Mk ultra майнкрафт гайд
Current Features
MK: Ultra has only one required mod which was built specifically for MK: Ultra, but made standalone since it could be useful for others.
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The first thing you must do to start using the MK-Ultra mechanics is unlock your first class. This is accomplished by crafting a class-unlock item. You will be able to unlock all classes in the game and switch between them at will, so don’t worry about this choice to much. The class you choose will determine what abilities you get, how much health and mana you will have, and what armor you can wear.
Unlocking Classes
Classes are unlocked by crafting or aquiring a Class Unlock Items. The first item you can aquire is the Desperate Icon. You will need sticks and a tree sapling:
This will allow you to unlock the first class: The Green Knight.
The Green Knight will give you a balanced mix of offensive and defensive abilities and can wear the heaviest of armors.
The second Class Unlock item is the Sun Icon, it will give you 8 more classes to choose from. If you are playing without Base Metals, the recipe for the Sun Icon is:
If you are playing with Base Metals, the recipe will be:
The Sun Icon will unlock:
- Cleric
- Nether Mage
- Brine Wizard
- Brawler
- Digger
- Skald
- Archer
- Druid
The third Class Unlock item is the Moon Icon, it will give you access to 3 more classes, with 5 more coming in the future. If you are playing without Base Metals, the recipe for the Moon Icon is:
If you are playing with Base Metals, it will be Mithril Ingots:
The Moon Icon will unlock:
- Moon Knight
- Wave Knight
The ranger class does not come from a craftable item, instead the Ranger Icon is attained by hunting the skeletal ranger variant of the skeleton mob.
The ranger icon will unlock:
You need to place the icon on the ground, and a ranger npc will spawn from it. Right click on this NPC to learn a class from him, or shift-right click to change his equipment. If you use a pick to harvest the spawner, it will save the equipment you have given and you can place it down somewhere else to move the ranger.
Learning Abilities
After you have learned your first class, you can now open the Class Panel, the default hotkey for it is ‘J’. The screen will list the abilities your class can learn and has some additional stat information. You should have 1 ability point to spend, you can put it in either of the first 2 abilities. Other abilities will unlock as you level up.
Click the plus button to level up an ability, or the minus button to reclaim a spent point for reallocation, or to re-order your abilities on your hotbar.
Leveling Up
In order to level up you need to construct an XP Table.
Place the XP Table Block and right click it to open up the level up screen:
Each level will cost you progressively more XP. With level 2 costing 2 xp levels, and level 10 costing 10 xp levels. You will gain an ability point for every level. The maximum level is 10.
When you die, you will lose 1 class level and your last spent ability point will be removed. You cannot lose a level or ability point if you are level 1.
Learning More Classes
If you want to learn a new class, you first need to forget the class you already have:
Get some rotten flesh and bread and craft them into Forgetfulness Bread:
When you eat the forgetfulness bread you will lose your current class and return to your original classless state. The level of your class will remain and when you swap back you resume where you left.
Swapping Between Unlocked Classes
If you want to swap back to a class you have already unlocked you must make Diamond Dust. In the crafting panel you can crush 1 diamond into 2 diamond dust with your hands:
If you are using Base Metals or Better With Mods, you can crush the Diamond using the Crack Hammer or the Mill to improve the efficiency of this recipe to 4:1
You can then right click with the Diamond Dust in your hand to open the Swap Class Menu:
This menu will show all classes you have previously unlocked and let you choose between them.
Post level 10, progression is achieved via a talent system. You need to loot an Orb Mother Icon from the ‘an ancient king’ variant of the zombie mob. Like the ranger icon, you can place it on the ground and the orb mother npc will spawn. Talking to her will allow you to purchase, spend, and reallocate talent points. At the moment there are 5 talent trees, each offering a number of passive state bonuses and 2 potential passive abilities and 1 new ultimate ability.
New Hotkeys
There are a few hotkeys to keep in mind with MK-Ultra:
- The Class Panel is where you see your stats/learn abilities. It defaults to ‘J’.
- The ability hotkeys are bound by default to ALT-1, through ALT-5. You might want to rebind to 1-5 as you will be using the abilities in combat often.
A Note On Balance
MK-Ultra was built with modded minecraft in mind. In particular, we balanced our combat around the presence of additional mobs, as you would see in Lycanite’s Mobs or Ice and Fire. If you play MK-Ultra without such content additions you might find yourself to be overpowered.
Создание и запуск Minecraft сервера с модами на Fabric
- Автор: south_park
- Дата: 30-09-2021, 17:09
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
Ошибка GLFW error 65543 - как решить?
Ошибка GLFW 65543 из-за которой вы не можете запустить игру решается достаточно легко. Обычно эта ошибка бывает на старых моделях видеокарт или из-за старого видеодрайвера. Так что-же делать? Давайте разберемся!
Начиная с 1.17 игра начинает требовать с видеокарты OpenGL 3.1+. Однако ошибка может быть и на версиях старее. Если у тебя данная проблема, то заходи сюда. Здесь тебе обязательно помогут!
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- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
Как сделать свою анимацию для мода Emotecraft [Гайд]
- Автор: BioKoTyT + Sab
- Дата: 10-05-2021, 00:08
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
[Гайд] Как изменить фон в меню minecraft, сделать свою панораму [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.14.4] [1.12.2] [1.7.10]
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- Дата: 27-04-2021, 20:05
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
Подробный гайд по вампиризму на 1.16.5 (Вампиры)
- Автор: Я кость
- Дата: 17-04-2021, 15:10
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
Tabula - Minecraft Modeler - табула, создаем модели [Techne] [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.12.2] [1.10.2] [1.7.10] [Гайд]
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- Дата: 10-04-2021, 15:45
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И сегодня я снова представлю вам программу, которая похожа по свойствам и функциям на Techne и MCAnimator. Она так же позволяет моделировать и анимировать модели внутри игры. но в рукаве у данной проги есть козырь, который позволит обогнать ей по характеристикам Течне и МСАниматор.
Подробнее в полной, господа, оценивайте этого "зверя".
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- Дата: 9-04-2021, 17:17
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft / Читы / Читы для 1.17.1 / Читы для 1.16.5 / Читы для 1.15.2 / Читы для 1.14.4 / Читы для 1.12.2
Стандартные текстуры Майнкрафт, где их скачать или как их сделать?
- Автор: south_park
- Дата: 25-03-2021, 20:48
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
Как запустить майнкрафт на дискретной видеокарте и повысить FPS
- Автор: south_park
- Дата: 10-03-2021, 22:40
- Категория: Инструкции, гайды Minecraft
В этом гайде я расскажу как запустить майнкрафт на дискретной (более мощной чем встроенной) видеокарте вашего ноутбука, что позволит повысить производительность игры, соответственно поднять FPS.
Буквально на днях я получил доступ к достаточно убогому ноутбуку Dell 5570, сразу после установки Windows 10 данный ноутбук запускал Minecraft на встроенной видеокарте, что в большинстве случаев негативно сказывается на производительности игры.
There are currently 12 classes in MK: Ultra, with concrete plans for 5 more and a goal of adding as many as we feel like. While all classes can succeed on their own, some may do so more effectively than others. Some classes really begin to shine when you have multiple people taking on different roles following the traditional holy trinity breakdown of Tank, Healer, and DPS.
Tanks focus on taking damage, controlling the movement of enemies, and otherwise protecting their teammates.
Green Knight
The Green Knight wields the power of a nature spirit to heal and cleanse their allies and harry their enemies.
Green Knights wear heavy armor and are unlocked by the Desperate Icon.
- Skin Like Wood - Toggle ability that buffs your armor; every hit you take with Skin Like Wood active will drain 1 mana.
- Nature’s Remedy - Gives your target a heal over time.
- Cleansing Seed - Projectile that damages enemies and removes effects from friends.
- Spirit Bomb - Projectile that explodes after 2 seconds, damaging enemies in the area.
- Explosive Growth - Dash forward, damaging all enemies you hit and casting Cleansing Seed and Nature’s Remedy on your allies and yourself.
The Brawler is adept at melee combat and can increase the effectiveness of his allies in melee.
Brawlers wear medium armor and are unlocked by the Sun Icon.
- Yank - Pulls the target (enemy or friend) towards you.
- Furious Brooding - Gives you strong health regeneration, but slows you down.
- Yaup - Increases your allies attack speed and damage for a short period of time.
- Stunning Shout - Stuns a target enemy.
- Whirlwind Blades - Strikes all enemies close to you repeatedly.
Wave Knight
The Wave Knight uses the power of the seas to pummel their foes and protect their allies.
Wave Knights wear Heavy Armor and are unlocked by the Moon Icon.
- Whirlpool - Places a whirlpool on the ground, sucking enemies in and dotting them.
- Wave Dash - Dashes forward damaging all enemies in your path. If a target is afflicted by Whirlpool the damage the move thereafter will double.
- Underway - Buffs all surrounding players, giving them move speed and cooldown reduction.
- Heaving Seas - Damages and knocks up enemies around you, slowing them. If they have whirlpool’s dot on them when they land they will take more damage.
- Wave Break - Toggle ability that gives you a large buff to health, armor, and magic armor and causes you to absorb most of the damage your teammates take.
Moon Knight
The Moon Knight uses vampiric powers to keep themselves and their allies safe.
Moon Knights wear heavy armor and are unlocked by the Moon Icon.
- Vampiric Revere - Toggle ability that gives you lifesteal on hit, but drains 1 mana every time you attack.
- Crescent Slash - Strikes an enemy and all enemies around it.
- Nocturnal Communion - Buffs all surrounding players, giving them life steal.
- Duality Rune - Places a rune on the ground that explodes after a second, damaging enemies and healing allies around it.
- Moon Trance - Buffs all surrounding players, giving them mana regen and thorns-like damage shield.
Mages wear the lightest of armor and almost never engage in melee. They can deal massive amounts of damage and have ways to keep distance between themselves and their enemies.
Nether Mage
Nether Mages harness the power of fire to burn and explode their enemies.
They wear robes and are unlocked with the Sun Icon.
- Ember - Damages your target and sets them ablaze.
- Warp Curse - Places a DOT on your target that warps them around while damaging them.
- Flame Wave - Damages all enemies around you, dealing double damage if they are burning.
- Fire Armor - Buffs all surrounding players, giving them absorption and fire resistance.
- Ignite - Damages your target, and if the target is on fire, ignites the area damaging all surrounding targets and setting them on fire.
Brine Wizard
The Brine Wizard uses the power of the seas to throw enemies around and drown them.
They wear robes and are unlocked with the Sun Icon.
- Drown - Launches a projectile that inflicts a short DoT.
- Geyser - Launches a projectile that sits for a second, then explodes, damaging enemies and knocking them up.
- Esuna - Restores mana to and cures nearby allies.
- Undertow - Buffs all surrounding players, giving them extra damage to enemies suffering from Drown’s dot.
- Mass Drown - Spreads drown from the target to surrounding targets.
Healers provide beneficial buffs to their allies and restore their health after they take damage. They tend to be fairly survivable and absolutely valuable in group settings. Healers are often some of the best classes to play as solo because of their survivability as well.
The Cleric is skilled at keeping allies alive and making them stronger while fighting in the thick of the melee. They are also a force to be reckoned with when it comes to fighting the undead.
Clerics wear heavy armor and are unlocked by the Sun Icon.
- Smite - Calls upon holy powers to damage your enemy, rooting them for a short time.
- Heal - Heals your target, or you if you have no target. Deals double damage to undead.
- Galvanize - Cures players around you and gives them a jump buff.
- Power Word: Summon - Summons your target, rooting them for a short time.
- Inspire - Encourage your allies, increasing their attack speed and giving them regeneration.
The Druid does a bit of everything, with offensive spells, melee buffs, and a heal you can find druids engaging in melee or hanging back to nuke from afar.
Druids wear light armor and are unlocked with the Sun Icon.
- Ball Lightning - Launches a projectile that deals lightning damage as it travels.
- Flame Blade - Buffs all surrounding players, giving them burning damage on hit.
- Spirit of Wolf - Buff that speeds your target up.
- Life Spring - Heals all allies in the area.
- Phoenix Aspect - Buffs the druid, granting them flight, significantly reduced cooldowns, and causing Flame Blade attacks to shoot fire.
Damage Dealers
Damage dealers focus on killing monsters as fast as possible. They tend to have lighter armor and lower health. They can put out the highest damage and tend to have good mobility options.
The Archer excels at hitting things with arrows.
Archers wear light armor and are unlocked with the Sun Icon.
- Flint Hound - Summons flint and feathers for the making of arrows.
- Fire Arrow - Launches an arrow that ignites an enemy. If the enemy is already on fire, they explode.
- Poison Arrow - Launches a magic arrow that poisons and slows an enemy. At level 2 the effects are spread to nearby enemies.
- Repulse - Pushes all around you away.
- Arrow Storm - Launches many arrows all at once, based on the arrow currently being used in your bow.
The Ranger is the perfect DPS to take into the dark, with strong manueverabiltiy and survivability the ranger excels at short and medium range combat.
Rangers wear medium armor and are unlocked with the Moon Icon.
- Practiced Hunter - The ranger restores hunger and grants themself night vision for a short period.
- Fairy Fire - The ranger throws a projectile that inflicts a small dot and highlights all foes in the area around the target.
- Wild Toxin - The ranger buffs their weapons to decrease enemy attack speed and increase damage taken toggle with mana per hit.
- Desperate Surge - The ranger subtracts hunger from themselves to gain damage absorption and health.
- Slaying Edge - The ranger executes a short/melee range, high damage single target nuke. If it kills the target provide a damage boost to the party.
The Skald is an offensive focused bard that can easily manauver about the battle field.
Skalds wear medium armor and are unlocked with the Sun Icon.
- Notorious DoT - Damages all enemies around you.
- Kanye Cutter - Warps you to your target, damaging and withering them.
- Swift’s Rodeo Heartbreak - Speeds up all your surrounding allies.
- KP’s Dark Wail - Damages and roots all enemies around you.
- Miley’s Bangerz - Gives all your allies absorption and buffs their damage.
Crafting Classes
Crafting classes don’t necessarily excel in combat. They have abilities that focus on making them better at non-combat activities like mining, building, or farming.
The digger is great at getting out of holes, always having a bit of bread to eat, and never really being without a pickaxe. An invaluable companion on a long mining session.
Diggers are the only class in the game that can wear restricted armors, including Diamond. They unlock with the Sun Icon.
There are a few things you might want to configure before you start playing.
Make Sure Minecraft Gets Enough RAM
If you are using the MK-Ultra Launcher this step will be unnecessary.
The default gig allocated for Minecraft is not enough to play with most mods. While MK-Ultra on its own does not really tax minecraft’s resources, if you are playing with other mods you probably do not have enough memory by default. You will need at least 3 or 4 gigs if you’re using the full MK-Ultra modpack setup.
You can configure this using the Minecraft Launcher.
First open the hamburger icon on the Launcher:
Then click on the Launch Options submenu:
Find your Forge 1.12.2 Option and open it, you will see a screen that looks like this, find the JVM Arguments line:
Now change the first bit of this line from ‘-Xmx1G’ to either ‘-Xmx3G’ or ‘-Xmx4G’.
Now click save and you are ready to launch the game with more ram.
A few new keybinds are introduced by MK-Ultra. You might want to configure them to be some other setup than the default.
You can find all hotkey configuration options under the MK-Ultra submenus in the Controls Menu:
Ability Hotkeys
By default the ability hotkeys are bound to alt-1 through alt-5.
Class Panel
The class panel is the ui screen that allows you to learn abilities and see details about your stats. The default hotkey for it is ‘J’.
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