Moonglade wow как попасть
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Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии!Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания!
Лунная поляна – локация на севере Калимдора. Есть несколько способов попасть в Лунную поляну в WoW.
Во-первых, на Лунную поляну можно попасть по воздуху. Но для этого нужен летающий маунт и 60+ уровень персонажа. С другой стороны, вы можете попросить друга с двухместным ездовым животным подбросить вас в Лунную поляну.
Во-вторых, в Лунную поляну можно попасть пешком. Для этого вам придется пройти через тоннель на севере локации Оскверненный лес. В тоннеле на развилке повернуть налево. Однако учтите, что в тоннеле обитают враждебные монстры 53-56 уровня. Они станут дружелюбны к вам после выполнения цепочки квестов, начинает которую медведь перед тоннелем в Оскверненном лесу.
Как попасть в Лунную поляну другим способом? Если ваш персонаж – друид, вы сможете попасть в Лунную поляну без особых проблем. На 10-ом уровне друидам становится доступен квест на форму медведя, и в ходе его выполнения друида обучат заклинанию телепортации в Лунную поляну. Заклинание также можно выучить у тренера немного позже. Телепортация: Лунная поляна будет доступна друиду всегда.
Видео о том, как осуществить написанное выше (видео для WoW 3.3.5, но до сих пор ничего не изменилось) + карты:
Игроки, выбравшие друидов, прибывают сюда для выполнения классовых заданий.
Описание [ ]
История [ ]
Бывший дом полубога Кенария и бывшая столица эльфов купается в вечном лунном свете. Ночные эльфы с благословения Элуны построили здесь целый город для друидов после разрушения Колодца Вечности; логово-на-холме было сотворено как место отдыха для друидов, где они могли бы дремать в их путешествии в Изумрудный Сон. В течение Третьей войны Легион попытался вторгнуться в зачарованные леса, но потерпел неудачу. Потому эта земля и осталась не зараженной. Успешная защита Лунной Поляны была приписана силе и стратегическому уму Малфуриона Ярость Бури, самого великого из друидов. Но с потерей Малфуриона все ночные эльфы волнуются о своей безопасности, и теперь многие взоры устремлены на Ремулоса.
География [ ]
Непроходимое кольцо высоких гор запечатывает Лунную Поляну от Темный берегов на западе, хотя по воздушному маршруту до Аубердина тут как рукой подать. Город Ночная Гавань построен у вод Озера Элун’ара в центральной Лунной Поляны. В несколько минут неспешной прогулки к западу от него стоит Святыня Ремулоса. Здесь, рядом с городом смертных, живет отец расы дриад и хранителей рощи. Довольно странное место для божества, но очевидно Ремулос считает, что в эти темные времена ночные эльфы нуждаются в помощи, которую больше не может им предложить его отец. На юго-западе поляны находится единственный вход и выход из этого места (если не брать в расчет гиппогрифов или магии): туннели фурболгов Древобрюхов.
The demigod Omen sleeps at the depths of the central lake, awakening every year around the time of the Lunar Festival, after which he is routinely put to rest. The Lunar Festival itself is also based in Nighthaven. The Moonkin Festival also occurs in the area.
Stormrage Barrow Dens.
More recently, the peace in Moonglade itself has become threatened as bizarre creatures from the Emerald Nightmare have found a way into a wing of the Stormrage Barrow Dens.
This section concerns content related to Legion.Geography
There are no dungeons of any sort and no battlegrounds in Moonglade.
Though the area is extremely fertile and full of life, there are oddly no useful herbs here, nor any ore to speak of. As the creatures inhabiting the zone are all critters (with the exception of the wolves assisting Omen, see Wild creatures below) there is not much for skinners to gather either. In contrast, the waters of Lake Elune'ara are plentiful in fish, particularly Greater Sagefish.
Maps and subregions
Map of Moonglade.
Map of Moonglade prior to Cataclysm.
Travel hubs
Flight paths from Alliance Flight Point
Flight paths from Horde Flight Point
Flight paths from Nighthaven
Portal at the Stormrage Barrow Dens
Adjacent regions
Zone Name | Faction | Level Range | Direction | Access |
Teldrassil | 1 - 20 | Far west | By Druid-only flightpath from Nighthaven to Rut'theran Village | |
Mulgore | 1 - 20 | Far south | By Druid-only flightpath from Nighthaven to Thunder Bluff | |
Darkshore | 10 - 60 | West, then south | By flightpath to Lor'danel, or by swimming from Darkshore to Moonglade and dying underwater in Moonglade | |
Felwood | 40 - 60 | South, then west | By foot through the Timbermaw Hold or flightpath from Shrine of Remulos to Talonbranch Glade or Bloodvenom Post | |
Winterspring | 40 - 60 | South, then east | By foot through the Timbermaw Hold or flightpath from Shrine of Remulos to Everlook | |
Mount Hyjal | 80 - 90 | South | By foot or by flight path |
Notable characters
Main article: Moonglade NPCsMoonglade is home to several characters of note. At Nighthaven, Dendrite Starblaze aids young druids in obtaining the power to attain the bear form, the aquatic form, and to cure poisons. Rabine Saturna enlists experienced heroes in the battle against the silithid, and at the Shrine of Remulos, Keeper Remulos attempts to cleanse the taint that has affected the four emerald dragons of the Dream. Loganaar is the sole Druid Trainer here. Even Malfurion Stormrage himself has been known to make an appearance in spirit here.
Sentient creatures
Wild creatures
Getting there
Although Moonglade is a mostly peaceful and safe zone, it is hard to reach for lower-level characters. To enter it by foot, you first need to go through the entire stretch of Felwood, a level 45-50 zone, starting in Ashenvale.
Druids can learn to teleport themselves to Moonglade at level 14, which makes it very easy for night elf druids to access Darnassus and Darkshore when they need to. Horde druids can teleport there as well, but they are considerably farther away from friendly territory than their Alliance compatriots; even flying straight back to Thunder Bluff takes seven minutes.
During the Lunar Festival, anyone can teleport to Moonglade after completing a quest and can get the flight path for later.
You can also use a trick to travel there from Darkshore. If you keep swimming far north from the northern end of its coast, the atmosphere will change to green hills and your zone will be 'Moonglade'. You can enter the land, but not climb the mountains. Enter the water again, but take care that you do not reach 'The Veiled Sea', you must pass through 'The Veiled Sea' however on your way north. Drown yourself, and you will be in Moonglade.
There are also flight points for those who have managed to get to Moonglade previously, granting easy access in the future.
There are also neutral flight masters inside Nighthaven who can transport night elf druids to Rut'theran Village and tauren druids to Thunder Bluff for free. Non-druids cannot use the services of these flight masters.
Warcraft III
Main article: Moonglade (Warcraft III) This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.There is a non-campaign map named "Moonglade". The tileset is called "Ashenvale";
In the RPG
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.When the Burning Legion ran rampant over the land in ancient times, the Moonglade remained untouched. After the war, the druids went into deep meditation in the secure caves of the Barrow Dens, sending their minds into the plane of the Emerald Dream. The remaining night elves built the town of Nighthaven in the north.
Before Teldrassil was created, the Moonglade housed the majority of the night elven population, surrounded by the old forest trees and the ancients, preferring solitude over communion with other races. The Moonglade ranges east of Felwood, just north of Winterspring Grove along the lower slope of Mount Hyjal. The Moonglade is a magical, sylvan forest draped in perpetual night. The moon stays high within the ebon sky, illuminating the woodland below with a silvery glow. The land never suffers the extremes of weather, thriving in a warm, endless summer eve. Considered holy to the night elves, the Moonglade is home to the night elf race and its powerful druids of the wild. Indeed, the druids had long rested in meditation under the glade, until the return of the Burning Legion awakened them. They remain awake, vowing to protect nature and heal the fractured continent from its war wounds.
The sacred forest of the night elves is home to many beasts both dangerous and friendly. The Kaldorei themselves live in cautious harmony with the wildlife, such as the black tigers and the bears that prowl and hunt in the woods. The elves often capture and tame the proud saber cats to use as mounts, but encountering one in the wild is dangerous. Less harmony is enjoyed with the forest's more dangerous denizens. Satyrs - cursed, deranged night elves - also lurk here and plague the night elves' solitude frequently. Some furbolgs--driven feral by drinking the foul waters of Felwood--will attack travelers as well. Fierce dire wolves and hippogryphs have also been reported in the area. In addition to these animals are the ancients: sentient trees that act as protectors of the forest. Treants--the smaller tree-men cousins to the ancients--roam the Moonglade. These beings act as fierce protectors of the forest. They do not hesitate to unleash their might upon any who would damage trees or otherwise harm nature. Many ancients live in the forest near Nighthaven. These sentient trees once had the vital task of channeling forces of the land to sustain the night elves' immortality. They now aid in the elves' warrior training and help protect their village. The Keepers of the Grove are powerful druids said to be the direct offspring of the demigod Cenarius; they roam the Moonglade as ever-vigilant protectors.
Notes and trivia
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