Prison princess прохождение
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Prison Princess
Prison Princess
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Не в сети 5 апр. 2020 в 7:21 2 мая. 2020 в 7:34
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Prison Princess is a short visual novel with point and click mechanics and five endings. It also features 21 achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.
Make sure to and within the first try, unless stated otherwise.
Follow the guide thoroughly to avoid any issues.
Estimated Completion Time: 50 minutes
- Investigate the broken wall.
- Click on the table and then on the chair.
- Click on the door.
- Head to the left side of the room.
- Click on the horse and on the nightstand.
Get Zena off the statue, stat!
- Click on the chair.
- Click on the stone revealed behind the broken wall.
- Click the buttons at the bottom in the following order:
Escape Zena's Dungeon.
- Click on the bucket [Thin Key].
- Click on the chair [Book].
- Head to the right side of the room.
- Click on the bed [Book].
- Click on the Frog Statue at the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Solve the puzzle:
Get Aria out of the statue, post-haste!
- Click on Item at the bottom left corner of the screen to open your Inventory.
- Choose the [Long, Thin Key] and use it to open the bookshelf.
- Click on the middle book on the second arrow [Slip of Paper].
- Equip the [Books] from your inventory and use them on the top shelf.
- Rearrange the books as follows:
- Glory
- Defeat
- Oblivion
- Earn
- Nice
- Learning
Escape Aria's Dungeon.
- Click on the door on the left to open it, then click again to go through.
- Might need to click at the top to go through and avoid speaking to the girls.
- Inspect the rug.
- Click on 4:00 to solve the puzzle.
- You'll get [Staff].
- Open you inventory and choose the [Staff].
- Click on the right sofa twice while holding the staff.
- Start the lights-out puzzle by clicking at the Middle Goblin.
- Press the buttons in the following order to solve it:
Escape the sofa trap in a flash.
- You'll receive [Large Key].
- Examine the barrels at the top left corner.
- Click on the lantern on the left wall.
- Head to the right side of the room and use the [Staff] from inventory on the blue cabinet.
- Click on the Set of Vases above the previous puzzle to start another mini-game.
- Rearrange the vases on the following order:
Obtain a very Naughty Book.
- Head to the right side of the room and click on the Stone behind the broken wall.
- Press the buttons in the following order:
- Take it
Race to get Zena off the statue again.
- Click on Change Rooms at the top left corner of the screen and choose Aria's Dungeon.
- Pick up the [Bucket].
- Click on the large jar [Blue Gem].
- Click on the chair [Green Gem].
- Head to the right side of the room.
- Examine the bookshelf and click on the Red Lever to start another puzzle.
- Click the spots in the following order:
G - O - L - D - E - N
Quickly get Aria out of the statue again.
Click on the bed.
Obtain the Essay on Beauty.
- Click on the hatch at the door [Candy].
- Head to the left side of the room and pick up the [Shackles] from the floor.
Obtain both of their shackles.
- Click on Change Rooms at the top left corner and head to Guest Room.
- Go to the left side of the room and use the bucket on the barrels.
- Solve the puzzle quickly.
Wait until the animation is over before clicking on the next valve.Mixologist
Obtain the Shining Liquid in a jiffy.
- Open your inventory and select the [Torch Flame].
- Use it on the lantern on the wall to light it up.
- Click on Change Rooms and head to Aria's Dungeon.
- Use the [Bucket] from inventory on the big jar [Sage's Book].
- Leave the room.
- Inspect the gargoyle near the fountain.
- Solve the puzzle quickly:
Nimbly get out of the bathtub.
- Head inside the sauna again [Small Toy Casket].
- Leave.
- Click on Change Rooms and go to the Guest Room.
- Examine the cabinet and pick up the [Coins].
- Click on the blue flame behind the painting.
- Click on Change Rooms and head to the Grand Chamber.
- Interact with the Dragons and choose:
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У нас есть действительный материал для PC / SWITCH. Список консолей постоянно обновляется с PC / SWITCH, Дата публикации Prison Princess. Во всяком случае, это решение, это всегда должно быть действительным на универсальном уровне. Install the app on your smartphone and use it offline
После этого введения в игру, вот решение, которое мы обещали вам. Решение разделяется на несколько частей, когда оно оказывается слишком длинным.
Prison Princess is a short visual novel with point and click mechanics and five endings. It also features 21 achievements, all documented in the walkthrough below.
Если помните, в январе мы писали о Prison Princess — квесте в жанре побега из запертой комнаты, который выделяло на фоне других представителей жанра наличие двух спутниц героя — очень соблазнительных анимешных принцесс, запертых в таинственном замке, наполненном загадками. Причём герой в Prison Princess, будучи бестелесным духом, мог решать загадки лишь на словах, в то время как за активные физические действия отвечали именно девушки. и это то и дело ставило их в весьма пикантные позы.
Мы как-то не заметили этот момент, когда писали об оригинальном Switch-релизе Prison Princess, ибо и заподозрить не могли какого-либо подвоха, но студия qureate-то, оказывается, до сих пор выпускала исключительно хентай. Да, её игры выходили и в Steam, и на Switch, и в обоих случаях не переступали порогов дозволенного. но никто не мешал сходить на сайт разработчиков и скачать оттуда патч с контентом для игроков постарше. Так что это, конечно, пока не факт, но весьма велика вероятность, что и Prison Princess на PC получит заметно расширенную версию. Кхм-кхм.
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