Sea of thieves дюк где находится
The Duke Set is an exclusive cosmetic Ship set themed around the Xbox consoles and the Sea of Thieves character Duke, who conveniently shares his name with the original Xbox controller, "The Duke". This Ship Set was made available to any players who played Sea of Thieves on the Xbox Series X|S consoles or via Xbox Cloud Gaming from November 10th, 2020 to November of 2021.
Среди геймеров весьма популярен вопрос о том, где находится Дюк в Sea of Thieves, так как данный персонаж весьма полезен в ряде ситуаций. Например, если вам необходимо добыть "Сокровища контрабандиста", продать сундук Жнеца, смертельный трофей и так далее.
Так вот, искать Дюка стоит в тавернах - это по факту единственное место, где он может встречаться. Но при этом стопроцентной вероятности того, что он будет обнаружен в первой же таверне, в которую вы вломитесь, никто не дает, тут уж как повезет. Кто-то сможет на него наткнуться раньше, кто-то позже - работает полный рандом. Так что в поисках Дюка просто заходите во все таверны подряд, встречающиеся на своем пути, рано или поздно непременно его встретите.
Красная статуя в Sea of Thieves является проклятой и не имеет фиксированного местоположения - для разных пользователей оно может значительно отличаться. В связи с этим невозможно сказать, где именно вы ее найдете, искать стоит на практически всех островах, где появление статуй будет иметь примерно одинаковую вероятность. Нулевая эта самая вероятность лишь в двух случаях - на островах, где имеются форты и форпосты, там искать вообще не стоит.
То бишь для обнаружения красной статуи придется с большой долей вероятности достаточно долго кружить вокруг островов и всматриваться в воду, где наличие статуи должно выдать характерное красное свечение. А еще рядом с ними начинает играть мрачноватая музыка.
Duke is an NPC who previously acted as the Bilge Rats representative in Sea of Thieves. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Duke previously kept players up to date on current events on the Sea of Thieves, encouraging players to investigate and take part through his offerings of Bilge Rat Adventures and Mercenary Voyages. He also hosted the Black Market, offering various Time-Limited Items and Cosmetics in exchange for Doubloons or Gold. All of these duties have been taken over by the leader of the Bilge Rats, Larinna.
Ever since The Hungering Deep, Duke represented the Bilge Rats in the taverns, providing exciting challenges for adventurous pirates through Bilge Rat Adventures and Mercenary Voyages, rewarding doubloons and unique cosmetics.
During Smuggler’s Fortune, Duke took the fortunes he found from inside all the Reaper’s Chests that had been sold to him and set up a Black Market to sell even more cosmetics.
Duke left his post at the taverns during The Seabound Soul, replaced by Stitcher Jim, who claimed that Duke had entrusted the Black Market and Bilge Rat business to him while a note from Duke could be found pinned to Tavern counters, explaining that he had gone off to find Larinna, leader of the Bilge Rats for help against the increased skeleton activity.
He would remain missing through Festival of Giving, until returning during Legends of the Sea, injured and covered in bandages from an attempt to investigate Flameheart's lair, the Heart of Fire. When confronted about his time away, Duke seemed oblivious of any note or mission to find Larinna. With Duke back at his post as Bilge Rat ambassador, healing from his wounds, his "trustworthy" assistant, Stitcher Jim, decided to run off into The Devil's Roar to chase a lead on Flameheart's return.
With Flameheart presumably amassing a fleet, the Pirate Lord enlisted Duke's help to hand out special voyages to prepare pirates for the dangers that would soon sweep the Sea of Thieves in the times to come.
Throughout the following monthly updates, Duke seemed to slowly recover in the Tavern and continue his duties, until Larinna, the leader of the Bilge Rats returned during the September 2020 Vaults of the Ancients Content Update and kicked Duke out of the Tavern. Larinna took over all of Duke's responsibilities, while Duke himself traveled to the Lagoon of Whispers to take a break alongside Umbra, where he learned to write down his thoughts.
Without telling Umbra, he absconded to Mermaid's Hideaway on an investigation into some legends of a certain treasure. After a month of what seemed a fruitless endeavor, he discovered some strange markings at various islands, pondering his finds at Kraken's Fall before fleeing from skeletons to hide at Wanderers Refuge. He then camped on the shores of Old Salts Atoll.
Duke was last seen with Davy Jones, Wanda Warsmith, and the Gold Hoarder during Dark Brethren.
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