Magical nightmare forest escape прохождение
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Magical Nightmare Forest Escape
16.6.2021, 14:14
The forest is a magical land and people who have been there can only say that they either saw creepy things in there or otherwise happy ones, it all depends on the person who is seeing it and that too would depend if they would be able to escape from the place or not, for from there it is either they get captivated by the beauty of the place or get scared enough that they won’t be to leave. As a person who was also curious of what he’ll see there, Wilmer decided maybe he’ll go in, just not too far from the beginning of the place. He just wonders which will it be, will he see ugly stuff or beautiful enough things that it eludes him from the real world. Well he’ll get another thing coming though and it’s slightly leaning to the ugly side.
Wilmer immediately got lost in the forest and he thought he is just lost there, but soon he figured it out that this is an illusion already and he can’t believe he is not getting the beautiful side of this. Well he kind of expected for the good illusions and that’s why he wasn’t ready for this, well he kind of needs to escape from there right now before it gets dark there. Escape players, you will be the only help here for Wilmer as he gets out of there by going through the illusions and the winding paths of the place, want to help him using your skills and logic?
Magical Nightmare Forest Escape is the newest point and click wilderness escape game from WoW Escape.
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Monster Magical Forest Escape
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