесла поправки в эти миссии.
А как насчет таких NPC, как Рекко Батталья (Recco Battaglia), которые живут на Деламаре?
NPC, которые сделали Деламар / Левски своей усадьбой, будут перемещаться вместе с Астероидом в систему Nyx, а это значит, что мы увидим их снова, когда система Nyx появится online.
Моя точка возрождения находится в Левски, что будет, когда я появлюсь в игре после удаления зоны?
Вы возродитесь в месте появления по умолчанию, которым сейчас является Лорвиль (Lorville).
Когда произойдет это удаление?
Мы протестировали удаление в наших внутренних сборках и скоро внесем это изменение в PTU. Наша цель - установить этот переключатель на действующих серверах с Alpha 3.12.1 в ожидании результатов тестирования PTU.
The Klescher Rehabilitation Facility on Aberdeen is an automated prison and is managed by the corporation of the same name where arrested criminals work off their sentences through a combination of serving time and performing mining labor.
As of Patch 3.11, being arrested works as follows: In order to considererd a criminal worth being imprisoned, a player has to accumulate a CrimeStat of 2 or higher. If such a player is shot at by another player or NPC valid to arrest them (Station security or Bounty Hunter), a timer is started, ranging in duration between 1 to 3 minutes. If during this time the criminal dies, he will be arrested and wakes up at Klescher Rehab. If the timer was initiated by a player character, that person has for a brief window of opportunity after kill to "not press charges", resulting in no arrest being made.
Upon arrest, a sentence depending on the CrimeStat previously accumulated will be placed upon the convict. For example, a CrimeStat of 4 results in a sentence of 8.5 hours. [1] CrimeStat 3 results in 2 hours. This sentence can be served while offline. However, there are ways to reduce the sentence, by use of a currency called Merits. These can be earned through various tasks, and are tradeable between players. Any unused Merits are erased upon exit from the facility.
Prison gameplayMost of prison gameplay is focused around Merits, which can be used to shorten a sentence. Acquistion of Merits is mostly done through mining in the the facilities cave system. The necessary mining equipment is provided to the player upon spawning in the facility. Be aware that the Armistice Zone does not extend into the cave system, so prisoners should be aware of fellow inmates with ill intent. Furthermore, the caves are outside the pressurised facility grounds. For this reason, oxygen dispensers are placed throughout the caves, so refills can be made. These dispensers break down from time to time, initiating a mission to repair them, which also is awarded with Merits. Once sufficient ore has been mined, it can be deposited in a mineral deposit hopper at the main facility.
Material | Merit value |
Hadanite | 460 |
Dolivine | 250 |
Aphorite | 60 |
Merits can also be used to access commodities through the Prisons commissaries. Available items are the following:
Item | Merit cost |
Med-Pen | 500 |
Oxy-Pen | 1500 |
Water | 3 |
OneMeal Nutrition Bars (Three Varieties) | 5 |
Pyro RYT Multi-Tool | 333 |
The Klescher Rehabilitation Facility on Aberdeen has one escape route. After the escape from the prison, the player will need a spacecraft to get to a security outpost and a cryptokey to hack a security terminal to clear the CrimeStat. After the Crimestat is cleared, the personal equipments will be returned to the player.
Levski is a former mining facility built into the asteroid Delamar in the Nyx system and now home to the People's Alliance of Levski . Levski has a total of five floors, but only two floors are accessible. Delamar was temporarily placed as a stand-in for Crusader into the Stanton system with Alpha 3.0.0 but later removed with Alpha 3.12.1 as completion of Orison was nearing completion.
History [ ]
The base was originally an active mining facility, but after being abandoned for many years, new residents moved in and it became a hotbed for political radicals & criminals. The main areas are controlled by various political groups with strong anti-UEE sentiment, they try to keep order best they can.
Levski is the name of a so-called free-town built in the abandoned QV Planet Services mining platform built in the Nyx system.
Levski was initially founded by refugees fleeing the Messer rule in the wake of the second Notable Locations
The Grand Barter is an enormous, chaotic marketplace that doesn't employ any conventional manner of spot ownership. Vendors and locations change each and every day, so it's always advised to buy any item that catches your eye on the spot.
Also of note is Cafe Musain, an establishment run by the enigmatic Clair Rios, a traditional bartender who manages to be always drinking but never drunk. Her respect for the privacy of her patrons and the secluded nature of the bar itself make it a potent option for anyone looking to meet in secret.
On a more sombre note, the iconic statue of Anthony Tanaka is emblematic of the conflict that forged the city. Tanaka was a young boy killed by the Messers, who was immortalized by the statue, carved just days after his passing. Layers of graffiti on the surrounding walls add to the powerful statement of civic unrest that Tanaka's story tells to this day.
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