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Adventure Escape Murder Inn: Walkthrough Guide (Murder Manor 2)
- Post published: December 24, 2017
- Post category: Adventure / Adventure Escape / Android / Cheats / Guide / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Recommended / Room Escape / Walkthrough
- Post comments: 69 Comments
Adventure Escape: Murder Inn (Murder Manor 2)
By: Haiku Games
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android puzzle game, Adventure Escape: Murder Inn, by Haiku Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Chapter 1:
You can watch my video for Chapter 1 here or continue below for my step-by-step guide.
1. Follow the tutorial. Pick up the shovel and use it to get rid of the snow blocking the door.
2. Look at the sticker in the window. It says:
3. The hint is SNOW. Look up at the Winter Inn sign and count the number of S N O and W. You get:
S = 6
N = 6
O = 7
W = 4
4. Enter 6674 on the door keypad to unlock the door. Go through.
5. Pick up the six photos and the chew toy.
6. Give the chew toy to the dog so you can get the matches from the drawer. Also, tap on the picture board on the floor so you can add the photos.
7. Place all the photos in the right spots.
9. Find the small key, flowerpot, fish bowl, pot lid, two dinner plates, and three cloth napkins.
10. Use the key to open the cabinet and take a wine glass from the garbage. Place the plant in the flowerpot so you can get another wine glass. And place the fish in the fishbowl so you can get a third wine glass. Also, place the pot lid on the pot so you can get a third dinner plate.
Miki wants more potato than Murphy.
Linda wants exactly 3 different items, and no meat.
Frank only eats items containing meat.
Kate wants exactly 2 different items, and no broccoli.
Corn & broccoli for Emma
2 broccoli for Rohan
Hot dog & corn for Kate
3 lasagna for Frank
Corn, broccoli & potato for Linda
2 potato & broccoli for Miki
3 hot dogs & potato for Murphy
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Adventure Escape Murder Inn: Walkthrough Guide Chapter 3
- Post published: December 24, 2017
- Post category: Adventure / Adventure Escape / Android / Cheats / Guide / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Room Escape / Walkthrough
- Post comments: 20 Comments
Adventure Escape: Murder Inn (Murder Manor 2)
By: Haiku Games
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android puzzle game, Adventure Escape: Murder Inn, by Haiku Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Chapter 3:
You can watch my video for Chapter 3 here or continue below for my step-by-step guide.
2. Use the knitting needle to reach the note inside the mouse hole.
3. One note is telling you to use the four dials to reboot the system. The other is a sneaky clue telling you that the four dials need to form the shape of a square. So zoom in on the monitor and set them to look like the photo below.
5. Now we have to figure out who has a puffy black coat. Pick up the ski pole, screwdriver and map piece.
6. Use the ski pole to pick up another map piece. Then add both pieces to the ski trail map on the wall.
8. Open the locker and take the shuffleboard disc.
9. Go through the door to the other room. Lift up the middle couch cushion to find two batteries. Then turn the digital picture frame around and use the screwdriver to open the battery compartment. Put the batteries in.
10. Look at the photo. It says DECEMBER in red and 26 in blue.
11. Add the disc to the shuffleboard game. You have four red discs and four blue discs. Remember that DECEMBER is in red and 26 is in blue. December is the twelfth month, so red needs to add up to 12 and blue needs to add up to 26. So put red on 8, 7, 7, -10. Put blue on 10, 8, 8.
12. Take the checker piece and add it to the checker board. You need to arrange the checkers in a pattern so that no checker is in the same row, column or diagonal as another checker. Take the key.
13. Go back to the locker room and use the key to open the locked locker. The puffy black coat is in there!
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Adventure Escape Murder Inn: Walkthrough Guide Chapter 2
- Post published: December 24, 2017
- Post category: Adventure / Adventure Escape / Android / Cheats / Guide / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Room Escape / Walkthrough
- Post comments: 10 Comments
Adventure Escape: Murder Inn (Murder Manor 2)
By: Haiku Games
This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough guide with hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android puzzle game, Adventure Escape: Murder Inn, by Haiku Games. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.
Chapter 2:
You can watch my video for Chapter 2 here or continue below for my step-by-step guide.
2. Use the vacuum cleaner to clean up the spilled laundry detergent. Use the key to open the cabinet and take the laundry basket.
5. Tap on the skis to the right. Arrange them to match the shape you saw on the welcome mat.
6. Now we have to find a three-digit code to open the wall safe. The clue is JAY from the washing machine together with JUST PLAY. Find the J A and Y in JUST PLAY and count the number of letters. So it goes:
Enter that into the wall safe to open it.
7. Now we need to select two keys to open the deadbolt. Look at the sign on the door. It says L1V32SK1. The numbers in it are 1321. Split it up and you get 13 and 21. So take keys 13 and 21.
11. Now to identify the bullet. Take all its measurements. You get:
12. Search the database to discover its a SlyHunter rifle.
Note: Sometimes a promo code is provided for a game, but it does not affect the review in any way. At AppUnwrapper, we strive to provide reviews of the utmost quality.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE © AppUnwrapper 2011-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to AppUnwrapper with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Article Contents⇓
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 1⇓
Step 3.) Go back. Collect the chew toy from the sofa and give it to the dog.
Step 4.) Open the drawer and get the fireplace matches. Use it with the fireplace. Burn the candle using fireplace matches. After it, tap on the bell.
- Window
- Tissue box
- Candle lamp
- Get the key from the table and open the drawer[near referigerator].
- Get the flowerpot and use it with the glass(at the top right).
- Open the drawer and get the fishbowl. Use it on the wine glass on the table.
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 2⇓
Step 2.) Go inside the room. Open the left cabinet and get the vacuum cleaner. Use it to clean the dust on the floor(if you want). Open the drawer and get the key.
Step 4.) Go inside the room and put 5 numbers on each suspected item.
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 3⇓
Tap on the men with the gun.
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 4⇓
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 5⇓
Step 1.) Head to next house.
Step 2.) From there you have to collect ice skates and the square tile. Tap on the ice skates.
Now you can reach the roof. Tap on the square tile to collect.
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 6⇓
In this chapter, we will pass through two secret doors. We will collect arrows to open these doors.
Step 1.) Tap on the locker[at the left]. Enter 3,2,5,7. Collect all arrows[Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow] from there. Place these arrows in the holes. Green arrow at the top, blue at the middle, and red at the bottom. Go inside the room.
Step 2.) Tap on the right sofa and get the arrow. Place both yellow arrows in the holes. Tap on the right drawer and you will see a lock. Tap right, up, left, and right to unlock it. Get the metal dial from the drawer. Use the metal dial with the locker to open the secret door.
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Chapter 7⇓
Step 3.) After it, tap on the circuit panel. Connect the wires using the paper clip. Change the color using switches and the white button. Use the left switch to change button, use the right switch to change the color. In short, use the left switch to select the button(just tap on it). After selection, tap on the right switch to change the color and tap on the white button to pass light.
Step 4.) Get the key(on the train, left side). Open the key to open top left shelf. Get the book.
Murder Inn Walkthrough: Final Chapter⇓
In this chapter, we need to find tokens and assemble them correctly to open the locked door. After it, we have to re-arrange the glass tile(Next Room, Bathroom). At the end, we will catch the killer.
Step 4.) Get the key and go back, open the left door using the key and continue to the final part.
Step 5.) Use the torchlight and find some parts; 2 gears, treads, handlebars, 2 snowmobile ski. Put all these parts on the bike. Tap on the garage, then tap on the dog and continue.
So this would be all in this Adventure Escape: Murder Inn Walkthrough to all the chapters.
К минусам можно отнести отсутствие русского языка. Но базовых знаний английского хватает для комфортной игры. По мере прохождения можно столкнуться со сложностями, которые мы и постарались преодолеть для вас. Поехали.
Прохождение Adventure Escape Mysteries – Cursed Crown
Прохождение Adventure Escape Mysteries – Trapmaker 2
1. Кейт и Мерфи должны расследовать убийство на выставке. Следуйте инструкциям. Используйте полицейскую ленту на столбике, чтобы оцепить место преступления.
2. На столе бумажка, запомните цифры 3146.
3. Выставьте ручки питания на эти числа.
4. Посмотрите на мёртвое тело, на стекле видны буквы IT.
6. Зайдите внутрь комнату, за вами закроется дверь.
7. Переверните труп. Найдите два чипа, третий в руке, четвертый в кармане брюк, пятый на обратной стороне бейджа. Заберите из кармана рубашки фантик, плоскогубцы из кармана пиджака. Поднимите рубашку и с их помощью откройте замок, найдете ножницы. Снимите галстук и запонку с правой руки.
8. Рассмотрите галстук, в нем подсказка, как открыть стеклянный ящик с мешком денег. Выставьте переключатели воспользовавшись ней. Ящик откроется.
9. Переместите мешок, вскройте его ножницами, достаньте букву А. Раскрутите ней постамент. Нам нужен шестизначный код.
11. Уберите половицы слева от постамента, поместите в схему шесть чипов, запонку и фантик. Проведите ток, как показано ниже и нажмите кнопку аварийного выхода. Дверь откроется.
1. Вам нужно допросить Константина Харриса, парня, чья визитная карточка была на покойнике. Включите свет возле двери, передвиньте стул к столу и поднимите жалюзи. Подозреваемый сядет.
2. Нажмите на мужчину, начнется допрос. Задавайте вопросы в таком порядке:
Откуда ты? (второй вариант)
Ты знал покойного?(второй вариант)
Позвони адвокату.(второй вариант)
Твои отпечатки на галстуке Франка.(третий вариант)
Константин даст карточку.
3. Поместите ее в кодовый замок на двери. Вращая ее можно узнать, что пароль 9539. Сдвиньте карточку и введите код.
4. Войдите, возьмите футболку и шнур. Вставьте его в проектор из первой комнаты. Футболкой протрите линзу.
6. Нас интересует его кличка CONNO, с ее помощью отоприте замок жёлтого чемодана. Там лишь летние вещи. Найдите портативный детектор лжи и салфетки. Расположите их в комнате с мужчиной.
7. В приложении выставьте самую низкую температуру, синий цвет, музыку prison и картинку тюрьмы.
8. Поговорите с Константином, выберите второе утверждение, про недостаток. Из диалога узнаем о секретном кармане в багаже. Возвращайтесь к жёлтому чемодану, проверьте часть возле колёс. Внутри флешка и документы.
9. Осмотрите их, а флешку вставьте в программу с орлом, появится шифр, который можно открыть тремя символами. Узнать его получится вновь проведя беседу с подозреваемым:
Вы были с умершим в CED (четвертый вариант)
Ваш детектор подсказует, что вы лжёте (четвертый вариант)
Плачь Конно (четвертый вариант)
Я под прикрытием присоединился к культу (второй вариант)
Константин расскажет о своем любимом шпионе Z19. Это и является кодом.
10. Введите его в колесо. У вас появилось зашифрованное слово. Крутите колесо останавливаясь на каждых символах, получится слово TRAPMAKER.
11. Снова устройте допрос, повторив первые три фраза из шага выше. Четвертым выберите третий вариант (TRAPMAKER). Константин признается во всем, но появится убийца и вас похитят.
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