Roblox vesteria гайд
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Как начать играть в Vesteria? Самое быстрое начало Roblox!
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В этом видео я рассказал о игре Vesteria игра похожа на Dangeon Quest. Если у вас будут вопросы по этой игре пишите в .
Плейс Vesteria появился в Roblox в 2018 году. Заработала его студия The Vesteria Team.
На сегодняшний день проект этих ребят получил 135 тыс. лайков и 38 млн посещений, а после массовых апгрейдов в игру начали заходить тысячи геймеров ежедневно.
Чудесное местечко под названием Vesteria предлагает пользователями заняться исследованием захватывающих миров, в которых можно отыскать не только красивые пейзажи и драгоценности, но и монстров, желающих уничтожить ребят, поддерживающих мир на этих землях.
Чтобы противостоять врагам, игроки создают свои группы войск и объединяются в гильдии с друзьями, совершая набеги на подземелья, где прячется вся нечисть.
Однозначно с этой игрой стоит познакомиться всем фанатам Adventure жанра в Roblox, которые кайфуют от командных противостояний с армией злых существ.
Хочешь еще больше годной инфы о популярных и не очень играх в Roblox? Тогда не забывай проверять наш раздел Плейсы. Ну, а в комментариях расскажи нам, играл ли ты в Vesteria?
So what type of game exactly is Roblox Vesteria? In this easy to read article we will provide you with the information you need to know about the game. With Vesteria releasing for free recently, there has been an influx of players and you might of seen the game crawling up the popular page.
What Is Roblox Vesteria?
Vesteria is a Roblox MMORPG game. What is a MMORPG game? A MMORPG game stands for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. These type of games combine aspects of role-playing games with massively multiplayer online games. Popular examples of MMORPG games outside of Roblox include games such as World of Warcraft.
Vesteria is meant to be played with the focus of exploration, variety and non-linear gameplay in mind! In this game you can fight battle enemies, choose classes, and also just explore! There is a potential for lots of hours of fun in Roblox Vesteria so I highly recommend hopping in and giving it a go.
This game is definately one of the more premium games in Roblox, its built by a team of extremely experienced developers who are trying to push the boundaries of what Roblox is capable of!
Once you dive into the game you will be met with a vast variety of beautiful scenery which makes you ask yourself if you are really playing Roblox. The open world is yours to explore, and your rewarded for the exploration with things like chests and exclusive items like the mushroom hat.
You can complete cool quests too, while battling through mobs in the vast world.
Video guide
Below you can find a video by ItsMatrix, which will teach you a little bit more about this game!
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Here at Ways To Game, we provide tons of guides for a wide variety of Roblox games, simply check our page out here to see if there is anything you might be interested in!
This page will show you the Class in Vesteria, along with information on all of the classes! We will keep this page updated if any more classes come out so make sure to check back with us soon!
Visteria Classes
Below, we will tell you a little bit about each class so you can form your decision on the best class in Vesteria for your playstyle.
What are Classes?
In Vesteria, you can join a class at Level 10. Vesteria classes are factions that you can join, this will allow you to unlock new abilities and equipment! Currently there are only 3 classes, these include the Warrior class, the Hunter class and the Mage class.
To obtain a class you need to speak to one of the Faction Representatives found in their faction bases.
If you join a class, you can only spend your skill points earned, on skills from the faction instead of your Adventurer skills.
Also, at level 30 you can select a subclass.
Warrior Class
If you select the Warrior Class, you like to fight closely and personally with weapons such as big swords and bulky armour. Warriors can be tanks, absorbing hits while dealing lots of damage at close range.
If you want to purchase equipment exclusive to the Warrior class you will have to visit the Warrior Stronghold, here you can also get unique consumables.
As soon as you join the warrior Faction, Sir Tristian gives you a Rusty Sword and 3 Warrior Runes.
Once you reach level 30, you will be able to select one subclass, you can see what subclass appeals to you by reading through the options below:
- Paladin: (Tank/Support/DPS) You can use light-based magical attacks, whilst healing players with regeneration buffs.
- Berskerer: (DPS) You deal a lot of damage and have barbarian like abilities, buffing your players attack.
- Knight: (Tank) You can take lots of hits, and you get buffs in defense against other players, and also forces Enemies to attack the user.
Hunter Class
If you select the Hunter Class as one of your Vesteria Classes, you have to fight with bows and daggers, your very agile and stealthy! The Hunter class is the most versatile class in Roblox Vesteria.
If you want to purchase equipment exclusive to the Hunter Class you will have to visit Port Fidelio, here you can also get unique consumables.
As soon as you join the Hunter Faction, Admiral Hugo gives you a Wooden Dagger and 3 Hunter Runes.
Once you reach level 30, you will be able to select one subclass, you can see what subclass appeals to you by reading through the options below:
- Assassin: (DPS) You primarily target single targets and have a high burst damage. You can even turn invisible to get to where you need to be without being detected.
- Ranger: (DPS) You use your bow to fight at range, you will also have abilities to enhance the basic attack. If you pick this Vesteria subclass you will have sustained damage.
- Trickster: (DPS) You use lots of abelites to confuse enemies, your an agile fighter that can easily counter melee and glass cannons.
Mage Class
If you select the Mage Class as one of your Vesteria Classes, you have to fight as a mage, there are lots of directions you can go in if you decide to become a mage. You will use magic to damage your enemies. Keep in mind, its quite hard to gain experience as a mage as it takes a little while, but once they reach a higher level they become very powerful fighters!
If you want to purchase equipment exclusive to the Mage Class you will have to visit the Tree of Life, here you can also get unique consumables.
As soon as you join the Mage Faction, Greybeard the Old gives you a Training Staff and 3 Mage Runes.
Once you reach level 30, you will be able to select one subclass, you can see what subclass appeals to you by reading through the options below:
- Warlock: (DPS) You will use dark style magic and this applies negative effects to enemies but gains self buffs with bust damage like life steal and mana regen.
- Sorcerer: (DPS) You use elemental style magic with your glass cannon that puts everything into big splashy attacks.
- Cleric: (Support) You use Holy magic and you mainly focus on healing, boosting yourself and players nearby. Even though this is a support role, it still does plenty of damage!
Let us know which one of these Roblox Vesteria classes you liked the sound of the most, In my opinion the Mage class appeals most to me! This is because once you have grinded up a lot of levels it all pays off!
Video Guide
Below you can find a video by Viternal, comparing the damage for the different classes, this will help you form your opinion on the best class a little bit more!
More Roblox Guides
Here at Ways To Game, we provide tons of guides for a wide variety of Roblox games, simply check our page out here to see if there is anything you might be interested in!
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