Прохождение the mimic 4
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В этом ролике я расскажу как пройти 4 главу в The Mimic на хорошую и плохую концовку.
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В чём смысл режима
Перед игроками предстаёт настоящая сюжетная история, которую нужно проходить с целью полного прохождения режима. То есть, вам придётся искать выход в различных ситуациях, искать ключи, двери и не только. Игра заставляет геймера тратить время на то, чтобы понять, в каком направлении ему следует двигаться и не только.
Похожие записи:
Прохождение режима The Mimic
В чём особенность режима
Данный режим очень сильно отличается от тех, которые мы привыкли видеть в Роблоксе . Здесь нет угнетающей музыки и страшных звуков, но при этом сам режим наполнен жуткой атмосферой, заставляющей игрока бояться каждого поворота.
Также стоит отметить и то, что мимик появляется внезапно. Предугадать его действия практически невозможно, а вот постараться сразиться с девушкой у вас не получится. Вам нужно продумывать все ваши шаги и правильно делать выбор на поворотах, чтобы не встретиться лицом к лицу с этой страшной девушкой.
Подойдёт данный режим для всех любителей хоррор игр, но в некоторых случаях он может быть достаточно тяжёлым для юного поколения, поэтому рекомендуется родителям проходить его вместе с детьми.
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- Want to know the whole lore of Book 1? Check out the Official Lore Wattpad Book! It's still WIP thought, and it gets updated every Tuesday. But sometimes, it will have advance updates 'cause whu not!
- Chapter 3 & Chapter 4 of the Wattpad Book is out now! The Chapter 3 focuses to the Akuyami Village, the village to Sama's maze, while the Chapter 4 focuses to Futaomote's backstory.
NOTICE:This page is a FEATURED ARTICLE!, meaning the community has made and finished the page! This article gives information and it does not lack of it. Feel free to edit and put more information here, though!
WARNING:This page contains HEAVY SPOILERS of the game! Means heavy plots of the stories are here. If you haven't play the game yet, We suggest you to play the game first before to read the article.
Chapter IV
Release date
- August 14th (PTC Timezone)
- August 15th (Asia)
- Normal
- Nightmare
- Halloween Event
System requirements
The Mimic: Chapter IV is the 4th installment of The Mimic and the finale to Book 1. The chapter takes place in Yasu's parents' home after escaping from Omukade's cave in Chapter III.Contents
Story [ ]
Part 1 & 2 [ ]
Part 1 Main Article: Chapter 4: Part 1
Part 2 Main Article: Chapter 4: Part 2
The House - Part 1 [ ]
Yasu is now inside of his old house and he notices something's off. He goes into the master bedroom upstairs and collects a key from a drawer. He then goes back downstairs and unlocks a door leading to the garage, which leads to the outside of the house, where they obtain another key. Using this key, they go down to the basement. They move to the corner of the basement, with several crates, and find a crowbar lying behind these crates. After breaking down planks with this crowbar, they go down a hallway to find a monster lying by a small pedestal near a crate with a key on it. They assume that she is just a Halloween prop at first, until she jumpscares them and disappears, leaving them in confusion.
Bloody Swamp - Part 1 [ ]
Yasu continues to explore the basement. He uses the key and unlocks a door that leads down a hallway filled with chains, only to come across a cave with multiple dummies in them. Yasu now begins to doubt if he is in his own house again, wondering if this is some sort of sick nightmare. These dummies act like Shizu but are much faster and more aggressive. After he avoids the dummies, Yasu opens a homely door that brings them to a place they once knew.
The School - Part 2 [ ]
Yasu is now back to their school, where everything started. When he tries to find 10 - 15 butterfly Spirits in the halls of the school, he is chased by another monster that would mercilessly kill you upon notice. Yasu has to find multiple keys to open up doors to collect all the spirits needed. He may use the lockers and classrooms to conceal himself from the monster. Yasu collects all of the butterflies and escapes.
Part 3 [ ]
Part 3 Main Article: Chapter 4: Part 3
Part 3 Main Article: Chapter 4: Part 4
The Forest - Part 3 [ ]
After leaving the school, Yasu is at the same village that Juno Masashige was in, the one from The Witch Trials, and he makes his way into the building. Inside the building is a statue of Kusunoki, it has a code on its baseplate. The building two doors: a Spirit door and a Normal door. Yasu goes upstairs and finds a butterfly spirit there. He uses this for the spirit door back downstairs. When Yasu enters the door, the music that Yasu's mother used to hum to Yasu plays. As Yasu keeps progressing, the walls begin to get red and the radio plays a distorted version of the music. After going through the long hallway, Yasu is greeted by a safe that needs a code. He enters the code he saw earlier (2573). When the code is entered, Yasu has to go back through the hallway again to open the other Normal door leading to Kusunoki's maze. Inside the maze, there are six cursed Kusunoki suit items, and they are needed to be burned in the white flame which is next to a giant tree that looks exactly like a Jubokko Tree. When done, Yasu frees Kusunoki from the witch's curse. He tells Yasu that he is his x25 grandfather, about the deal he made long ago to save his daughter, how he was tricked regardless, and how Sama cursed his entire bloodline. Kusunoki gives Yasu his blessed blade after telling the story and instructs him to destroy Sama.
Sama's Seal - Part 4 [ ]
After getting the blessed blade from Kusunoki, Yasu is teleported to what seems to be Sama's seal. Now in the darkness, Yasu is tasked to destroy Sama/Kintoru's 7 hearts with the blessed blade given by their great-grandfather to defeat her. Yasu notices some of the monsters he encountered hanging from Sama’s spider web. Hiachi is scared, so her mother, Futaomote, comforts her. A red door spawns in and Yasu gets teleported to where Sama is. She roams this area in her Saigomo form. If you destroy 3 hearts, she will be in a far inhumane form, she has lost all her patience and will pursue you without warning. After eliminating all 7 hearts, Yasu is given a choice whether to save his family or to end Sama. If they chose the first option, to save your parents, Yasu will become Sama's new puppet for all eternity. But if you choose the second option, to kill Sama, she will finally fall from her glory and be plumbed to the depth by several stone arms. After her demise, Yasu will awake from sleep with anxiousness to see what had happened to their parents only to find them doing well without of memory of that incident. Yasu is safe for now.
Endings [ ]
Good Ending [ ]
You see the Evil God saying "WHAT A USELESS TOOL" and seeing Saigomo getting dragged under the water. You get the badge for completing "Chapter 4 Good Ending". You freed your ancestors and saved your parents. As the next day went by, you awakened with an anxious heart as you bolted down the stairs. You were greeted by your parents who didn't seem to remember about the incident. Everything is normal. at least for now.
You can get this badge if you choose to kill Sama instead of Save Your Parents.
Bad Ending [ ]
When choosing to save his parents, Yasu is ultimately tricked by Kintoru as she says, "Wonderful, another one added to my collection. Humans are so easy to deceive." You were deceived by Sama. Kusunoki already warned you.
You can get this badge if you choose to save your parents instead of Kill Sama.
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