Silverpine forest как попасть
Серебряный бор — лес, раскинувшийся вдоль западного берега Лордерона. С юга регион граничит с Гилнеасом, с юго-востока лес переходит в предгорья Хилсбрада, а с севера расположились Тирисфальские леса. Естественной восточной границей служит озеро Лордамер.
История [ ]
В те времена, когда эти земли принадлежали Альянсу, бор, вероятно, напоминал лес Внутренних земель, расположенных далеко на востоке. Среди леса встречались приютившиеся у дорог фермерские угодья и рудники, но во многом Серебряный бор оставался нетронутым и красивым.
С Третьей войной не осталось никого, кто бы озаботился судьбой бора. В Лордероне бушевали сражения, Даларан лежал в руинах, а жители Гилнеаса прервали всякие связи с миром, предоставив местность самой себе. Здешние леса одичали, их поразила та же магическая чума, что охватила Лордерон и превратила восточные его области в Чумные земли. В регион вторглись войска Плети, подвергшие его опустошению, но и им не суждено было долго главенствовать в здешних местах. С ослаблением власти Короля-лича прежде однородная масса нежити раскололась, породив Отрекшихся, которые закрепились и тут, сделав Серебряный бор юго-западной оконечностью своих владений. Теперь есть и те, кто оспаривают их права на эти земли.
Многие жители, напуганные надвигающейся чумой и живыми мертвецами, пытались укрыться на юге, в кажущихся более безопасными землях Гилнеаса. Но Гилнеас затворился, отгородив себя от остального мира каменной стеной, известной как Стена Седогрива. У закрытых ворот до сих пор находятся беженцы, разбившие здесь временный лагерь в надежде, что их всё-таки впустят, но, как видно, это тщетные надежды.
Эта секция содержит эксклюзивную информацию для Cataclysm.
Отрекшиеся успешно обустроились в Серебряном бору, старые поселения были значительно усилены и появилось множество новых опорных пунктов Отрекшихся. Благодаря этому они имели прямой доступ ввести войска в предгорья Хилсбрада и там захватывать новые районы. Они сняли угрозы от Люди и культура [ ]
Серебряный бор, а точнее, значительная его часть, контролируется Отрекшимися, освободившимися из-под контроля Короля-лича. Испытывая жгучую ненависть к Плети, они чаще всего не делают особого исключения и для живых. Пытаясь установить над регионом абсолютный контроль, мертвецы держат здесь определённый воинский контингент стражей смерти, которые неусыпно патрулируют Серебряный бор. Королевское фармацевтическое общество , организация Отрекшихся, посвященная разработке новых ядов и алхимических веществ, также имеет здесь свою агентуру.
География [ ]
Time is a luxury that is not afforded to those of us under the employ of Lady Sylvanas. Surely you know this by now.
As a member of the Royal Apothecary Society it is my duty to share my knowledge with my colleagues so that our collective efforts might one day provide The Dark Lady with the New Plague she so badly desires.
Take these findings to Apothecary Renferrel who is stationed at The Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest. Follow the roads to the south from Brill. From the Undercity go southwest.
What business do you have with me, <class>?Completion
Ah, how good of Apothecary Johaan to send his research. With so many new developments here in Silverpine, I nearly forgot about the findings coming out of Lordaeron and Tirisfal Glades. Which reminds me, I need to get those samples off to the Necropolis soon.
But you must excuse my rambling. Extend your stay in Silverpine, <name>. We could use an able bodied <class> like you around here.
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Forsaken control the northern forest and that region serves as the staging area for their armies that march into the besieged kingdom of Gilneas. What remains of the human population retains control of the southern forest, but they are desperate and their forces thinly stretched. Since the fall of the Greymane Wall and the spread of the worgen curse, the Gilneas Liberation Front has decided to strike back at the Forsaken after their first invasion, openly fighting against their oppressors.
Though the territory belongs to the Forsaken, their claim was disputed by the wizards of Dalaran, Gilneans and the raised Gilnean noblemen that now have entrenched themselves along with the Scourge remnants in the Baron Silverlaine's former fortress, the Shadowfang Keep.
Silverpine Forest at night.
Third War
Driven mad with guilt, Arugal adopted the worgen as his children and retreated to the newly dubbed 'Shadowfang Keep', situated above the tiny hamlet of Pyrewood. He has created a wolfcult in order to spread the worgen curse and expand his worgen family.
After the war, with Lordaeron destroyed, the wizards of Dalaran busy rebuilding their home and the citizens of Gilneas having locked themselves away behind the Greymane Wall, no one was left to take care of the forest.
World of Warcraft
This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft. Please add any available information to this section.
The forest became occupied by the Forsaken, minions of Thule Ravenclaw, and the forces of Arugal.
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.The war proved costly and the first invasion was repelled by the proud, now worgen, defenders of Gilneas. After the Forsaken defeat, the Gilneas Liberation Front gained the upper hand in the conflict, and the worgen quickly began to wash over Silverpine Forest, reaching even the distant lands of Brill near the Undercity in Tirisfal Glades.
The Forsaken had to resort to more reckless and experimental methods in order to win back their territory, such as using Val'kyr, the former servants of the Lich King, to raise the Gilnean noblemen: Godfrey, Ashbury and Walden, who did not accept the fact that their king became a half-man, half-beast. With their help, the Forsaken managed to drive off the worgen offensive back to Gilneas, but after the deed was done, Godfrey and his henchmen assassinated Sylvanas and then fled to the abandoned fortress of Shadowfang Keep. Luckily for the Horde, Sylvanas was resurrected thanks to the power of her val'kyr servants. Now both Sylvanas and Ivar Bloodfang seek to eliminate the traitorous noblemen that now reside and plot behind the walls of Silverlaine's keep
Battle for Azeroth
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.Exploring Azeroth
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.When Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind embarked on their journey to explore Azeroth as well as catalogue the locations of various artifacts, they visited the forest.
The southern portion of the land is more dreary, and the terrain resembles that of Gilneas, rather than the rest of the forest, because of the close proximity to the kingdom's border.
Maps and subregions
Map of Silverpine Forest.
Map of Silverpine Forest prior to Cataclysm.
Travel hubs
Flight paths from Forsaken High Command
, Tirisfal Glades , Tirisfal Glades , Silverpine Forest , Silverpine Forest
Flight paths from Forsaken Rear Guard
, Silverpine Forest , Silverpine Forest
Flight paths from the Sepulcher
, Tirisfal Glades , Silverpine Forest , Silverpine Forest , Silverpine Forest , Hillsbrad Foothills
Flight paths from The Forsaken Front
, Silverpine Forest (Temporary), Ruins of Gilneas , Hillsbrad Foothills
Adjacent regions
Zone Name | Faction | Level Range | Direction | Access |
Tirisfal Glades | 1 - 20 | North | By foot or by flightpath from the Sepulcher to the Undercity | |
Ruins of Gilneas | N/A | South | By foot or by flightpath from the Sepulcher to Forsaken Forward Command | |
Hillsbrad Foothills | 15 - 60 | East | By foot or by flightpath from the Sepulcher to Tarren Mill; Or by swimming across Lordamere Lake |
Notable characters
The Forsaken Front.
Sylvanas and her val'kyr at the Sepulcher.
The story covers the Forsaken war effort against the kingdom of Gilneas. After an initial defeat, the Gilneans have launched a counter-offensive against the Forsaken in Silverpine. The adventurer is sent to help out the Forsaken in order to reclaim Gilneas, performing a series of dangerous tasks from small errands to even participating in the final battle against the Alliance in the region. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner oversees the Horde war effort personally and is present throughout the experience.
Battle pets
Wild creatures
Warcraft III
Silverpine Forest in Warcraft III.
This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.There is a non-campaign map in Warcraft III named Silverpine Forest.
In the RPG
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.History
Silverpine Forest is a vast, primeval wood that stretches along Lordaeron's rugged western coast. Gilneas and the Hillsbrad Foothills border the forest to the south while Tirisfal Glades lies to the north. The massive Lordamere Lake serves as Silverpine's eastern border.
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.The traces of a river can be found in Silverpine Forest that was once connected to Lordamere Lake. All that remains of it is a dried up canyon and a few pools of water. This isn't River Arevass seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, as it isn't in the vicinity of Pyrewood Village. The unnamed river's drying up could be due to a hypothesized fall of water around the time of the Third War that could have also affected Cross Island. Basins in the Plaguelands have also seemingly dried out, possibly due to the magical, all-debilitating nature of the plague. Another possibility is that this river only flows during spring snow-melts.
The borders between Silverpine Forest and the Hillsbrad Foothills during the Invasion of Draenor.
Silverpine Forest seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Pyrewood Village lies on the eastern edge of this map.
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