Прохождение игры log house escape
2. Приближаем картину, роняем её, поворачиваем ручку, открывается потайная дверь.
3. Заходим, узнаём у колдуньи, какие наборы вещей предстоит найти. Выходим на поиски.
4. Заходим в ванную, под потолком за вантузом 0_о, берём паутинку. У раковины тюбик с зубной пастой.
5. Выходим, идём на кухню (дверь направо). В одном из нижних ящиков (не на первой локации, а слева от неё), находим воронку.
6. В подвале находим распылитель.
7. Дверь слева (та комната, откуда мы выбирались в первой части). Выдираем у кота шерсть.
8. Дверь направо. Рыбья голова от скелета на стене.
9. Чердак - шлаг на первой же локации. Нечто зелёное рядом с "коляской" под заколоченным окном. Подсоединяем к ней шланг и воронку. Получаем пылесос.
10. Идём в потайную дверь, скидываем в котёл всё согласно рецепту, получаем некое зелье.
11. Заправляем его в распылитель.
12. Распылитель в ванной (у туалета) обнаруживает нечто желтое с глазками. Собираем пылесосом. Повторяем везде, где раньше слышали злорадный смех.
13. В кухне над столом. В подвале у велосипеда. На втором этаже, в комнате, из которой вышли у заколоченного окна. На чердаке, на одну локацию правее входа. На диване во второй комнате на втором этаже (там где половинка часов рядом).
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Nice house! Good luck all.
Do not count 9 twice for the 9 digit number
Just line up the saw blades (no clue), I had to spin the middle one extra to get it to take.
Do the math for 4 digit
Count the dots and use on dial puzzle in dining room with wood stove.
Use TAB key to find clue on right wall of dining room with wood stove.
Sneaky log in kitchen above butterfly puzzle
Sneaky log in green G room on table to the right
Sneaky chisel(?) in green G room under cabinet
Jenny, under the red G clue
Chisel is in room with red G on post in middle for letter hint.
Logs go on vertical black dots in foyer. Missing one as of now.
What goes on the puzzle left of the fireplace?
I am missing one log too. for third colour.
Need 3 yellow rings for white dot in blue G room
Funny exit key is shaped like a house.
Nice game.
Thanks for the help.
Just realized I never did anything with puzzle left of fireplace either.
Game is a bit buggy.
For the butterfly puzzle, get the right two columns first to make it easier.
5 digit comes from clue next to wood stove. Top to bottom, left to right. Disregard lines and weird arrangement of numbers. Gives last log.
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If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Nobody here yet? Oh boy. I have two strawberrys, cleanerand some toys.
two strawberries, cleaner and number on the ceiling fan
same as you friwi, but three strawberries now
evening all, stuck already on a brand spanking new game
Hello - same things Jo.C
tried to click corners of painting according fan numbers but no luck
sad looking duck man in the corner upstairs, looks like something behind him?
stuck. what are we missing?
Hi Jo C, did not see your comments before I posted. I have three strawberrys, cleaner and the toys, which spell Tumiki when you look at them. Color code, fan code and no place to put them. The picture can be moved, but color code does not work as I thought.
colour code in the back of the book. not sure
why does it show the bottom room with the green sofa view from upstairs. hmmm
picture clue = colors from the book and triangles on the tumiki box
well done megiPoland! :D
megipoland. how do you click them numbers on the picture then?
1234 are the corners of the picture
ok so give the sad duck three of the strawberries, now trying to work the box lol
Hello all, thx Megi for the picture hint !
I gave 3 strawberries to the animal upstairs and found a box.
use fan clue to open box upstairs
ty Megi - still not getting code - can you explain pls
Turn fan code upside down.
use knife on strawberry
hmmm cant seem to open the box with the clue, am i missing something obvious?
fan code?
click buttons like fan order 1,2,3,4 etc
For Happy End, check inside the box on the sofa before you leave.
Use knife on other duck, it gives you a lolly ?
pop - got it now - !
got a knive now or letter opener
turned the code upside down but still not working. need some lunch to get my brain working i think
*i mean use knife on strawberry lol.
Megi - no I got the picture one alreade but i understand now the triangle one too - thanks
lol @ Zazie. I wondered what you were up to! Poor duck!!
how comes whenever im first in, im always last out lol :( silly me
do I miss a cloth to wipe the stain?
It doesnt work with the cleaner
still dont understand the picture clicking order. doh
lol - missed the bathroom
Missing cloth either and what is the 3 digit code in cb ?
got a code after cleaning stain. where to use it?
Inside cb you opened with 3 letters.
shouldnt the code be SIL or LIS??
everyone is getting so much further than me, this box refuses to open for me!
Out to with normal end. BTW my lolly was the bathroom key :)
Out with NOMAL END. *g*
I have two problems:
1. I dont understand the picture clicking method
2. what is the 3 letter code for the cb?
For letter code go upstairs and click under fan.
@swissmiss, even I thought so. anyway i am a novice :(
SwissMiss: Neither SIL or LIS. Are your chicken playing yet with the box?
I got the 517 but the cb needs 3 letters - but SIL or LIS does not work - am I missing something
is there a 3-digit-box somewhere?
To see the letter code from upstairs you have to put box on table in front of sofa first.
lol @ BIG J, im sure u will soon go past me.. think of the top left corner being number 1, then top right is number 2, bottom left is number 3 and bottom right is number 4 then click them. 214413 and click the middle of the picture and it should come off
SM 3 digit code is in cb with letter code.
argh ty Dirk - forgot about that box !
Thank you Dirk and Zazie. got a key now. A stupid question, where to use it?
j.oc..got it..thanks a lot. lol
Use it on door left of sofa.
Tinni. not there yet but probably the door
Sorry for the last question. Out thanks to all of you
and finally - time for lunch now!
thanks all - my brain not good on empty stomach it seems :)
no problem @ BIG J, now can you help ME?? lol
Tinni - Use it on the normal door and you get the NOMAL End.
Trying to find the "special" end.
Hi all, going in after the most people are out already. LOL
wish i could chuck this box out the window and just escape that way!! Still will not open :(
For the box take fan clue.
I reloaded and looked in the box on sofa now, got pliers and a lamp , then cut airplane off.
me too @Catqueen.
Got happy end now, i used the airplane to escape by the terrace door.
Got BIG LIGHT and PLIERS. Took the plane. Now trying to make the engine start.
hi @all =) only for the possibility there could be someone with the same "blond moment" as me, trying for ages to look in that box on the sofa:
first open the door left of the sofa with the key, THEN you are able to look in that box . ROFL.
i cant find any box on the sofa.
Big J, use the knife (it is not a SD) on the remaining strawberry and give to the animal downstairs.
It is the toybox from upstairs, go in front of table and put box on table.
hahahaha thanks zazie..i was rying to find things to unscrew.
@Sabine: I had the same blond moment trying to look in the box. Thx for explaning.
Got it now. Opened garden doors, put plane on floor and used big light. Happy End!
Thank you all for the hints and tips.
And. I really am blonde. lolol
Hmmm the key DOES work on the door left of the stairs. POP is fun!
Got it. flew away. happy end! thanks . all the hints were great!
@Nokra: congtats for escaping and being blond like Sabine and me :)
Got picture off now stuck. anyone left to help.
Now out Thanks Everyone!
Go downstairs and give the cut strawberry to the yellow bird under the stairs.
You will get a KEY.
Turn left and zoom on the door right of the cupboard with the book.
Use the key to enter the bathroom.
Take the TOWEL from the wall below the sink.
View the towel with the magnifier,
Use cleaner on the towel to wet it.
Zoom under the stairs, where the small bird used to be before it got your cut strawberry.
There is a black spot that needs to be cleaned.
Use the towel with cleaner to see three digits.
Turn around to face the couch.
The birds are there.
Give the box with toys to the birds.
Go upstairs and move forward.
Click below the ceiling fan from upstairs to see the table with the toys from above.
Note the toys spell three letters.
Go downstairs and turn right twice.
Zoom on the cupboard and solve the 3-letter code to open and see a 3-digit code box.
Solve the 3-digit code box to get a KEY.
Solutions below.
Use the key in the door left of the couch to escape.
Use the key in the door left of the couch, but do NOT open the door.
Look inside the box on the couch to get a FLASHLIGHT and PLIERS.
Zoom on the plane in the window.
Use the pliers to get the PLANE.
Zoom out and turn right to see the other door, right of couch.
Click to open and click the floor outside to move forward.
Place the plane on the floor outside.
Put the flashlight on the plane and click the big blue arrow to take off.
3-letter code
Look at the table with toys from upstairs to see three letters.
Code: IJF
Cute game! Nice graphics and logic!
Importantly. It is TRULY thanks to all the players who post hints/clues/spoilers/straight descriptions, that people like myself get to finish these games. THANK-YOU !!
Thanks for the WT Ellie! Needed to peak at it once or twice
Thank you Ellie!
Unless the clue is blindingly simple, I tend to either overlook something or spend a lot of time over thinking a problem.
Ваша любимая собака спрятала ключи от коттеджа, в котором вы проводите свой отпуск. И все свои шалости она проделала, когда входная дверь была заперта! Теперь, чтобы попасть в дом вам необходимо найти спрятанный ключ. Собака спрятала его где-то во дворе, поэтому лучше начать свои поиски оттуда. Решайте увлекательные головоломки в игре комнате Log House Escape и получайте удовольствие!
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