Scum airdrop locked как открыть
22 дек. 2020 в 21:38 Weapon Locker In Airdrop is Nearly Impossible
I don't know if this is intentional (I REALLY hope not), but the weapon locker inside airdrops is now pretty much impossible to lockpick. Not only do you get just 3 seconds to open it, but the lockpicks break so quickly that there is almost no room for error.
I sat in front of a weapon locker for almost 10 minutes while cheating in screwdrivers and lockpicks, and I still could not get it open. This is with no gloves and Medium skill in Thievery.
Hello, in air drops you can find lockers that are locked with different tiers of locks, from rusty lock with 10 second timer to silver lock, it depends on what type of weapon is inside of the locker and it will set lock accordingly. 22 дек. 2020 в 21:43 Higher Skill Level Requirements Needed ? 22 дек. 2020 в 22:18 Was this today? I tried a couple last night and they were as you described (3 seconds, breaking pics). I did 2 today, and both were like the weapon lockers in PD's, 10 seconds and no broken picks). I assumed they had tweaked it along with the hotfix, though it doesn't say anything about it in the notes. I only have basic skill, and wasn't wearing gloves (or arm guards). 22 дек. 2020 в 22:41 Was this today? I tried a couple last night and they were as you described (3 seconds, breaking pics). I did 2 today, and both were like the weapon lockers in PD's, 10 seconds and no broken picks). I assumed they had tweaked it along with the hotfix, though it doesn't say anything about it in the notes. I only have basic skill, and wasn't wearing gloves (or arm guards). Yes, this was today. Did the weapon lockers you lockpicked (the ones with 10 seconds) have pistols in them? From what I have seen, those have normal locks. Weapon lockers that have rifles/shotguns/bows all seem to be impossible. 22 дек. 2020 в 22:55 though it doesn't say anything about it in the notes.In almost every game for decades not the developers always leave a few things out of the update / patch notes and these developers are no different, and that's never gonna change its there game and they can change anything with in that game they wish be it for good or bad.
Some ways i like it because its kinda fun when you come across some item or feature in game that has changed no matter how small or large the change like in this latest hotfix i have noticed quite a bit had changed for the better or worse change is a good thing at the end of the day, adapt and overcome love it or hate it.. :D
and players complain about not being notified about some said changes, & no disrespect pointed towards anybody that has posted in this post. But i like to think you know and understand what i am going on about.
Hey! I'm admin and as far as i'm aware there is no command that functions to drop cargo's.
If I am not wrong, in the current state they are not working to spawn in.
However you can change how frequent it should drop! :)
5 дек. 2018 в 8:23 Hey guys so i was just wondering is there any way to spawn air drops as admins and if there is not will there be any in the future?Hey! I'm admin and as far as i'm aware there is no command that functions to drop cargo's.
If I am not wrong, in the current state they are not working to spawn in.
However you can change how frequent it should drop! :)
5 дек. 2018 в 8:24 As I said in the previous post the commands are there but they dont actually work for admins yet 5 дек. 2018 в 9:19 Except they do? the server im on has ocasionally filled the map with drops. the teritory and war server (Заблокирован) 5 дек. 2018 в 9:33I saw Eroktic had some event on his channel that increased the number of airdrops, but I think it just turned up the frequency of the drops. I don't think he actually spawned cargo drops at will.
Except they do? the server im on has ocasionally filled the map with drops. the teritory and war server That's interesting. Could the admins have simply turned up the frequency of carg drops really high? 5 дек. 2018 в 10:23 Type into google "Scum admin commands" your welcome. 5 дек. 2018 в 10:37 yer i was jsut trying to get info froma dev to see if we will be getting any commands for it lol 5 дек. 2018 в 12:03 i can confirm that we can increase frequency it has a minimum time til spawn and a maximum time til spawnif you set that to 1 and 1 you can have an airdrop spawning every minute
5 дек. 2018 в 12:11 yes but to decide to drop a empty one and put your own loot inside it for a server event would be cool
8 дек. 2018 в 19:29 We had proabbly 50 within 2 or 3 minutes
10 дек. 2018 в 5:01 How can i change how often they spawn on a server?
10 дек. 2018 в 5:45 How can i change how often they spawn on a server?
I think that can be changed through G-portal page, if I don’t remember wrong.. 10 дек. 2018 в 5:47 you can change it trough g-portal just reduce the time by event [Разработчик] 10 дек. 2018 в 5:48 10 дек. 2018 в 6:52 i know how to change the setting but i mean spawning a empty one for us admisn to fill with gear for server admin event purposes 10 дек. 2018 в 7:10
i know how to change the setting but i mean spawning a empty one for us admisn to fill with gear for server admin event purposes
That's not possible. I get your idea though, probably in the future!
What I do for now is "Treasure Events" I give a hint of something in a sector and people have to guess/find their way to the wooden box with goodies. Works as good! :)
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