Mimic roblox сюжет
В чём смысл режима
Перед игроками предстаёт настоящая сюжетная история, которую нужно проходить с целью полного прохождения режима. То есть, вам придётся искать выход в различных ситуациях, искать ключи, двери и не только. Игра заставляет геймера тратить время на то, чтобы понять, в каком направлении ему следует двигаться и не только.
Похожие записи:
Прохождение режима The Mimic
В чём особенность режима
Данный режим очень сильно отличается от тех, которые мы привыкли видеть в Роблоксе . Здесь нет угнетающей музыки и страшных звуков, но при этом сам режим наполнен жуткой атмосферой, заставляющей игрока бояться каждого поворота.
Также стоит отметить и то, что мимик появляется внезапно. Предугадать его действия практически невозможно, а вот постараться сразиться с девушкой у вас не получится. Вам нужно продумывать все ваши шаги и правильно делать выбор на поворотах, чтобы не встретиться лицом к лицу с этой страшной девушкой.
Подойдёт данный режим для всех любителей хоррор игр, но в некоторых случаях он может быть достаточно тяжёлым для юного поколения, поэтому рекомендуется родителям проходить его вместе с детьми.
This is a Wiki about things inside a game called "The Mimic", that comes from Roblox. You can find information about Monsters, Places, Notes and Items. You could also add picture to the bank of pictures.
Important Articles
(Chapter 1) - Monster 1
(Chapter 1) - Monster 2
(Chapter 1) - Monster 3
(Chapter 1) - Monster 4
(Chapter 2) - Monster 1
(Chapter 2) - Monster 2
(Chapter 2) - Monster 3, 4
(Chapter 2) - Monster 5
(Chapter 3) - Monster 1
(Chapter 3) - Monster 2
(Chapter 3) - Monster 3
(Chapter 3) - Monster 4
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Rules [ ]
1. Vandalizing is extremely prohibited. [ ]
2. Sexual content is probably the most prohibited. Do not proceed. [ ]
3. Explore The Mimic (Roblox) Wiki! [ ]
Vandalism Consequences [ ]
First Time - A Warning, stating that you shouldn't do that again. [ ]
Second Time - Another Warning, along with a 24 hour ban. [ ]
Third Time - Two to five days blocked from editing, depending on the level of vandalism. [ ]
Fourth Time - Permanent block from editing. You've already had your chances. [ ]
What are the levels of vandalism? [ ]
Level one - "Funny" vandalism (E.g. "Haha Hiachi is a poop. Kuriko vroom vroom")
Level two - "Funny" Vandalism but in large amounts. (E.g. "Funny" vandalism all over a page instead of a certain section of a page, or multiple pages at once.)
Level three - "Funny" vandalism with some inappropriate content. (E.g. Sexual content, sexualizing a character that is a minor.)
Level four - Small offensive vandalism and/or inappropriate content. (Example: Slurs, hate speech, and/or sexual content on a section of a page.)
Table of Contents [ ]
Books, there are 4 books in total and each will focus on one of The Four Beasts.
All monsters, this shows all of the monsters and their names with their images.
Gamemodes, a separate game from The Mimic and usually interferes with the storyline.
What is The Mimic? [ ]
The Mimic is a ROBLOX game created by the user MUCDICH. There are a total of 4 books, each having their own protagonist and antagonist.
In the first Book, you go back to your old high school to find your missing group of friends. The twist is, there is an entity lurking in the school. The name she goes by is Hiachi. Sama is one of the 4 World Eaters, being the beast of Control. She controls people who were cursed by her, treating them like puppets on a string. However, you are special and has managed to overcome the curse. You soon travel in her twisted realm and explore the mystery.
Book II, III and IV haven't been released yet.
Book II is most likely focusing on Enzukai, with a different protagonist than Book I.
For Book III and IV, we haven't seen any clues for knowing what they are about.
Events and Release Dates [ ]
Chapter I: February 11 (Released)
Chapter II: February 26 (Released)
Nightmare I and II: March 5 (Released)
Chapter III: April 16 (Released)
Nightmare III: April 18
The Witch Trials (TWT): July 9th (Released)
Chapter IV: August 14th (All), August 15th (Asia) (Released)
Hall of Fame Event (HoF): August (Released)
Halloween Event 2021
: October 1st-2nd (Released)
- The Halloween Trials: October 2nd-3rd (Released)
Next Events on the Mimic (FUTURE) [ ]
Survival Gamemode: Mid-Late October
Book II, Chapter I (Chapter V in total): Developed after Survival Mode, Estimated to release in December.
Planned Updates to this Wiki [ ]
.mp4, .mov, .wav videos of each jumpscare, and .mp3 files for the themes, and jumpscare sounds.
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