Luxury suite resort escape прохождение
You can’t get any luckier! While walking on the streets to work, you saw a ticket without any name on it. You look at the draw date and realize that it’s today. Seeing no one looking for it, you take out your pen and write down your name. Then you look for the venue of the draw and wait for the result. While waiting, you’re actually laughing inside for hoping to win a lost ticket. Still you want to know if the odds can be yours. Your name isn’t one of those winners for the consolation prizes. Your chance is getting smaller and smaller with every name called. Then it’s down to the top three prizes. And the announcer is giving the second prize already. So you turn on your heels to leave. Then the first prize winner is called just as you were about to leave. And it’s you!
You instantly walk back to the venue and receive your prize. It’s an accommodation for a luxury suite resort. You’ve only heard of the place. Ever since, you always want to visit it yourself. And now, like a VIP you’ll be staying there. But why are things so easy? Luxury Suite Resort Escape room escape game by Eight Games will leave you awestruck with the beauty of the resort and dumbfounded with the puzzles.
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Posted by Eight Games
Good morning all.
Swords go 3rd row up.
Use ruler/scale on the circles in the brown book.
Stick for sofa with green stripe.
All puzzle papers in plain sight. Gives symbol clue.
PRIVATE as word hint
When you place 3 swords you get an image that also appears in the start room.
Good find on using ruler Merit:-)
magnet with thread is used in bathtub for a key.
put measure numbers in increasing order
Use magnet with thread on bath.
use magnet on thread in bathtub for a key
Collect all red stars and click them from small to big for a battery.
Pure luck, meth. Just tried for the fun of it.
Great minds indeed :))
You can do diagonal moves on the solitaire.
use hook as a key
Good find for the hook, Robert.
do you remember, where bottom right paper piece in plain sight was?
Done the solitaire!
No, Alpha, sorry! I only remember my last one was in top row, right scene, lying on the floor.
I thought that blue thing was a bat, but it was a balloon.
In the scene with the coloured hat the green buttons on the wall are an arrow clue. Turn the arrow and note the buttons lightening up.
Clue is used one scene above.
where is that solitaire you talking about?
And when you have solved the arrows, put the red flower buttons to another drawer and use the symbol hint on the third.
Bottom row, right scene, Alpha. The brown button puzzle.
Me to AO. My flower buttons hidden way down in inventory.
Red ball goes into puzzle middle top room.
use stick under marked couch
This comment has been removed by the author.012345678998765 on keypad lights up, but it goes out if you enter 4 . mmm.
The balloon with hint, two transparent papers, two batteries.
Missing two blue square tiles for the pipe puzzle (top row), three blue shapes for the room left of start, and for sure a remote.
I think balloon clue was used in start scene Merit. Batteries to remote which I think you get there.
digital numbers gives last three blue pieces
Tommy, yes I do, why?
use torch on clear pieces of paper
Doh for me now, meth, thanks! Totally missed that letter puzzle.
Combine 0 9 0 with tv clue up from 0 to 9, down to 5 up to 8.
@ meritneith :your commnt was nt supposed to be seen in other games .. tat y asked !! Chill
make the path of the maze before steering the ball, easier in the long run!
As usual, I always end up with two buttons out of place.
any suggestions for solitaire?
SPOILER for 0 9 0 puzzle
That shapes puzzle is getting me!
missed the long jump at left side
And I got the shape slider! Phew.
Aha, for the pipes you can change tiles you have already used!
Thanks for the hints everyone and 8G for a good game.
The robot is back :(
Make the path from end to start as far as possible and push the ball some tiles ahead, then change one tile back until path is clear. Hope that makes sense. Easy when doing it this way.
Out now. Good game again, thanks 8G, thanks @all for help and company. See you tomorrow (or in any other game).
finally. that mouse is really annoying.
BTW Mirchi is working now.
where to use flash & red ball?
also have 1 paper in inv. but need more it seems.
find my other sheet in fireplace scene, using flash on them now
finally out too
Very annoying having commercials in the middle of the game. Had to watch 2 before the game and 3 during the game.
Ty 8G & thanks for good hints finally out,
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Posted by Eight Games
This looks exactly like a game that was already posted here.
This looks exactly like a game that was already posted here.
collect 10 coins (check behind cushions) for room left of start/end, gives other part of paper for colour hint in same scene
We have played this one before?
yellow tiles are for puzzles in start/end scene, such as the colour hint combo
fox tiles go on grid in room left of start/end
use cloth on 6 positioned plates
plates show amount of clicks (order like you read) for puzzle in room with chess board
check drawers in room with pink=4 on wall beneath window
Friends, The link has changed correctly. Sorry for wrong link.
Bottom row, left scene, put five bottles on the table at the left side and change the order from small to big.
Globes go on the right side of scene two left of start.
bottom row, left scene, merit?
only have sun beds there.
No prob Eight games ! I ate the pizza so I must restart LOL :P
Oh, it was the wrong link. NOW, I am playing the new game.
Alpha, thanks for hint with plates. I have tried to click not amounts but the order desparately!
pizza tiles go in conference room on wall
They are kidding with the pizza! :-o
clicking on yellow part of the tiles, you can change their direction, drag them on their place by using centre button
Lighten the candle (that was obvious) and for some reason hold knife into flame.
I only ate 1 pizza tile, so missing one.
Ah, and I was right with my idea: Dip the burned knife into the pool to get a word clue.
What was the code to find comments here ? ctrl +
Pour water from the mug (filled already when you get it) into three glasses for a number hint
ah, thx merit
was searching for a 4th glass.
now where is that room to put bottles?
missing yellow tiles for middle & bottom puzzle.
officially stuck now
have mirror & 4 forks in inv. - still missing 1 pizza tile.
Use morror under table with chess board
Man, got one tangram now. Took me hours to understand how to move them and to put them at the left side. Up to the other two now.
Now, got mirror and forks too.
Missing three foxes.
& missing 1 globe, too.
found my last pizza tile in most left room in bowl on little table
And what about that strange water picture left of the globes?
Put just counting the fork marks is not enough. I wonder if the pink=4 hint is relevant
Thanks AO I needed that!!
Ha, mirror is used under table in 2nd row, 3rd scene. Easy when you see a hotspot and have only one item left.
number puzzle in middle row room 2 from left is now active
& yes, pink is relevant for sure, but how.
Mirror clue is used one room to the right. Gives a green fox.
Now what about the pink fork thingy.
If you look at the water picture, there are four rows of that cord where pink is on the top. Three with cyan on the top.
pink has 4 letters
how many letter have the other colours, then add & substract the lines
Pink = 4. Did we miss other hints like that?
Oh dear! Good find, Alpha!
Just wanted to shout that 6 + 5 = 11. Doh!
Got it the 3 shapes on wall
Nope! In Game Ads is a NoGo. Red X for me.
Bandy, in the hallway where the globes go and that water picture is: There are three cross-looking shapes. Change them according to the numbers (4 is square).
after a lucky punch of the top tangram (see screenshot above), I now have troubles with the other 2. :-/
Got the 2nd one but forgot about a screenshot, sorry! It was the stairs-looking one, IIRC take the long shape on the bottom and turn the "square side" to the right. Then put it on the bottom. Hope that helps.
finally the middle tangram
Got the bottom one, trying to get around with snaggy.
Thanks for helping and company!
Bottom one was picky!!
All I have is a lit candle ?
Sorry to have missed you guys. Busy morning.
AO It is real picky!
nope, refreshed & resumed with no avail. :-(
Bear I think other paper was in pool scene.
Code = number of letters in the word + / - number of lanes on the forks
Dose anyone remember were knife was ?
Found it cb in scene with PINK hint
Okay, back again.
Alpha, that was my first time with snaggy, just saw your screenshot and tried it (combined with Snipping Tool). Great thing, thanks!
Now to that maze.
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Posted by EscapeGames24
Missing 1 of everything.
Use binoculars to view yacht.
Several well-hidden items on the patio.
sneaky wooden triangle in ceiling in scene with yellow-3-cap
Bowl goes on pool
Power buttons are on a diagonal, clue is square. Grr.
Red goes on west corner for power button slider.
thanks Alejandro!
use filled bowl on sink for compass-coin
I assume the 3 rods are for the slider clue. Where to use them?
stuck with 4 sticks, anyone?
anyone get the word?
to get 4 arrow paper: solve 3 arrows in pool scene (clue are ceiling lamps in scene with yellow-3-cap
Leroy, you have to rub the pink paper over the window, then flip the paper over. It will work then.
Where to use the red paper?
Use the towel on the sliding glass door in the 3-spotlight room for the mirror image of the word.
lucker, the sticks (4) go at the very end, to escape
Put all "on" buttons on wall but I have no clue to solve it.
where to use knives or sticks?
casual, knives are used in little hut in pool scene (Iam missing 1)
missing 1 triangle, blue power button, 2 coins, 2 flowers, slider clue under sink. oh god.
thanks for this 2 last coins.
POP! blue power button in pool (with 2-red-cap)
wow, find and use 4 knives to get. 1 knife
Those little "sticks" are pier planks. That would have been very heavy to lug around!
Roberto, it is the clue for 4 knives in little hut in pool scene
thanks for the coins! now looking for last triangle (which probably gives last flower)
Thanks Hotzenplotz. Cannot find the paper to solve colored buttons.
I am missing 1 stick/plank, 1 vase with flowers and 1 triangle. any hint please
1 triangle in same scene where they go.
thanks @roberto! that was exactly it!
Missing last coin too.
Roerto, Lurker Smurf @ 11:00 AM
But the puzzle is tilted. Do I need to do something before.How do I know the position?
thanks Roberto, found my last triangle
you have 5 vases, but missing 1 coing and dagger?
yep! I read I have to use a chandelier to solve sliders? Wich one?
is there any hint how to use 5 5number clues on vases? I tried some combinations but no response.
Roberto, round lamps in scene with pink cap.
note Lurker Smurf @ 11:37 AM
@Hotenplotz: order for numbers is their first number!
so, start with 14352. and then 25134 and so on. their are 5 numbers all together
thanks casual, I will try..
Ha! Thanks again! What a weak clue!
Ouuuuuuuuttttt. Thanks so much friends!
help please, I have the key but missing 1 stick/plank!
so near to the end.
and pop, my last stick/plank was in red cap scene.
I CANNOT get these darn sliders. Can someone please spoil it for me??
I cannot find a paper clue for the colored buttons. I have everything else in place. only missing that clue and 1 flower vase.
lauvee, Lurker Smurf @ 11:00 AM
totally missed that! thank you hotzenplotz
Jenny, are you talking about 3 sliders below sink in bathroom?
move the middle slider to the far right, move top slider 1 or 2 positions left of middle slider and move the bottom slider until it works.
how do I reset vases
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(find hints on how to solve codes in the comments)
Wow. Superb picthrough! Congratulations!
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