Rainbow six siege iana гайд
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Небольшой гайд на нового оперативника Iana от нашего подписчика. Советуем посмотреть это информативное видео, чтоб знать, где голограмма, а где Иана.
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спасибо что хоть не лучадор или дардали
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Даня, настолько тупой ролик по факт2
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Можно её просто не покупать, вот вам гайд
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Алексей, все зависит от стиля игры, не скажу, что она плохая, она другая, не такая важная как термит просто
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Travis, она не плохая, она просто бесполезная
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Алексей, не спорю, что стены она не может пилить, и на про лиге её вряд ли будут брать, но просто поиграть для себя сойдёт. Мое мнения
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Travis, а что тебе мешает взять эш? Она и быстрее, и оружие то же самое, и стенки издалека пробивать может
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У зофьи сильнее "взрыв стены ", оружие сильнее, если аког, может не только в раш, лучше в тим игре
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Берем подвал на банке, то в чем импаки Эш? Фаст пуш там не дадут , а лана и нокк дадут больше импакт, так как лана даст инфу и отыгровку на тимму(ее иллюзия ходит и дает звуки , как игрок) , нокк может зайти от вражеских камер. Радуга - не одна ситуация.
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Алексей, посмотри лучадора с платины и кд 1
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Этот опер для меня хорош тем, что у него есть голограммы, а я люблю проверять всё, куда иду. + Я не умею активно рашить. Мне кажеться, что каждый из нас останется при своём, что нормально
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Travis, а дроны для тебя зачем?
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Роман, мне лично голограммы показались удобнее, я за неё ни разу обычного дрона не использовал
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Travis, дрон крупнее в 11 раз который падает с одной тычки удобнее для разведки чем простой дрон которой еще и не ломается после истечения времени. Может голограмму можно использовать для каких либо фишек и т.д. но как разведка даже хз
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Голограммы бесконечные в отличии от дронов . И мы вряд ли сойдёмся во мнениях, но мне опер понравился , и всё). Если не хочешь играть им, или считаешь его бесполезным, то я ж ничего против не имею)
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Чувак на видоса сказал что абсолютно все ловушки наносят дамаг голограмме,а в конце видео сказал что она на них не реагирует. Долбаеб
General information
Real Name
Nienke MeijerOrganization
Date of birth
124 lbs (56kg)Unlock
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
- Tom Clancy's Elite Squad
- Arknights
Voice Actor
"All systems are complementary, if you know how to connect them."
— Iana
Nienke "Iana" Meijer is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Void Edge expansion alongside Oryx.
Meijer's mother was the lead engineer on the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument that landed on Titan . Encouraged to reach for the stars from an early age, she earned her Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering at the Koninklijke Militaire Academie . Meijer later applied to become a fighter pilot in the Royal Netherlands Air Force . Unfortunately, her albinism meant that she had compromised retina and her application was refused. She changed her focus to systems engineering and earned her Masters in Embedded Systems at the Delft University of Technology . She also studied at the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory . Meijer eventually developed contact lenses that overcorrected her genetic deficit while integrating a state-of-the-art AR overlay.
Psychological Profile
Born under an auspicious star, Specialist Nienke “Iana” Meijer has always known she would set foot on another world. A consummate dreamer and practiced pragmatist, her greatest challenge has been convincing the world that her flights of fancy are not only possible, but practical.
Psychological Report
The first time I met Specialist Nienke "Iana" Meijer she told me that the silver spoon I use to stir my tea has more in common with the nails that hold my chair together than the flatware of kings. She suggested a gold spoon for a less metallic aftertaste, but upon seeing me add sugar she amended it to zinc or copper. Marvellous. Her reductionist and frank approach is sure to challenge her fellow operators!
Reading Meijer's file, it's apparent that she succeeds through sheer intellect, resolve and fearlessness. Yet cocooned within her collaborative and outgoing exterior is a fragile core that she keeps guarded and private. Growing up albino wasn't an easy proposition, regardless of how outwardly tolerant society may seem. There was social stigma and childish name-calling, but these hardships fostered self-determination and self-assurance. Alone, she is like a raging river: Hell-bent on overcoming any obstacle that blocks her way, regardless of the personal cost.
She was eager to share her experiences and knowledge, and to grow within a very different sort of team than is her natural habitat. Especially thrilling is her ability to analyze a myriad of scenarios and to create discreet aspects of herself to tackle each of them simultaneously. Often, those who multitask have reduced outcomes in all areas, but here, also, Meijer is the exception.
-- Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow
I know, I know, but you’re going to have to get used to the title someday. Can’t have all of the power and none of the kowtowing. You might start to think you’re a regular Joe again, and then where would we be?
I looked into the newest additions to Rainbow, like you asked. Iana was an open book – family of engineers, excelled in academia after busting out of the air force for reasons beyond her control. You’ve got to be a pro at keeping a cool head to go into orbit, at least in any kind of technical capacity. She’s stable, sure, and predictable, but that doesn’t mean her tactics are the same. I like what I’ve seen so far, and I look forward to frustrating her attempts to gather intel in future matches.
Oryx was a different story. In that, there isn’t much of one. I know he comes highly recommended by Kaid, that he’s the second-in-command as far as the Fortress goes, and I trust your judgment. Still, those 15 years where he disappeared from local AND international records give me pause. I’ve met him. I like him, or what little he’s been willing to show me of his personality. The problem is, he’s a mystery, and I don’t like mysteries in my line of work. They give me ulcers. But, as a part of the team, I’d much rather he was on my side than someone else’s. And I’m not going to lie – having the chance to observe him more closely in the field will give me the data I need to put my fears to rest.
The two of them coming on board at the same time, that’s where I scratch my head. On the one hand, you’ve got technological smarts that are out of this world (literally) and on the other, a guy who could bench-press a hundred and fifty pounds with just his face. He’s not stupid, and she’s not weak, they’re just… diametrically opposed, both in their life experiences and in how they view the world. The one thing they share is a love of the element of surprise, of catching people off-guard and seeing how they react. I never would have guessed it just from looking at them.
I’ll ask again, with no hope of a clear answer – where do you find these people? My training in psychology is largely in identifying pathologies, so my hat’s off to your teambuilding expertise. But then again, that’s why you’re Six. And it’s why I’ll keep reminding you of that fact until the cows come home.
Gameplay Description
A Medium Armored Operator, Iana's unique gadget is the Gemini Replicator. When activated, it creates a holographic decoy of Iana, which she can control remotely like a drone. It allows Iana to scout ahead and spot traps without setting them off, and can also trick Defenders into exposing themselves or acting prematurely.
- While Ying's Candelas will affect Iana herself like any other Operator, it doesn't affect the Hologram. This means that Ying can have an extra set of eyes to aid her as the Hologram can scout ahead.
- Iana can assist Blitz, forcing Defenders to act prematurely while Blitz will be able to know where the Defender is, flash them, and kill them.
- The Hologram can be destroyed by anything that can destroy a gadget, such as electrified Barbed Wire. Bandit's Shock Wire and Kaid's Electroclaws will destroy the Hologram.
- As an electronic gadget, Mute's Signal Disruptor will neutralize the Hologram once it is in the effective radius.
- The Hologram is also unable to see Vigil while his Video Disruptor is active. The Hologram also will not pick up on Vigil's presence. Evil Eyes can destroy the Hologram with its laser and can detect its lack of heat signature.
Don’t be fooled by first impressions; the Gemini Replicator is anything but familiar or predictable. There are countless ways to use it to your advantage, and you’ll find out soon enough.
In short, the Gemini is a remotely-controlled holographic copy of Iana. When she deploys it, she can scout ahead with little to no consequences. It can move and produces sound like she would, but it obviously cannot shoot, melee or use secondary gadgets. The Replicator has a time limit, or it can be exited at any time. There is always a cooldown between two uses, which is longer if it’s destroyed.
The Replicator is all about fooling Iana’s opponents, as well as collecting information. During its deployment, she can find her opponents and cause confusion to her heart’s content. If the Gemini is spotted and destroyed by a Defender, it can help Iana deduce the threat’s location, but it will buy her opponents a few precious seconds to reposition.
Device Evaluation
Device: Gemini Replicator
Operator: Specialist Nienka "Iana" Meijer
Evaluation Lead: Specialist Masaru "Echo" Enatsu
Because Twitch and I fine-tuned Specialist Aria "Alibi" de Luca's Prisma display, Mira thought I would enjoy testing Iana's hovering projectors. Spoiler alert: they don't use the same tech and these drones are way more fancy than mine. Sure, Iana and I worked in the same field, but years apart - she's current-gen, while I'm more like the grandpa of aeronautics at this point. Hey, Mira, is this what it's like to feel old?
(Comment_A Quispe: You'll catch us up one day, pata.)
Anyway, I was able to repurpose the cloaking aspects of my Yokai to sharpen the edges of the image. The key to fooling opponents is for the projection to look and move like the real deal, otherwise it's a waste of time. There were some issues with collimation that accounted for the fuzziness of her render - fine if you're on another planet, not so great if you're trying not to get shot at. I came up with a more efficient projector housing that gets her the DPI she needs, at barely a fraction of a percentage point more in energy consumption. You're welcome.
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У оперативника Iana была изменена победная поза, это было обнаружено игроками на тестовом сервере.
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