Прохождение игры hat man escape
The hat man in the area is not some scary entity that most city folks come to know, for in this area here it is that farmer who lives in an old house there and because he wears a straw hat all day, that’s why he is called as that. The hat man is the producer of goods in the town near his area and also, he is quite the handyman if somebody needs him to do something technical. But that day though, he is the one who is going to need some help, for he got trapped in a man-sized cage and it was quite the unsuspecting thing even for a passer-by there who was Malcolm!
Malcolm is a local in the nearby town and he knows the hat man quite well, in fact he was there to get some produce but then as he got there, the guy was trapped in that said cage! Malcolm was very confused when he saw this and the man was trying his best to escape, but even though he is a bit dazed, his mind quickly decided to help the man for that’s what is right. Escape players, the cage is of mysterious origin, they don’t know if it is really designed to catch a bear or a guy, either of which needs an equal amount of explanation though. Will you help Malcolm here rescue the man so he can breathe easy then?
Hat Man Escape is a brand new point and click rescue escape game released by Games 2 Jolly.
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watch the green man when you push the button on the water toy. push three times.
I got 5 men: runner, maid, one in the brown box, one in the round container from inventory, and one from under the cabinet. Not sure what to do with the mysterious numbers that appear in the 9 cubby hole shelves, the hat, or the whistle.
Thanks Thaihoney for hint on password!
Not sure if it matters, but there is a ceiling and floor view as well
clicked on the backpack for the 100th time and it finally opened
Shrink the big bunny with the flashlight and get a cat! Um . lol
Thank You No1! Always enjoy your games!
How id you get the brown box open?
I feel like the 9 cubby hole shelves with numbers have to do with the numbers of escape men on walls, floor, ceiling. 9 cubbies, 6 views. Like the brown shelf = the floor. The door shelf = the view with door. I dunno about the rest
have 7 men. am stuck with whistle and three digit box
thaihoney, how did you use the hat?
erika. magic cloth (took me a few tries)
thaihoney. count the green rings for the blue number!
8 men, whistle still not use
2 yellow
3 green (blue)
4 red
worked for me
erika how did you get the tiny door open?
Erika. hth did you do the door?
erika. i got the cloth in the very beginning, clicking on the plant in door scene (i think)
Brilliant! Thanks Erika!
I think (the numbers disappeared)
OH, ok thank you. I clicked all over that plant but apparently missed a spot!
finally got that door open! 9 men, and a whistle
Out, I need to see WT for the cube numbers. I think it is a bit misleading. A cube has 6 faces only.
you can use the whistle when you get 9 men
My cube thing was:
nevermind, i feel like i clicked that backpack a million times inside and out. found what i needed
Use the whistle after you have 9 escape men.
That was a nice surprise, thanks!
ah, you have to click the walls of CB to adjust the numbers
shrinked Mr. Mouse for EM under CB (place MM in front of it, no zoom)
ah, MM is big again & needs to sharpen his teeth
But I think No1 Game lost that developer. Great pity, I liked them so much and play the older games (yet not those made by Sneedle) once a year or so.
Can you escape the 100 room — Игра в которой ваша главная цель это выбраться из комнаты. Представьте себе такую ситуацию что вы оказываетесь в непонятной запертой комнате, и для того чтобы с нее сбежать вам понадобиться разгадать множество загадок и головоломок, прохождение игры Can you escape the 100 room с этого и состоит. Надеяться вам будет не на кого, кроме как на самого себя. Для прохождение уровня необходимо искать предметы и взаимодействовать с ними, например найти отвертку и с помощью нее открутить болты вентиляционной шахты, из которой надо забрать спрятанный ключ. Если вы застряли и не знаете как пройти уровень, всегда можно воспользоваться подсказками, которые намекнут как проходить уровень. Всё прохождение игры Can you escape the 100 room будет состоять из решения загадок. На нашем сайте можно посмотреть полное прохождение серии игр escape 50 room (это еще одно название этой же игры).
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