Seeds of chaos прохождение
- Владелец Звезды Судьбы
- Цель: Загадочный Маг
- Синяя Леди помогает всем владельцам Звезды Судьбы. Тетрарх Кекропус отправляет Вас к Загадочному Магу в Лес Неупокоенных.
- Просьба Чародея
- Цель: Болото Криков
- Загадочный Маг просит Вас добыть для него Черный Музыкальный Кристалл. Его можно найти у Стакато на Болоте Криков.
- Цель: Загадочный Маг
- Вы нашли Черный Кристалл. Теперь возвращайтесь к Загадочному Магу.
- Цель: .
- Чародей просит Вас подождать того, кто владеет нужными Вам сведениями.
- Цель: Укрытие Харкилгамеда
- Катенар просит Вас найти Харкилгамеда, который прячется где-то в Долине Святых.
- Цель: Загадочный Маг
- Загадочный Маг просит Вас подождать еще немного. Доверитесь ли Вы ему на этот раз.
- Цель: Загадочный Маг
- Кажется, тот, кого Вы ждете, уже близко. Поговорите с Загадочным Магом.
- Цель: Загадочный Маг
- Вы получили Кровавый Самоцвет. Возвращайтесь к Загадочному Магу.
- Цель: Керстин
- Катенар приказывает Вам отнести Кровавый Самоцвет девушке Керстин в Проклятую Деревню. Только учтите, что идти туда Вы должны только днем.
- Цель: Харкилгамед Укрытие
- Катенар оставляет для Вас записку с просьбой найти Харкилгамеда, который прячется где-то в Долине Святых.
- Possessor of the Star of Destiny
- Target: Mysterious Wizard
- If you possess the Star of Destiny, you may be guided by the Lady in Blue. Hierarch Kekropus instructs you to visit a Wizard in Forest of the Dead.
- Wizard's Favor
- Target: Swamp of Screams
- The mysterious Wizard asks you to bring him a Black Echo Crystal, which is probably in the possession of Needle Stakato in the Swamp of Screams.
- Target: Mysterious Wizard
- Black echo crystal found. Let's go back to the magician
- Target: .
- After you gave the Wizard the Echo Crystal, he tells you to wait for someone who has information you need.
- Target: Hideout of Harkilgamed
- Katenar tells you to find Harkilgamed, who is said to be hiding somewhere in the Valley of Saints.
- Target: Mysterious Wizard
- The Wizard tells you to wait a little longer. Do you listen to him?
- Target: Mysterious Wizard
- The person you're waiting for seems to be near. Talk to the Wizard.
- Target: Mysterious Wizard
- You have obtained the Blood Jewel. Return to the Wizard.
- Target: Kurstin
- Katenar orders you to deliver the troublesome jewel to Kurstin in Cursed Village. He cautions you to only visit the town during the day, however.
- Target: Hideout of Harkilgamed
- In the letter left from Katenar, it says to go see Harkilgamed hidden in the Saint's Valley. Let us go and look for him.
- Target: Hideout of Harkilgamed
- Acquired 62 medals of light by killing the enemy's commanders. Let's go back to Harkilgamed
- Target: Hierarch Kekropus
- Now that you know part of the secret, you should visit Hierarch Kekropus. You should go inside the museum located in the Talking Island village in order to go to him. You can go inside the museum through Pantheon.
- Target: Vice Hierarch Mao
- The last person to meet is Rodenpicula, who is in Nornil's Garden. First, though, visit Vice Hierarch Mao.
- Target: Rodenpicula
- Rodenpicula will be waiting in Nornil's Garden.
- Target: Mother Nornil
- The Seeds of Chaos are the work of Mother Nornil. Speak to her.
- Target: Rodenpicula
- Rodenpicula can give you the first approval. Get it from her!
- Target: Mother Nornil
- Rodenpicula has allowed this. Let's go see Mather Nordill.
- Target: Rodenpicula
- The seed of chaos found. But it says there's something wrong. Talk with Rodenpicula
Seeds of Chaos Семена Хаоса | |
Тип: | |
Уровень: | 75+ |
Требования: | Выполненный квест Шепот Судьбы |
Требуемые предметы: | Star of Destiny |
Начало: | Hierarch Kekropus (Рейнджер Скелетов) (Тетрарх Кекропус) Aden Territory () (Земли Адена) |
Id: | 236 |
Добавлен в: | The Kamael |
Удален в: | Glory Days |
До работы над квестом (исправлением, дополнением) ознакомьтесь со справочной информацией по квестам |
Прохождение квеста
- После того как получили Звезду судьбы отправляйтесь в Kamael Village (Деревня Камаэль) к Иерарху Кекропусу (Kekropus (Рейнджер Скелетов) ) (он находится в главном здании деревни камаэль). Покажите ему Звезду. Kekropus просит вас поговорить с волшебником в лесу мертвых.
- Волшебник Mysterious Wizard (Загадочный Маг) находится в северной части Forest of the Dead (Лес Неупокоенных) около Rune Township . Найдите его и поговорите с ним. Когда волшебник спросит вас уделить ему немного времени не отказывайте ему, спросите что он хочет ("What is it?"). Он попросит вас прнести ему Black Echo Crystal (Черный Музыкальный Кристалл) из Swamp of Screams (Болото Криков) .
- Идите в Swamp of Screams и охотьтесь на Needle Stakato Drone ( Трутень Игольчатых Стакато) (73 ур.) пока не получите Black Echo Crystal. После чего возвращайтесь к волшебнику.
- Отдайте волшебнику кристалл. Он призовет Katenar (Катенар) , с которым вам и надо теперь побеседовать.
- После продолжительной беседы с Katenar о каком-то секрете выясняется, что он просит вас найти Harkilgamed (Харкилгамед) в Valley of Saints (Долина Святых) .
- Идите в Valley of Saints от входа налево, немного не доходя 35 широты (см. игровую карту) вы найдете камень Rock (Скала) . Поговорите с ним и рядом возникнет Harkilgamed, который там прятался. Harkilgamed раскажет вам о сверкающих медальонах, которые вам необходимо добыть и принести ему.
- На севере Valley of Saint> вы найдете мобов: Wailing of Splendor ( Ревущий Флинд) (67 ур.), Judge of Splendor ( Флинд Вершитель Судеб) (67 ур.), Fang of Splendor ( Клыкастый Флинд) (67 ур.). Проще всего дойти ло них по правой стороне долины, по дороге, а потом спрыгнуть вниз как дорога закончиться. Вам необходмо набить 62 Shining Medallion (Бросок Венеры [Фокусировка]). Как только вы их получите возвращайтесь к камню и позовите Harkilgamed (Харкилгамед).
- Отдайте Harkilgamed медальоны. После продолжительного разговора с ним возвращайтесь в Kamael Village.
- Найдите иерарха Kekropus. Kekropus расскажет вам о финальной части ваших приключений и о герине Rodenpicula, которая находиться в саду Норнил. После разговора Kekropus направит вас к управляющему садом Норнил Mao (Мао) .
- Идите в Soul Harbor (Гавань Острова Душ) и найдите Mao. Он телепортирует вас в сад Норнил (Nornil's Garden (Сад Норнил) ).
- Поговорите с Rodenpicula. Она расскажет вам о Семенах Хаоса и направит к Mother Nornil (Мать Норнил) , которая расположена в виде статуи позади Rodenpicula.
- Поговорите с Mother Nornil. Она расскажет вам о Ритуале Семени Хаоса и попросит получить разрешение на проведение ритуала у Rodenpicula.
- Вернитесь к Rodenpicula и говорите с нею, пока не получите разрешение на ритуал.
- Идите к Mother Nornil. Поговорите с ней, ощутите как семя хаоса появляется в вас, как оно наполняет вас новой силой, как вы обретаете новые способности.
- Поговорите с Rodenpicula для завершения ритуала и получения награды — Scroll Enchant Weapon (A) (Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (А)).
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Seeds of Chaos
Seeds of Chaos
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Популярные руководства Steam Пользовательские руководства, советы и прохожденияGuide to unlock the CGs from the bonus section
A guide that helps with unlocking of the CGs that are available in the bonus section. Contains spoilers so proceed if you don't mind them.
Our Seed Of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide is useful for all the gamers who want to play Seed Of Chaos. Let us look at the Seed Of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide so that you can unlock all scenes, levels, Villain and Hero routes.
Table of Contents
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Prologue
- Rowan & Alexia 1: When Rowan return home > 1st option (from behind)
- Jezera & Rowan 1: After the dungeons Rowan will go to the Throne > Serve Jereza
- Andras & Rowan 1: After the dungeons Rowan will go to the Throne > Serve Andras
- Andras & Alexia 1: (RequiresNTR) at the end of 1st week if Rowan doesn’t sneak out or tells Alexia to sleep with Andras
- Rowan & Alexia 2: They meet at the end of 3rd week > 1st option (found himself growing…)
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Raeve Keep
- Rowan & Helayna 1: Raeve Keep > Conquer or Infiltrate > Helayna will surrender > 1st option > F…
- Orcs & Helayna 1: After the last choice choose > Watch the Orcs…
- Knights & Helayna 1: Raeve Keep > Infiltrate > Helayna will surrender > 1st option > F.. > then choose Watch the Knights…
- Jereza & Doran 1: Raeve Keep > Conquer or Infiltrate > When Jereza confronts Doran 1st choice (continue watching Jereza)
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Rastedel
- Rowan & Mystery Woman: After the ball, go to her
- Jereza & Half Minotaur: At the end of the week > Visit Jereza & Watch
- Jereza & Human Commander: watch when Andras produces the crystal ball during the battle plans event
- Rowan & Delane: If you rescued Delane (Orciad) and you have spoken to her (the ball) > Return to Rastedel, visit the lodge and go for it
- Wulump & Woman: Twins victory feast > wait until you can watch
- Orc Group: Rowan will visit Verdoin Abbey > Take the tour
- Rowan & Delane: If you rescued Delane (Orciad) and you have spoken to her (the ball) > Start act 4, visit the lodge, visit Delane, go for it
- Rowan & Juliet: Start act 4 and after the parade > visit the lodge > visit Juliet > Visit Juliet Again > Make the promise (requires 60 corruption)
- Shani & Rowan: When visiting the slums > 4th event (requires to have seen the 2nd event) > Sleep with Shani
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Alexia’s Corruption
- Alexia Medium Corruption: Alexia reaches med corruption
- Jereza & Girls (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Jereza Influence) > Jereza will offer to show the castle > go with her
- Jereza & Alexia (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Jereza Influence & Alexia’s relationship > 50 & Andras path inactive) > Jereza will offer to show the castle > go with her
- Alexia & Jereza: The second part of the previous event
- Drokk & Alexia (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Andras Influence & Alexia’s relationship > 50 & Jereza path inactive) > Insult Drokk back
- Andras & Mystery Slave (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Andras Influence & Alexia’s relationship) > Automatic
- Alexia & Andras (RequiresNTR & 5 points of Andras Influence & Alexia’s relationship) > Meet Andras in the Throne Room
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Ruler Events
- Jereza & Alexia 1 (RequiresNTR) Who should Alexia visit for help > Jereza > and don’t Leave
- Andras & Rowan: Andras will confront you > 2nd choice (s** him off)
- Rowan & Cla-Min (Requires the conversation about goblins with Cla Min): Family Dinner > 1st choice (Receive a B…)
- X’Zaratl & Rowan & Alexia 1 (Dark Sanctum has to be built): choose confront her now when the 3 characters are together
- Clionha & Rowan 1: When she asks you for a sample > 1st choice Receive a H…and whatever else)
- Rowan & Skordred 1: Pose for a statue question > 1st (S…N…for Skordred)
- Jereza & Dark Elf & Rowan: join Jezera on her trip as her slave
- Rowan & Alexia 3: You have to be living with Alexia in your chambers > go for it when available
- Andras & Rowan 3 (Requires the Arena): when he tries to bait you > Submissively answer
- Alexia & Rowan (Requires guilt & Dark Sanctum & encountered X’Zaratl) > Try out X’Zaratl mehod
- Andras & Alexia 2 (Requires NTR): Allow Andras to leave with Alexia when he demands angrily
- Jereza & Shaya (Requires Brothel): Don’t escape when Alexia is trapped
- Black Ness & Rowan (Requires Breeding pit & Driders): Deal with the drider with just Rowan
- Rowan & Cla-min (Requires Goblin Dinner & Raeve Keep captured): Choose Cla-min in exchange for the sword
- Rowan & Cla-Bow (Requires Goblin Dinner & Raeve Keep captured): Choose Cla-Bow in exchange for the sword
- Greyhide & Alexia (Requires NTR & build the forge & introduce Greyhide to Rowan’s wife): Don’t return when Alexia is drunk
- Rowan & Draith (Requires Breeding pits): Go for it (with Draith) after Jereza scolds him
- Rowan & Helayna 2: Automatic event if Rowan claimed Helayna in Raeve Keep
- Andras & Helayna: Automatic event if Rowan didn’t claim Helayna in Raeve Keep (but don’t storm out during the dinner)
- Andras & Alexia 3 (RequiresNTR):Who should Alexia visit for help > Andras > also agree to his terms
- Alexia & Rowan (Requires Dark Sanctum & Z’zaratl encountered): choose the idea of a p…to intrigue Alexia & also Rowan to go along with it
- Rowan & Helayna 3 & 4; Automatic event if Rowan claimed Helayna and if she stays in his room
- Andras & Alexia 4 (Requires Netorare & have claimed Helayna): After Alexia & Rowan argue, Andras will visit him > Invite him > Andras influence over Alexia will impact on the scene
- Jereza & Rowan 2: Massage her when she asks you
- Rowan & Greyhide: when drinking > Company of men > when drinking again > reciprocate his affections
- Rowan & Helayna 5 (Requires claimed Helayna & she stays in his room: Tell her that you love her when she is sitting by the window
- Liurial & Rowan: When Rowan meets her > Allow her to have…
- Rowan & Alexia & Greyhide: Automatic if Rowan or Alexia have previously enjoy with Greyhide
- Helayna’s day off: Automatic if you have claimed Helayna and tell her that you love her
- Rowan & Alexia 4: Punish Alexia after she aids Helayna’s escape
- Wulump & Alexia 1 (RequiresNTR) automatic after the previous event
- Wulump & Alexia 2: Automatic 1 week after the previous event
- Alexia & Wulump 3: Automatic 1 week after the previous event
- Andras & Alexia 5: Automatic 1 week after the 3rd dungeon event
- Rowan & Helayna 6: After the Helayna’s day off event talk to her and choose test her sub…
- Rowan & Helayna 7: After the Helayna’s day off event talk to her and choose test her martial skills
- Jereza & Alexia 2 (Requires Jereza 5 influence points over Alexia): visit Jereza when summoned and give into her demands
- Rowan & Skordred 2: When you find Skordred in a cave, go for it
- Rowan & Liural & Aleia: Automatic if Rowan has been with Liural, Alexia corruption >= medium, and you didn’t lie to Alexia about the encounter with Liurial
- Jereza & Alexia 3: 2 drunk workers event > choose go to Jereza with the problem & Blame Rowan x3 times > Kiss Jereza
- Rowan & Alexia 5: 2 drunk workers event > choose go to Rowan with the problem > agree with his punishment
- Cliohna & Rowan 2: Requires to allow cliohna previous scene > Agree with her to be part of the experiment
- Rowan & Alexia 6: (Requires high stat between Rowan & Alexia) Kiss Alexia during the picnic
- Alexia Solo: Requires to intrigue Alexia with the P idea & the scene with X’Zaratl where Alexia grows a D > See what the succubus wants
- Rowan & Young Aspirant (Requires 2 villages): Test the aspirant that Cla-Min Brings you
- Andras & Alexia (RequiresNTR, Alexia working & Arena built): Andras will demand Alexia bathes him > Agree
- Andras & Rowan 4 (Requires 2 villages): take the humiliaton
- Jereza & Rowan 3 (Requires 2 villages): Sweet talk Jereza, and do what she asks
- Jereza & Rowan 4 (Requires 2 villages): Throw her against the dest > continue with the path
- Rowan & Alexia 7: Automatic, but requires 1st goal, Alexia low corruption, Alexia & Rowan good relationship & Alexia stays in his room
- Rowan & Alexia 8 (Requires Rowan corruption >= medium): While she is working accept her advances
- Cliohna & Rowan 3: Automatic if you have unlocked the previous 2 scenes with Cliohna
- Rowan & Liurial 5: If she denied > punish her for disobeying
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Map Events
Forest Events
- Rowan & Dryan (Requires corruption): take advantage of the trapped dryad
- Arzyl & Rowan: Observe as Instructed
- Rowan & Obelius (Requires the famine warning ruler event): cooperate with the smugglers and accept Obelius proposition.
- Rowan & Koh (Requires the famine warning ruler event): cooperate with the smugglers, nut now you prefer more feminine company
Swamp Events
- Rowan & Alanthe (Requires corruption): talk with the wisp > pay the tithe
- Male Sacrifice & Elf Witches (Requires corruption): Sneak up and stay on the ceremony
Hills Events
- Rowan & Ygriss: Have a drink with her and accept
Settlement Events
- Rowan & 2 village girls: after the village capture accept the corrupt noble present
Abbey Events
- Dazzanath & Rowan (Requires Dark Sanctum & brothel): Kneel before her
- Dazzanath & Agatha: (also Requires Dark Sanctum & brothel): Watch Agatha kneel before her
Mine Events
- Rowan & Sheena: Encourage Sheena
- Rowan & Qais: Encourage, but now Qais
Orc Camp Events
- Rowan & 2 orc girls: Choose to use it for the negotiation
- Orc Chieftess & Rowan: look at her unintentionally when captured
- Rowan & Female orc: Explore camp event > win one of the events
- Spy & Delane: Corrupt Delane with a spy > automatic next weeks
- Rowan & Liurial (Requires Liurial as assistant): Corrupt Delane with a spy > choose to go for it with Liurial when she becomes aroused in the final week
- Ulcro & Delane: Aid Ulcro in the Orciad chain > Watch
- Batri & Delane: Aid Batri in the Orciad chain > also Watch
- Andras & Batri & Rowan: Aid Batri in the Orciad chain > join Andras & Batri
- Kraug & Snag & Delane: Aid Tarish in the Orciad chain > Watch
- Rowan & Tarish: Aid Tarish in the Orciad chain > Take Advantage
- Emma & Rowan (Requires unlucky slave event & meet emma): meet emma again when exploring the orc camp
- Rowan & Delane: Find Delane & earn her trust > Plan her escape (secure, distract and also find a way)
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Job Events
Maid events
- Alexia & Mr Garthforth: Alexia to work as a maid > Jereza Asks for her > Drink potion > But Let Alexia Leave
- Alexia & Liurial: Automatic if they have already been in scenes together
- Mary & Alexia (Requires them to be friends): fool around with her in the closet
Breeding pits events
- Drider & Orc female: Alexia to work at breeding pits > watch then the drider escapes
- Andras & Draith: Peek when Alexia discovers Andras & Draith
- Alexia (Requires NTR): do what Andras says when the potion & Rowan
Tavern events
- Jak & Indarah: Alexia to work in the tavern > agree to Indarah suggestion
- Jak & Indarah 2: Alexia to work in the tavern > watch jak & indara 2nd scene
- Andras & Alexia: Serve Andras > Don’t let Indarah take Alexia’s place
Forge events
- Alexia & Greyhide (Requires Greyhide & Rowan & Alexia scene, and continue relations with Greyhide after that): Make Alexia help him when he gets aroused
Fey events
- Orcs & Nileth: Visit Arzyl quarters twice after the emissaries > Go & meet the arriving member > Don’t intervene
- Jereza & Arzyl: Visit Arzyl quarters 4 times after the emissaries > accept gift > stay & watch
- Rowan & Heartsong (Requires emissaries in Bloodmen & 2 dialogues with Whitescar): after the Heartsong’s Dreamscape ruler event don’t rebuff
- Fey Handmaiden & Rowan (Requires emissaries in Bloodmen & breeding pit & 2 driders in the pits): Aryzl can use 1 drider for handmaiden > go for it
- Rowan & Heartsong 2: Automatic after the previous heartsong scene
Seed of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide – Room Events
Room Repeteable scenes
- Rowan & Draith: After 1st Draith scene > available from breeding pits menu
- Ronan & Liurial: Throne Room menu > summon Liurial
- Liurial & Rowan 3: Throne Room menu > summon Liurial > more intense
- Rowan & Liurial 4: Enforce O*** denial during 3 weeks > after that tell her to perform
- Rowan & Cla-Min 3: From the Caravan room menu, but after the sword event
- Shaya & Rowan: From the Brothel room menu, but after Rowan meets shaya
- Rowan & Maid: From Rowan’s chambers, but if Helayna has not escaped and there is a path for her
Room Unique scenes
- Helayna training 1 (Requires Claimed Helayna & she didn’t escape & Day Off event & choose bed path) Unlock it from Rowan’s room menu
- Helayna training 2 (Requires previous event) Unlock it from Rowan’s room menu also
- Rowan & Transformed Orcess: When Nasim is available in the castle > ask him about his work > go for it
- Rowan & Shaya (Requires Brothel & the ruler event Rowan’s Reward & Jezera to have offered Rowan a special reward): automatic, but if conditions are met
Now that you have the Seed Of Chaos Walkthrough And Guide, use it to unlock all the scenes and levels. If you need guide for any other game, do let us know in the comment section.
Чтобы взять данный квест, необходимо Star of Destiny (Звезда Судьбы) из квеста Fate's Whisper (Шепот Судьбы) .
Прохождение квеста
- Поговорите с Kekropus (Кекропус) в главном здании Kamael Village (Деревня Камаэль) .
- Поговорите с Mysterious Wizard (Загадочный Маг) в Forest of the Dead (Лес Неупокоенных) .
- Отправляйтесь на Swamp of Screams (Болото Криков) и убивайте Needle Stakato Drone (Трутень Игольчатых Стакато) , пока не получите Black Echo Crystal (Черный Музыкальный Кристалл) .
- Поговорите с Mysterious Wizard (Загадочный Маг) . Он призовет Katenar (Катенар) .
- Поговорите с Katenar (Катенар) .
- Отправляйтесь в Valley of Saints (Долина Святых) , найдите и поговорите с Rock (Скала) , появится Harkilgamed (Харкилгамед) .
- Поговорите с Harkilgamed (Харкилгамед) .
- Убивайте монстров - Wailing of Splendor (Ревущий Флинд) , Judge of Splendor (Флинд Вершитель Судеб) , Fang of Splendor (Клыкастый Флинд) , пока не соберете Shining Medallion (Сверкающий Медальон) - 62 шт.
- Возвращайтесь к камню и поговорите с Harkilgamed (Харкилгамед) . Разговор будет долгим.
- Поговорите с Kekropus (Кекропус) .
- Отправляйтесь в Soul Harbor (Гавань Острова Душ) , найдите и поговорите с Mao (Мао) . Он телепортнет Вас в Nornil's Garden (Сады Норнил) .
- Поговорите с Rodenpicula (Роденпикула) .
- Поговорите с Mother Nornil (Мать Норнил) .
- Поговорите с Rodenpicula (Роденпикула) , пока не получите разрешение на ритуал.
- Поговорите с Mother Nornil (Мать Норнил) .
- Поговорите с Rodenpicula (Роденпикула) и получите награду:
- Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) (Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (А))
- Способность менять класс вашего персонажа
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