Sasquatch игра прохождение
Original Main Quest
In the original main quest, on the second day, Raccoon will get Sasquatch as he is leaving his cabin to show him Mr. Pemberton’s arrival. Mr. Pemberton announces to the ranger at his cabin that he will be repossessing the land of the park and building condominiums. Raccoon then implores Sasquatch to save the park by finding a hidden treasure that will allow them to buy back the park.
To find the treasure, the map is needed, but Duck tore it up into nine pieces that need to be found. Duck will then give the first piece of the map. After doing so, Sasquatch and his friends will go to the location of the treasure and present it to the ranger to save the park. As a reward, Sasquatch will be given the Ranger Outfit
Second Main Quest
Added in the Town Update, the second main quest involves getting a job at Mr. Pemberton’s company and advancing through all the promotions until being granted the Executive Key Card. After being given the Executive Key Card, Raccoon will meet Sasquatch outside of R Corp and go in with him at night to break into Pemberton’s safe and retrieve the evidence for the police.
Sasquatch is the main protagonist of Sneaky Sasquatch. He lives in Sasquatch Valley with his animal friends Duck, Bear and Raccoon.
Sasquatch doesn't talk very much but he is capable of human traits such as nodding to indicate saying "Yes" or "No" when selling items to Bear. Sasquatch has a very large appetite and will eat everything he can find scattered around the the valley. His hunger levels are made up of 6 hunger points which must be fulfilled throughout the day.
Sasquatch is capable of wearing different types of disguises so he can blend in with the humans of the valley. This allows him to do special activities such as compete in golf and ski tournaments, hide from the rangers and even get a job working at R Corp. His disguises are so convincing that he is even able to open his own bank account and pass a driving test to acquire his very own license.
Sasquatch can use various tools to help him get coins or food including a Fishing Rod and a Shovel.
Sasquatch lives in the Construction Duck who offers to fix and upgrade his small cabin into a decent sized home complete with a driveway, flower gardens and various upgrades to the surrounding park. Sasquatch can visit the Furniture Warehouse and buy furniture for his home including new floor rugs, a fridge and a cooker and even a new double bed.
However, Sasquatch can also move into the Town and once he has a Bank account he can purchase one of the apartments above the Bank and Clothing store, providing he can pay the rent everyday to the estate agent.
Surfing House
Sasquatch can have a house at the surf shack if he wins every surfing event. He can also use the kitchen there to.
Fishing House
Sasquatch can have a house at the marina if he has caught every saltwater fish.
The Cone Zone
Sasquatch can buy a house at the race track called the cone zone for 10000 . Then he can sleep there whenever he wants to.
Snow Cabin
Sasquatch can buy a cabin up in the snow for 15000 . Then he can sleep there whenever he wants to.
Sasquatch has access to 9 types of Backpacks which allow him to carry food and items around with him. The player chooses whether he gets a red, green, or blue backpack from Raccoon at the start of the Main Quest and can visit the Backpack Supply Co. to purchase different color backpacks.
The backpack cannot be removed but it can be change for different colors if the player wishes to.
There are some unique items in the backpack that cannot be interacted with such as the Dynamite or the Talking Fish. Unique items will remain in the backpack and can be seen in the inventory but not taken from the backpack or sold.
The player can purchase a fridge and drawers from the Furniture Warehouse to store food in at home. Food stored in both of these will remain inside until taken out and put into the backpack.
Sasquatch is a very hungry creature. He is constantly on the lookout and he can eat almost everything that he can find in the valley and town. He will store food in his backpack and at times when he is hungry he can sit on a picnic bench and consume(or his food.
A very hungry Sasquatch.
His hunger is made up of 6 points, throughout the day he will become more hungry and require food. His hunger level will pop up on at the top left of the screen to indicate to the player that it is feeding time. Also, every time that sasquatch wakes up after he sleeps, he will immediately lose two hunger points when starting the day. When eating, sasquatch will not be seen wearing a disguise. This will not affect how humans look at him, as time will freeze when sasquatch is eating.
If Sasquatch is not fed his hunger bar will flash to remind the player that he must eat some food. If Sasquatch does not eat any food, he will be knocked unconscious and Raccoon will come and save Sasquatch from the Park Ranger but he will charge Sasquatch 50 coins for helping.
The player can buy a oven from the Furniture Warehouse, once it has been delivered by the Delivery Dude, the player can use the oven to cook food on the hob or inside the oven. Cooked food have 3 different states; uncooked (raw), cooked and burnt. However this doesn't seem to bother Sasquatch as he will eat anything even if it is raw or burnt. The player can also uses microwaves around the valley such as the one in the apartment or at the R Corp building.
Sasquatch dressed as a Ranger.
Sasquatch can purchase and wear many different disguises to fool the humans of Sasquatch Valley and Town. Some disguises offer special effects such as the Ranger Outfit which will stop the rangers from trying to catch Sasquatch if they see him in the Park.
The Lumberyard Outfit also has a benefit in that it allows Sasquatch to blend in at the Sawmill and go into the staff only sections. The Golf Outfit allows Sasquatch to compete in tournaments at the Golf Course.
Sasquatch can also walk around with no disguise, however this is a sure fire way of getting caught by the Police or Park Rangers. All humans will slowly start to notice Sasquatch and once detected the authorities will arrive to catch him.
The player can visit shops around the valley like the Pro Shop or Clothing store in the Town and buy new outfits for Sasquatch to wear.
Although Sasquatch is a non-human creature he can drive many of the vehicles around the valley and even purchase his own vehicles at the Car Dealership providing that the player has bought the Car Keys from Raccoon's store he will then be able to take any parked car in the valley or town.
Sasquatch can earn 5 types of driving licenses which allow him to compete in different types of races using specific vehicles for that race. He can earn the A, B, C, D and S license, however before he earns his license he must take a driving test with the instructor and pass. Sasquatch can visit the Licensing office at the Race Track to start earning licenses.
A license is also required to open a bank account in town, without a license, Sasquatch will be turned away from getting a meeting with the Bank Manager.
Sasquatch is able to participate in many activities and events around the valley. He can compete in races at the race track offering coins as a reward for placing first, or he can take part in a golf or ski tournament to win cash prizes.
At the Race Track, Sasquatch can take part in 8 different races, starting from Go Kart racing with doesn't require any license, all the way up to The Sasquatch 100, which is a 100 lap race with a winning prize of 5000 coins for the first time it is completed and 3000 coins for each time afterwards. There are also races which can only take place if it is raining like the Amateur and Pro drifting contest.
Sasquatch can play in a Golf Tournament or have a quick round of golf at the golf course. A quick round of golf is 3 holes with a prize of 200 coins for winning. The Amateur Tournament is 6 holes and the player must own the Golf Outfit to take part in the tournament, the cash prize is 400 coins for first place and 75 coins for second. Finally there is the Pro Tournament which takes place across all 9 holes of the course and requires the Golf Outfit, the rewards are 600 coins for first, 150 for second and 50 for third place.
At the Ski Mountain, Sasquatch can play in 10 ski events; Amateur Downhill, Slalom, Terrain Park, Big Air, and Gladed Run, as well as the pro version of these events. Amateur events give 200 for winning, and 100 for each win after that. Pro events yield 350 on first win, and 200 for each win after.
Sasquatch can surf with a surf board and win quickly.
Boat Racing
Sasquatch can boat race if he owns the required boat. Grinding on the super regatta boat race is the fastest way in the game to make raccoin.
Snowball fights
Sasquatch can do snowball fights at the ski resort to earn and candy canes quickly.
After Sasquatch has completed the first Main Quest he will be able to apply for a job at R Corp in Town.
Assistant Mail Clerk
Sasquatch Must deliver mail to his coworkers and he will be give 60 when he completes each mail task.
Item Delivery Technician
You will need to get people food and you will be paid 80 for each delivery.
Tech Support
You will need to fix computers to get 100 per computer fix.
You will need to attend meetings and sign paperwork and golf to win 120 .
Working as an officer
Writing Tickets
Sasquatch, when hired at the police station, can write tickets for people driving without a license, insurance, glasses, etc. Writing false tickets will result in progress going down. If someone did something illegal without Sasquatch checking it out, he/she will say: See ya later officer. heh heh.
If Sasquatch checks something out without he/she doing it, this will make them mad and call the police chief. If this is kept up, the police chief will reprimand you.
Sasquatch can write speeding tickets when he records a vehicles going to fast when recorded with a Speed Laser.
Investigating The Engine
Sasquatch must, for this job, look under car hoods and find items hidden there and write the driver a violation ticket. You may NOT collect anything in the hood. Stealing items from people's hoods will result in a false ticket, and doing so multiple times will make your progress go down.
Sneaky Sasquatch, популярная игра для Apple Arcade, имеет множество слоев. На самом деле их так много, что иногда кажется, что это опыт открытого мира. Но на самом деле это определенно больше взаимосвязанный мир, поэтому он частично открыт в некоторых аспектах, а также сбивает вас по заданным путям, когда вы попадаете в области, аналогично играм Dark Souls (держу пари, вы не ожидали такого сравнения) .
С таким большим количеством областей, которые нужно исследовать, есть много интересных занятий. От игры в гольф до гонок, катания на лыжах и, конечно же, кражи закусок у отдыхающих; Мир полон безграничных возможностей. Вдобавок ко всему, игра продолжает получать обновления с дополнениями города и пляжа среди прочего.
Однако какие ключевые моменты вы должны учитывать при исследовании этого мира? Есть определенные вещи, которые вы можете делать и приобретать в игре. Некоторые из них могут быть действительно полезны и сделают ваш опыт Sneaky Sasquatch немного лучше.
Получить немного дерева
Но для того, чтобы начать жить в доме своей лесной мечты, вам нужно купить грузовик. Он понадобится вам, если вы хотите вернуть дрова строительным уткам. Так что, к сожалению, тот потрясающий суперкар (крысы!), Который вы купили, не годится. К счастью, грузовики довольно доступны по цене, и как только он у вас появится, прокатитесь на нем до Лесопилки и начните собирать свежую древесину.
Отправляйтесь в магазин бытовой техники
В Sneaky Sasquatch с таким количеством разных дел и мест, куда можно пойти, легко упустить из виду мощь лопаты, которую вы, вероятно, купили в магазине приятеля-енота. Или, если вы все же использовали его, вы можете со временем забыть о нем.
Но обязательно следите за местами для раскопок, потому что в каждом из них есть монеты. Я бы сказал, что никогда не пропускаю места для раскопок. Конечно, иногда мешочки, которые вы собираете, могут быть маленькими, но важна каждая мелочь.
Часто вы найдете относительно большие мешки, которые всегда довольно интересно получить, тем более, что может потребоваться некоторое время, чтобы фармить несколько монет в игре, выполняя различные действия и продавая предметы. Так что используйте свою старую дешевую лопату. Вы просто никогда не знаете, насколько это важно для вашего богатства.
Внимание! Приведённый выше текст является переводом из иностранного источника, поэтому в нём вероятны некоторые неточности. Просим отнестись с пониманием. Спасибо и оставайтесь с нами!
Sneaky Sasquatch это приключение в открытом мире с множеством разных способов получить удовольствие от игры. По сути, вы живете жизнью сасквоча (снежного человека), который также занимается человеческими делами, такими как серфинг, катание на лыжах и многим другим.
И, как любой трудолюбивый человек в обществе, вы тоже можете заработать немного денег. С помощью монет вы можете делать покупки в магазине вашего друга, енота. Здесь вы можете делать покупки, чтобы участвовать в некоторых из множества мероприятий, больших и малых.
Продажа еды
Но идите в каждую область и наполните свой рюкзак как можно большим количеством еды. Затем, когда придет время ночевать, быстро направьтесь к медведю (прежде, чем заснете) и отдайте ему товар. Если вы действительно заполнили свой рюкзак, вы легко можете получить 100 или более монет за свои старания.
Получите работу
Нет, не волнуйтесь, мы не имеем в виду это о вашей реальной жизни, но в игре вам пора искать работу, и вы можете сделать это в Sneaky Sasquatch. Вам нужно будет купить профессиональную одежду в магазине в городе.
Базовая рабочая одежда обойдется вам в 500 монет, но оно того стоит. Это потому, что вы получите работу в большом бизнес-здании и вначале вам будет поручено доставлять почту вашим коллегам по зданию.
Поймайте (золотую) рыбу
В Sneaky Sasquatch вы можете заняться рыбной ловлей. И здесь не нужно просто ловить рыбу и бросать обратно в воду. На другой стороне пруда вы встретите рыбака (спуститесь по лестнице напротив тропы, ведущей к парку для автодомов).
Он даст вам справочник / книгу по рыбе, в которой расскажет о пойманной вами рыбе. А когда поймаете их, то сможете продать этому дружелюбному джентльмену за хорошую звонкую монету. Вы легко сможете получать двузначные цифры за каждую рыбу, что больше, чем то, что вы получите, продавая еду медведю.
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