Прохождение игры labyrinths 13 бонусная глава
Лабиринты Мира 13. Бесконечная зима (Labyrinths 13) — Прохождение игры происходит когда исследуя аномалии Северного сияния, главная героиня обнаружила сигналы бедствия, исходящие из мира Морозного Ветра. Только ты, можешь помочь ей выжить. Низкие температуры самая маленькая проблема. Драконы продолжают атаковать мир, а невинные люди не знают, что им делать. Старый союзник предал вас, так что теперь вы остались одни в этой катастрофе. Вам предстоит выжить в незнакомой местности и спасти жителей. Если вы застряли на какой-то локации на нашем сайте можно посмотреть пошаговое прохождение игры Лабиринты Мира 13 Бесконечная зима и продолжить это загадочное путешествие.
Прохождение игры Лабиринты Мира 13
Здесь вы можете посмотреть полное прохождение игры Лабиринты Мира 13. Бесконечная зима, а именно на все главы, включая бонусную.
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Collect the flashlight from the left side.
Turn LEFT to go towards the garbage can.
Take your next RIGHT.
Turn LEFT after the bench.
Turn LEFT after the second bench.
Continue through the open area, go through the wood.
Walk past the puzzle and follow the only path to CHECKPOINT 1.
Take your first left
Continue straight and turn left at the lamp post (one way)
Adjacent squares puzzle:
Enter code 1, 2, 9
Visually, this looks like: (you enter from the bottom left)
1 2 x
x x x
x x 3
Follow the one-way path back to the cryptex.
Enter code: EQU INO XES
Go through the gate and reach CHECKPOINT 2.
Grab lantern from inside the shack.
Stick left to get to the sigil thing.
Hit the lever.
Enter the door immediately to the right of sigils.
Stick LEFT until you reach the candle tree, then cross the open area diagonally.
Turn left, and then right
Collect SIGIL from PARTY table
Head back the way you came. This time, stick left until you get to the bloody ribs area. Then, go diagonal and turn right to get to GREENHOUSE.
Grab potion and splash on vines.
Collect SIGIL from the ground in the middle.
Cross the greenhouse diagonally and stick left to get to FARM.
Suicide yourself onto an enemy or return to where you came from.
This time, enter the gate with the post-it note stuck to it. One of the first gates when you're coming from checkpoint 2.
Continue straight until you can’t
Continue straight until you can’t
Go to the CAGES.
Enter code: 1, 2, 8, 5, 6, 4, 7, 3 (with 1 being the note one, increasing c-clockwise)
5 4 6
7 _ 8
3 1 2
Collect SIGIL from the center of CAGES.
Go back the way you came
Take the last right
Turn left and then an immediate right
Collect SIGIL from the center of PLAYGROUND carousel.
Suicide yourself onto an enemy or return to where you came from.
Fill in the sigils and proceed through the gate to reach CHECKPOINT 3.
Take an immediate right out of the checkpoint, stick to the border.
First effigy is on the ground while running towards the big house.
Next effigy is on a rock (continue on the border)
Go to the entrance to the graveyard. While facing away from the graveyard, turn left and stick to the border until you find the last effigy on a tree.
1. Fireplace room, top left drawer
Go up the stairs, open door
2. Collect key on bathroom sink
3. Key in bedroom, first door on left, first drawer on the left (leftmost drawer of cabinet without candle)
Go back downstairs
4. Open fireplace room door, collect key from bottom shelf
Go back upstairs
5. Furthest door on the right, collect key from topmost big drawer
Go back downstairs
6. Collect key from skull room
Go back upstairs
7. Door to left of bathroom, collect key off painting in next room down
8. Pull out green book
9. Go in door immediately right of bookshelf, collect dagger
You then have to find the graveyard and press E on the door. Jump in to finish the game.
Labyrinthine is a horror game on Steam that is playable either alone or with up to three others.
Get your equipment
Also, grab your torchlight at the second station.
Get through the maze
Use the path which has a note warning you not go there.
Decipher the words puzzle
You will then reach the main puzzle of Chapter 1.
Your aim is to decipher the words in the middle to open the gate. Unfortunately, you need to actually find all the words in the maze, even if you know the answer.
The creature has red symbols on its back and will chase after you if he spots you.
How to solve the 9-tiles puzzle
Every time you step on a tile, it lights up the adjacent tiles. Stepping on it again will switch it off.
To make things easy for you, there are actually lights out puzzle solvers available online.
One of them is this. You just need to edit the puzzle solver according to which tiles are already lit inside your game, and the puzzle solver will tell you where to step next.
Once all tiles are lit, the gate opens.
Finish the word puzzle
From the tiles area, you will be led back to this words puzzle.
Видео с полным и последовательным прохождением 13 мира от 1st1.
0:00 Начало
0:20 13-2 Аварийный проход 1 (100%)
7:55 13-3 Офисный Этаж
21:14 SD карта (1/3)
35:40 Секретный проход 1
39:12 Ключ карта
52:08 Звёздные куски (1/10)
56:40 Звёздные куски (2/10)
1:00:20 Звёздные куски (3/10)
1:01:08 Секретный проход 2
1:01:45 Звёздные куски (4/10)
1:04:02 SD карта (2/3)
1:06:30 SD карта (3/3)
1:11:15 Звёздные куски (5/10)
1:14:09 Звёздные куски (6/10)
1:14:54 13-1 Финальный квест
1:18:35 Звёздные куски (7/10)
1:25:00 Звёздные куски (8/10)
1:25:35 13-4 Аварийный проход 2 (100%)
9:45 Звездный камень 1
18:45 Звездный камень 2 и 3
27:40 Звездный камень 4
35:50 Звездный камень 5
40:20 Звездный камень 6
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