Рагнарок этернал лав гайды
Этот гайд Ragnarok M: Eternal Love поможет вам освоиться с классами героев, включая их сильные и слабые стороны, навыки и стиль игры.
Активные навыки
Пассивные навыки
Лучник может выполнять профессию Охотника.
Активные навыки
Пассивные навыки
Лучший выбор для поклонников исцеления и поддержки, хотя при этом Аколит может наносить умеренный урон врагам. Также вы можете сражаться в ближнем бою с помощью булавы или кастета, или на расстоянии с помощью посоха.
Аколит может выполнять профессию Священника.
Активные навыки
Пассивные навыки
Это не значит, что Торговец плох в бою. Фактически, он может наносить огромный урон своими навыками Тележки и поддерживать союзников различными бафами.
Торговец может выбрать Кузнечное дело.
Активные навыки
Пассивные навыки
Маг является мастером массового урона, и может с легкостью уничтожать орды врагов. Как и Лучник, он является дальнобойным героем.
Это класс для тех, кто любит наносить огромный урон вражеским отрядам, но не заинтересован в поддержке своих товарищей по команде. Маги просто неспособны к танкованию, исцелению или поддержке других героев.
Маг может выбрать профессию Мастера.
Активные навыки
Пассивные навыки
Мечник может выполнять профессию Рыцаря.
Активные навыки
Пассивные навыки
In Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love, you’ll want to level up your character as fast as possible to become an insane farming machine, or be powerful enough to take down all foes in PvP and War of Emperium. You’ll spend most of your time in Ragnarok M grinding levels, so it’s important to plan out where to level up efficiently.
In this leveling guide, we list all the best leveling spots for each level, as well as info on the best monsters to grind & their locations. If you have no idea where to level for your current level, or if you feel like your current leveling spot is getting slower, this guide is for you!
Note: This is a WIP and we’ll be adding more leveling spots soon!
Level 1–10
Do main quests in Prontera South Gate until you job change.
Level 10–20
After your first job change, you can continue doing quests as they give lots of EXP or grind on Rockers, Willows and Wormtails. Wormtails have an insane EXP per HP ratio and will give you a really great boost in your leveling.
You’ll unlock the Message Board Quests at Level 15. You’ll want to prioritize these Board quests first over the red Main Quests!
Rocker (Lv 19) | 500 HP 0.224 Base EXP / HP 0.178 Job EXP / HP | Earth Insect Medium | Prontera West Gate |
Willow (Lv 21) | 600 HP 0.205 Base EXP / HP 0.165 Job EXP / HP | Earth Plant Medium | Prontera West Gate |
Wormtail (Lv 17) | 382 HP 0.576 Base EXP / HP 0.387 Job EXP / HP | Earth Plant Medium | North Prontera |
Level 20–30
At levels 20-30, Wormtails are still your best EXP boosters. Their EXP per HP ratio is just too good to pass even with the level gap penalties.
Continue doing main quests after consuming your Stamina. At Level 22, you’ll unlock the Monster Resistance Quests which is another great source of bulk EXP—they give you a 10x exp rate for a limited amount of exp. Make sure to finish the two Monster Resistance quests everyday.
Skeleton (Lv 30) | 2,520 HP 0.071 Base EXP / HP 0.056 Job EXP / HP | Undead Undead Medium | Ghost Ship |
Wormtail (Lv 17) | 382 HP 0.58 Base EXP / HP 0.40 Job EXP / HP | Earth Plant Medium | North Prontera |
Rocker (Lv 19) | 500 HP 0.224 Base EXP / HP 0.178 Job EXP / HP | Earth Insect Medium | Prontera West Gate |
Level 30–40
At Levels 30-40 you’ll have most of your essential skills ready. You’ll be able to start farming lots of zeny at this range.
Steam Goblins are a great source of zeny and Coal, a common material you can sell on the market or use for your upgrades. Jobs with AoE skills like Wizards, Trapper Hunters and Blacksmiths are effective in killing the Steam Goblins easily.
At Level 30, you can already start catching Pets and sending them to Pet Adventure, where you can get valuable loots and gears. Check out our full guide to Pet Adventure here.
Steam Goblin (Lv 39) + Goblins (Lv 35) | 6,093 HP 0.045 Base EXP / HP 0.026 Job EXP / HP | Wind Demi-Human Medium | Goblin Forest |
Thara Frog (Lv 31) | 2,917 HP 0.071 Base EXP / HP 0.045 Job EXP / HP | Water Fish Medium | Underwater Cave (Byalan) |
Skeleton (Lv 29) | 2,520 HP 0.071 Base EXP / HP 0.056 Job EXP / HP | Undead Undead Medium | Ghost Ship |
Level 40–50
You can still farm at Steam Goblins at Levels 40-50. Menblatt and Hornets in Mjolnir are great alternatives—a Menblatt Card drop would be nice to have if you’re feeling lucky. For physical attackers, Ants and Giearths in Ant Hell are great as well.
At Level 40, consider joining a Guild and acquire the Aesir Monument. Collect Guild Contributions and Gold Medals by doing Guild-related activities and plan out your Rune path. Check out the full guide to the Rune System here.
At Level 45, you may start sending Pets to Pet Labor, where you can get free Base EXP and Job EXP potions. These potions will help you level up real fast without doing any grinding! Check out the full guide to Pet Labor here.
Level 50–60
At Levels 50-60, grind at Dustiness, Metaller and Mantis in North Prontera for very high EXP returns at very low HPs. You’ll be able to farm very efficiently in this map—you can even stay here until around Level 85!
A lot of people will be farming in this area, so just look for a decent spot—these mobs will usually spawn in groups of 3 in certain spots. Switching to a less populated channel might also help.
Dustiness (Lv 62) | 12,479 HP 0.066 Base EXP / HP 0.042 Job EXP / HP | Wind Insect Small | North Prontera |
Metaller (Lv 55) | 8,314 HP 0.089 Base EXP / HP 0.056 Job EXP / HP | Fire Insect Medium | North Prontera |
Mantis (Lv 65) | 26,232 HP 0.033 Base EXP / HP 0.021 Job EXP / HP | Earth Insect Medium | North Prontera |
Level 60-70
At this range, North Prontera is still a very efficient farming spot. You can start whacking Eggyras in Payon Cave too as they give good Job EXP. Wizards should start aiming for 1-shot Eggyra kills. (Full Guide: How to One Hit Eggyras)
Physical attacker classes like Lord Knights can go for Minorous in the Pyramids. The Minorous Card is a very valuable item used by MVP hunters. At the time of writing, it costs almost 10 million zeny in the Exchange.
Dustiness, Metaller, Mantis | (Refer to previous table) | North Prontera | |
Minorous (Lv 64) | 27,181 HP 0.019 Base EXP / HP 0.008 Job EXP / HP | Fire Brute Large | Pyramids 2F–3F |
Eggyra (Lv 61) | 11,216 HP 0.028 Base EXP / HP 0028 Job EXP / HP | Ghost Formless Medium | Payon Cave 1F |
Level 70–80+
Level 70-80 range is where leveling will slow down a bit. But don’t worry, you have lots of options.
Dustiness/Metaller still give decent EXP despite the level gap EXP penalty. Other options would be mobs in Glast Heim Culvert and Glast Heim Outskirts.
Since leveling is a bit slow in this ranges anyway, try to pair your EXP farming with zeny/loots farming. Remember, instant kills = more monster kills = faster zeny and loots. Always aim for instant or 2-hit kills over high EXP but slow kills.
0.009 Base EXP / HP
0.006 Base EXP / HP
Level 80–90+
Punks and Orc Ladies in Clock Tower are the mobs that give decent EXP per HP ratios in this range. To maximize your farming efficiency, remember to use the proper elements, gears and cards.
For Turn Undead High Priests, you’ll want to aim at Black Witches and Dark Priests.
Punk (Lv 98) | 52,799 HP 0.025 Base EXP / HP 0.015 Job EXP / HP | Wind Plant Small | Clock Tower 1F |
Sting (Lv 87) | 65,000 HP 0.008 Base EXP / HP 0.006 Job EXP / HP | Earth Formless Medium | Glast Heim Culvert |
Anolian (Lv 89) | 81,000 HP 0.007 Base EXP / HP 0.005 Job EXP / HP | Water Fish Medium | Glast Heim Culvert |
Orc Lady (Lv 109) | 50,056 HP 0.029 Base EXP / HP 0.018 Job EXP / HP | Earth Demi-Human Medium | Clock Tower B1 |
Alarm (Lv 101) | 12,2288 HP 0.012 Base EXP / HP 0.007 Job EXP / HP | Neutral Formless Medium | Clock Tower 2F |
Black Witch (Lv 100) | 80,368 HP 0.017 Base EXP / HP 0.01 Job EXP / HP | Undead Undead Medium | Clock Tower 1F |
Dark Priest (Lv 90) | 75,000 HP 0.008 Base EXP / HP 0.005 Job EXP / HP | Undead Demon Medium | Glast Heim Churchyard 1-2F |
Level 90–100+
At Level 90-100, you can stay at Toy Factory 1F. Most of the mobs here are around Level 100+.
They also drop an item called Edelweiss, which is used to purchase valuable, rare items at the Greedy Shop. You can summon the Greedy Shop by killing Myst Cases in the lower left corner. Check out the full guide to Greedy Shop here.
Myst Case (Lv 110) | 10,8544 HP 0.018 Base EXP / HP 0.011 Job EXP / HP | Neutral Formless Medium | Toy Factory 1F |
Cruiser (Lv 111) | 98,087 HP 0.024 Base EXP / HP 0.01 Job EXP / HP | Neutral Formless Medium | Toy Factory 1F |
Cookie (Lv 108) | 89,893 HP 0.022 Base EXP / HP 0.013 Job EXP / HP | Neutral Demi-Human Small | Toy Factory 1F |
Zipper Bear (Lv 113) | 104,574 HP 0.022 Base EXP / HP 0.011 Job EXP / HP | Shadow Brute Medium | Toy Factory 1F |
Leveling efficiently in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is easy, you just need to find the mobs with a high EXP per HP ratio and use the correct elements and gears. Don’t forget your Lightning Chains, Stat Dishes and Cooked Foods!
What’s your favorite leveling spot and monsters to farm? Comment them down below!
Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Версия: 1.0.22
Последнее обновление игры в шапке: 01.12.2020
Краткое описание:
MMORPG культовой игры 2000х годов Ragranok Online от Gravity CIS (RagGame)
Ragnarok Mobile — это культовая MMORPG, которую с гордостью можно назвать одной из лучших в своем жанре.
Игра выполнена в 2D/3D графике, при этом не потеряв свою красочность. Игровые персонажи, локации, монстры и весь мир Ragnarok Mobile очень отличается от всех нынешних MMORPG. Ragnarok Mobile может похвастаться своей уникальной системой прокачки персонажа. Богатый выбор характеристик и различных заклинаний, даёт возможность каждому игроку создать своего уникального персонажа, не похожего на остальных. В игре пять классов и несколько проф; Archer • Hunter • Sniper, Thief • Assasin • Assasin Cross, Acolyte • Priest • High Priest, Swordman • Knight • Lord Knight, Magician • Wizard • High Wizard.
Особенности: 3D, Online
Русский интерфейс: Да (в EU версии)
Системные требования: Android 6+
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This guide will teach you everything you need to know in order to get ahead of other players in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.
If you’ve just started playing Ragnarok M: Eternal Love on the new Global server, you’ve come to the right place!
If you’re already playing on the SEA/China server, stick around as you might still learn a thing or two.
Regardless, if you want to make the most out of your Ragnarok Mobile experience, make sure to finish reading this guide before you continue playing! 😉
Choosing a Job Class
Like in all Ragnarok games, all players start as a Novice class. At Level 10 you can change into one of six 1st Job classes. Here’s an overview of each:
- Swordsman – melee, tankers
- Thief – melee, stealthy, fast and agile
- Archer – long range and high DPS
- Merchant – melee, great for farming
- Acolyte – support, can heal and buff
- Mage – high magic & elemental damage, lots of AoE skills
At Job Level 40, you can advance into the 2nd job class which resets your Job Lv back to 1. Then once you reach Level 40 again, you’ll advance into the Transcendent class.
Main/Daily/Side Quests
In Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, most of the time you’ll be doing one of three tasks: doing quests, leveling or farming. Let’s start with quests.
There are three types of quests in the game based on the color of the NPC’s exclamation marks:
- Red — Main Story quests. Prioritize these early in the game as these give great exp/zeny rewards and unlocks new features in the game
- Blue — Daily repeatable quests. Prioritize these next once you unlock them as they give out the highest exp and item rewards (more below)
- Green — Side quests. Although they don’t give higher rewards, they are also essential as they unlock certain features and skills. Do these when you’ve finished Blue and Red quests
Daily quests or “dailies” are quests you can repeat every day. They give out the best rewards and should be prioritized once you unlock them. Here’s a quick overview of the most important daily quests:
- Message Board (Lv. 15) – requires killing monsters, collecting items, or running errands for NPCs. Rewards: Base/Job EXP, zeny, essential items
- Monster Resistance (Lv. 22) – you get 2 Monster Resistance Quests that gives you 10x EXP rate for a limited amount of EXP
- Time Rifts – “arena” instances where you battle hordes of monsters. A party is recommended. Rewards: rare gears, Base/Job EXP, Zeny, some low-level loots
- Training Grounds – also arena instances similar to Time Rifts where you battle player-like monsters. Rewards: 1 Silver Medal (used for Guild features), 100 Eden Coins (a special type of currency)
Here’s the important trick: you can instantly finish these daily quests using an item called the Adventure Meatball.
Leveling & Stamina System
After doing quests, you’ll want to be leveling your character by killing monsters.
Unlike the old Ragnarok games, you can use the “Auto Attack” feature in Ragnarok Mobile so you can leave your character on AFK and do other tasks in real life!
However, watch out for your Stamina! This is the “Combat Time” bar you see on the Settings window.
You can use an item called Lightning Chain to grind and farm faster: when a Chain is activated, you get double the rate of EXP, loots and zeny gained, but you’ll also consume Stamina 2x faster.
Here are more guides to help you level up faster:
Take note though, that in this game it’s better not to rush your level too much and focus on getting better items and gears instead. So remember to balance leveling and farming! This leads us to…
Farming Zeny & Items
Finally, when you’re not doing quests or leveling your character, you’ll want to be farming for zeny, gears, or materials.
Throughout the game, you’re going to need lots of Zeny. And by “lots”, I mean lots. Most of your Zeny will be used for buying equipment/cards, materials for crafting gears, materials for upgrading gears, enhancing/refining/enchanting gears, materials for Guild Donation, items for quests, among many others.
Think of Zeny spent on gears as investments—the better your gears, the better your farming efficiency. And as previously mentioned, do not be afraid to slow down your leveling and focus first on farming for zeny and gears. In Ragnarok Mobile, gears > levels.
There’s two types of making money in the game: active farming which requires you to play and consume Stamina, and passive earning which allows you to earn passive income without playing—great for lazy & busy players.
- Active Farming
- Farm Zeny / materials
- Craft and sell equips
- Create a 2nd/3rd farming character
- Do Daily Quests
- Hunt MVPs/Mini-bosses and sell their loot
- Endless Tower
- Pets are great investments! Catch several Pets ASAP for Pet Adventure & Pet Labor
- Instant Time Rifts
- Lucky Shop
- Buy low & sell high
- VIP/cash shop
Stat Attributes
Your characters have 6 stat attributes:
- Strength (STR) – increases physical melee damage
- Agility (AGI) – increases attack speed and flee
- Dexterity (DEX) – increases physical range damage and hit rate, lowers casting time
- Intelligence (INT) – increases magic damage, magic defense, max SP and SP regeneration
- Vitality (VIT) – increases max HP, physical defense and HP regeneration
- Luck (LUK) – increases critical rate and critical defense
These are the different ways to increase your stat attributes:
- Leveling up your Base Level gives you Attribute points which you can allocate to your stats
- Equipment – your gears will give bonus stats
- Eat gourmet food – you can cook and eat food that give additional stats, one of the cheapest and most efficient methods to boost your stats (Full Guide: Guide to Cooking Gourmet Food)
- Eat stat dishes – you can buy these (e.g. INT Dish, STR Dish) from the Food Shop. They give great stat bonuses but can be costly
- Enhance, refine, upgrade, enchant, cards – there are multiple ways to improve your gears’ stats. (Full Guide: Guide to Upgrading, Enhancing, Refining & Enchanting)
- Runes – joining a Guild lets you unlock the Aesir Monument, which allows you to activate your Runes tree. (Full Guide: Guide to Rune System)
Don’t worry if you make mistakes when allocating your stat build, as you’ll get free Stat and Skill Reset items throughout the game. (Full Guide: How to Get Stats/Skills Reset)
Pet System
Pets are very essential in the game to level up fast, earn lots of zeny, or farm items. You should get several pets as soon as possible as they are one of the best investments in the game.
Here’s an overview of what Pets can do:
- Help you fight monsters in battle
- Send them on a Pet Adventure (unlocked at Lv 30) – pets will give you free loots + chance of rare items/cards after 60 minutes at the cost of 5 Adventure Meatballs and 60 Stamina. Great for earning Zeny. It’s best to create an alt character (same account) and let him do the Pet Adventures so you don’t consume all your main’s Stamina.
- Send them to the Pet Labor (requires Base Lv 45, Pet Intimacy Lv 5) – pets will give you free items every few minutes, most notably the EXP Potions which give you tons of EXP, great for leveling up fast
- Pets also give you bonus stats and effects (e.g. Lunatics give bonus MAtk, great for Mage classes)
You’ll get a free Poring pet early in the game through a quest in South Prontera. After that you’ll have to catch new Pets manually by feeding them their taming item (e.g. Green Apple for Poring, Rainbow Carrot for Lunatic). You can obtain taming items by:
- Buying from the Pet Shop in South Prontera using a currency called Colorful Shells
- Buying from the Exchange (easiest method but can be expensive)
- Obtain from Endless Tower drops
Check out our complete guides regarding Pets:
Adventurer Handbook
Early on in the game, you’ll receive your Adventurer Handbook. This handbook is sort of an Achievements List + Encyclopedia for the game where you can check your milestone achievements and in-game data like monster details.
Whenever you unlock new in-game data such as encountering new monsters, NPCs or locations, it will be added to the handbook and you get Adventure EXP to level up your Adventurer Level.
Higher Adventurer Levels lets you rank up your Adventurer Class (from Apprentice to Scout, to Rank F until Rank A).
Ranking up your Adventurer Class lets you unlock new Adventurer Skills, available at the Adventurer Skills NPC in upper Prontera.
Adventurer Skills are unique skills that help you in combat such as the additional auto-skill slot and additional inventory slots. Some Adventurer Skills also give you other fun features in the game such as taking photos or doing gestures/emoticons.
To rank up your Adventurer Class, you will need to do certain quests for each class. Be warned though—these quests are not very easy! The Adventurer Rank quests usually require rare, expensive items such as the famous Raccoon Leaf from Smokies. Some even require you to kill MVP Bosses.
Here are some in-depth guides to help you on leveling and ranking up your Adventurer Handbook Level:
Cooking Gourmet Food
In the game, you can cook and eat gourmet foods which give you huge stat bonuses and buffs for a period of time. It’s a cheap and easy way to improve your farming & leveling efficiency and I highly recommend that you unlock it and start cooking as soon as you can.
Here’s an example: the “Original Will-Vegetable Soup” recipe gives you +40 MAtk among other stat bonuses. You can eat a food up to 6 times and the effects will stack, so eating 6 Original Will-Vegetable Soup will give you up to +240 MAtk! That’s a lot for only a cheap price!
As you cook and eat more gourmet foods, your Cooking and Tasting Levels will increase. Higher Cook Level = better Cooking success rates. Higher Taste Level = higher food stack limit, e.g. can eat up to 6 foods at a time. You can check it in your Adventurer Handbook. (Full Guide: Guide to Cooking Gourmet Food)
Trading & Exchange
If you’re a veteran of the old Ragnarok games, one of the things you’ll notice right away is the lack of a trading system.
You cannot directly trade with other players. There’s also no Vending skill. The only way players can buy and sell items from each other is through the Exchange.
It’s an auction system where you simply put items you want to sell to the market and it will automatically be sold to anyone who wants to buy it. You can also search for items in the market and buy it. The price is determined by the system based on the supply and demand of the items.
Shared Storage
There is a way to transfer items between characters in the same account though. Characters who are at least Level 40 can use the Shared storage from Kafra. It’s a great idea to make a 2nd or 3rd farmer job class in the same account!
At Level 20, you can hire a personal Assistant in the Prontera palace (northern-most portal in Prontera).
Assistants are like personal secretaries that list down your daily tasks such as Message Board quests, Monster Resistance Quest, Rifts, etc. Just open the Assistant tab to see it.
Whenever you finish daily tasks, you will gain Assistant intimacy points (hearts) and every 20 points the Assistant will give out rewards.
Monster Elements
All monsters each have different elements. Knowing what your target’s element is allows you to significantly increase your damage by using the weakness of your target’s element.
Our comprehensive guide to elements will teach you how to boost your farming efficiency and leveling speed by using the elements table, elemental converters, and cards that increase damage on certain elements.
Endless Tower
The Endless Tower is a game mode in Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love where you can farm rare items and equips from Mini and MVP Bosses and earn lots of zeny. It’s a weekly event where you fight waves of monsters and bosses and clear as many levels in the tower as you can. You can unlock it at Level 52.
Guild features
It is essential to join a Guild as soon as you can to avail of Guild-related features and facilities:
- Aesir Monument – lets you unlock Runes that give out bonus stats, special skill effects or lets you unlock new skills such as Meteor Storm for Wizards (Full Guide: Guide to Rune System)
- Guild Donation – unlocking Runes from your Aesir Monument requires Guild Contributions and Gold Medals. These can be achieved mainly by donating materials to your Guild (Full Guide: Guide to Guild Donation)
- Valhalla – the Valhalla Ruins (a.k.a. Guild Ruins) is an instance-based game mode that gives you and your guildmates special access to a dungeon where you can hunt down MVPs and Mini Bosses
Mentorship/Student System
Once players reach Level 85, they can become a Mentor to up to three players. Becoming a Student or a Mentor each have their own benefits. You should find a Mentor ASAP before reaching Lv. 85, and mentor Students once you reach 85 and above.
Benefits of becoming a Student (Lv 10-84)
- Get 170% bonus exp for 24 hours using Adventure Guide item
- Get +20 Stat Bonuses using Guardian Scroll item
- Get a total of four Gold Medals for your Runes + other rewards every 10 levels
- Get additional Zeny and Base/Job exp for completing daily/weekly quests
Benefits of becoming a Mentor (Lv 85+)
- Get 120 additional Stamina (for Premium users)
- Get Mentor Medals used to purchase items in the Mentor Shop
This guide should equip you with all the knowledge to be able to get ahead of most players in the game!
Last but not the least, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy your time playing Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.
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