Minecraft future pack гайд
Сейчас онлайн: 19
Администраторы | Главные редакторы | Модератор | Дедушки | Журналисты | HENTAI BOY | Goldфаги | Журналисты-олдфаги | ТруЪ Олдфаги-с | ТруЪ Плагинщик | Олдфаги | true Художник | Модератор бездны | Картоделы | XXXL ПХЛ | Просто хорошие люди | Посетители | Новички
When you first spawn in the world collect the resources, you will have in your hand an item labeled "Mysterious Document." This document is cryptic, but it shows the basic path you will need to take to get to space travel.
Now, just like you would do on any world, you need to find resources to survive. After you have those resources, you need to find a shaft (you may have found one already). It looks like the picture on the right.
They are different colors for each biome. In the savanna and plains, the shafts are green. In river biomes, they are blue; and so on.
At the bottom of the shaft, you will find four wardrobes (I'll explain later) and a small mineshaft. Most importantly, in one of the wardrobes there will be an item called called an e-scanner. This is the most critical item in the mod.
Right click to open it and click on the Story tab. There will be twelve blinking squares with different symbols. These are the twelve aspects of the research you will be doing in the future.
From top to the bottom on each column, these are the twelve aspects: geology, metallurgy, biology, stockbreeding, morphology, logistics, chemistry, thermodynamics, engineering, hydraulics, power connection, and neon energy. The table below shows what you need to scan (right click) to unlock all twelve categories.
Geology | Stone |
Metallurgy | Metal (Ore/Block)/Wardrobe |
Biology | Plant/Animal |
Stockbreeding | Animal |
Morphology | Coal Ore/Zombie/Villager |
Logistics | Hopper (Shift + r. click) |
Chemistry | Creeper/TNT |
Thermodynamics | Furnace |
Engineering | Furnace/Piston |
Hydraulics | Piston |
Power Connection | Redstone |
Neon Energy | Alutine/Neon Sand/Crystal |
After you scan all of these things, you are ready to craft the tech table, which is the crafting table you will use from now on. The crafting recipe is super simple: seven iron ingots, a regular crafting table, and a chest in a regular crafting table.
Now that you have built a tech table, you can begin moving forward. The first thing you need to do is craft a part press. You need this to create iron parts so that you can craft a researcher and a scanner--two of the most critical items in the mod. The crafting recipes are fairly simple: two pistons, iron bars, and six iron ingots.
Once you have this, you can create iron parts by putting a few pieces of coal in the part press and putting a few iron ingots in the first slot; this will give you iron parts.
Next, you will use those with a few other materials in your tech table to receive a scanner and then a researcher; again, these are critical to your progression. Note that you can use white, light grey, or black colored metal and that you can use any crystal (alutine, neon, retium, glowtite, bioterium) to craft these two things. The first image is the Scanner and the second is the Researcher.
After this, break your Tech Table, put it in your Scanner, and click the Thermodynamics option (the flame icon). This will give you your Production I blueprint. Put this in your Researcher, click the green arrow or the big button at the bottom, and it will show you the required items to complete the research. Production 1 requires three furnaces in the Time slot. Putting the required items in the slots, enables research to begin. Completing a research may require up to 4 different items of varying number: Time, NE, SP, and XP. If your Researcher has a lit star (not early versions), then you have bonus items which help your progress. Status may be obtained by opening the Researcher or scanning with an E-Scanner. When completed, the icon is enabled in the Tech Tree of the E-Scanner or Scanner.
After that, open your E-Scanner and click (i) button to view the Tech Tree. On the Production tab, Industrial Furnace is now enabled. Click on it and read everything you need to know about it. Craft the industrial furnace--it's another crucial item. (Even if you don't find diamonds, if you smelt a lot of stuff you will quickly get enough obsidian to eventually build a nether portal because obsidian is a by product of the industrial furnace.) You have now taken the first step forward.
There are blinking items on your e-scanner that you can't read in the production section. Those are the items you can research right now. Researching those items will unlock more items to research. You're probably wondering how you research them. Well, first, look at what it's branching off of in the Tech Tree.
For instance, look at Composite Metal; it's branching off of the Industrial Furnace, along with a few other items. To research composite metal, you will just need to scan the industrial furnace after choosing the right options, and you'll get the research blueprint. After you research the blueprint, you can click on it in the Tech Tree, and you can read about it.
Мод Futurepack - это индустриальный мод на космическую тематику, изучайте мир, получайте технологии, стройте машины, ищите компоненты, собирайте машины и стройте свой корабль на котором сможете путешествовать в другие миры. Это очень крутой и очень сложный мод.
Что добавляет мод Futurepack в игру?
Да чего он только не добавляет, кучу, просто КУЧУ всяких научных штук, и не просто так, он добавляет систему науки, т.е вам необходимо выполнять некоторые задания перед тем как получить доступ к каким то технологиям или машинам.
В игре есть мини компьютер, E scaner который покажет и расскажет вам как получить, и что нужно сделать для получения технологий.
Очень желательно знать английский язык.
После изучения мира вы сможете построить космический корабль(физически летать нельзя), хотя вы можете построить, что угодно и телепортировать его в другой мир, необычный мир хотя частично похожий на обычный. Там вас ждут немного новых вещей, новые мобы, новая генерация мира.
Как разобраться с модом Futurepack?
Толковых русских обзоров или гайдов для мода нет, вики тоже нет, вики заменяет E scaner в нем все расписано, как что получить, какие технологии нужны.
Как получить этот E scaner?
Сначала вам необходимо найти новую сокровищницу, они спавнятся в мире, выглядят вот так:
В ней можно найти различный дроп и е-сканер.
Его интерфейс выглядит так:
Существуют различные вкладки с различными технологиями, как их открыть и изучить написано при клике по иконкам.
Первым заданием будет изучить 12 различных блоков и мобов кликнув сканером по ним, блоки и мобы из разных категорий которые написаны на другой вкладке. Смотрите видео, в нем хоть и на английском понятно.
После этого появится новая ветка изучения, в сканере будут указаны крафты итд итп.
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