Nightmare reaper игра прохождение
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Nightmare Reaper
Статистика: Nightmare Reaper > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы 26 янв. 2020 в 2:58 should be more noticeable. There are another crackers on the walls and you can easily mix up them with the ones which leads in secret rooms. Also, the light on some levels interferes identifying the cracks untill point blank range. Отредактировано 1mbalanced; 26 янв. 2020 в 2:58 [Разработчик] 26 янв. 2020 в 7:27 They're secrets though, they're supposed to be hard to find :P At least, in this game, they're identified with a crack and a sound. In older FPSes you had to activate every single wall to find one :P 26 янв. 2020 в 8:01 Sound? Oh, didnt hear any to be honest. In Doom you can see most of the secrets clearly - the wall has different color etc. Here in NR the wall just has more cracks. Not noticeable. Yes, i should activate the others i can see clearly but they are open immediately, but not after 3 kicks. 28 янв. 2020 в 5:16 They're secrets though, they're supposed to be hard to find :P At least, in this game, they're identified with a crack and a sound. In older FPSes you had to activate every single wall to find one :PTo be fair the secrets aren't quite like those found in the old FPS. Randomly generated secret rooms is more of a rogue lite thing than an old school FPS thing, especially when they are done with the ol' crack in da wall. Compare this to secrets in games like Doom II, Shadow Warrior, or Blood where secrets are placed with intention and rewarding to find. Not so much in Nightmare Reaper.
The crack in the wall is very hard to see on almost any stone texture, I only ever find them due to the sound coming from them. At the moment honestly the secrets seem to only artificially draw out play time as I comb back through the level hugging the wall to find that last secret room because I'm not necessarily listening for the faint howl of wind while zombies are screaming at me and everything is exploding.
Also some secret rooms have nothing in them, what is up with that?
Отредактировано Brother Cain; 28 янв. 2020 в 5:17 [Разработчик] 28 янв. 2020 в 8:40 They're secrets though, they're supposed to be hard to find :P At least, in this game, they're identified with a crack and a sound. In older FPSes you had to activate every single wall to find one :PTo be fair the secrets aren't quite like those found in the old FPS. Randomly generated secret rooms is more of a rogue lite thing than an old school FPS thing, especially when they are done with the ol' crack in da wall. Compare this to secrets in games like Doom II, Shadow Warrior, or Blood where secrets are placed with intention and rewarding to find. Not so much in Nightmare Reaper.
The crack in the wall is very hard to see on almost any stone texture, I only ever find them due to the sound coming from them. At the moment honestly the secrets seem to only artificially draw out play time as I comb back through the level hugging the wall to find that last secret room because I'm not necessarily listening for the faint howl of wind while zombies are screaming at me and everything is exploding.
Also some secret rooms have nothing in them, what is up with that? Some treasure rooms have wooden treasure chests which only count towards the level total once opened. So, all treasure rooms have something in them.
Secrets are completely optional to find. From all the streams I've watched, people who want to find them find them at an appropriate rate in my opinion. Being a completionist is a play style. It takes longer, but you end up with more rewards. If you don't want to search for secrets, then you have a different play style that is just as valid. That's how I see it anyway.
28 янв. 2020 в 11:53To be fair the secrets aren't quite like those found in the old FPS. Randomly generated secret rooms is more of a rogue lite thing than an old school FPS thing, especially when they are done with the ol' crack in da wall. Compare this to secrets in games like Doom II, Shadow Warrior, or Blood where secrets are placed with intention and rewarding to find. Not so much in Nightmare Reaper.
The crack in the wall is very hard to see on almost any stone texture, I only ever find them due to the sound coming from them. At the moment honestly the secrets seem to only artificially draw out play time as I comb back through the level hugging the wall to find that last secret room because I'm not necessarily listening for the faint howl of wind while zombies are screaming at me and everything is exploding.
Also some secret rooms have nothing in them, what is up with that?
Some treasure rooms have wooden treasure chests which only count towards the level total once opened. So, all treasure rooms have something in them.
Secrets are completely optional to find. From all the streams I've watched, people who want to find them find them at an appropriate rate in my opinion. Being a completionist is a play style. It takes longer, but you end up with more rewards. If you don't want to search for secrets, then you have a different play style that is just as valid. That's how I see it anyway.
My point was that the way your secrets are currently set up is that they are not fun nor rewarding to find.
Combined with how difficult they are to spot afterwards and the considerable back tracking you need to to get 100% in their current state secrets aren't fun at all. It's the least favorite part of the game.
Just because a part of your game is optional doesn't mean the feature itself is fun or enhancing the game in anyway.
Your game is fast paced, hunting for secrets in the level drags down that pace for players who want to unlock all the upgrades. From a game play perspective it's a slow down and a nuisance as opposed to fun and rewarding.
What made secrets fun in other old school FPS was they were intentionally placed and fit into the level in a way that made them actually rewarding to find.
Your secrets are basically check marks on a treasure list, an optional check list that takes way more time than it really should.
My recommendation would be either removing secrets all together as none of your current secret rooms serve much purpose besides artificially drawing out the gameplay or for displaying easter eggs OR re-vamping secrets in a way that makes them more rewarding to find than simply ensuring you get those last few pieces of treasure.
I think secrets could also be more rewarding if their actual reward was something more tangible than a completion bonus, like having a higher chance to find a legendary weapon in a chest in the secret rooms or something akin to that.
[Разработчик] 28 янв. 2020 в 13:20I think that as it is right now, finding secrets is fun and rewarding. I also don't think that they're hard to find, especially with the noise they make. If you spend just a little bit of time glancing at the walls in a room after a fight you should rarely miss some. I realize that you're the type of player who wants to run and gun very fast and also do 100% completion, but I think that that's having your cake and eating it too. Nightmare Reaper was designed as an old school FPS that doesn't hold your hand, explains almost nothing and demands that you pay attention to it.
With that said, I might be wrong, maybe the secrets are a detriment to the game, but I didn't see evidence of that and I'm not yet convinced.
Treasure rooms are also more than just a completion bonus, they contain a significant amount of treasure. I agree that having more varied rewards in them could be fun. I also want to add secrets to EP2 that aren't cracks in the walls, but you'll definitely also have to do work in order to find them. My suggestion to you is to play the way you want to. If you don't enjoy backtracking for secrets you missed, just go to the exit. None of the skills are required and you'll unlock all of them eventually, even if it needs new game+.
28 янв. 2020 в 13:41I think that as it is right now, finding secrets is fun and rewarding. I also don't think that they're hard to find, especially with the noise they make. If you spend just a little bit of time glancing at the walls in a room after a fight you should rarely miss some. I realize that you're the type of player who wants to run and gun very fast and also do 100% completion, but I think that that's having your cake and eating it too. Nightmare Reaper was designed as an old school FPS that doesn't hold your hand, explains almost nothing and demands that you pay attention to it.
With that said, I might be wrong, maybe the secrets are a detriment to the game, but I didn't see evidence of that and I'm not yet convinced.
Treasure rooms are also more than just a completion bonus, they contain a significant amount of treasure. I agree that having more varied rewards in them could be fun. I also want to add secrets to EP2 that aren't cracks in the walls, but you'll definitely also have to do work in order to find them. My suggestion to you is to play the way you want to. If you don't enjoy backtracking for secrets you missed, just go to the exit. None of the skills are required and you'll unlock all of them eventually, even if it needs new game+.
Just because you think they are fun doesn't mean they are.
"Nightmare Reaper was designed as an old school FPS that doesn't hold your hand, explains almost nothing and demands that you pay attention to it."
Get over yourself your game is piss easy and relies on finding a single good weapon and maining it til the end of the game. You can fly through the game w/o upgrades currently and there is nothing "designed" about it, that is what you're missing here.
Doom, Blood, Quake. all of these games have secrets. But very few of those secrets are just hidden walls with wooshing wind noises. They are placed into the level to encourage the player to explore and learn effective routes. Once this is accomplished the player is free to test their speed and knowledge of the game because the secrets are placed.
Your game is randomly generated, leaving a lot of the design up to chance. Which means your secrets are literally just random rooms attached to the main map with a fake wall seperating them. There is no challenge, there is no speed, there is nothing satisfying about stopping from double jumping, dashing, exploding everything to "stop and listen" for a rushing wind noise.
You don't seem to understand the point that the way you have designed your secrets is literally nothing like anything found in an old school FPS and your insistance that it is makes me question how many old school games you've actually played and taken the time to understand the design behind.
As an aside:
And with every reply to critique or suggestion of your game being "Thanks for the feedback" or "I like it this way" makes you as a developer seemingly unwilling to take feedback seriously. I've read these forums and the way you reply to so many people on here is either so dismissive or contrarian it seems like you're not even willing to discuss the idea that something in your game may not be as fun as you think it is. It's frustrating and really turns me off your game.
I'll be gone for awhile, maybe I'll drop back in whenever Ep. 2 is released and see if any significant changes take place in this game. Otherwise it's going to be another "well that was fun for eight hours" that I never touch again, and that makes me sad because I really really like the foundation of what you have here.
Time again for a new update! I've completed ALL the rooms used for level generation! That's 1433 handcrafted rooms, each one with a point of interest. I've also gone back through chapter 1 and 2 and improved a ton of rooms so that their quality is closer to what's going to be in Chapter 3. All weapons now have sounds too, so weapons are completely done! That's 80 weapons, 174 fire modes and 30 different stats to make them unique.
Now I'm working on enemy sounds and will soon start working on completing world 7 and 8 of the minigame.
Once again, here's a look at what's completed and what needs to be done. Remember that this is only a very rough view of everything. Careful, the image below contains spoilers! Highlight the black bar to show.
A fun mental exercise:
Nightmare Reaper's QUAD shotgun can have the "+2 attack" stat, which gives it 12 barrels. With the reflection powerup that's 24 barrels. A shot from that shoots 312 buckshot projectiles at a time.
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Глючит или не запускается Nightmare Reaper? Решение есть! Постоянные лаги и зависания — не проблема! После установки мода Nightmare Reaper начала глючить или НПС не реагируют на завершение задания? И на этот вопрос найдется ответ! На этой странице вы сможете найти решение для любых известных проблем с игрой и обсудить их на форуме.
Игра не запускается
Тут собраны ответы на самые распространённые ошибки. В случае если вы не нашли ничего подходящего для решения вашей проблемы — рекомендуем перейти на форум, где более детально можно ознакомиться с любой ошибкой встречающийся в Nightmare Reaper .
Игра вылетает на рабочий стол без ошибок.
О: Скорее всего проблема в поврежденных файлах игры. В подобном случае рекомендуется переустановить игру, предварительно скопировав все сохранения. В случае если игра загружалась из официального магазина за сохранность прогресса можно не переживать.
Nightmare Reaper не работает на консоли.
О: Обновите ПО до актуальной версии, а так же проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету. Если полное обновление прошивки консоли и самой игры не решило проблему, то стоит заново загрузить игру, предварительно удалив с диска.
Ошибка 0xc000007b.
О: Есть два пути решения.
Первый — полная переустановка игры. В ряде случаев это устраняет проблему.
Второй состоит из двух этапов:
Ошибка 0xc0000142.
О: Чаще всего данная ошибка возникает из-за наличия кириллицы (русских букв) в одном из путей, по которым игра хранит свои файлы. Это может быть имя пользователя или сама папка в которой находится игра. Решением будет установка игры в другую папку, название которой написано английскими буквами или смена имени пользователя.
Ошибка 0xc0000906.
О: Данная ошибка связана с блокировкой одного или нескольких файлов игры антивирусом или “Защитником Windows”. Для её устранения необходимо добавить всю папку игры в исключени. Для каждого антивируса эта процедура индивидуально и следует обратиться к его справочной системе. Стоит отметить, что вы делаете это на свой страх и риск. Все мы любим репаки, но если вас часто мучает данная ошибка — стоит задуматься о покупке игр. Пусть даже и по скидкам, о которых можно узнать из новостей на нашем сайте.
Отсутствует msvcp 140.dll/msvcp 120.dll/msvcp 110.dll/msvcp 100.dll
О: Ошибка возникает в случае отсутствия на компьютере корректной версии пакета Microsoft Visual C++, в который и входит msvcp 140.dll (и подобные ему). Решением будет установка нужной версии пакета.
msvcp 140.dllmsvcp 120.dllmsvcp 110.dllmsvcp 100.dll
- Нажимаем на Windows + R;
- Вводим команду“regsvrЗ2 msvcp140.dll”(без кавычек);
- Нажимаем “ОК”;
- Перезагружаем компьютер.
Ошибка 0xc0000009a/0xc0000009b/0xc0000009f и другие
О: Все ошибки начинающиеся с индекса 0xc0000009 (например 0xc0000009a, где на месте “а” может находиться любая буква или цифра) можно отнести к одному семейству. Подобные ошибки являются следствием проблем с оперативной памятью или файлом подкачки.
Перед началом выполнения следующих действий настоятельно рекомендуем отключить часть фоновых процессов и сторонних программ, после чего повторно попробовать запустить Nightmare Reaper .
Увеличиваем размер файла подкачки:
- Клик правой кнопкой на значку компьютера, а далее: "Дополнительные параметры системы" - "Дополнительно" - "Быстродействие" - "Дополнительно" - "Виртуальная память" - "Изменить".
- Выбираем один диск, задаем одинаковый размер.
- Перезагружаемся.
Размер файла подкачки должен быть кратен 1024. Объём зависит от свободного места на выбранном локальном диске. Рекомендуем установить его равным объему ОЗУ.
Если ошибка 0xc0000009а сохранилась, необходимо проверить вашу оперативную память. Для этого нужно воспользоваться функциями таких программ как MemTest86, Acronis, Everest.
Игра тормозит и лагает
Скорее всего данная проблема носит аппаратный характер. Проверьте системные требования игры и установите корректные настройки качества графики. Подробнее об оптимизации игры можно почитать на форуме. Также загляните в раздел файлов, где найдутся программы для оптимизации Nightmare Reaper для работы на слабых ПК. Ниже рассмотрены исключительные случаи.
Проблемы с модами
Ошибки загрузки/обновления
Проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету, а также скорость загрузки. При слишком высоком пинге или низкой пропускной способности обновление может выдавать ошибки.
Если магазин или лончер Nightmare Reaper не завершает обновления или выдает ошибки, то переустановите саму программу. При этом все скачанные вами игры сохранятся.
Запустите проверку целостности данных игры.
Проверьте наличие свободного места на том диске, на котором установлена игра, а также на диске с операционной системой. И в том и в другом случае должно быть свободно места не меньше, чем занимает игра на текущий момент. В идеале всегда иметь запас около 100Гб.
О специфических ошибках связанных с последними обновлениями можно узнать на форуме игры.
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