Mystic messenger прохождение another story
1. Игра доступна только на английском языке? И для каких она устройств?
2. Что из себя представляет игра?
Как сказано выше, это отомэ-игра, в которой вашей задачей будет выйти на рут (ветку истории) одного из персонажей игры, узнать его, помочь ему и любить всей душой. Чтобы это сделать, надо заходить в чатики игры, которые будут появляться круглосуточно, и стараться не пропускать их по возможности. Если самостоятельно вам это будет трудно, то можно воспользоваться табличкой с расписанием чатов, которая находится в альбоме группы "Подсказки"
3. Вот я нахожусь в менюшке, нажал(а) Original Story, а там есть три выбора истории: Casual, Deep и Another. два из них недоступны, как их открыть и в чём разница между ними?
4. После чатов мне приходят звонки и эмейлы от персонажей, но я не знаю, правильно ли я отвечаю. Есть ли для такого табличка?
5. Сколько всего концовок в каждом руте?
В руте каждого персонажа есть одна хорошая концовка, одна нормальная, три плохих и 2 плохих концовки отношений.
Чтобы выйти на хорошую концовку в Casual и Deep Story, нужно в последний (11 день) набрать минимум 15 гостей, в Another порог для хорошей концовки выше, где-то примерно 20 и выше, если их не набрать, то будет нормальная концовка.
Плохие концовки заработать достаточно трудно, чтобы на них не выйти, достаточно разобраться в ситуации.
Чтобы не получить плохие концовки отношений, надо присутствовать минимум в 30-40% чатиков каждого дня.
Также по окончании первых 4 дней можно получить плохую концовку (в каждой Story она своя), если вы пытались выйти на рут того персонажа, с которым в этом Story рутить нельзя. Её можно ещё получить, если у вас было собрано одинаковое количество сердечек от персонажей, с которыми можно рутить, или в днях с 2 по 4 у вас 30-40% пройденных чатов в день.
Есть ещё плохая концовка в прологе ( Casual и Deep) и две плохих концовке в прологе Another.
6. Как мне получить часики и зачем они?
1 часик = 100 сердечек. Сердечки собираются с персонажей, когда ты отвечаешь то, что им нравится. Часики позволяют звонить героям, открывать руты, секретки и афтер эндинги. В общем, контент и доп. контент.
Часики можно собирать с пролога сколько угодно раз, если правильно отвечать героям. Также часики частенько выпадают в самих рутах, но выпадение часиков с персонажей рандомно.
Можно заплатить за часики реальную денежку. Стоят они дешево.
Если вы не вышли из чата (там срабатывает автоматическое сохранение, когда вы нажимаете на выход в конце чата), тогда тут же закрывайте приложение и заходите снова. Чат можно будет пройти еще раз.
If you haven't played Mystic Messenger completely, you might read something that will reveal to you the complete story of the game. So please pay attention!
Another Story is a mode in Mystic Messenger, which was released on September 8, 2017/2017.09.08 for Android users and a few days later for IOS users. It is one of the three modes available in Mystic Messenger, the others being Casual Story and Deep Story. It costs 550 HG to fully unlock the mode; costing 300 to unlock V's route and 250 to unlock Ray's route.
Unlike in Casual and Deep Story modes, outgoing phone calls cost 10 hourglasses and missed chat rooms cost 15 hourglasses to play in Another Story. The story also takes place 6 months after Rika's "suicide" rather than a year and a half later.
The only romanceable characters are V and Ray/Saeran. Originally, it was only V who was romanceable, however, Ray's route was released on January 31, 2018/2018.01.31.
A walkthrough to get you on the V route in Mystic Messenger's Another Story mode.
This Mystic Messenger guide page is designed to ensure you successfully achieve V route at the end of the first four days of Another Story mode.
V route is only available in Another Story; you cannot access it in Casual or Deep Story modes. You should not play Another Story until you have seen 707's endings in Deep Story mode and unlocked all the Secret Ending story content in the gallery; although Another Story is set before the other modes in its own timeline, it spoils content from the core stories.
At time of publication there is no second route to Another Story; that will be added sometime in early 2018. As such, you'll end up on V's route pretty much no matter what you do, as long as you don't make so many bad choices that you end up on a Bad End. Just to take the worry out of it, though, we've posted a successful playthrough below.
Since unlocking missed chats and making calls is so expensive in Another Story, our V route get walkthrough includes plenty of flirting with characters other than V in order to maximise hearts and therefore HG. Don't worry if you earn Ray or other hearts - you'll find that we always earn enough V hearts to balance them out.
The V route get walkthrough below only covers those chats where there are V hearts, email opportunities of both. You can and should participate in other chats, to keep your chat participation at 60% or more. Your strategy in other chats should be to spread your hearts around the other characters as evenly as you can, and avoid flirting too heavily with Ray or making commitments with him.
If you’re trying to get the V route and don’t want a full walkthrough, try our Mystic Messenger Day 1 through 4 Another Story chat times schedule; it’ll help you hit all the V chats without giving you the answers. We also strongly recommend consulting the Mystic Messenger all answers email guide, as you’ll need a lot of RSVPs for V’s good ending.
How to get V route - Day 1
Day 1 - 00:00
- 1: Yoosung, right? Nice to meet you ^^
- 2: No –
- 3: I also wanna have fun with you on this app ^^
- 4: I haven’t met her yet.
- 5: I don’t have to meet her to know her ^^
- 6: I think you’d know her better than I do…
- 7: I’m afraid I can’t say. I didn’t see what it was like myself…
- 8: You must be frustrated, Yoosung…
- 9: Thank you, my the-most-handsome-in-the-world prince…
- 10: Tell me more about Rika and V –
- 11: (any)
- 12: Don’t you think V is trying to cope with his emotions where you can’t see him?
- 13: I would trust V.
- 14: That’d be 5 million won per answer.
- 15: (any)
- 16: I think the act of questioning isn’t so bad ^^
- 17: (any)
- 18: Come on, I’m not a nuisance –
- 19: (any)
Day 1 - 11:49
- 1: (any)
- 2: (any)
- 3: Welcome, Yoosung ^^
- 4: Is it because you’re frustrated when you think about V?
- 5: (any)
- 6: Their relationship is their issue. Don’t you think a third-party’s evaluation is really meaningless?
- 7: V has also lost his precious lover. He’ll be going through a hard time as well. You shouldn’t be so harsh on him.
- 8: Even if there really is a secret, he wouldn’t do anything that can harm the RFA, would he?
- 9: It feels unnatural that they didn’t share everything with each other. They’re lovers, you know?
- 10: (any)
- 11: Whatever it is you have to do, you should eat first –
- 12: You should hurry up and eat, Jaehee!
- 13: Jaehee, you should hurry up and eat too!
- 14: (any)
- 15: (any)
Day 1 - 21:34
- 1: Good night. The stars are beautiful.
- 2: (any)
- 3: (any)
- 4: Jumin, you’ve already got talents! Now you’re telling me you’ve got looks as well? T-T
- 5: (any)
- 6: (any)
- 7: Looks vs business talent…? Whichever wins, I think it will return as a compliment to you.
- 8: A gift isn’t bad, but I think what V needs right now is a friend, not a wine.
- 9: (any)
- 10: (any)
- 11: Jumin…
- 12: You two are such a good friends!
- 13: (any)
Day 1 - 23:25
- 1: Wow! It’s V…! I’m so thrilled to see you!
- 2: (any)
- 3: I’m not sure, either. I was simply told to host parties.
- 4: You must be curious about my world.
- 5: Can you see anything different through your finder?
- 6: They all looked so nice.
- 7: Is Rika that someone for you, V?
- 8: (any)
- 9: V?
- 10: Let’s talk again, V.
Day 1 - Visual Novel 1
- 1: I was playing the game.
- 2: It was fun! It felt like talking to actual people instead of AIs.
- 3: (any)
- 4: Looks like you don’t like them, Ray, though you made these AI characters.
How to get V route - Day 2
Day 2 - 01:19
- 1: He said he’ll be back soon. You could as him then, can’t you?
- 2: (any)
- 3: Do you have a hidden background story with you? You know, you’re actually the CEO’s daughter…
- 4: So he must have seen potential in you, Jaehee –
- 5: How do V’s photos feel like?
- 6: He said that he’ll drop by more often. I’m sure he will.
- 7: I wish I could discuss a lot about parties and the RFA.
- 8: Isn’t that a sensitive matter to V as well?
- 9: Their friendship is so cool…
- 10: (any)
- 11: Hmm.. It does sound like you have a good situation to be wary of me.
- 12: (any)
- 13: But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be suspicious at all.
- 14: Yoosung must have been really fond of Rika.
- 15: I’m afraid that Yoosung’s sorrow will turn into misunderstanding on V.
- 16: (any)
- 17: (any)
Day 2 - 02:44
- 1: (any)
- 2: So you’re saying that I’m currently holding information superiority.
- 3: I think you’d trust V in whatever situation, Jumin.
- 4: Oooh busted. I actually came from another dimension.
- 5: (any)
- 6: That’s one elegant sense of humor you have, Jumin.
- 7: (any)
- 8: I vote for a chat on RFA!
- 9: (any)
- 10: What brings you here at this hour, V?
- 11: (any)
- 12: Do you have a drunken habit, V?
- 13: (any)
- 14: (any)
- 15: What was V like when he was young?
- 16: (any)
- 17: (any)
- 18: (any)
- 19: You have to work tomorrow, but you’re not sleeping yet…?
- 20: (any)
- 21: (any)
- 22: (any)
- 23: Do you think there really is something you can do in this situation?
- 24: (any)
Day 2 - 07:50
- 1: (any)
- 2: (any)
- 3: Something’s not right… Are you really V?
- 4: (any)
- 5: I slept very well. I think I like my new room. Did you have a good rest last night?
- 6: Thank you, Ray. You’re so good at cooking.
- 7: I really like the characters! Especially the guy called V!
- 8: (any)
- 9: I think you’re really warmhearted man, Ray.
- 10: It’s not V, is it?
- 11: (any)
Day 2 - 09:37
- 1: Uh-huh and it looks like your mind’s been wiped clean too.
- 2: Hi Seoul Hit Deajeon Hit Daegu Hit Busan Hit It!
- 3: (any)
- 4: (any)
- 5: Way to go, Jaehee! Hit him harder!
- 6: Thank god it wasn’t the messenger server.
- 7: Business, personal, and backup? You do know a thing or two, Seven.
- 8: You have your old pictures.
- 9: Time to call the police.
- 10: Please don’t be so mean to him. I’m sure he’ll do his best.
- 11: Oh? Did you find anything about me?
- 12: The hacker goes by the name of the developer…
- 13: (any)
- 14: Is it because of me?
- 15: V looks like a very responsible man.
- 16: I don’t think his pictures are the only things in there. There could be someone else’s pictures… like Zen’s,
- 17: (any)
- 18: (any)
Day 2 - 13:57
- 1: (any)
- 2: You made a choice.
- 3: Don’t tell me I’ve been stuck on the tutorial all this time…
- 4: You know that the other members won’t be happy, but you’re going to hold parties?
- 5: So we’ll be holding small-scaled party.
- 6: Sure. You look like a responsible person.
- 7: I’m so excited to find out what party guests they’ll recommend for me.
- 8: I’d like to know more about you too.
- 9: Please log in more often from now on.
- 10: (any)
Day 2 - 15:24
- 1: Jumin, have you read what V said?
- 2: Really? What is it? I’m all ears!
- 3: Jaehee ordered them for you…? No wonder she’s always buried in work.
- 4: But Jaehee is the one who looks all over for them.
- 5: Sounds great! We’ll get to hear the secret behind his long life. [Email opportunity.]
- 6: (any)
- 7: (any)
- 8: (any)
- 9: V looks like a trustworthy person. I trust him.
- 10: Recommendations, please!
- 11: (any)
- 12: He’s right. I like seeing you bright.
- 13: (any)
- 14: (any)
- 15: Why don’t you try trusting V too?
- 16: (any)
- 17: (any)
Day 2 - 18:26
- 1: Hell-o Seven
- 2: Is there actually such a creation?
- 3: I’ll invite it beep! [Email opportunity.]
- 4: What is it, Seven? Is there something bothering you?
- 5: (any)
- 6: Here he is! My secret buddy!
- 7: Can’t expect anything else from Jumin’s friend…
- 8: Let’s just be honest with space.
- 9: That halo definitely comes from your face…
- 10: Doesn’t matter if you’re already a Catholic. I raise your name up high!
- 11: (any)
- 12: I think that will be even harder on you…
- 13: But if that’s our current situation, we should work together and prepare for the party.
- 14: (any)
- 15: Does V like the sun?
- 16: Maybe the sun holds a special meaning for him.
- 17: I wanna see my Zen T
- 18: You’re such a good boy, Seven.
- 19: (any)
Day 2 - 20:13
- 1: Good evening, Jumin.
- 2: (any)
- 3: (any)
- 4: (any)
- 5: I understand. I don’t wanna do anything once I get home.
- 6: (any)
- 7: (any)
- 8: Sounds delicious… I mean, sounds good! [Email opportunity.]
- 9: Are V’s photos that high in quality?
- 10: Wow! I’ve never seen your selfie!
- 11: Good luck, Jumin!
- 12: So you’re saying that your cat jumped.
- 13: I wanna see too! I wanna see her beautiful jump!
- 14: (any)
- 15: Jaehee…
- 16: (any)
- 17: You can watch Zen’s DVD.
- 18: What took you so long, Mr. Gorgeous?
- 19: (any)
- 20: I thought those flower bloomed from your face.
- 21: I’m sure you’ll be a musical star!
- 22: We can talk more tomorrow!
- 23: (any)
- 24: Do let me know what you think of the new DVD.
- 25: Your looks will bring better things to you!
- 26: (any)
Day 2 - 22:38
- 1: (any)
- 2: They’re beautiful. Thank you so much, Ray.
- 3: I think those AIs are not very suspicious of me now. I think this will get even better!
- 4: I too wish you were my partner.
- 5: I can see how happy you are.
- 6: (any)
- 7: Yeah, I can’t stop caring about V.
- 8: I’m counting on you. Please take care of it fast.
- 9: We didn’t chat much… You’re leaving already?
How to get V route - Day 3
How to get V route - Day 4
Day 4 - 00:16
- 1: (any)
- 2: That’s the one we saw in the garden!
- 3: I would’ve been glad if you really did grab me.
- 4: That sounds like a dream…
- 5: I think all members of the RFA are fabulous…
- 6: I’m sure V will tell me his plan.
- 7: I think it’s good that I get to help those in need.
- 8: But, that could be the gateway to salvation.
- 9: But don’t you think it’s natural that they overcome their concerns and become better people?
- 10: I think the period of unsteady anxiety is meaningful if it is for the sake of overcoming one’s pain.
- 11: (any)
- 12: That is a happy ending…right?
- 13: (any)
- 14: Sure, I’ll think about it.
- 15: (any)
Day 4 - 02:34
- 1: (any)
- 2: (any)
- 3: If it happened past midnight…then that would be the developer.
- 4: (any)
- 5: I think there’s a bug –
- 6: (any)
- 7: Who’s your watcher?
- 8: I think other pictures would be more dangerous than your pictures… Like V’s pictures, for example…
- 9: (any)
- 10: I think Jaehee should be in charge of accounting ^^
- 11: Who shall take the throne of the Seven Kingdom…?
- 12: (any)
- 13: You should’ve used Zen as the model…
- 14: I should wear what I should for a party
- 15: (any)
- 16: (any)
- 17: (any)
- 18: Don’t you think Jumin might now him?
- 19: But he sounded nice while he’s talking to V.
- 20: Me too! Let’s invite him! [Unlocks email.]
- 21: (any)
- 22: (any)
- 23: (any)
- 24: (any)
- 25: (any)
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This Mystic Messenger article gives a walkthrough of V's route, which is only available in Another Story, the new mode added in the September 2017 update.
Our Mystic Messenger guide now includes a full V Route walkthrough ensuring you can achieve the Normal and Good Ends with the minimum of fuss.
The V route kicks off on Day 5, so you'll need to have followed our instructions on how to get on V's route in Mystic Messenger's Another Story mode. It could be considered spoiler material, so you may want to check out our V route Another Story chat times schedule and our page of V route Mystic Messenger tips instead.
Still here? Good. Below you'll find a run down of the endings available in Another Story and on V route, followed by details on the most efficient way to achieve them all. Then, after an image, you'll hit the full V route walkthrough.
Another Story V Route endings
Another Story functions identically to the other modes in that you must successfully invite guests via email in order to unlock the Good End. The guests are different from those found in Casual and Deep Story, but we've added them all to our Mystic Messenger email guide.
In addition to two bad endings in the Prologue which don't count towards your endings tally on the profile screen, there are seven potential endings to V route, including one Bad End if you totally drop the ball with V. We've recently done some more experimentation and are pretty sure we've locked down the requirements for all of them:
- Bad End: participate in less than 30% of the chatrooms until the 4th Day branch or fail to secure enough V hearts to lock onto his route.
- Normal End: reach the party with 0-9 opened RSVP emails.
- Good End: reach the party with 17 or more opened RSVP emails.
- V Bad Story End 1: after passing the 4th day branch, select incorrect answers (mistrust and suspect V, agree with Ray and the Saviour) through to the 7th Day branch.
- V Bad Story End 2: after passing the 7th day branch, select incorrect answers (be hostile to Ray and the Saviour, aggressively push your relationship with V) through to the 9th Day branch.
- V Bad Relationship End 1: pass the 4th Day branch, then score below 30% chat participation V on Days 5 through 7.
- V Bad Relationship End 2: pass the 4th Day branch, then score between 34%-50% chat participation on Days 5 through 17, then score below 30% chat participation on Days 8 through 10.
- Prologue Bad End 1: make the following responses in the Prologue:
- Just send me the file
- No, I'll just pass.
- It's not even real and I can't bother to even go there.
- I don't need it. No thanks.
- (Report to the police.)
- Just send me the file
- No, I'll just pass.
- It's not even real and I can't bother to even go there.
- I don't need it. No thanks.
- (Wait for him at the cafe.)
Some of these Bad Ends are pretty spectacular! Don't forget you can use the save load feature to avoid repeating the whole route as you collect endings on V route. You will need to restart once (not counting Prologue restarts), reload your save four times, so it will cost you 20 HG in total. Make sure you understand the rules for reloading saves before you do this! Here’s the most efficient method:
- Achieve both Prologue Bad Ends, restarting each time.
- Proceed through the Prologue and achieve the generic Bad End, then restart your game and play as normal.
- Do not open RSVP emails (those you receive after three correct replies).
- Make a manual save after reaching Day 5, then achieve Bad Relationship End 1.
- Reload your save and achieve Bad Story End 1.
- Reload your save and achieve Bad Relationship End 2.
- Reload your save, progress to the Day 7 branch point, make a second save, then achieve Bad Story End 2.
- Reload your second save, then progress to Day 11. Make a third save, then achieve Normal End.
- Reload your third save, open all your RSVP emails, then achieve Good End.
The walkthrough below suggests the answers leading to V's good ending. Just as a reminder, bear in mind that you don’t have to action every chat to reach the good ending – just try to hit as many as you can. Unlike the common route on earlier days, every chat on the V route after the Day 4 branch offers chances to earn hearts from him, so they're all worthwhile.
Although a second route will be added in an early 2018 update, at time of publication there was only one route available in Another Story - V route. Attempting to romance another character and failing to interest V will result in a generic Bad End, as if you'd failed to action enough chats or win enough hearts to capture a character's attention.
Our V route walkthrough plays it safe and avoids showing too much interest or sympathy in Ray and Rika, while also avoiding the pitfalls outlined in the Bad Ends summaries above.
V route walkthrough - Day 5
Day 5 - 00:03
- 1: Ray, explain yourself about what happened back there!!
- 2: I don’t believe you… He looks and sounds the same as the V I know.
- 3: So this was no game from the beginning…!
- 4: Promise me you won’t do anything bad to the V I just saw…
- 5: Are you threatening me?
- 6: That’s easier said than done.
Day 5 - 02:16
- 1: Oh…looks like the hacker who sent me here doesn’t trust me anymore.
- 2: Is V safe?
- 3: (any)
- 4: The connection seems unstable… I’m worried about him.
- 5: That man I saw was you, right? Are you ok?
- 6: (any)
- 7: (any)
- 8: Alright, I’ll keep a secret about what happens here.
- 9: Seven, do you invent things a lot?
- 10: You’ve encrypted them since you can’t tell right now where you are, right?
- 11: Did he forget the word he input by any chance?
- 12: (any)
- 13: V… shouldn’t you get help from the rest of the RFA?
- 14: (any)
- 15: V…I really want to know what you’re thinking.
- 16: I understand that you’re trying to do this alone… But promise me that you’ll be safe, V.
- 17: Seven…thank you for understanding V.
- 18: Uh..did you get hurt by any chance?
- 19: Ok… Please call me as soon as you can.
Day 5 - 07:30
- 1: Good morning, Zen! I’m fine!
- 2: V sent Seven his location in encrypted form.
- 3: I’ll feel so safe if you come to rescue too!
- 4: I’m safe right now, so please don’t worry. V will save me.
- 5: I’m sure there’s a complicated reason for V… I’m more worried about him, actually.
- 6: I’ll do the best I can for the party too.
- 7: Who is this candidate?
- 8: Sounds interesting! Please tell him to send me an email. [Unlocks email.]
- 9: So you want us to trust V…!
- 10: I see! Now I get it!
- 11: Looks like you understand V to his depth, Jumin.
- 12: Yes, I know very well that V values RFA so much.
- 13: i’m sorry I can’t tell you that…
- 14: You’re so thorough…! Thank you, Jumin.
- 15: They’re very special friends, that’s why.
- 16: Yes, I’m going to wait too.
- 17: I will. Thank you for your concerns…Zen!!
Day 5 - 10:52
- 1: V, does your phone work now?
- 2: I’m fine! Are you okay?
- 3: I’m fine! Nothing happened yet!
- 4: You had no choice. I’m just glad you’re safe.
- 5: Yes, I’ll be waiting…
- 6: You’re telling me to sell you out! I can’t do that!
- 7: Don’t blame yourself too much… Everything will be okay. It’s partially my fault. I was too innocent.
- 8: I’ll trust you. And I’ll be waiting. Please take care of yourself, V…
Day 5 - 12:47
- 1: My goodness! Where did that come from?
- 2: First of all…I’m safe yet. So don’t worry about me.
- 3: (any)
- 4: (any)
- 5: (any)
- 6: So this person actually came in person to put that in your mailbox?
- 7: (any)
- 8: Let’s not suspect the members of the RFA… T-T
- 9: It’s written ‘LIE’ on the image… This person must hate these two.
- 10: I agree… Just who would do this…?
- 11: That’s a great idea!
- 12: Watch out on your way! And be careful of the alleyways!
- 13: Maybe this person is trying to throw RFA into a whirlpool of confusion?
- 14: My heart is breaking. It looks like V is going through nothing but misfortunes and mishaps.
- 15: Please take care of Yoosung…
- 16: Gotca. You don’t have to worry about me!
Day 5 - 15:11
- 1: Did something happen to V…?
- 2: Seems like it… Who could hate V that much? I hope he doesn’t suffer any harm…
- 3: I’m more worried about V. There’s no doubt he’ll see this…
- 4: Jumin, Jaehee also got that bizarre photo.
- 5: Wait… Could it be…?
- 6: (any)
- 7: Jumin, so is your work all done?
- 8: (any)
- 9: Is this person planning on sending everyone at the RFA one of these images?
- 10: Why does no one know where Seven lives?
- 11: Shouldn’t we get outside help?
- 12: (any)
- 13: (any)
- 14: Jaehee… You’re sacrificing yourself for the RFA.
- 15: …I can only see a Niagara of tears before me.
- 16: But if you create an intelligence unit now, it’d take sometime to get it to work.
- 17: Is it okay to do this without telling V?
- 18: But is it okay to have our party? It’s going to be okay, right?
- 19: Good, please tell him to contact me! [Unlocks email.]
- 20: I hope V will pick up…
- 21: But it’s a relief that Jumin is doing something.
- 22: I believe the RFA will make it through this well!
- 23: Good luck, Jaehee!
Day 5 - 17:59
- 1: (any)
- 2: Ugh…looks like somebody really hates V…
- 3: …Are you suspecting that hacker?
- 4: There’s no way V is a bad person!
- 5: But we can’t reach him. So we’ll never know.
- 6: We’ve trusted him so much until now… Let’s not think of bad things!
- 7: I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want to put you in danger!
- 8: I wanna hear no more of that
- 9: I’m not sure if it’s ok to tell you that…
- 10: You sound tired, Seven…
- 11:(any)
- 12: (any)
Day 5 - 19:36
- 1: (any)
- 2: I’m worried we’re hearing nothing from V yet…
- 3: What are we going to do with V…?
- 4: (any)
- 5: (any)
- 6: (any)
- 7: I’d say that man has a heart of steel… He’s impressive…
- 8: V! Thank god you’re logged in! Are you alright?
- 9: Yes!
- 10: Are you really coming to get me? Don’t you think it’d be dangerous?
- 11: Did you see the images…? What do you think about them?
- 12: V… I hope the time comes soon.
- 13: (any)
- 14: I’d like to trust you, V…
- 15: (any)
- 16: Yoosung…please calm down.
- 17: Yoosung…you should first do something about that alcohol in your blood…
- 18: A human relationship isn’t something you can define as one or the other…
- 19: Yoosung, I think you’ve gone too far…
- 20: You’re taking great care of Yoosung.
- 21: V… I hope you’d tell us the truth someday…
- 22: He’s right! So please think about it, V.
- 23: (any)
- 24: Actually, I’m having a great time. I got to meet you and a group of new people.
- 25: You’re still grieving a lot for Rika’s death, aren’t you?
- 26: Can you swear that you’ve done your best to Rika?
- 27: V, Rika’s choice is her own. It has nothing to do with you.
- 28: (any)
- 29: V, please hang in there!
Day 5 - 21:00
- 1: (any)
- 2: Are you feeling okay now? About your heart, I mean.
- 3: I wish I could talk to V too.
- 4: (any)
- 5: (any)
- 6: Zen T-T He fought bravely and fallen…
- 7: She’s right… I hope you’d understand how V would feel…
- 8: (any)
- 9: That’s not what I was expecting to hear… But I think V had his own reasons why he looked like that.
- 10: So V was so sad that he couldn’t even cry.
- 11: (any)
- 12: I hope that’d be the case…
- 13: I see… V still loves Rika… It hurts a bit.
- 14: (any)
- 15: No, you’ve done well!
- 16: I agree… Let there be peace!
- 17: Oh dear… Good luck, Jaehee.
Day 5 - 22:22
- 1: I wanted to talk too…!
- 2: I trust you.
- 3: You will tell us everything soon, won’t you?
- 4: You mean that the person who sent the images is in the hacker?
- 5: (any)
- 6: (any)
- 7: (any)
- 8: So you’re here to tell us to not let ourselves waver if that happens, right?
- 9: You’re saying this is something you need to do alone, aren’t you?
- 10: Yes, I promise.
- 11: I’m counting on you!
Day 5 - 23:48
- 1: Welcome, Jumin.
- 2: So V was not uninterested in Rika.
- 3: (any)
- 4: Same here… I think this situation is really complicated.
- 5: I can’t give you details since that hacker might see this..but it bothers me that the hacker hates V.
- 6: (any)
- 7: (any)
- 8: (any)
- 9: (any)
- 10: But if she’s alive, why won’t she come back to us?
- 11: Tell me about it. That doesn’t sound like you, Jumin.
- 12: (any)
- 13: (any)
- 14: (any)
- 15: (any)
- 16: (any)
- 17: (any)
- 18: I feel sorry for Jaehee…but I’d like to invite him to the party. [Unlocks email.]
- 19: I like Jumin’s personality…especially regarding his care for his friend.
- 20: The members would be so happy…
- 21: I’m feeling nervous…but I should trust V.
V route walkthrough - Day 6
V route walkthrough - Day 7
V route walkthrough - Day 8
V route walkthrough - Day 9
V route walkthrough - Day 10
Day 11
Day 11 - 08:00
- 1: (any)
- 2: (any)
- 3: (any)
- 4: (any)
- 5: (any)
- 6: (any)
- 7: (any)
- 8: (any)
- 9: (any)
- 10: (any)
- 11: (any)
- 12: (any)
- 13: (any)
The party is available any time from midday onwards and can be actioned at any time you like. Make a back up save before you begin. If you proceed without enough confirmed guests, you’ll see the Normal End. You can then reload your save for 5 HG, action all your confirmation emails, and see the Good End.
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