Moonlight lovers рафаэль 7 глава гайд
1) We have now completed the guides for the 6 available vampires, this blog will remain up for you to access the guides in the future and we may keep updating it with a few missing translations.
2) Whatever is coming next for Moonlight Lovers, we can’t commit to making new guides in the future, as making guides is expensive and very time consuming.
3) Since the bug was fixed, we updated Raphael 7, 8 and 9, Ivan 9 and Aaron 8 in January 2021. Please only use the latest guides you can find on this blog.
4) There might still problem with Aaron 9. The guide worked before they fixed the previous bug but afterwards it didn’t anymore. We have updated the guide with what we believe is the best possible combination of choices (you can find it in the english album), however since we stopped testing this route in January we don’t know if the issue was solved. We suggest you use this guide in any case as it will lead to the good ending.
5) Excluding bugs, the guides will work for sure only if you follow them from the very beginning of Chapter 1, otherwise they may not. The illustrations depend on your cumulative LoM and each choice can affect it, having obtained all the illustrations from previous chapters does not guarantee obtaining the following or the good ending.
6) Endings are usually already decided when completing chapter 9, thus if you followed all the guides chapter 10 does not require a guide (except Ethan), we stopped making guides for chapter 10 because they are not needed. Endings seem to depend on your total LoM. Following the guide of completed routes will grant you the good ending. If you want the neutral or bad ending you have to replay from the beginning and kill your LoM, replaying the last couple of chapters is not enough, not even replaying half the route is enough, you have to go back at least from chapter 2 or 3. Pick the opposite of what’s in the guide and when you get to ABC choices usually one is positive, one is negative and one is neutral, you have to pick most choices of the same type to unlock that ending.
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DISCLAIMER: This route has lots of branching and we don’t know what choices may affect future chapters. These guides are the best combinations of answers we managed to identify so far but we can’t exclude the possibility of having to update them in the future when new episodes come out. Also remember there is currently a bug that sometimes forces people to replay chapters multiple times.
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- Kapitel 1: 6,040 AP
- Kapitel 2: 5,960 AP
- Kapitel 3: 6,340 AP
- Kapitel 4: 5,520 AP
- Kapitel 5: 8,020 AP
- Kapitel 6: 5,400 AP
- Kapitel 7: 4,800 AP
- Kapitel 8: 5,880 AP
- Kapitel 9: 5,340 AP
Warnung: Diese Route hat viele Verzweigungen und ein hohes LoM wird benötigt in jedem Kapitel. Diese Lösungen bestehen aus den besten Kombinationen von Antworten, welche wir herausfinden konnten bisher. Allerdings können wir die Möglichkeit dass wir diese in der Zukunft updaten nicht außer acht lassen, wenn neue Episoden raus kommen.
- Chapitre 1: 6,040 PA
- Chapitre 2: 5,960 PA
- Chapitre 3: 6,340 PA
- Chapitre 4: 5,520 PA
- Chapitre 5: 8,020 PA
- Chapitre 6: 5,400 PA
- Chapitre 7: 4,800 PA
- Chapitre 8: 5,880 PA
- Chapitre 9: 5,340 PA
IMPORTANT : Cette route a beaucoup d'embranchements et nous ne savons pas quels choix auront un impact sur les chapitres suivants. Ces guides sont la meilleure combinaison de réponses que nous avons pu identifier mais nous ne pouvons exclure la possibilité de devoir les mettre à jour après la sortie de nouveaux épisodes. De plus, il y a actuellement un bug qui parfois force les gens à replay un chapitre plusieurs fois avec les mêmes réponses pour avoir une illustration.
- Capitulo 1: 6,040 PA
- Capitulo 2: 5,960 PA
- Capitulo 3: 6,340 PA
- Capitulo 4: 5,520 PA
- Capitulo 5: 8,020 PA
- Capitulo 6: 5,400 PA
- Capitulo 7: 4,800 PA
- Capitulo 8: 5,880 PA
- Capitulo 9: 5,340 PA
AVISO: Essa rota possui muitas ramificações. Esses guias são as melhores combinações de respostas que conseguimos identificar até o momento, mas não podemos excluir a possibilidade de atualizá-las no futuro quando novos episódios forem lançados.
- Episodio 1: 6,040 PA
- Episodio 2: 5,960 PA
- Episodio 3: 6,340 PA
- Episodio 4: 5,520 PA
- Episodio 5: 8,020 PA
- Episodio 6: 5,400 PA
- Episodio 7: 4,800 PA
- Episodio 8: 5,880 PA
- Episodio 9: 5,340 PA
AVISO: Esta ruta tiene muchas ramificaciones o variaciones de diálogos, y no sabemos qué opciones puedan afectar futuros episodios. Estas guías son las mejores combinaciones de respuestas que hemos logrado identificar hasta ahora, pero no podemos descartar la posibilidad de tener que actualizarlas en el futuro cuando salgan nuevos episodios. También recuerden que actualmente hay un bug que a veces obliga a la gente a repetir capítulos varias veces.
- Chapter 1: 6,660 AP
- Chapter 2: 6,640 AP
- Chapter 3: 5,420 AP
- Chapter 4: 5,720 AP
- Chapter 5: 6,240 AP
- Chapter 6: 7,620 AP
- Chapter 7: 8,080 AP
- Chapter 8: 7,660 AP
- Chapter 9: 7,400 AP
DISCLAIMER: This route has lots of branching and very high LoM requirements in each chapter. These guides are the best combinations of answers we managed to identify so far but we can’t exclude the possibility of having to update them in the future when new episodes come out.
Реализовавшийся художник, Рафаэль стремится к совершенству в любом начинании. Обладая натурой мечтателя, этот вампир знает, что мир порой бывает мерзким. Сумеешь ли ты преобразить его мир? Станешь ли ты его долгожданной музой?
Рафаэль(Raphael) - натура увлекающаяся и склонная к идеализму, окружающий мир изумляет его!
Внешность [ ]
У Рафаэля самая загадочная внешность среди вампиров. Он носит повязку на глаза так как слеп и Темно-синие волосы.
Он одет в золотой костюм ренессансной эпохи и всегда держит свою рапиру при себе.
Характер [ ]
Рафаэль дружелюбен и хорошо относится к главной героине.
Отношения [ ]
Рафаэль обитатель замка, который принадлежит Элоизе, вместе с еще пятью вампирами.
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