Опасные парни гайд
Dangerous Secret DM (or Secrets DM) is a feature added on 21st of April 2021 that allows you to interact with any of the main cast's boys in the form of chat. Each chat opens in the certain time and stays open for two hours. Expired chat can be unlocked for 50 Rubies. In order to read current DM, all previous DMs should be read.
Each boy has 30 DMs (including the final one) which are divided in two halfs: first 15 DMs are available from the start, 16th-30th will be unlocked when you finish 15th DM. After you reach the end, the game gives you 100 gems if you got the good ending and 30 gems if you didn't (But just once each).
Choice 2: Well, if you don't feel like it. I just wanted us to get along. (Eugene) I just wanna know your name.
Choice 1: Uh, yeah. (Lawrence) . Not really. Umm.
Choice 2: The symptoms arise within 24 hours. The symptoms arise within an hour. (Ethan) The symptoms arise within 10 minutes.
Choice 3: I found some weapons. I found some medicines I found some food. (Ethan)
Choice 1: Squeeze the trigger. Pull the safety pin. (Ethan) Hold out the nozzle.
Choice 2: I know, right? (Zion) I didn't want people to get hurt. .
Choice 1: Oh well. Why not? I'm not too sure. Why should I? I'm going back! (Ethan)
Choice 2: I'll take the schoolyard. (Harry) I'll take the rooftop. I'll take the lab.
Choice 1: I'll still be inside the building. Should be fine. Of course I am scared. Well, if you could help me. (Eugene)
Item Mission Angle Ruler Protractor - 55 Rubies / Borrow through Ad / Forget it
Choice 1: Of course I did. I'm not saying anything. Haha, no way! C'mon! Let's go. (Zion)
Clothes Mission It's freezing here. I wish I had warmer clothes. → Comfy Sweater - 450 Rubies
Choice 1 *TIMED* Let's look carefully. (All) Nothing will help much. I'm too scared.
Choice 2 *TIMED* . it's gone? I wonder where it's headed now. I just hope it's not back to the front door. (All)
Choice 3 *TIMED* Okay, it's unlocked. But I'm still afraid to open it. There's no time to contemplate! Just start running! (All) I can't. I'll get caught.
Choice 1: Must be a lot of work being a leader. Like what? I could've helped. (Lawrence) You should've just got some rest.
Premium Choice Nah, who cares You wanna switch with me? - 100 Rubies → Eugene
Choice 2: You must have been so disappointed. (Harry) Paid their dues. It must have been difficult for you.
Choice 1: (Does he not wanna talk to me?) (Look out the window together) Don't worry. They'll be back soon. (Ethan)
Choice 2: So, how did that turn out? What'd you do that for? Next time, I'll be the one bringing lots of food. (Zion)
Premium Choice Tell the truth. - 100 Rubies → Lawrence Dodge the question
Choice 1: What makes you think I did it? (Harry) Well, I have a problem with you, too. You got any proof that I did it?
Choice 2: I don't even want her stuff. No way! (Lawrence) What if I did?
Choice 3: Well, what can you do? What do you think? I'm not okay! I'm pissed! (Eugene)
Choice 1: Thank you for taking my side. Yeah, can't get any better. (Zion) Sorry.
Item Mission Crowbar - 55 Rubies / Borrow through Ad / Forget it
Choice 1: You really don't talk much. Although you rarely talk. You're always so quiet, but. (Ethan)
Choice 2: Yes, even if I'll have to go alone. Yeah, I really wanna go. (Lawrence) Of course I am.
Premium Choice Aww, so cute! It's not for looking. It's for playing! - 100 Rubies → Eugene
Clothes Mission I need a more comfortable outfit, and something to protect my hands. → Sporty Jacket - 450 Rubies
Choice 1 *TIMED* it's hideously twisted leg. it's half-skinned off head. (All) it's yucky, rotting arm.
Choice 2 *TIMED* ● (All) ○ ◇
Choice 3 *TIMED* ◀ ◇ ○ (All)
Choice 4 *TIMED* ❤ ◐ ○ (All)
Choice 1: This is Jay's. This is Judy's. (Zion) This is Sue's.
Choice 2: She didn't leave voluntarily. I don't wanna be blamed anymore. (Harry) There's someone behind all this.
Choice 3: Trust me. Yes. (Zion) Why would I do such a thing?
Choice 1: That's not like you, Harry. (Harry) But it's too dangerous. Got any plans?
Premium Choice Umm. I think we should really get back. Sure, what's up? - 100 Rubies → Zion
Choice 2: You asked where I'd been? (Ethan) You asked how old I was? You asked how I managed to survive?
Premium Choice 1 Roll to the left! - 100 Rubies → Harry Roll to the right! - 100 Rubies → Zion Just fall down.
Premium Choice 2 Go help him! - 100 Rubies → Harry I don't know what to do!
Item Mission Saw - 55 Rubies / Borrow through Ad / Forget it
Choice 1: Yes. A hundred percent. (Lawrence) Sorry, but I agree with them. I know it's awful but I'm too scared.
Choice 2: I don't wanna be alone. I just like being here. To see you. (Eugene)
Premium Choice (I nod.) - 100 Rubies → Lawrence (I look away.)
Choice 1: I, I was just. Cuz I needed to stop her. (Eugene) It's better than doing nothing.
Choice 2: Want me to help stay awake? (Ethan) You're such a sleepyhead. You wanna stay here?
Choice 1: I grab his arm. (Zion) I block him. Stop it, Zion!
Choice 2: No, you did what you had to do. (Harry) Sorry. it's all my fault. What's done is done, Harry
Choice 3: No, I agree with you. Yeah. So, calm yourself down. (Eugene) I don't know.
Choice 4: As long as I feel safe here. No. (Ethan) Maybe.
Choice 1: I totally understand. We must be more careful. (Ethan) We should still have trust.
Choice 2: Hey, it's okay. I'm fine. (Eugene) You're sorry? (Wait for him to finish)
Choice 3: No, I was mistaken. I saw a person. (Lawrence) It's probably nothing.
Choice 4: Okay. (Lawrence) But how could you? .
Choice 5: How about now? If you wanna cry, you can. (Harry) Take care of yourself.
Choice 6: What do you mean? I feel safe here. (Eugene) Lave with you?
Premium Choice I got nothing to give him. You want a candy bar? - 100 Rubies → Ethan
Choice 1: You're being rude. You can watch your tone. (Eugene) Yes, you did.
Choice 2: It won't be long. You know I can run fast. We might find useful drugs. (Lawrence) Yeah, please?
Choice 3: Just me? How can I do that? I'll leave with you! (Harry) It's too late!
Item Mission Hammer - 55 Rubies / Borrow through Ad / Forget it
Choice 1: That doesn't matter. You went too far. . (Harry)
Choice 2: Sorry. (Ethan) It was a zombie. Nothing happened.
Premium Choice No, I shouldn't. - 100 Rubies → Lawrence I'm leaving.
Choice 1: I'll try. I'll tell you later. (Zion) Maybe.
Choice 2: I think it's worth trying. (Lawrence) Yes, I do. I'm sure it'll be better than here.
Premium Choice The whole story. 100 Rubies → Eugene Just get to the point.
Choice 1: You did the right thing. (Eugene) But why are you telling me this? Oh, I'm impressed you didn't tell him.
Choice 2: (show him the button) (Zion) What did you do today? Let me see your clothes.
Clothes Mission I need something I can swing at. Like a bat. → Cute Jumper - 450 Rubies
Choice 1 *TIMED* Let me go. No. (All) Mom.
Choice 2 *TIMED* I miss it. I can't reach it. I grab it. (All)
Choice 3 *TIMED* I miss it. I swing the bat. (All) It slips.
Premium Choice 1 I'll follow Lawrence. 150 Rubies → Lawrence Nah, never mind.
Premium Choice 2 Zion. 150 Rubies → Zion Eugene. 150 Rubies → Eugene Nevermind.
Premium Choice 3 Ethan's classroom. 150 Rubies → Ethan Harry's classroom. 150 Rubies → Harry the auditorium.
Это Юджин вообще-то, и не Зион, а Сион!
А чё ни кому не попался Сион (Зион)? Мне попался мой краш класс 😊👍🏻
Не сразу поняла английское название. А так прикольно.
Моей сестре попался мой крАш а мне ее .-. Ну а так очень даже классно
Евгений — самый саркастичный из всех персонажей. Он самый молодой из главных героев. Евгений заботится обо всех и проявляет крайнюю заботу по отношению к тебе. Хотя он может быть грубым, Женя, как правило, не имеет в виду то, что он говорит, обычно говоря вещи импульсивно из-за эмоций, которые он чувствует.
Отношение героев к тебе:
• Лоуренс: -[Т.И.] через чур заботливая, как, собственно, и Женя. *нейтрально*
• Евгений: -[Т.И.] часто достаёт меня, всё время такая весёлая… *делает вид, что ты его раздражаешь, но на самом деле любит тебя и заботится о тебе
• Гарри: -Она иногда говорит странные вещи, но, вообщем-то, неплохая девчонка :) *дружелюбен с тобой*
• Зион: -Эй, [Т.И.]. Это моя еда! *часто спорите друг с другом, но в трудную минуту стоите горой друг за другом*
• Итан: «..очередная шумная девица..» *предвзято относится к тебе, ты его раздражаешь*
-Знаешь, [Т.И.], я всегда хотел стать музыкантом..- неожиданно признался Женя,- До того, как родители попали в катастрофу, я был абсолютно уверен в своих силах и возможностях, но потом…- он с такой силой прижал тебя к себе, что ты чуть не лопнула в его объятиях,- Потом я понял, что мне не для кого делать то, что я делаю.. Смысл всех этих концертов, гастролей и другой чепухи, если из тысячи глаз на тебя не смотрят ни одни родные, по-настоящему значимые для тебя глаза. Взгляд, который ты будешь ловить в поисках поддержки..- Женя уткнулся носом тебе в плечо, тихо посапывая,- Но теперь у меня есть они.. Это твои глаза, [Т.И.]…
Господи , все , я ушло искать в вики Женю
честно, первый раз слышу о таком фандоме, но мне уже нравится))
Спасите, какого хрена что бы я не выбрала, симпатия растет ток с Итаном, а я туда вообще-то ради Сиона(Зайона) пришла.
Марк, оказывается выбирая просто правильные ответы касающиеся твоих знаний о зомби, ты начинаешь любиться с Итаном.
Марк, у меня так было, но в конце концов я осталась с Сионом
Я с Гарри
Мб я не успевала на квестах или еще что, но меня сожрали
Тоже взломка
Лисичка, я уже второй раз прохожу, но да, концовка такая же. Не пойму как дойти до другой
Эльнара, там, видимо, без вариантов, т. е. концовка одна.
Жаль, конечно, героев, я в них влюбилась прям Всё думаю, зачем Лоуренсу было так делать. Ну. Мы этого никогда не узнаем)) (хотя, если спросить у разрабов, может, они ответят )
Там, кстати, в конце написано от лица гг "может, я сделала неправильный выбор". Наверное, это намёк не на другую концовку, а намёк на времяпровождение с другими героями Типа, перепройдите игру, чтобы попробовать пройти "личные" сцены с каждым героем (в ночном патруле, например; но это, конечно же, за тикеты, а тикеты за игровые деньги, а игровые деньги фиг добудешь)
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